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Hadrian: add a ghcLogged field to Flavour, to build eventlog-capable GHCs

Alp Mestanogullari requested to merge alp/ghc:wip/alp/ghc-logged into master

I tested this patch with the following custom flavour:

quickestLogged :: Flavour
quickestLogged = quickestFlavour
  { name = "abc"
  , rtsWays = rtsWays quickestFlavour <> pure [logging, threadedLogging]
  , ghcLogged = True

Once the build completed, running _build/stage1/bin/ghc foo.hs -o foo +RTS -l successfully produced an eventlog. While setting ghcDebugged or ghcProfiled to True already gives us eventlog-capable GHCs, it forces us to build a lot more than is strictly necessary, while that's not the case for this ghcLogged switch.

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