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WIP: Fix #15656 by extending -Wall with appropriate flags

Chaitanya Koparkar requested to merge ckoparkar/ghc:T15656 into master

Summary: We extend -Wall with incomplete-uni-patterns and incomplete-record-updates as per GHC proposal #12 (closed)[1].

However, doing so gives rise to warnings due to code that is considered unsafe per these two flags. For now, we just suppress these warnings to make the build less noisy. The proper solution would be to refine things so that these warnings go away. This idea is tracked by Trac #16041.


[skip ci]

Test Plan: make test TEST=T15656

Reviewers: RyanGlScott, bgamari

Subscribers: rwbarton, carter

GHC Trac Issues: #15656 (closed)

Differential Revision:

Merge request reports