diff --git a/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription.hs b/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription.hs
index c28fe9c37c22a56c9d51b654bac095118e47e00f..b7b3a6192999d73f91c23f5040b111874d75c1ce 100644
--- a/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription.hs
+++ b/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription.hs
@@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ module Distribution.PackageDescription (
+        -- * Custom setup build information
+        SetupBuildInfo(..),
   ) where
 import Distribution.Compat.Binary (Binary)
@@ -186,6 +189,7 @@ data PackageDescription
         -- transitioning to specifying just a single version, not a range.
         specVersionRaw :: Either Version VersionRange,
         buildType      :: Maybe BuildType,
+        setupBuildInfo :: Maybe SetupBuildInfo,
         -- components
         library        :: Maybe Library,
         executables    :: [Executable],
@@ -253,6 +257,7 @@ emptyPackageDescription
                       description  = "",
                       category     = "",
                       customFieldsPD = [],
+                      setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
                       library      = Nothing,
                       executables  = [],
                       testSuites   = [],
@@ -297,6 +302,29 @@ instance Text BuildType where
       "Make"      -> Make
       _           -> UnknownBuildType name
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The SetupBuildInfo type
+-- One can see this as a very cut-down version of BuildInfo below.
+-- To keep things simple for tools that compile Setup.hs we limit the
+-- options authors can specify to just Haskell package dependencies.
+data SetupBuildInfo = SetupBuildInfo {
+        setupDepends :: [Dependency]
+    }
+    deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read, Typeable, Data)
+instance Binary SetupBuildInfo
+instance Monoid SetupBuildInfo where
+  mempty = SetupBuildInfo {
+    setupDepends = mempty
+  }
+  mappend a b = SetupBuildInfo {
+    setupDepends = combine setupDepends
+  }
+    where combine field = field a `mappend` field b
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Module renaming
diff --git a/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription/Check.hs b/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription/Check.hs
index 9127acfb7a977841ca7e6bcffee3ac362c365640..3f48969142af4b1a4ebca93fd4e3b28236d8886c 100644
--- a/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription/Check.hs
@@ -411,6 +411,12 @@ checkFields pkg =
           ++ commaSep (map display knownBuildTypes)
       _ -> Nothing
+  , check (isJust (setupBuildInfo pkg) && buildType pkg /= Just Custom) $
+      PackageBuildWarning $
+           "Ignoring the 'custom-setup' section because the 'build-type' is "
+        ++ "not 'Custom'. Use 'build-type: Custom' if you need to use a "
+        ++ "custom Setup.hs script."
   , check (not (null unknownCompilers)) $
       PackageBuildWarning $
         "Unknown compiler " ++ commaSep (map quote unknownCompilers)
@@ -1083,6 +1089,16 @@ checkCabalVersion pkg =
         ++ "specify 'cabal-version: >= 1.4'. Alternatively if you require "
         ++ "compatibility with earlier Cabal versions then you may be able to "
         ++ "use an equivalent compiler-specific flag."
+  , check (specVersion pkg >= Version [1,21] []
+           && isNothing (setupBuildInfo pkg)
+           && buildType pkg == Just Custom) $
+      PackageBuildWarning $
+           "Packages using 'cabal-version: >= 1.22' with 'build-type: Custom' "
+        ++ "must use a 'custom-setup' section with a 'setup-depends' field "
+        ++ "that specifies the dependencies of the Setup.hs script itself. "
+        ++ "The 'setup-depends' field uses the same syntax as 'build-depends', "
+        ++ "so a simple example would be 'setup-depends: base, Cabal'."
     -- Perform a check on packages that use a version of the spec less than
diff --git a/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription/Parse.hs b/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription/Parse.hs
index 0a4f59ecdb4750848657951f0b56a0772ac19a4b..b16aa541a1a155baa14f5bedf2609a816421f0b8 100644
--- a/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription/Parse.hs
+++ b/Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription/Parse.hs
@@ -528,6 +528,15 @@ sourceRepoFieldDescrs =
         repoSubdir                 (\val repo -> repo { repoSubdir = val })
+setupBInfoFieldDescrs :: [FieldDescr SetupBuildInfo]
+setupBInfoFieldDescrs =
+    [ commaListFieldWithSep vcat "setup-depends"
+        disp         parse
+        setupDepends (\xs binfo -> binfo{setupDepends=xs})
+    ]
 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------
 -- Parsing
@@ -739,13 +748,13 @@ parsePackageDescription file = do
           -- 'getBody' assumes that the remaining fields only consist of
           -- flags, lib and exe sections.
