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  • Edward Z. Yang's avatar
    Add the bulk of the new Backpack code · f2840cca
    Edward Z. Yang authored
    This will shortly be used in the package configuration step.
        A copy of the Progress monad from cabal-install solver, which we use
        to report failure and logging from otherwise pure code.
        Defines a type class ModSubst for semantic objects that can have
        module substitutions defined over them.  Helps us define ModSubst
        A module scope represents the set of required and provided modules
        which are "in scope", i.e., available for import and mix-in linking.
        This is not a simple mapping from module name to module, as we're
        permitted to have conflicting definitions for a module name as long
        as we don't actually use it.  There's a comment which explains this
        more clearly in the file.  These are based off of 'IndefModule'
        because not all modules in scope are necessarily fully instantiated.
        A module shape describes the provisions and requirements of a
        library.  It's similar to a module scope, except that every
        export must be unambiguous; it too is based off of 'IndefModule'.
        An 'IndefUnitId' is not guaranteed to record a module substitution
        (it could be opaquely represented as a hash); a 'FullUnitId',
        however, IS guaranteed to do so.  Given, for example, an installed
        package database, we can map opaque 'UnitId' into their expanded
        representation.  This can be important to handle obscure unification
        problems when mix-in linking.
        The unification monad, unifiable variants of Module/UnitId (with
        conversions to and from), and low-level unification operations on
        them.  Uses 'UnionFind' heavily.
        There is some commented out support for handling recursive
        unification.  At present there is no surface syntax for representing
        such situations.  (We would also need DFA minimization to
        canonicalize these regular trees.)
        The actual implementation of mix-in linking, on top of the
        unification monad 'UnifyM'.  The key function is 'mixLink',
        which takes two module scopes and links them together.
        The progress monad, specialized with LogMsg traces and Doc
        errors.  We provide a function to run such computations,
        outputting traces according to their 'Verbosity' and 'die'ing
        if there is an error.
        A small helper function for handling the source-level graph
        of components (so, just the relationship between stanzas
        in a Cabal file.)  This components graph will eventually get
        elaborated into a more complex graph with instantiations, etc.
        A helper module which now contains the functions for computing
        component identifiers and compatibility package keys.  This
        functionality used to live in Distribution.Simple.Configure
        but I split it out.  There are also adjustments to handle
        the new Backpack functionality.
        A configured component is one for which we've resolved all
        source level dependencies (e.g., every entry in build-depends,
        we know the specific transitive versions of each thing
        we're going to use.)  That means we have a 'ComponentId' for
        this component.  This module also contains functions for
        creating a 'ConfiguredComponent' from a source 'Component'.
        A linked component is one which we have done mix-in linking
        for, so we know its 'IndefUnitId' and its 'IndefUnitId'
        This module calls out to mix-in linking to actually do linking.
        The workhorse, in a sense!
        This module implements the instantiation process, where we
        zip through all of the fully instantiated components, and
        recursively instantiate their dependencies, so that we
        get a separate linked component per thing we need to
        compile, and also finishes off any top-level indefinite
        components.  This gives us the final 'UnitId' for our
        This functionality is reimplemented in a different way in
        cabal-install; the assumptions are slightly different (in
        particular, in the library we can't assume we have access to all
        packages to build them; but in cabal-install we can assume it) so I
        didn't try to abstract over both implementations.
        This is a "interoperability" data type which identifies
        precisely the information from a 'LinkedComponent' that
        can be derived from an 'InstalledPackageInfo'.