This proposal has been revised based on the feedback gathered from the proposal discussion. The original revision of this proposal can be found here. See wiki page History for changes relative to that first revision.
Proposal (MRP) 2e
Monad of no Abstract
To complete the Monad
-hierarchy refactoring started with AMP (& MFP) and unify return
& >>
, move Monad(return)
and Monad((>>))
methods out of the Monad
class into top-level bindings aliasing Applicative(pure)
and Applicative((*>))
The original proposal didn't include (>>)
yet. But in the interest of bundling related changes, taking care of (>>)
has been added to this proposal.
Current Situation
With the implementation of Functor-Applicative-Monad Proposal (AMP)[1] and (at some point) the MonadFail proposal (MFP)[2] the AMP class hierarchy becomes
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
class Functor f => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(*>) :: f a -> f b -> f b
u *> v = …
(<*) :: f a -> f b -> f a
u <* v = …
class Applicative m => Monad m where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
return :: a -> m a
return = pure
(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
m >> k = m >>= \_ -> k
class Monad m => MonadFail m where
fail :: String -> m a
Consequently, the Monad
class is left with a now redundant return
method as a historic artifact, as there's no compelling reason to
have pure
and return
implemented differently.
More to the point, this redundancy violates the
"making illegal states unrepresentable" idiom: Due to the default
implementation of return
this redundancy leads to
error-prone situations which aren't caught by the compiler; for instance, when
is removed while the Applicative
instance is left with a
pure = return
definition, this leads to a cyclic definition which
can be quite tedious to debug as it only manifests at runtime by a
hanging process.
Traditionally, return
is often used where pure
would suffice
today, forcing a Monad
constraint even if a weaker Applicative
would have sufficed. As a result, language extensions like ApplicativeDo
[3] have to
rewrite return
to weaken its Monad m =>
constraint to
Applicative m =>
in order to benefit existing code at the cost
of introducing magic behavior at the type level.
An additional (somewhat minor) benefit results from having smaller class dictionaries, as well as avoiding the additional indirection through the Monad
class dictionary (when the class dictionary can't be resolved at compile time).
For (>>)
, in addition to arguments applying to return
, the
status quo is optimising (>>)
and forgetting about (*>)
, resulting
in unexpected performance regressions when code is generalised from Monad
to Applicative
This unfortunate situation also blocks us from being able to remove
the post-AMP method redundancy in the Foldable
Finally, this redundancy becomes even more significant when viewed in
light of the renewed Haskell standardisation process[7]: The next
Haskell Report will almost certainly incorporate the AMP (and MFP)
changes, and there is no justification for the next Haskell Report to retain
nor (>>)
as methods of Monad
. A good reason would have been to
retain backward compatibility with Haskell 2010. However, as the AMP
superclass hierarchy requires Monad
instances to be accompanied by
instances (which aren't part of Haskell 2010, c.f. [6]),
backward compatibility with Haskell 2010 goes out the window when it
comes to defining Monad
instances (unless via use of -XCPP
similar). Consequently, meeting the high bar for a formal document
such as the Haskell Report demands that Monad
shall not carry a
redundant return
method that serves no purpose anymore. Moreover,
getting return
out of the way is desirable to facilitate
standardising potential candidates such as the earlier mentioned
in the future and avoids the technical debt incurred
by keeping around this language wart.
When considered out of context, the enumerated reason above could be considered weak on their own and would maybe not be enough to carry this proposal individually. But put together, those smaller benefits form one bigger composite benefit, and taken in the context of the recent AMP, and the upcoming MFP, the costs are comparatively low (especially with the reduced-breakage-transition-strategy), and it makes sense to settle this technical debt soon while it's still relatively cheap.
It's easy to underestimate the infinite accrued cost of retaining language warts which persist in the language indefinitely.
Proposed Change
Remove return
and (>>)
as methods from the Monad
class and in its place
define top-level bindings with the weaker Applicative
-- | Alias for 'pure'
return :: Applicative f => a -> f a
return = pure
-- | Alias for `(*>)`
(>>) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f b
(>>) = (*>)
This allows existing code using return
to benefit from a weaker
typeclass constraint as well as cleaning the Monad
class from
redundant methods in the post-AMP world.
A possible migration strategy is described further below.
Compatibility Considerations
Generalizing the type signature of a function from a Monad
constraint to its superclass Applicative
doesn't cause new
type-errors in existing code.
