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  • barmston's avatar
    cabal-install tests use locally built cabal · 3f99cc0c
    barmston authored
    When running the cabal-install tests, we want to run against the locally built
    cabal executable, not any other cabal executable which may be installed.
    If we are 1) following the advice of building cabal with `cabal build` (as
    opposed to installing it into a sandbox with `cabal install`) and 2) not using
    a non-default build directory, the locally built cabal will be located at
    By adding the directory `dist/build/cabal` to the program search path we will
    pick up any cabal executable there in preference to any other on the $PATH.
    For most users, I expect that this will remove any surprises with an
    unexpected cabal executable being selected for running the tests. It will be
    sufficient to allow the tests to run on Travis.
    For users who have been installing cabal into a sandbox, this change could
    result in an older cabal executable being selected. It's not clear to me how
    to solve this issue or whether anyone will experience this.