diff --git a/cabal-install/cabal-install.cabal b/cabal-install/cabal-install.cabal
index b2c834dd93933206ee5887bdc0f0d09f246efb37..a4e9d2a07586c3958586dd8d2277c577ff8ad7e4 100644
--- a/cabal-install/cabal-install.cabal
+++ b/cabal-install/cabal-install.cabal
@@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ Test-Suite unit-tests
+    UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.DSL
diff --git a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/DSL.hs b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/DSL.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66d16b13e6a0bbc2c695a668ba238e4271b9b8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/DSL.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+-- | DSL for testing the modular solver
+module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.DSL (
+    ExampleDependency(..)
+  , ExampleDb
+  , exAv
+  , exInst
+  , exResolve
+  , extractInstallPlan
+  , withSetupDeps
+  ) where
+-- base
+import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Version
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+-- Cabal
+import qualified Distribution.Compiler             as C
+import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as C
+import qualified Distribution.Package              as C hiding (HasInstalledPackageId(..))
+import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription   as C
+import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex  as C.PackageIndex
+import qualified Distribution.System               as C
+import qualified Distribution.Version              as C
+-- cabal-install
+import Distribution.Client.ComponentDeps (ComponentDeps)
+import Distribution.Client.Dependency
+import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Types
+import Distribution.Client.Types
+import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan   as CI.InstallPlan
+import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex  as CI.PackageIndex
+import qualified Distribution.Client.ComponentDeps as CD
+  Example package database DSL
+  In order to be able to set simple examples up quickly, we define a very
+  simple version of the package database here explicitly designed for use in
+  tests.
+  The design of `ExampleDb` takes the perspective of the solver, not the
+  perspective of the package DB. This makes it easier to set up tests for
+  various parts of the solver, but makes the mapping somewhat awkward,  because
+  it means we first map from "solver perspective" `ExampleDb` to the package
+  database format, and then the modular solver internally in `IndexConversion`
+  maps this back to the solver specific data structures.
+  --------------------
+  TODO: Perhaps these should be made comments of the corresponding data type
+  definitions. For now these are just my own conclusions and may be wrong.
+  * The difference between `GenericPackageDescription` and `PackageDescription`
+    is that `PackageDescription` describes a particular _configuration_ of a
+    package (for instance, see documentation for `checkPackage`). A
+    `GenericPackageDescription` can be returned into a `PackageDescription` in
+    two ways:
+      a. `finalizePackageDescription` does the proper translation, by taking
+         into account the platform, available dependencies, etc. and picks a
+         flag assignment (or gives an error if no flag assignment can be found)
+      b. `flattenPackageDescription` ignores flag assignment and just joins all
+         components together.
+    The slightly odd thing is that a `GenericPackageDescription` contains a
+    `PackageDescription` as a field; both of the above functions do the same
+    thing: they take the embedded `PackageDescription` as a basis for the result
+    value, but override `library`, `executables`, `testSuites`, `benchmarks`
+    and `buildDepends`.
+  * The `condTreeComponents` fields of a `CondTree` is a list of triples
+    `(condition, then-branch, else-branch)`, where the `else-branch` is
+    optional.
+type ExamplePkgName    = String
+type ExamplePkgVersion = Int
+type ExamplePkgHash    = String  -- for example "installed" packages
+type ExampleFlagName   = String
+type ExampleTestName   = String
+data ExampleDependency =
+    -- | Simple dependency on any version
+    ExAny ExamplePkgName
+    -- | Simple dependency on a fixed version
+  | ExFix ExamplePkgName ExamplePkgVersion
+    -- | Dependencies indexed by a flag
+  | ExFlag ExampleFlagName [ExampleDependency] [ExampleDependency]
+    -- | Dependency if tests are enabled
+  | ExTest ExampleTestName [ExampleDependency]
+data ExampleAvailable = ExAv {
+    exAvName    :: ExamplePkgName
+  , exAvVersion :: ExamplePkgVersion
+  , exAvDeps    :: ComponentDeps [ExampleDependency]
+  }
+exAv :: ExamplePkgName -> ExamplePkgVersion -> [ExampleDependency] -> ExampleAvailable
+exAv n v ds = ExAv { exAvName = n, exAvVersion = v, exAvDeps = CD.fromLibraryDeps ds }
+withSetupDeps :: ExampleAvailable -> [ExampleDependency] -> ExampleAvailable
+withSetupDeps ex setupDeps = ex {
+      exAvDeps = exAvDeps ex <> CD.fromSetupDeps setupDeps
+    }
+data ExampleInstalled = ExInst {
+    exInstName         :: ExamplePkgName
+  , exInstVersion      :: ExamplePkgVersion
+  , exInstHash         :: ExamplePkgHash
+  , exInstBuildAgainst :: [ExampleInstalled]
+  }
+exInst :: ExamplePkgName -> ExamplePkgVersion -> ExamplePkgHash -> [ExampleInstalled] -> ExampleInstalled
+exInst = ExInst
+type ExampleDb = [Either ExampleInstalled ExampleAvailable]
+type DependencyTree a = C.CondTree C.ConfVar [C.Dependency] a
+exDbPkgs :: ExampleDb -> [ExamplePkgName]
+exDbPkgs = map (either exInstName exAvName)
+exAvSrcPkg :: ExampleAvailable -> SourcePackage
+exAvSrcPkg ex =
+    let (libraryDeps, testSuites) = splitTopLevel (CD.libraryDeps (exAvDeps ex))
+    in SourcePackage {
+           packageInfoId        = exAvPkgId ex
+         , packageSource        = LocalTarballPackage "<<path>>"
+         , packageDescrOverride = Nothing
+         , packageDescription   = C.GenericPackageDescription{
+               C.packageDescription = C.emptyPackageDescription {
+                   C.package        = exAvPkgId ex
+                 , C.library        = error "not yet configured: library"
+                 , C.executables    = error "not yet configured: executables"
+                 , C.testSuites     = error "not yet configured: testSuites"
+                 , C.benchmarks     = error "not yet configured: benchmarks"
+                 , C.buildDepends   = error "not yet configured: buildDepends"
+                 , C.setupBuildInfo = Just C.SetupBuildInfo {
+                       C.setupDepends = mkSetupDeps (CD.setupDeps (exAvDeps ex))
+                     }
+                 }
+             , C.genPackageFlags = concatMap extractFlags (CD.libraryDeps (exAvDeps ex))
+             , C.condLibrary     = Just $ mkCondTree libraryDeps
+             , C.condExecutables = []
+             , C.condTestSuites  = map (\(t, deps) -> (t, mkCondTree deps)) testSuites
+             , C.condBenchmarks  = []
+             }
+         }
+  where
+    splitTopLevel :: [ExampleDependency]
+                  -> ( [ExampleDependency]
+                     , [(ExampleTestName, [ExampleDependency])]
+                     )
+    splitTopLevel []                = ([], [])
+    splitTopLevel (ExTest t a:deps) = let (other, testSuites) = splitTopLevel deps
+                                      in (other, (t, a):testSuites)
+    splitTopLevel (dep:deps)        = let (other, testSuites) = splitTopLevel deps
+                                      in (dep:other, testSuites)
+    extractFlags :: ExampleDependency -> [C.Flag]
+    extractFlags (ExAny _)      = []
+    extractFlags (ExFix _ _)    = []
+    extractFlags (ExFlag f a b) = C.MkFlag {
+                                      C.flagName        = C.FlagName f
+                                    , C.flagDescription = ""
+                                    , C.flagDefault     = False
+                                    , C.flagManual      = False
+                                    }
+                                : concatMap extractFlags (a ++ b)
+    extractFlags (ExTest _ a)   = concatMap extractFlags a
+    mkCondTree :: Monoid a => [ExampleDependency] -> DependencyTree a
+    mkCondTree deps =
+      let (directDeps, flaggedDeps) = splitDeps deps
+      in C.CondNode {
+             C.condTreeData        = mempty -- irrelevant to the solver
+           , C.condTreeConstraints = map mkDirect  directDeps
+           , C.condTreeComponents  = map mkFlagged flaggedDeps
+           }
+    mkDirect :: (ExamplePkgName, Maybe ExamplePkgVersion) -> C.Dependency
+    mkDirect (dep, Nothing) = C.Dependency (C.PackageName dep) C.anyVersion
+    mkDirect (dep, Just n)  = C.Dependency (C.PackageName dep) (C.thisVersion v)
+      where
+        v = Version [n, 0, 0] []
+    mkFlagged :: Monoid a
+              => (ExampleFlagName, [ExampleDependency], [ExampleDependency])
+              -> (C.Condition C.ConfVar, DependencyTree a, Maybe (DependencyTree a))
+    mkFlagged (f, a, b) = ( C.Var (C.Flag (C.FlagName f))
+                          , mkCondTree a
+                          , Just (mkCondTree b)
+                          )
+    splitDeps :: [ExampleDependency]
+              -> ( [(ExamplePkgName, Maybe Int)]
+                 , [(ExampleFlagName, [ExampleDependency], [ExampleDependency])]
+                 )
+    splitDeps [] =
+      ([], [])
+    splitDeps (ExAny p:deps) =
+      let (directDeps, flaggedDeps) = splitDeps deps
+      in ((p, Nothing):directDeps, flaggedDeps)
+    splitDeps (ExFix p v:deps) =
+      let (directDeps, flaggedDeps) = splitDeps deps
+      in ((p, Just v):directDeps, flaggedDeps)
+    splitDeps (ExFlag f a b:deps) =
+      let (directDeps, flaggedDeps) = splitDeps deps
+      in (directDeps, (f, a, b):flaggedDeps)
+    splitDeps (ExTest _ _:_) =
+      error "Unexpected nested test"
+    -- Currently we only support simple setup dependencies
+    mkSetupDeps :: [ExampleDependency] -> [C.Dependency]
+    mkSetupDeps deps =
+      let (directDeps, []) = splitDeps deps in map mkDirect directDeps
+exAvPkgId :: ExampleAvailable -> C.PackageIdentifier
+exAvPkgId ex = C.PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName    = C.PackageName (exAvName ex)
+    , pkgVersion = Version [exAvVersion ex, 0, 0] []
+    }
+exInstInfo :: ExampleInstalled -> C.InstalledPackageInfo
+exInstInfo ex = C.emptyInstalledPackageInfo {
+      C.installedPackageId = C.InstalledPackageId (exInstHash ex)
+    , C.sourcePackageId    = exInstPkgId ex
+    , C.packageKey         = exInstKey ex
+    , C.depends            = map (C.InstalledPackageId . exInstHash)
+                                 (exInstBuildAgainst ex)
+    }
+exInstPkgId :: ExampleInstalled -> C.PackageIdentifier
+exInstPkgId ex = C.PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName    = C.PackageName (exInstName ex)
+    , pkgVersion = Version [exInstVersion ex, 0, 0] []
+    }
+exInstKey :: ExampleInstalled -> C.PackageKey
+exInstKey ex =
+    C.mkPackageKey True
+                   (exInstPkgId ex)
+                   (map exInstKey (exInstBuildAgainst ex))
+                   []
+exAvIdx :: [ExampleAvailable] -> CI.PackageIndex.PackageIndex SourcePackage
+exAvIdx = CI.PackageIndex.fromList . map exAvSrcPkg
+exInstIdx :: [ExampleInstalled] -> C.PackageIndex.InstalledPackageIndex
+exInstIdx = C.PackageIndex.fromList . map exInstInfo
+exResolve :: ExampleDb
+          -> [ExamplePkgName]
+          -> Bool
+          -> ([String], Either String CI.InstallPlan.InstallPlan)
+exResolve db targets indepGoals = runProgress $
+    resolveDependencies C.buildPlatform
+                        (C.unknownCompilerInfo C.buildCompilerId C.NoAbiTag)
+                        Modular
+                        params
+  where
+    (inst, avai) = partitionEithers db
+    instIdx      = exInstIdx inst
+    avaiIdx      = SourcePackageDb {
+                       packageIndex       = exAvIdx avai
+                     , packagePreferences = Map.empty
+                     }
+    enableTests  = map (\p -> PackageConstraintStanzas (C.PackageName p) [TestStanzas])
+                       (exDbPkgs db)
+    targets'     = map (\p -> NamedPackage (C.PackageName p) []) targets
+    params       = addConstraints enableTests
+                 $ (standardInstallPolicy instIdx avaiIdx targets') {
+                       depResolverIndependentGoals = indepGoals
+                     }
+extractInstallPlan :: CI.InstallPlan.InstallPlan
+                   -> [(ExamplePkgName, ExamplePkgVersion)]
+extractInstallPlan = catMaybes . map confPkg . CI.InstallPlan.toList
+  where
+    confPkg :: CI.InstallPlan.PlanPackage -> Maybe (String, Int)
+    confPkg (CI.InstallPlan.Configured pkg) = Just $ srcPkg pkg
+    confPkg _                               = Nothing
+    srcPkg :: ConfiguredPackage -> (String, Int)
+    srcPkg (ConfiguredPackage pkg _flags _stanzas _deps) =
+      let C.PackageIdentifier (C.PackageName p) (Version (n:_) _) = packageInfoId pkg
+      in (p, n)
+  Auxiliary
+-- | Run Progress computation
+-- Like `runLog`, but for the more general `Progress` type.
+runProgress :: Progress step e a -> ([step], Either e a)
+runProgress = go
+  where
+    go (Step s p) = let (ss, result) = go p in (s:ss, result)
+    go (Fail e)   = ([], Left e)
+    go (Done a)   = ([], Right a)
diff --git a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/Solver.hs b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/Solver.hs
index c0158b32e2759ce7b7b617bab8d0c86064657375..e5162b8e60d9625bbbffc026e8983280b872af25 100644
--- a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/Solver.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/Solver.hs
@@ -1,40 +1,20 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
 module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Solver (tests, options) where
 -- base
 import Control.Monad
-import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isNothing)
-import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
 import Data.Proxy
 import Data.Typeable
-import Data.Version
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
 -- test-framework
 import Test.Tasty as TF
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase, assertEqual, assertBool)
 import Test.Tasty.Options
--- Cabal
-import qualified Distribution.Compiler             as C
-import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as C
-import qualified Distribution.Package              as C hiding (HasInstalledPackageId(..))
-import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription   as C
-import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex  as C.PackageIndex
-import qualified Distribution.System               as C
-import qualified Distribution.Version              as C
 -- cabal-install
-import Distribution.Client.ComponentDeps (ComponentDeps)
-import Distribution.Client.Dependency
-import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Types
-import Distribution.Client.Types
-import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan   as CI.InstallPlan
-import qualified Distribution.Client.PackageIndex  as CI.PackageIndex
-import qualified Distribution.Client.ComponentDeps as CD
+import UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.DSL
 tests :: [TF.TestTree]
 tests = [
@@ -360,278 +340,6 @@ db12 =
     , Right $ exAv "E" 1 [ExFix "base" 4, ExFix "syb" 2]
-  Example package database DSL
-  In order to be able to set simple examples up quickly, we define a very
-  simple version of the package database here explicitly designed for use in
-  tests.
-  The design of `ExampleDb` takes the perspective of the solver, not the
-  perspective of the package DB. This makes it easier to set up tests for
-  various parts of the solver, but makes the mapping somewhat awkward,  because
-  it means we first map from "solver perspective" `ExampleDb` to the package
-  database format, and then the modular solver internally in `IndexConversion`
-  maps this back to the solver specific data structures.