-        (repos, flags, mlib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
+        (repos, flags, mcsetup, mlib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
         warnIfRest  -- warn if getBody did not parse up to the last field.
           -- warn about using old/new syntax with wrong cabal-version:
         maybeWarnCabalVersion (not $ oldSyntax fields0) pkg
         checkForUndefinedFlags flags mlib exes tests
         return $ GenericPackageDescription
-                   pkg { sourceRepos = repos }
+                   pkg { sourceRepos = repos, setupBuildInfo = mcsetup }
                    flags mlib exes tests bms
@@ -851,6 +860,7 @@ parsePackageDescription file = do
     -- The body consists of an optional sequence of declarations of flags and
     -- an arbitrary number of executables and at most one library.
     getBody :: PM ([SourceRepo], [Flag]
+                  ,Maybe SetupBuildInfo
                   ,Maybe (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library)
                   ,[(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Executable)]
                   ,[(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] TestSuite)]
@@ -863,8 +873,8 @@ parsePackageDescription file = do
             exename <- lift $ runP line_no "executable" parseTokenQ sec_label
             flds <- collectFields parseExeFields sec_fields
-            (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
-            return (repos, flags, lib, (exename, flds): exes, tests, bms)
+            (repos, flags, csetup, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
+            return (repos, flags, csetup, lib, (exename, flds): exes, tests, bms)
         | sec_type == "test-suite" -> do
             when (null sec_label) $ lift $ syntaxError line_no
@@ -905,8 +915,9 @@ parsePackageDescription file = do
             if checkTestType emptyTestSuite flds
                 then do
-                    (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
-                    return (repos, flags, lib, exes, (testname, flds) : tests, bms)
+                    (repos, flags, csetup, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
+                    return (repos, flags, csetup, lib, exes,
+                            (testname, flds) : tests, bms)
                 else lift $ syntaxError line_no $
                          "Test suite \"" ++ testname
                       ++ "\" is missing required field \"type\" or the field "
@@ -953,8 +964,9 @@ parsePackageDescription file = do
             if checkBenchmarkType emptyBenchmark flds
                 then do
-                    (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
-                    return (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, (benchname, flds) : bms)
+                    (repos, flags, csetup, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
+                    return (repos, flags, csetup, lib, exes,
+                            tests, (benchname, flds) : bms)
                 else lift $ syntaxError line_no $
                          "Benchmark \"" ++ benchname
                       ++ "\" is missing required field \"type\" or the field "
@@ -967,10 +979,10 @@ parsePackageDescription file = do
               syntaxError line_no "'library' expects no argument"
             flds <- collectFields parseLibFields sec_fields
-            (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
+            (repos, flags, csetup, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
             when (isJust lib) $ lift $ syntaxError line_no
               "There can only be one library section in a package description."
-            return (repos, flags, Just flds, exes, tests, bms)
+            return (repos, flags, csetup, Just flds, exes, tests, bms)
         | sec_type == "flag" -> do
             when (null sec_label) $ lift $
@@ -981,8 +993,8 @@ parsePackageDescription file = do
                     (MkFlag (FlagName (lowercase sec_label)) "" True False)
-            (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
-            return (repos, flag:flags, lib, exes, tests, bms)
+            (repos, flags, csetup, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
+            return (repos, flag:flags, csetup, lib, exes, tests, bms)
         | sec_type == "source-repository" -> do
             when (null sec_label) $ lift $ syntaxError line_no $
@@ -1006,8 +1018,22 @@ parsePackageDescription file = do
-            (repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
-            return (repo:repos, flags, lib, exes, tests, bms)
+            (repos, flags, csetup, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
+            return (repo:repos, flags, csetup, lib, exes, tests, bms)
+        | sec_type == "custom-setup" -> do
+            unless (null sec_label) $ lift $
+              syntaxError line_no "'setup' expects no argument"
+            flds <- lift $ parseFields
+                             setupBInfoFieldDescrs
+                             warnUnrec
+                             mempty
+                             sec_fields
+            skipField
+            (repos, flags, csetup0, lib, exes, tests, bms) <- getBody
+            when (isJust csetup0) $ lift $ syntaxError line_no
+              "There can only be one 'custom-setup' section in a package description."
+            return (repos, flags, Just flds, lib, exes, tests, bms)
         | otherwise -> do
             lift $ warning $ "Ignoring unknown section type: " ++ sec_type
@@ -1023,7 +1049,7 @@ parsePackageDescription file = do
               "If-blocks are not allowed in between stanzas: " ++ show f
-      Nothing -> return ([], [], Nothing, [], [], [])
+      Nothing -> return ([], [], Nothing, Nothing, [], [], [])
     -- Extracts all fields in a block and returns a 'CondTree'.