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  • Edsko de Vries's avatar
    Remove magic value from `globalCommand` · 7be7efdd
    Edsko de Vries authored
    In the definition of `globalCommand` we had
        (case showOrParseArgs of ShowArgs -> take 8; ParseArgs -> id) [..]
    the intention here is that the first 8 options will be shown when the user asks
    for `--help`, and the rest are not. However, this is rather error prone. If we
    forget to update that value when adding a new command line argument, we might
    either be wondering why the option isn't showing in the help text,
    or--worse--push another flag out of the help text without noticing.
    This commit changes this to
        args ShowArgs  = argsShown
        args ParseArgs = argsShown ++ argsNotShown
        argsShown    = [..]
        argsNotShown = [..]
    which is a lot more robust.