From 2af1c1d56d25ae1b64f97c5a2e9d80a364b4697d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thomas Tuegel <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2015 17:53:59 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Fix tests when CABAL_BUILDDIR is set

 Cabal/tests/PackageTests.hs                   | 115 ++++++++++--------
 .../PackageTests/BenchmarkExeV10/Check.hs     |   6 +-
 .../PackageTests/BenchmarkOptions/Check.hs    |  18 +--
 .../PackageTests/BenchmarkStanza/Check.hs     |   6 +-
 .../BuildDeps/InternalLibrary0/Check.hs       |   6 +-
 .../BuildDeps/InternalLibrary1/Check.hs       |   6 +-
 .../BuildDeps/InternalLibrary2/Check.hs       |  12 +-
 .../BuildDeps/InternalLibrary3/Check.hs       |  12 +-
 .../BuildDeps/InternalLibrary4/Check.hs       |  12 +-
 .../BuildDeps/SameDepsAllRound/Check.hs       |   6 +-
 .../BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps1/Check.hs    |   6 +-
 .../BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps2/Check.hs    |   6 +-
 .../BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps3/Check.hs    |   6 +-
 .../BuildTestSuiteDetailedV09/Check.hs        |  12 +-
 Cabal/tests/PackageTests/CMain/Check.hs       |   6 +-
 .../PackageTests/DeterministicAr/Check.hs     |  24 ++--
 Cabal/tests/PackageTests/EmptyLib/Check.hs    |   6 +-
 Cabal/tests/PackageTests/Haddock/Check.hs     |   8 +-
 Cabal/tests/PackageTests/OrderFlags/Check.hs  |   6 +-
 Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PackageTester.hs     | 102 +++++++++-------
 .../PathsModule/Executable/Check.hs           |   8 +-
 .../PackageTests/PathsModule/Library/Check.hs |   8 +-
 Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PreProcess/Check.hs  |   8 +-
 .../PreProcessExtraSources/Check.hs           |   8 +-
 .../PackageTests/ReexportedModules/Check.hs   |   8 +-
 .../PackageTests/TemplateHaskell/Check.hs     |  18 +--
 Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestOptions/Check.hs |  18 +--
 Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestStanza/Check.hs  |   6 +-
 .../PackageTests/TestSuiteExeV10/Check.hs     |  48 ++++----
 cabal-install/tests/PackageTests.hs           |   9 +-
 .../Distribution/Client/UserConfig.hs         |  10 +-
 31 files changed, 279 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests.hs
index 13e09b02d4..55dacf5c99 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import PackageTests.BuildDeps.TargetSpecificDeps1.Check
 import PackageTests.BuildDeps.TargetSpecificDeps2.Check
 import PackageTests.BuildDeps.TargetSpecificDeps3.Check
 import PackageTests.BuildTestSuiteDetailedV09.Check
-import PackageTests.PackageTester (PackageSpec(..), compileSetup)
+import PackageTests.PackageTester (PackageSpec(..), SuiteConfig(..), compileSetup)
 import PackageTests.PathsModule.Executable.Check
 import PackageTests.PathsModule.Library.Check
 import PackageTests.PreProcess.Check
@@ -38,29 +38,31 @@ import PackageTests.OrderFlags.Check
 import PackageTests.ReexportedModules.Check
 import Distribution.Simple.Configure
-    ( ConfigStateFileError(..), getConfigStateFile )
+    ( ConfigStateFileError(..), findDistPrefOrDefault, getConfigStateFile )
 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (LocalBuildInfo(..))
 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types (programPath)
 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin
     ( ghcProgram, ghcPkgProgram, haddockProgram )
 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db (requireProgram)
+import Distribution.Simple.Setup (Flag(..))
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (cabalVersion)
 import Distribution.Text (display)
 import Distribution.Verbosity (normal)
 import Distribution.Version (Version(Version))
 import Control.Exception (try, throw)
+import Distribution.Compat.Environment ( setEnv )
 import System.Directory
-    ( getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory )
+    ( canonicalizePath, setCurrentDirectory )
 import System.FilePath ((</>))
 import Test.Tasty
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-tests :: Version -> PackageSpec -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [TestTree]
-tests version inplaceSpec ghcPath ghcPkgPath =
+tests :: SuiteConfig -> Version -> [TestTree]
+tests config version =
     [ testCase "BuildDeps/SameDepsAllRound"
-      (PackageTests.BuildDeps.SameDepsAllRound.Check.suite ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.BuildDeps.SameDepsAllRound.Check.suite config)
       -- The two following tests were disabled by Johan Tibell as
       -- they have been failing for a long time:
       -- , testCase "BuildDeps/GlobalBuildDepsNotAdditive1/"
@@ -68,91 +70,98 @@ tests version inplaceSpec ghcPath ghcPkgPath =
       -- , testCase "BuildDeps/GlobalBuildDepsNotAdditive2/"
       --   (PackageTests.BuildDeps.GlobalBuildDepsNotAdditive2.Check.suite ghcPath)
     , testCase "BuildDeps/InternalLibrary0"
-      (PackageTests.BuildDeps.InternalLibrary0.Check.suite version ghcPath)
-    , testCase "PreProcess" (PackageTests.PreProcess.Check.suite ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.BuildDeps.InternalLibrary0.Check.suite config version)
+    , testCase "PreProcess" (PackageTests.PreProcess.Check.suite config)
     , testCase "PreProcessExtraSources"
-      (PackageTests.PreProcessExtraSources.Check.suite ghcPath)
-    , testCase "TestStanza" (PackageTests.TestStanza.Check.suite ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.PreProcessExtraSources.Check.suite config)
+    , testCase "TestStanza" (PackageTests.TestStanza.Check.suite config)
       -- ^ The Test stanza test will eventually be required
       -- only for higher versions.
