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  • Simon Marlow's avatar
    Add 'setup makefile' command · 66328e57
    Simon Marlow authored
    'setup makefile' generates a Makefile that performs the steps
    necessary to compile the Haskell sources to object code.  This only
    works for libraries, and only with GHC right now.
    Instead of simply 'setup build', you can do this:
      $ ./setup makefile
      $ make
      $ ./setup build
    where './setup makefile' does the preprocessing and generates a
    Makefile tailored to the current package.  'make' will build all the
    Haskell code to object files, and 'setup build' will build any C code
    and the library archives.
    The reason for all this is that you can say 'make -j' and get a
    parallel build, or you can say
      make dist/build/Foo.o EXTRA_HC_OPTS=-keep-s-file
    to compile a single file with extra options.