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  • Krzysztof Gogolewski's avatar
    Minor misc cleanups · 594bee0b
    Krzysztof Gogolewski authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    - GHC.HsToCore.Foreign.JavaScript: remove dropRuntimeRepArgs;
      boxed tuples don't take RuntimeRep args
    - GHC.HsToCore.Foreign.Call: avoid partial pattern matching
    - GHC.Stg.Unarise: strengthen the assertion; we can assert that
      non-rubbish literals are unary rather than just non-void
    - GHC.Tc.Gen.HsType: make sure the fsLit "literal" rule fires
    - users_guide/using-warnings.rst: remove -Wforall-identifier,
      now deprecated and does nothing
    - users_guide/using.rst: fix formatting
    - andy_cherry/test.T: remove expect_broken_for(23272...), 23272 is fixed
    The rest are simple cleanups.