However, moving a method to a top-level binding obviously breaks code
that assumes e.g. return
to be a class method. Foremost, code that
defines Monad
instances is at risk:
Instance Definitions
Code defining return
(or (>>)
) as part of an instance definition
breaks. However, (>>)
has a default implementation in Haskell 98/2010 in terms of (>>=)
, and
we had the foresight to provide a default implementation in base-4.8
for return
so that the following
represents a proper minimal instance definition post-AMP:
instance Functor Foo where
fmap g foo = …
instance Applicative Foo where
pure x = …
a1 <*> a2 = …
instance Monad Foo where
m >>= f = …
-- NB: No mention of `return` nor `(>>)`
Consequently, it is possible to write forward-compatible instances omitting return
that are valid starting with GHC 7.10/base-4.8
Heuristically grep
ing through Hackage source-code reveals a
non-negligible number of packages defining Monad
instances with
explicit return
definitions[4]. This has a comparable impact to the
AMP, and similarly will require a transition scheme aided by compiler
As large code bases are reported to not have been updated to GHC 7.10 yet, it's more economical to follow-up with MRP warnings closely in the wake of AMP/MFP to have all required Monad
-related changes applied in one sweep when upgrading.
Module Import/Export Specifications
A second source of incompatibility may be due to
s. Specifically module import that assert return
to be a
method of Monad
, e.g.:
import Control.Monad (Monad ((>>=), return))
import Prelude hiding (Monad(..))
import Control.Monad (Monad(..)) as Monad
f = Monad.return ()
The dual situation can occur when re-exporting return
or (>>)
via module
export specifications.
However, given that return
and (>>)
are (re)exported by Prelude
and the examples
above are rather artificial, we don't expect this to be a major source
of breakage in the case of return
. In fact, a heuristic grep[5] over
Hackage source-code revealed only 21 packages affected.
Tool for (Semi)Automatic Refactoring
There is ongoing work in the
Hs2010To201x project to
provide automatic refactoring assistance for migrating pre-AMP
code-bases to AMP+MFP+MRP. Tooling of this sort can dramatically
reduce the maintenance cost incurred by the recent Monad
restructuring changes.
Example for writing future-proof code
GHC extension to reduce code-breakage:
When (>>)
and return
are moved out of the Monad
class, GHC would still tolerate (as a NO-OP) the lawful definitions for (>>)
and return
as used in the example above (and otherwise emit an error).
This way, code can be made forward compatible the desired semantics without the use of -XCPP
instance Functor Foo where
fmap f x = …
instance Applicative Foo where
pure x = …
a1 <*> a2 = …
a1 *> a2 = … -- only needed when
-- optimised version possible
instance Monad Foo where
m >>= f = …
-- see note for GHC extension ignoring the two
-- lawful definitions:
(>>) = (*>)
return = pure -- only needed for compatibility
-- with base < 4.8
Migration Strategy
Original Simple Variant
This transition scheme is not proposed anymore; see new strategy below
In this transition scheme, the time when Phase 2 starts is determined by the amount of packages already converted at that time. "GHC 8.2" is only the earliest theoretical time to begin Phase 2, but a more realistic time would be "GHC 8.6" or even later.
The migration strategy is straightforward:
Phase 1 (GHC 8.0) | Implement new warning in GHC which gets triggered when Monad instances explicitly override the default return/(>>) methods implementation. |
Phase 2 (GHC 8.2 OR LATER) | When we're confident that the majority of Hackage has reacted to the warning (with the help of Stackage actively pursuing maintainers to update their packages) we turn the return and (>>) methods into a top-level binding and remove the warning implemented in Phase 1 from GHC again. |
Reduced Breakage Variant
Based on the feedback from the proposal discussion this revised transition scheme is expected to address all concerns raised: This scheme aims to avoid breakage while allowing code to be written in a way working across a large range of GHC versions with the same semantics. Specifically, this allows a 3-year-compatibility window, avoidance of -XCPP
, as well as the ability to write code in such a way to avoid any warnings.
Phase 1 (starting with GHC 8.0) | Implement new warning in GHC which gets
triggered when Monad instances explicitly override the
default return and (>>) method implementations with non-lawful
definitions (see compatible instance definition example in previous section).
The warning was implemented in GHC 8.0 and is called -Wnoncanonical-monad-instances (there are variants of this warning flag for Monoid and Fail) is included in the default warning set since GHC 9.2. |
This warning can be controlled via the new flag
, and becomes part of the default warning-set (#3174 (closed)).
Phase 2 (GHC 8.4 or even later) | When we're confident that the majority of Hackage has reacted to the warning (with the help of Stackage actively pursuing maintainers to update their packages) we turn the return and (>>) methods into a top-level binding and let GHC ignore lawful method definitions of return and (>>). |
Non-lawful definitions (which were warned about in Phase 1) will now result in a compile error, while lawful definitions will be ignored and not be warned about (not even with
Phase 3 (very distant future) | Start warning about lawful return/>> method overrides (in order to prepare for Phase 4) |
Phase 4 (even more distant future) | Remove support in GHC for ignoring lawful return/>> overrides, turning any method override of return and (>>) into a compile error. |
Discussion Period
A discussion period of three weeks (until 2015-10-15) should be enough to allow everyone to chime in as well as leave enough time to make the required preparations for GHC 8.0 should this proposal pass as we hope.
Discussion Summary
See MonadOfNoReturn/Discussion
- [1]:
- [2]:
- [3]:
- [4]:
- [5]:
- [6]:
- [7]: