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Stop inferring over-polymorphic kinds

Matthew Pickering requested to merge wip/over-poly-kinds into master

Before this patch GHC was trying to be too clever (Trac #16344 (closed)); it succeeded in kind-checking this polymorphic-recursive declaration

data T ka (a::ka) b
  = MkT (T Type           Int   Bool)
        (T (Type -> Type) Maybe Bool)

As Note [No polymorphic recursion] discusses, the "solution" was horribly fragile. So this patch deletes the key lines in TcHsType, and a wodge of supporting stuff in the renamer.

There were two regressions, both the same: a closed type family decl like this (T12785b) does not have a CUSK: type family Payload (n :: Peano) (s :: HTree n x) where Payload Z (Point a) = a Payload (S n) (a Branch stru) = a

To kind-check the equations we need a dependent kind for Payload, and we don't get that any more. Solution: make it a CUSK by giving the result kind -- probably a good thing anyway.

The other case (T12442) was very similar: a close type family declaration without a CUSK.

Edited by Simon Peyton Jones

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