-    , testGroup "TestSuiteExeV10" (PackageTests.TestSuiteExeV10.Check.checks ghcPath)
-    , testCase "TestOptions" (PackageTests.TestOptions.Check.suite ghcPath)
-    , testCase "BenchmarkStanza" (PackageTests.BenchmarkStanza.Check.suite ghcPath)
+    , testGroup "TestSuiteExeV10" (PackageTests.TestSuiteExeV10.Check.checks config)
+    , testCase "TestOptions" (PackageTests.TestOptions.Check.suite config)
+    , testCase "BenchmarkStanza" (PackageTests.BenchmarkStanza.Check.suite config)
       -- ^ The benchmark stanza test will eventually be required
       -- only for higher versions.
     , testCase "BenchmarkExeV10/Test"
-      (PackageTests.BenchmarkExeV10.Check.checkBenchmark ghcPath)
-    , testCase "BenchmarkOptions" (PackageTests.BenchmarkOptions.Check.suite ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.BenchmarkExeV10.Check.checkBenchmark config)
+    , testCase "BenchmarkOptions" (PackageTests.BenchmarkOptions.Check.suite config)
     , testCase "TemplateHaskell/vanilla"
-      (PackageTests.TemplateHaskell.Check.vanilla ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.TemplateHaskell.Check.vanilla config)
     , testCase "TemplateHaskell/profiling"
-      (PackageTests.TemplateHaskell.Check.profiling ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.TemplateHaskell.Check.profiling config)
     , testCase "PathsModule/Executable"
-      (PackageTests.PathsModule.Executable.Check.suite ghcPath)
-    , testCase "PathsModule/Library" (PackageTests.PathsModule.Library.Check.suite ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.PathsModule.Executable.Check.suite config)
+    , testCase "PathsModule/Library"
+      (PackageTests.PathsModule.Library.Check.suite config)
     , testCase "DeterministicAr"
-        (PackageTests.DeterministicAr.Check.suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath)
+      (PackageTests.DeterministicAr.Check.suite config)
     , testCase "EmptyLib/emptyLib"
-      (PackageTests.EmptyLib.Check.emptyLib ghcPath)
-    , testCase "Haddock" (PackageTests.Haddock.Check.suite ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.EmptyLib.Check.emptyLib config)
+    , testCase "Haddock" (PackageTests.Haddock.Check.suite config)
     , testCase "BuildTestSuiteDetailedV09"
-      (PackageTests.BuildTestSuiteDetailedV09.Check.suite inplaceSpec ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.BuildTestSuiteDetailedV09.Check.suite config)
     , testCase "OrderFlags"
-      (PackageTests.OrderFlags.Check.suite ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.OrderFlags.Check.suite config)
     , testCase "TemplateHaskell/dynamic"
-      (PackageTests.TemplateHaskell.Check.dynamic ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.TemplateHaskell.Check.dynamic config)
     , testCase "ReexportedModules"
-      (PackageTests.ReexportedModules.Check.suite ghcPath)
+      (PackageTests.ReexportedModules.Check.suite config)
     ] ++
     -- These tests are only required to pass on cabal version >= 1.7
     (if version >= Version [1, 7] []
      then [ testCase "BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps1"
-            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.TargetSpecificDeps1.Check.suite ghcPath)
+            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.TargetSpecificDeps1.Check.suite config)
           , testCase "BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps2"
-            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.TargetSpecificDeps2.Check.suite ghcPath)
+            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.TargetSpecificDeps2.Check.suite config)
           , testCase "BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps3"
-            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.TargetSpecificDeps3.Check.suite ghcPath)
+            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.TargetSpecificDeps3.Check.suite config)
           , testCase "BuildDeps/InternalLibrary1"
-            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.InternalLibrary1.Check.suite ghcPath)
+            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.InternalLibrary1.Check.suite config)
           , testCase "BuildDeps/InternalLibrary2"
-            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.InternalLibrary2.Check.suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath)
+            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.InternalLibrary2.Check.suite config)
           , testCase "BuildDeps/InternalLibrary3"
-            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.InternalLibrary3.Check.suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath)
+            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.InternalLibrary3.Check.suite config)
           , testCase "BuildDeps/InternalLibrary4"
-            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.InternalLibrary4.Check.suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath)
+            (PackageTests.BuildDeps.InternalLibrary4.Check.suite config)
           , testCase "PackageTests/CMain"
-            (PackageTests.CMain.Check.checkBuild ghcPath)
+            (PackageTests.CMain.Check.checkBuild config)
      else [])
 main :: IO ()
 main = do
-    wd <- getCurrentDirectory
-    let dbFile = wd </> "dist/package.conf.inplace"
-        inplaceSpec = PackageSpec
-            { directory = []
-            , configOpts = [ "--package-db=" ++ dbFile
-                           , "--constraint=Cabal == " ++ display cabalVersion
-                           ]
-            , distPref = Nothing
-            }
-    putStrLn $ "Cabal test suite - testing cabal version " ++
-        display cabalVersion
-    lbi <- getPersistBuildConfig_ ("dist" </> "setup-config")
+    -- Find the builddir used to build Cabal
+    distPref_ <- findDistPrefOrDefault NoFlag >>= canonicalizePath
+    -- Use the default builddir for all of the subsequent package tests
+    setEnv "CABAL_BUILDDIR" "dist"
+    lbi <- getPersistBuildConfig_ (distPref_ </> "setup-config")
     (ghc, _) <- requireProgram normal ghcProgram (withPrograms lbi)
     (ghcPkg, _) <- requireProgram normal ghcPkgProgram (withPrograms lbi)
     (haddock, _) <- requireProgram normal haddockProgram (withPrograms lbi)
-    let ghcPath = programPath ghc
-        ghcPkgPath = programPath ghcPkg
-        haddockPath = programPath haddock
-    putStrLn $ "Using ghc: " ++ ghcPath
-    putStrLn $ "Using ghc-pkg: " ++ ghcPkgPath
+    let haddockPath = programPath haddock
+        dbFile = distPref_ </> "package.conf.inplace"
+        config = SuiteConfig
+                 { cabalDistPref = distPref_
+                 , ghcPath = programPath ghc
+                 , ghcPkgPath = programPath ghcPkg
+                 , inplaceSpec = PackageSpec
+                   { directory = []
+                   , configOpts =
+                     [ "--package-db=" ++ dbFile
+                     , "--constraint=Cabal == " ++ display cabalVersion
+                     ]
+                   , distPref = Nothing
+                   }
+                 }
+    putStrLn $ "Cabal test suite - testing cabal version " ++ display cabalVersion
+    putStrLn $ "Using ghc: " ++ ghcPath config
+    putStrLn $ "Using ghc-pkg: " ++ ghcPkgPath config
     putStrLn $ "Using haddock: " ++ haddockPath
     setCurrentDirectory "tests"
     -- Create a shared Setup executable to speed up Simple tests
-    compileSetup "." ghcPath
+    compileSetup config "."
     defaultMain $ testGroup "Package Tests"
-      (tests cabalVersion inplaceSpec ghcPath ghcPkgPath)
+      (tests config cabalVersion)
 -- Like Distribution.Simple.Configure.getPersistBuildConfig but
 -- doesn't check that the Cabal version matches, which it doesn't when
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkExeV10/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkExeV10/Check.hs
index 6316f972bd..83b123bed6 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkExeV10/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkExeV10/Check.hs
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import Test.Tasty.HUnit
 dir :: FilePath
 dir = "PackageTests" </> "BenchmarkExeV10"
-checkBenchmark :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkBenchmark ghcPath = do
+checkBenchmark :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+checkBenchmark config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec dir Nothing ["--enable-benchmarks"]
-    buildResult <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    buildResult <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded buildResult
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkOptions/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkOptions/Check.hs
index 41f363c8de..54396c1812 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkOptions/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkOptions/Check.hs
@@ -4,23 +4,23 @@ import PackageTests.PackageTester
 import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "BenchmarkOptions"
             , configOpts = ["--enable-benchmarks"]
             , distPref = Nothing
-    _ <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
-    result <- cabal_bench spec ["--benchmark-options=1 2 3"] ghcPath
+    _ <- cabal_build config spec
+    result <- cabal_bench config spec ["--benchmark-options=1 2 3"]
     let message = "\"cabal bench\" did not pass the correct options to the "
                   ++ "benchmark executable with \"--benchmark-options\""
     assertEqual message True $ successful result
-    result' <- cabal_bench spec [ "--benchmark-option=1"
-                                , "--benchmark-option=2"
-                                , "--benchmark-option=3"
-                                ]
-               ghcPath
+    result' <- cabal_bench config spec
+               [ "--benchmark-option=1"
+               , "--benchmark-option=2"
+               , "--benchmark-option=3"
+               ]
     let message' = "\"cabal bench\" did not pass the correct options to the "
                    ++ "benchmark executable with \"--benchmark-option\""
     assertEqual message' True $ successful result'
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkStanza/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkStanza/Check.hs
index 5ffdb4083c..c9088c5245 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkStanza/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BenchmarkStanza/Check.hs
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ import Distribution.Compiler
         ( CompilerId(..), CompilerFlavor(..), unknownCompilerInfo, AbiTag(..) )
 import Distribution.Text
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let dir = "PackageTests" </> "BenchmarkStanza"
         pdFile = dir </> "my" <.> "cabal"
         spec = PackageSpec { directory = dir, configOpts = [], distPref = Nothing }
-    result <- cabal_configure spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_configure config spec
     assertOutputDoesNotContain "unknown section type" result
     genPD <- readPackageDescription silent pdFile
     let compiler = unknownCompilerInfo (CompilerId GHC $ Version [6, 12, 2] []) NoAbiTag
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary0/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary0/Check.hs
index 910ef703d5..e7ef5de96a 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary0/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary0/Check.hs
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-suite :: Version -> FilePath -> Assertion
-suite cabalVersion ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Version  -> Assertion
+suite config cabalVersion = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "BuildDeps" </> "InternalLibrary0"
             , configOpts = []
             , distPref = Nothing
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildFailed result
     when (cabalVersion >= Version [1, 7] []) $ do
         let sb = "library which is defined within the same package."
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary1/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary1/Check.hs
index a7d0c47d0c..5e0f9f3ba0 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary1/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary1/Check.hs
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "BuildDeps" </> "InternalLibrary1"
             , configOpts = []
             , distPref = Nothing
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded result
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary2/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary2/Check.hs
index dae1c884f7..b35882685f 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary2/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary2/Check.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-suite :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "BuildDeps" </> "InternalLibrary2"
             , configOpts = []
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath = do
             , distPref = Nothing
-    unregister "InternalLibrary2" ghcPkgPath
-    iResult <- cabal_install specTI ghcPath
+    unregister config "InternalLibrary2"
+    iResult <- cabal_install config specTI
     assertInstallSucceeded iResult
-    bResult <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    bResult <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded bResult
-    unregister "InternalLibrary2" ghcPkgPath
+    unregister config "InternalLibrary2"
     (_, _, output) <- run (Just $ directory spec) (directory spec </> "dist" </> "build" </> "lemon" </> "lemon") [] []
     C.appendFile (directory spec </> "test-log.txt") (C.pack $ "\ndist/build/lemon/lemon\n"++output)
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary3/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary3/Check.hs
index d39160bc9c..9edfa55cbc 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary3/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary3/Check.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-suite :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "BuildDeps" </> "InternalLibrary3"
             , configOpts = []
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath = do
             , distPref = Nothing
-    unregister "InternalLibrary3" ghcPkgPath
-    iResult <- cabal_install specTI ghcPath
+    unregister config "InternalLibrary3"
+    iResult <- cabal_install config specTI
     assertInstallSucceeded iResult
-    bResult <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    bResult <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded bResult
-    unregister "InternalLibrary3"ghcPkgPath
+    unregister config "InternalLibrary3"
     (_, _, output) <- run (Just $ directory spec) (directory spec </> "dist" </> "build" </> "lemon" </> "lemon") [] []
     C.appendFile (directory spec </> "test-log.txt") (C.pack $ "\ndist/build/lemon/lemon\n"++output)
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary4/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary4/Check.hs
index 7a890e6a01..6ccc0a9e04 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary4/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/InternalLibrary4/Check.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-suite :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "BuildDeps" </> "InternalLibrary4"
             , configOpts = []
@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath = do
             , distPref = Nothing
-    unregister "InternalLibrary4" ghcPkgPath
-    iResult <- cabal_install specTI ghcPath
+    unregister config "InternalLibrary4"
+    iResult <- cabal_install config specTI
     assertInstallSucceeded iResult
-    bResult <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    bResult <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded bResult
-    unregister "InternalLibrary4" ghcPkgPath
+    unregister config "InternalLibrary4"
     (_, _, output) <- run (Just $ directory spec) (directory spec </> "dist" </> "build" </> "lemon" </> "lemon") [] []
     C.appendFile (directory spec </> "test-log.txt") (C.pack $ "\ndist/build/lemon/lemon\n"++output)
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/SameDepsAllRound/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/SameDepsAllRound/Check.hs
index adc3cdf647..80d4d34076 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/SameDepsAllRound/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/SameDepsAllRound/Check.hs
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ import System.FilePath
 import qualified Control.Exception as E
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "BuildDeps" </> "SameDepsAllRound"
             , configOpts = []
             , distPref = Nothing
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
         assertEqual "cabal build should succeed - see test-log.txt" True (successful result)
       `E.catch` \exc -> do
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps1/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps1/Check.hs
index 454cdd37ac..e10fbd5d1b 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps1/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps1/Check.hs
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ import qualified Control.Exception as E
 import Text.Regex.Posix
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "BuildDeps" </> "TargetSpecificDeps1"
             , configOpts = []
             , distPref = Nothing
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
         assertEqual "cabal build should fail - see test-log.txt" False (successful result)
         assertBool "error should be in MyLibrary.hs" $
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps2/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps2/Check.hs
index c6adc1f5b9..55513ba9fb 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps2/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps2/Check.hs
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ import System.FilePath
 import qualified Control.Exception as E
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "BuildDeps" </> "TargetSpecificDeps2"
             , configOpts = []
             , distPref = Nothing
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
         assertEqual "cabal build should succeed - see test-log.txt" True (successful result)
       `E.catch` \exc -> do
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps3/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps3/Check.hs
index 6b4b91dd4c..2beecbefca 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps3/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildDeps/TargetSpecificDeps3/Check.hs
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ import qualified Control.Exception as E
 import Text.Regex.Posix
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "BuildDeps" </> "TargetSpecificDeps3"
             , configOpts = []
             , distPref = Nothing
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
         assertEqual "cabal build should fail - see test-log.txt" False (successful result)
         assertBool "error should be in lemon.hs" $
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildTestSuiteDetailedV09/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildTestSuiteDetailedV09/Check.hs
index d7a75b20c4..17c16edaac 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildTestSuiteDetailedV09/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/BuildTestSuiteDetailedV09/Check.hs
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ import System.FilePath ((</>))
