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  • kristenk's avatar
    Solver: Add missing call to 'simplifyVar'. · adc1fe96
    kristenk authored
    'simplifyVar' removes flag names from the 'Var' type, so that all flags within a
    package are treated as one during backjumping. A more complete fix would involve
    creating a 'SimpleVar' type.
    The bug caused the conflict counting heuristic to never prefer flag goals. Flag
    variables in the tree's goals had the flags' original names, and the flag
    variables in the conflict map did not have names, so they could never be equal.
    Since this fix changes the goal order, I wanted to test for an unexpected large
    negative impact on solver runtime. I ran the solver on all packages on Hackage
    individually with GHC 8.0.1 and looked for differences of more than 10% between
    master and the branch. There were twelve packages. I reran those packages three
    times and found ten with a significant difference in runtime. Here are the
    average runtimes. None of them hit the backjump limit.
    package                         master (seconds)   branch (seconds)   ratio
    clash-ghc                        2.60              3.99               1.54
    hack-middleware-clientsession    8.22              2.54               0.31
    hackage-server                   1.46              1.85               1.26
    hamusic                          5.47              4.55               0.83
    haskore-synthesizer             10.13              7.64               0.75
    language-gcl                     2.54              2.03               0.80
    ms                              36.98              8.02               0.22
    pipes-cereal-plus                1.51              1.66               1.10
    thorn                            8.28              3.08               0.37
    wai-handler-devel                1.72              1.91               1.11
    I looked at the diff in the -v3 log for several of them and saw that the solver
    was making some flag choices earlier, as expected.
    This isn't much of an improvement, but it at least looks like a safe change.