-  --------------------
-  TODO: Perhaps these should be made comments of the corresponding data type
-  definitions. For now these are just my own conclusions and may be wrong.
-  * The difference between `GenericPackageDescription` and `PackageDescription`
-    is that `PackageDescription` describes a particular _configuration_ of a
-    package (for instance, see documentation for `checkPackage`). A
-    `GenericPackageDescription` can be returned into a `PackageDescription` in
-    two ways:
-      a. `finalizePackageDescription` does the proper translation, by taking
-         into account the platform, available dependencies, etc. and picks a
-         flag assignment (or gives an error if no flag assignment can be found)
-      b. `flattenPackageDescription` ignores flag assignment and just joins all
-         components together.
-    The slightly odd thing is that a `GenericPackageDescription` contains a
-    `PackageDescription` as a field; both of the above functions do the same
-    thing: they take the embedded `PackageDescription` as a basis for the result
-    value, but override `library`, `executables`, `testSuites`, `benchmarks`
-    and `buildDepends`.
-  * The `condTreeComponents` fields of a `CondTree` is a list of triples
-    `(condition, then-branch, else-branch)`, where the `else-branch` is
-    optional.
-type ExamplePkgName    = String
-type ExamplePkgVersion = Int
-type ExamplePkgHash    = String  -- for example "installed" packages
-type ExampleFlagName   = String
-type ExampleTestName   = String
-data ExampleDependency =
-    -- | Simple dependency on any version
-    ExAny ExamplePkgName
-    -- | Simple dependency on a fixed version
-  | ExFix ExamplePkgName ExamplePkgVersion
-    -- | Dependencies indexed by a flag
-  | ExFlag ExampleFlagName [ExampleDependency] [ExampleDependency]
-    -- | Dependency if tests are enabled
-  | ExTest ExampleTestName [ExampleDependency]
-data ExampleAvailable = ExAv {
-    exAvName    :: ExamplePkgName
-  , exAvVersion :: ExamplePkgVersion
-  , exAvDeps    :: ComponentDeps [ExampleDependency]
-  }
-exAv :: ExamplePkgName -> ExamplePkgVersion -> [ExampleDependency] -> ExampleAvailable
-exAv n v ds = ExAv { exAvName = n, exAvVersion = v, exAvDeps = CD.fromLibraryDeps ds }
-withSetupDeps :: ExampleAvailable -> [ExampleDependency] -> ExampleAvailable
-withSetupDeps ex setupDeps = ex {
-      exAvDeps = exAvDeps ex <> CD.fromSetupDeps setupDeps
-    }
-data ExampleInstalled = ExInst {
-    exInstName         :: ExamplePkgName
-  , exInstVersion      :: ExamplePkgVersion
-  , exInstHash         :: ExamplePkgHash
-  , exInstBuildAgainst :: [ExampleInstalled]
-  }
-exInst :: ExamplePkgName -> ExamplePkgVersion -> ExamplePkgHash -> [ExampleInstalled] -> ExampleInstalled
-exInst = ExInst
-type ExampleDb = [Either ExampleInstalled ExampleAvailable]
-type DependencyTree a = C.CondTree C.ConfVar [C.Dependency] a
-exDbPkgs :: ExampleDb -> [ExamplePkgName]
-exDbPkgs = map (either exInstName exAvName)
-exAvSrcPkg :: ExampleAvailable -> SourcePackage
-exAvSrcPkg ex =
-    let (libraryDeps, testSuites) = splitTopLevel (CD.libraryDeps (exAvDeps ex))
-    in SourcePackage {
-           packageInfoId        = exAvPkgId ex
-         , packageSource        = LocalTarballPackage "<<path>>"
-         , packageDescrOverride = Nothing
-         , packageDescription   = C.GenericPackageDescription{
-               C.packageDescription = C.emptyPackageDescription {
-                   C.package        = exAvPkgId ex
-                 , C.library        = error "not yet configured: library"