 import PackageTests.PackageTester
-suite :: PackageSpec -> FilePath -> Assertion
-suite inplaceSpec ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let dir = "PackageTests" </> "BuildTestSuiteDetailedV09"
-        spec = inplaceSpec
+        spec = (inplaceSpec config)
             { directory = dir
-            , configOpts = "--enable-tests" : configOpts inplaceSpec
+            , configOpts = "--enable-tests" : configOpts (inplaceSpec config)
-    confResult <- cabal_configure spec ghcPath
+    confResult <- cabal_configure config spec
     assertConfigureSucceeded confResult
-    buildResult <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    buildResult <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded buildResult
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/CMain/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/CMain/Check.hs
index 4f3c0d95da..c1c46d4686 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/CMain/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/CMain/Check.hs
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ import PackageTests.PackageTester
 dir :: FilePath
 dir = "PackageTests" </> "CMain"
-checkBuild :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkBuild ghcPath = do
+checkBuild :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+checkBuild config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = dir
             , distPref = Nothing
             , configOpts = []
-    buildResult <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    buildResult <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded buildResult
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/DeterministicAr/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/DeterministicAr/Check.hs
index df231836f3..891aa350ae 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/DeterministicAr/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/DeterministicAr/Check.hs
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo (LocalBuildInfo, compiler, pkgKey)
 assertFailure' :: String -> IO a
 assertFailure' msg = assertFailure msg >> return {-unpossible!-}undefined
-ghcPkg_field :: String -> String -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
-ghcPkg_field libraryName fieldName ghcPkgPath = do
-    (cmd, exitCode, raw) <- run Nothing ghcPkgPath []
+ghcPkg_field :: SuiteConfig -> String -> String -> IO [FilePath]
+ghcPkg_field config libraryName fieldName = do
+    (cmd, exitCode, raw) <- run Nothing (ghcPkgPath config) []
         ["--user", "field", libraryName, fieldName]
     let output = filter ('\r' /=) raw -- Windows
     -- copypasta of PackageTester.requireSuccess
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ ghcPkg_field libraryName fieldName ghcPkgPath = do
             ++ show prefix ++ " prefix on every line.\noutput: " ++ output
         Just fields -> return fields
-ghcPkg_field1 :: String -> String -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
-ghcPkg_field1 libraryName fieldName ghcPkgPath = do
-    fields <- ghcPkg_field libraryName fieldName ghcPkgPath
+ghcPkg_field1 :: SuiteConfig -> String -> String -> IO FilePath
+ghcPkg_field1 config libraryName fieldName = do
+    fields <- ghcPkg_field config libraryName fieldName
     case fields of
         [field] -> return field
         _ -> assertFailure' $ "Command ghc-pkg field failed: "
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ ghcPkg_field1 libraryName fieldName ghcPkgPath = do
 this :: String
 this = "DeterministicAr"
-suite :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let dir = "PackageTests" </> this
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = dir
@@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ suite ghcPath ghcPkgPath = do
             , distPref = Nothing
-    unregister this ghcPkgPath
-    iResult <- cabal_install spec ghcPath
+    unregister config this
+    iResult <- cabal_install config spec
     assertInstallSucceeded iResult
     let distBuild = dir </> "dist" </> "build"
-    libdir <- ghcPkg_field1 this "library-dirs" ghcPkgPath
+    libdir <- ghcPkg_field1 config this "library-dirs"
     lbi    <- getPersistBuildConfig (dir </> "dist")
     mapM_ (checkMetadata lbi) [distBuild, libdir]
-    unregister this ghcPkgPath
+    unregister config this
 -- Almost a copypasta of Distribution.Simple.Program.Ar.wipeMetadata
 checkMetadata :: LocalBuildInfo -> FilePath -> Assertion
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/EmptyLib/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/EmptyLib/Check.hs
index 68d35f17cb..aa4b9307bc 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/EmptyLib/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/EmptyLib/Check.hs
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
 -- See
-emptyLib :: FilePath -> Assertion
-emptyLib ghcPath = do
+emptyLib :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+emptyLib config = do
    let spec = PackageSpec
           { directory = "PackageTests" </> "EmptyLib" </> "empty"
           , configOpts = []
           , distPref = Nothing
-   result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+   result <- cabal_build config spec
    assertBuildSucceeded result
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/Haddock/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/Haddock/Check.hs
index 720ec35d3c..5064936cd7 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/Haddock/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/Haddock/Check.hs
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, assertFailure)
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (withFileContents)
 import PackageTests.PackageTester
-    (PackageSpec(..), assertHaddockSucceeded, cabal_haddock)
+    (PackageSpec(..), SuiteConfig, assertHaddockSucceeded, cabal_haddock)
 this :: String
 this = "Haddock"
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let dir = "PackageTests" </> this
         haddocksDir = dir </> "dist" </> "doc" </> "html" </> "Haddock"
         spec = PackageSpec
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ suite ghcPath = do
     haddocksDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist haddocksDir
     when haddocksDirExists (removeDirectoryRecursive haddocksDir)
-    hResult <- cabal_haddock spec [] ghcPath
+    hResult <- cabal_haddock config spec []
     assertHaddockSucceeded hResult
     let docFiles = map (haddocksDir </>)
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/OrderFlags/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/OrderFlags/Check.hs
index fac126a116..a90d374508 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/OrderFlags/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/OrderFlags/Check.hs
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ import Control.Exception
 import Prelude hiding (catch)
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "OrderFlags"
             , configOpts = []
             , distPref = Nothing
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
         assertEqual "cabal build should succeed - see test-log.txt" True (successful result)
       `catch` \exc -> do
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PackageTester.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PackageTester.hs
index b2531893ab..17be641e23 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PackageTester.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PackageTester.hs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 -- the verbosity of the output generated by this module.
 module PackageTests.PackageTester
     ( PackageSpec(..)
