Breaking out of a loop with control0# produces incorrect behaviour under optimisation
When using the native delimited continuation primops to implement various things, I found that some sanity tests for my loop operations failed in extremely mysterious ways. break
not only broke out of its parent loop, it also ate nearby IO. I've minimised the misbehaviour down to a non-inlining loop that puts forever
between prompt# tag
and control0# tag
Steps to reproduce
Run ghc -O Broken.hs -o exe && ./exe
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, UnboxedTuples, BlockArguments #-}
import Prelude hiding (break)
import GHC.Exts (PromptTag#, newPromptTag#, prompt#, control0#)
import GHC.IO (IO(..), unIO)
import Control.Monad (forever)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "before"
broken >>= putStrLn
putStrLn "after"
broken :: IO String
broken = do
loop \l -> do
break l "broken"
{-# NOINLINE loop #-}
loop :: (PromptTag# a -> IO ()) -> IO a
loop f = IO \rw0 -> case newPromptTag# rw0 of
(# rw1, tag #) -> prompt# tag (unIO (forever (f tag))) rw1
break :: PromptTag# a -> a -> IO b
break tag x = IO (control0# tag \_ rw1 -> (# rw1, x #))
Or: ghc -O BrokenST.hs -o exe && ./exe
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, UnboxedTuples, UnliftedNewtypes, DataKinds
, RoleAnnotations, BlockArguments
import Prelude hiding (break)
import GHC.Exts
(State#, ZeroBitType, PromptTag#, newPromptTag#, prompt#, control0#)
import GHC.ST (ST(..), runST)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce#)
import Control.Monad (forever)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "before"
putStrLn broken
putStrLn "after"
broken :: String
broken = runST do
loop \l -> do
break l "broken"
{-# NOINLINE loop #-}
loop :: (Tag s a -> ST s ()) -> ST s a
loop f = newTag \tag -> prompt tag do
forever (f tag)
break :: Tag s a -> a -> ST s b
break tag x = control0 tag \_ -> pure x
-- Drag the primops into ST kicking and screaming
type role Tag nominal representational
newtype Tag s a = Tag (PromptTag# a)
newTag :: (Tag s a -> ST s r) -> ST s r
newTag k = fromPrim \rw -> case newPromptTag# rw of
(# rw', tag #) -> toPrim (k (Tag tag)) rw'
prompt :: Tag s a -> ST s a -> ST s a
prompt (Tag tag) = primitively (prompt# tag)
:: Tag s a
-> ((ST s b -> ST s a) -> ST s a)
-> ST s b
control0 (Tag tag) withk
= fromPrim $ control0# tag (toPrim . withk . primitively)
type Prim s a = State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
-- The only unsafe coercions we perform are between ZeroBitTypes.
-- IIUC, this shouldn't ever produce a segfault.
rethreadPrim :: Prim rw1 a -> Prim rw2 a
rethreadPrim primOp = \t -> case primOp (unsafeCoerceZeroBit t) of
(# t', a #) -> (# unsafeCoerceZeroBit t', a #)
unsafeCoerceZeroBit :: forall (a :: ZeroBitType) (b :: ZeroBitType). a -> b
unsafeCoerceZeroBit = unsafeCoerce#
toPrim :: ST s a -> Prim rw a
toPrim = rethreadPrim . unST
unST (ST prim) = prim
fromPrim :: Prim rw a -> ST s a
fromPrim = ST . rethreadPrim
primitively :: (Prim rw a -> Prim rw b) -> ST s a -> ST s b
primitively hoPrimOp = fromPrim . hoPrimOp . toPrim
Expected behavior
The first reproducer Broken.hs
will only putStrLn "before"
then exit without reporting an error.
However, it's greatly simplified from its original form wherein the control operations were constrained to an ST-like monad.
Previously, it was even more frightening: to translate (as it were) broken
would have been a pure String
produced by ~runST
, yet putStrLn broken
would still eat itself and "after"
I attempted to reconstruct these circumstances in a second reproducer BrokenST.hs
but found something new: instead of silently eating some IO, it segfaults.
In both cases the correct behaviour can be observed by compiling without optimisation or allowing loop
to inline.
- GHC version used: 9.6.6, 9.8.2, 9.10.1
- Operating System: NixOS
- System Architecture: x86_64