-                 , C.executables    = error "not yet configured: executables"
-                 , C.testSuites     = error "not yet configured: testSuites"
-                 , C.benchmarks     = error "not yet configured: benchmarks"
-                 , C.buildDepends   = error "not yet configured: buildDepends"
-                 , C.setupBuildInfo = Just C.SetupBuildInfo {
-                       C.setupDepends = mkSetupDeps (CD.setupDeps (exAvDeps ex))
-                     }
-                 }
-             , C.genPackageFlags = concatMap extractFlags (CD.libraryDeps (exAvDeps ex))
-             , C.condLibrary     = Just $ mkCondTree libraryDeps
-             , C.condExecutables = []
-             , C.condTestSuites  = map (\(t, deps) -> (t, mkCondTree deps)) testSuites
-             , C.condBenchmarks  = []
-             }
-         }
-  where
-    splitTopLevel :: [ExampleDependency]
-                  -> ( [ExampleDependency]
-                     , [(ExampleTestName, [ExampleDependency])]
-                     )
-    splitTopLevel []                = ([], [])
-    splitTopLevel (ExTest t a:deps) = let (other, testSuites) = splitTopLevel deps
-                                      in (other, (t, a):testSuites)
-    splitTopLevel (dep:deps)        = let (other, testSuites) = splitTopLevel deps
-                                      in (dep:other, testSuites)
-    extractFlags :: ExampleDependency -> [C.Flag]
-    extractFlags (ExAny _)      = []
-    extractFlags (ExFix _ _)    = []
-    extractFlags (ExFlag f a b) = C.MkFlag {
-                                      C.flagName        = C.FlagName f
-                                    , C.flagDescription = ""
-                                    , C.flagDefault     = False
-                                    , C.flagManual      = False
-                                    }
-                                : concatMap extractFlags (a ++ b)
-    extractFlags (ExTest _ a)   = concatMap extractFlags a
-    mkCondTree :: Monoid a => [ExampleDependency] -> DependencyTree a
-    mkCondTree deps =
-      let (directDeps, flaggedDeps) = splitDeps deps
-      in C.CondNode {
-             C.condTreeData        = mempty -- irrelevant to the solver
-           , C.condTreeConstraints = map mkDirect  directDeps
-           , C.condTreeComponents  = map mkFlagged flaggedDeps
-           }
-    mkDirect :: (ExamplePkgName, Maybe ExamplePkgVersion) -> C.Dependency
-    mkDirect (dep, Nothing) = C.Dependency (C.PackageName dep) C.anyVersion
-    mkDirect (dep, Just n)  = C.Dependency (C.PackageName dep) (C.thisVersion v)
-      where
-        v = Version [n, 0, 0] []
-    mkFlagged :: Monoid a
-              => (ExampleFlagName, [ExampleDependency], [ExampleDependency])
-              -> (C.Condition C.ConfVar, DependencyTree a, Maybe (DependencyTree a))
-    mkFlagged (f, a, b) = ( C.Var (C.Flag (C.FlagName f))
-                          , mkCondTree a
-                          , Just (mkCondTree b)
-                          )
-    splitDeps :: [ExampleDependency]
-              -> ( [(ExamplePkgName, Maybe Int)]
-                 , [(ExampleFlagName, [ExampleDependency], [ExampleDependency])]
-                 )
-    splitDeps [] =
-      ([], [])
-    splitDeps (ExAny p:deps) =
-      let (directDeps, flaggedDeps) = splitDeps deps
-      in ((p, Nothing):directDeps, flaggedDeps)
-    splitDeps (ExFix p v:deps) =
-      let (directDeps, flaggedDeps) = splitDeps deps
-      in ((p, Just v):directDeps, flaggedDeps)
-    splitDeps (ExFlag f a b:deps) =
-      let (directDeps, flaggedDeps) = splitDeps deps