+    , SuiteConfig(..)
     , Success(..)
     , Result(..)
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ import Control.Monad
 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
 import Data.List
 import Data.Maybe
-import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, doesFileExist, getCurrentDirectory)
+import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, doesFileExist)
 import System.Environment (getEnv)
 import System.Exit (ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
 import System.FilePath
@@ -56,6 +57,13 @@ data PackageSpec = PackageSpec
     , configOpts :: [String]
+data SuiteConfig = SuiteConfig
+    { ghcPath :: FilePath
+    , ghcPkgPath :: FilePath
+    , cabalDistPref :: FilePath
+    , inplaceSpec :: PackageSpec
+    }
 data Success = Failure
              | ConfigureSuccess
              | BuildSuccess
@@ -87,109 +95,113 @@ recordRun (cmd, exitCode, exeOutput) thisSucc res =
             cmd ++ "\n" ++ exeOutput
-cabal_configure :: PackageSpec -> FilePath -> IO Result
-cabal_configure spec ghcPath = do
-    res <- doCabalConfigure spec ghcPath
+cabal_configure :: SuiteConfig -> PackageSpec -> IO Result
+cabal_configure config spec = do
+    res <- doCabalConfigure config spec
     record spec res
     return res
-doCabalConfigure :: PackageSpec -> FilePath -> IO Result
-doCabalConfigure spec ghcPath = do
-    cleanResult@(_, _, _) <- cabal spec [] ["clean"] ghcPath
+doCabalConfigure :: SuiteConfig -> PackageSpec -> IO Result
+doCabalConfigure config spec = do
+    cleanResult@(_, _, _) <- cabal config spec [] ["clean"]
     requireSuccess cleanResult
-    res <- cabal spec []
-           (["configure", "--user", "-w", ghcPath] ++ configOpts spec)
-           ghcPath
+    res <- cabal config spec []
+           (["configure", "--user", "-w", ghcPath config] ++ configOpts spec)
     return $ recordRun res ConfigureSuccess nullResult
-doCabalBuild :: PackageSpec -> FilePath -> IO Result
-doCabalBuild spec ghcPath = do
-    configResult <- doCabalConfigure spec ghcPath
+doCabalBuild :: SuiteConfig -> PackageSpec -> IO Result
+doCabalBuild config spec = do
+    configResult <- doCabalConfigure config spec
     if successful configResult
         then do
-            res <- cabal spec [] ["build", "-v"] ghcPath
+            res <- cabal config spec [] ["build", "-v"]
             return $ recordRun res BuildSuccess configResult
             return configResult
-cabal_build :: PackageSpec -> FilePath -> IO Result
-cabal_build spec ghcPath = do
-    res <- doCabalBuild spec ghcPath
+cabal_build :: SuiteConfig -> PackageSpec -> IO Result
+cabal_build config spec = do
+    res <- doCabalBuild config spec
     record spec res
     return res
-cabal_haddock :: PackageSpec -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO Result
-cabal_haddock spec extraArgs ghcPath = do
-    res <- doCabalHaddock spec extraArgs ghcPath
+cabal_haddock :: SuiteConfig -> PackageSpec -> [String] -> IO Result
+cabal_haddock config spec extraArgs = do
+    res <- doCabalHaddock config spec extraArgs
     record spec res
     return res
-doCabalHaddock :: PackageSpec -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO Result
-doCabalHaddock spec extraArgs ghcPath = do
-    configResult <- doCabalConfigure spec ghcPath
+doCabalHaddock :: SuiteConfig -> PackageSpec -> [String] -> IO Result
+doCabalHaddock config spec extraArgs = do
+    configResult <- doCabalConfigure config spec
     if successful configResult
         then do
-            res <- cabal spec [] ("haddock" : extraArgs) ghcPath
+            res <- cabal config spec [] ("haddock" : extraArgs)
             return $ recordRun res HaddockSuccess configResult
             return configResult
-unregister :: String -> FilePath -> IO ()
-unregister libraryName ghcPkgPath = do
-    res@(_, _, output) <- run Nothing ghcPkgPath [] ["unregister", "--user", libraryName]
+unregister :: SuiteConfig -> String -> IO ()
+unregister config libraryName = do
+    res@(_, _, output) <- run Nothing (ghcPkgPath config) []
+                          ["unregister", "--user", libraryName]
     if "cannot find package" `isInfixOf` output
         then return ()
         else requireSuccess res
 -- | Install this library in the user area
-cabal_install :: PackageSpec -> FilePath -> IO Result
-cabal_install spec ghcPath = do
-    buildResult <- doCabalBuild spec ghcPath
+cabal_install :: SuiteConfig -> PackageSpec -> IO Result
+cabal_install config spec = do
+    buildResult <- doCabalBuild config spec
     res <- if successful buildResult
         then do
-            res <- cabal spec [] ["install"] ghcPath
+            res <- cabal config spec [] ["install"]
             return $ recordRun res InstallSuccess buildResult
             return buildResult
     record spec res
     return res
-cabal_test :: PackageSpec -> [(String, Maybe String)] -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO Result
-cabal_test spec envOverrides extraArgs ghcPath = do
-    res <- cabal spec envOverrides ("test" : extraArgs) ghcPath
+cabal_test :: SuiteConfig -> PackageSpec -> [(String, Maybe String)]
+           -> [String] -> IO Result
+cabal_test config spec envOverrides extraArgs = do
+    res <- cabal config spec envOverrides ("test" : extraArgs)
     let r = recordRun res TestSuccess nullResult
     record spec r
     return r
-cabal_bench :: PackageSpec -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO Result
-cabal_bench spec extraArgs ghcPath = do
-    res <- cabal spec [] ("bench" : extraArgs) ghcPath
+cabal_bench :: SuiteConfig -> PackageSpec -> [String] -> IO Result
+cabal_bench config spec extraArgs = do
+    res <- cabal config spec [] ("bench" : extraArgs)
     let r = recordRun res BenchSuccess nullResult
     record spec r
     return r
-compileSetup :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
-compileSetup packageDir ghcPath = do
-    wd <- getCurrentDirectory
