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  • Arian van Putten's avatar
    Make interactive setup delegate CTRL+C · 005f6dfa
    Arian van Putten authored
    Fixes #3899
    When cabal new-repl spawns ghci, it spawns this as a subprocess.
    In UNIX like systems, if a CTRL+C is sent to this child process
    it also bubbles up to the parent process, causing it to terminate.
    Also see
    However, this is not what we want for interactive subprocesses.
    Interactive processes usually define their own handlers for CTRL+C,
    for example GHCi uses CTRL+C to reset the input buffer. So instead
    of terminating on CTRL+C we want to delegate CTRL+C to GHCi
    and let it do its thing.
    Luckily, we can enable CTRL+C delegation such that the parent
    process ignores the CTRL+C and instead delegates it to the
    child process.