-      in (directDeps, (f, a, b):flaggedDeps)
-    splitDeps (ExTest _ _:_) =
-      error "Unexpected nested test"
-    -- Currently we only support simple setup dependencies
-    mkSetupDeps :: [ExampleDependency] -> [C.Dependency]
-    mkSetupDeps deps =
-      let (directDeps, []) = splitDeps deps in map mkDirect directDeps
-exAvPkgId :: ExampleAvailable -> C.PackageIdentifier
-exAvPkgId ex = C.PackageIdentifier {
-      pkgName    = C.PackageName (exAvName ex)
-    , pkgVersion = Version [exAvVersion ex, 0, 0] []
-    }
-exInstInfo :: ExampleInstalled -> C.InstalledPackageInfo
-exInstInfo ex = C.emptyInstalledPackageInfo {
-      C.installedPackageId = C.InstalledPackageId (exInstHash ex)
-    , C.sourcePackageId    = exInstPkgId ex
-    , C.packageKey         = exInstKey ex
-    , C.depends            = map (C.InstalledPackageId . exInstHash)
-                                 (exInstBuildAgainst ex)
-    }
-exInstPkgId :: ExampleInstalled -> C.PackageIdentifier
-exInstPkgId ex = C.PackageIdentifier {
-      pkgName    = C.PackageName (exInstName ex)
-    , pkgVersion = Version [exInstVersion ex, 0, 0] []
-    }
-exInstKey :: ExampleInstalled -> C.PackageKey
-exInstKey ex =
-    C.mkPackageKey True
-                   (exInstPkgId ex)
-                   (map exInstKey (exInstBuildAgainst ex))
-                   []
-exAvIdx :: [ExampleAvailable] -> CI.PackageIndex.PackageIndex SourcePackage
-exAvIdx = CI.PackageIndex.fromList . map exAvSrcPkg
-exInstIdx :: [ExampleInstalled] -> C.PackageIndex.InstalledPackageIndex
-exInstIdx = C.PackageIndex.fromList . map exInstInfo
-exResolve :: ExampleDb
-          -> [ExamplePkgName]
-          -> Bool
-          -> ([String], Either String CI.InstallPlan.InstallPlan)
-exResolve db targets indepGoals = runProgress $
-    resolveDependencies C.buildPlatform
-                        (C.unknownCompilerInfo C.buildCompilerId C.NoAbiTag)
-                        Modular
-                        params
-  where
-    (inst, avai) = partitionEithers db
-    instIdx      = exInstIdx inst
-    avaiIdx      = SourcePackageDb {
-                       packageIndex       = exAvIdx avai
-                     , packagePreferences = Map.empty
-                     }
-    enableTests  = map (\p -> PackageConstraintStanzas (C.PackageName p) [TestStanzas])
-                       (exDbPkgs db)
-    targets'     = map (\p -> NamedPackage (C.PackageName p) []) targets
-    params       = addConstraints enableTests
-                 $ (standardInstallPolicy instIdx avaiIdx targets') {
-                       depResolverIndependentGoals = indepGoals
-                     }
-extractInstallPlan :: CI.InstallPlan.InstallPlan
-                   -> [(ExamplePkgName, ExamplePkgVersion)]
-extractInstallPlan = catMaybes . map confPkg . CI.InstallPlan.toList
-  where
-    confPkg :: CI.InstallPlan.PlanPackage -> Maybe (String, Int)
-    confPkg (CI.InstallPlan.Configured pkg) = Just $ srcPkg pkg
-    confPkg _                               = Nothing
-    srcPkg :: ConfiguredPackage -> (String, Int)
-    srcPkg (ConfiguredPackage pkg _flags _stanzas _deps) =
-      let C.PackageIdentifier (C.PackageName p) (Version (n:_) _) = packageInfoId pkg
-      in (p, n)
-  Auxiliary
--- | Run Progress computation
--- Like `runLog`, but for the more general `Progress` type.
-runProgress :: Progress step e a -> ([step], Either e a)
-runProgress = go
-  where
-    go (Step s p) = let (ss, result) = go p in (s:ss, result)
-    go (Fail e)   = ([], Left e)
-    go (Done a)   = ([], Right a)
   Test options