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  • Duncan Coutts's avatar
    Split useDependenciesExclusive behaviour into two independent options · 41c20806
    Duncan Coutts authored
    The useDependenciesExclusive in the SetupWrapper controls two bits of
    behaviour: if the deps given for building the Setup.hs are the only
    ones allowed, and if we should make version cpp macros available when
    building the Setup.hs. Currently we either want both behaviours or
    neither behaviour. We want them in the case that a package declares a
    custom setup with explicit dependencies.
    It makes sense however to have one behaviour without the other. In
    particular it makes sense if we want to implement a policy where we
    supply default dependencies for older packages that have custom setup
    scripts but don't specify any deps. In this case we want to make the
    default deps exclusive, but we don't want to use the version macros,
    because those ought to be reserved for packages that are doing the right
    thing and opting-in to the new world of explicitly specified setup deps.
    So this patch splits the behaviour into two controls, but still uses
    both together so there's no change in behaviour yet.