-    r <- run (Just $ packageDir) ghcPath []
+compileSetup :: SuiteConfig -> FilePath -> IO ()
+compileSetup config packageDir = do
+    r <- run (Just $ packageDir) (ghcPath config) []
          [ "--make"
 -- HPC causes trouble -- see #1012
 --       , "-fhpc"
-         , "-package-conf " ++ wd </> "../dist/package.conf.inplace"
+         , "-package-conf " ++ (cabalDistPref config) </> "package.conf.inplace"
          , "Setup.hs"
     requireSuccess r
 -- | Returns the command that was issued, the return code, and the output text.
-cabal :: PackageSpec -> [(String, Maybe String)] -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO (String, ExitCode, String)
-cabal spec envOverrides cabalArgs_ ghcPath = do
+cabal :: SuiteConfig
+      -> PackageSpec
+      -> [(String, Maybe String)]  -- ^ environment variable overrides
+      -> [String]  -- ^ extra arguments
+      -> IO (String, ExitCode, String)
+cabal config spec envOverrides cabalArgs_ = do
     let cabalArgs = case distPref spec of
                        Nothing -> cabalArgs_
                        Just dist -> ("--builddir=" ++ dist) : cabalArgs_
     customSetup <- doesFileExist (directory spec </> "Setup.hs")
     if customSetup
         then do
-            compileSetup (directory spec) ghcPath
+            compileSetup config (directory spec)
             path <- canonicalizePath $ directory spec </> "Setup"
             run (Just $ directory spec) path envOverrides cabalArgs
         else do
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PathsModule/Executable/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PathsModule/Executable/Check.hs
index 79f1362c0e..4b8d7f27c7 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PathsModule/Executable/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PathsModule/Executable/Check.hs
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 module PackageTests.PathsModule.Executable.Check (suite) where
 import PackageTests.PackageTester
-    (PackageSpec(..), assertBuildSucceeded, cabal_build)
+    (PackageSpec(..), SuiteConfig, assertBuildSucceeded, cabal_build)
 import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "PathsModule" </> "Executable"
             , distPref = Nothing
             , configOpts = []
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded result
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PathsModule/Library/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PathsModule/Library/Check.hs
index 1218b2478d..30b2453019 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PathsModule/Library/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PathsModule/Library/Check.hs
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 module PackageTests.PathsModule.Library.Check (suite) where
 import PackageTests.PackageTester
-    (PackageSpec(..), assertBuildSucceeded, cabal_build)
+    (PackageSpec(..), SuiteConfig, assertBuildSucceeded, cabal_build)
 import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "PathsModule" </> "Library"
             , distPref = Nothing
             , configOpts = []
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded result
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PreProcess/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PreProcess/Check.hs
index 97facb4b29..0e5a6ae3eb 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PreProcess/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PreProcess/Check.hs
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 module PackageTests.PreProcess.Check (suite) where
 import PackageTests.PackageTester
-    (PackageSpec(..), assertBuildSucceeded, cabal_build)
+    (PackageSpec(..), SuiteConfig, assertBuildSucceeded, cabal_build)
 import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "PreProcess"
             , distPref = Nothing
             , configOpts = ["--enable-tests", "--enable-benchmarks"]
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded result
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PreProcessExtraSources/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PreProcessExtraSources/Check.hs
index d1b2cf1dce..9bede5d877 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PreProcessExtraSources/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/PreProcessExtraSources/Check.hs
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 module PackageTests.PreProcessExtraSources.Check (suite) where
 import PackageTests.PackageTester
-    (PackageSpec(..), assertBuildSucceeded, cabal_build)
+    (PackageSpec(..), SuiteConfig, assertBuildSucceeded, cabal_build)
 import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "PreProcessExtraSources"
             , distPref = Nothing
             , configOpts = ["--enable-tests", "--enable-benchmarks"]
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded result
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/ReexportedModules/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/ReexportedModules/Check.hs
index c24cf4ff4d..af2d8c168b 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/ReexportedModules/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/ReexportedModules/Check.hs
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ orFail err r = case find (all isSpace . snd) r of
 find' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
 find' = find
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     -- ToDo: Turn this into a utility function
-    (_, _, xs) <- run Nothing ghcPath [] ["--info"]
+    (_, _, xs) <- run Nothing (ghcPath config) [] ["--info"]
     let compat = (>= Version [7,9] [])
                . orFail "could not parse version"
                . readP_to_S parseVersion
@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ suite ghcPath = do
                 , configOpts = []
                 , distPref = Nothing
-        result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+        result <- cabal_build config spec
