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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    Improve handling of data type return kinds · 4bf18646
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    Following a long conversation with Richard, this patch tidies up the
    handling of return kinds for data/newtype declarations (vanilla,
    family, and instance).
    I have substantially edited the Notes in TyCl, so they would
    bear careful reading.
    Fixes #18300, #18357
    In GHC.Tc.Instance.Family.newFamInst we were checking some Lint-like
    properties with ASSSERT.  Instead Richard and I have added
    a proper linter for axioms, and called it from lintGblEnv, which in
    turn is called in tcRnModuleTcRnM
    New tests (T18300, T18357) cause an ASSERT failure in HEAD.
    Improve handling of data type return kinds
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    Following a long conversation with Richard, this patch tidies up the
    handling of return kinds for data/newtype declarations (vanilla,
    family, and instance).
    I have substantially edited the Notes in TyCl, so they would
    bear careful reading.
    Fixes #18300, #18357
    In GHC.Tc.Instance.Family.newFamInst we were checking some Lint-like
    properties with ASSSERT.  Instead Richard and I have added
    a proper linter for axioms, and called it from lintGblEnv, which in
    turn is called in tcRnModuleTcRnM
    New tests (T18300, T18357) cause an ASSERT failure in HEAD.