         assertBuildSucceeded result
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TemplateHaskell/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TemplateHaskell/Check.hs
index 531d6157af..1f61af038a 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TemplateHaskell/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TemplateHaskell/Check.hs
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ import PackageTests.PackageTester
 import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-vanilla :: FilePath -> Assertion
-vanilla ghcPath = do
+vanilla :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+vanilla config = do
   let spec = PackageSpec
           { directory = "PackageTests" </> "TemplateHaskell" </> "vanilla"
           , configOpts = []
           , distPref = Nothing
-  result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+  result <- cabal_build config spec
   assertBuildSucceeded result
-profiling :: FilePath -> Assertion
-profiling ghcPath = do
+profiling :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+profiling config = do
    let flags = ["--enable-library-profiling"
 --                ,"--disable-library-vanilla"
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ profiling ghcPath = do
           , configOpts = flags
           , distPref = Nothing
-   result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+   result <- cabal_build config spec
    assertBuildSucceeded result
-dynamic :: FilePath -> Assertion
-dynamic ghcPath = do
+dynamic :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+dynamic config = do
     let flags = ["--enable-shared"
 --                ,"--disable-library-vanilla"
@@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ dynamic ghcPath = do
             , configOpts = flags
             , distPref = Nothing
-    result <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded result
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestOptions/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestOptions/Check.hs
index d3a2721470..c0640f8ac1 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestOptions/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestOptions/Check.hs
@@ -4,23 +4,23 @@ import PackageTests.PackageTester
 import System.FilePath
 import Test.Tasty.HUnit
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = "PackageTests" </> "TestOptions"
             , configOpts = ["--enable-tests"]
             , distPref = Nothing
-    _ <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
-    result <- cabal_test spec [] ["--test-options=1 2 3"] ghcPath
+    _ <- cabal_build config spec
+    result <- cabal_test config spec [] ["--test-options=1 2 3"]
     let message = "\"cabal test\" did not pass the correct options to the "
                   ++ "test executable with \"--test-options\""
     assertEqual message True $ successful result
-    result' <- cabal_test spec [] [ "--test-option=1"
-                                  , "--test-option=2"
-                                  , "--test-option=3"
-                                  ]
-               ghcPath
+    result' <- cabal_test config spec []
+               [ "--test-option=1"
+               , "--test-option=2"
+               , "--test-option=3"
+               ]
     let message' = "\"cabal test\" did not pass the correct options to the "
                    ++ "test executable with \"--test-option\""
     assertEqual message' True $ successful result'
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestStanza/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestStanza/Check.hs
index e7877de1ff..70bada38f6 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestStanza/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestStanza/Check.hs
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import Distribution.Compiler
     ( CompilerId(..), CompilerFlavor(..), unknownCompilerInfo, AbiTag(..) )
 import Distribution.Text
-suite :: FilePath -> Assertion
-suite ghcPath = do
+suite :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+suite config = do
     let dir = "PackageTests" </> "TestStanza"
         pdFile = dir </> "my" <.> "cabal"
         spec = PackageSpec
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ suite ghcPath = do
             , configOpts = []
             , distPref = Nothing
-    result <- cabal_configure spec ghcPath
+    result <- cabal_configure config spec
     assertOutputDoesNotContain "unknown section type" result
     genPD <- readPackageDescription silent pdFile
     let compiler = unknownCompilerInfo (CompilerId GHC $ Version [6, 12, 2] []) NoAbiTag
diff --git a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestSuiteExeV10/Check.hs b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestSuiteExeV10/Check.hs
index 40fcfe9a09..a8e53e060f 100644
--- a/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestSuiteExeV10/Check.hs
+++ b/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestSuiteExeV10/Check.hs
@@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ import Distribution.Version (Version(..), orLaterVersion)
 import PackageTests.PackageTester
-checks :: FilePath -> [TestTree]
-checks ghcPath =
-    [ testCase "Test" $ checkTest ghcPath ]
-    ++ hpcTestMatrix ghcPath ++
-    [ testCase "TestNoHpc/NoTix" $ checkTestNoHpcNoTix ghcPath
-    , testCase "TestNoHpc/NoMarkup" $ checkTestNoHpcNoMarkup ghcPath
+checks :: SuiteConfig -> [TestTree]
+checks config =
+    [ testCase "Test" $ checkTest config ]
+    ++ hpcTestMatrix config ++
+    [ testCase "TestNoHpc/NoTix" $ checkTestNoHpcNoTix config
+    , testCase "TestNoHpc/NoMarkup" $ checkTestNoHpcNoMarkup config
-hpcTestMatrix :: FilePath -> [TestTree]
-hpcTestMatrix ghcPath = do
+hpcTestMatrix :: SuiteConfig -> [TestTree]
+hpcTestMatrix config = do
     libProf <- [True, False]
     exeProf <- [True, False]
     exeDyn <- [True, False]
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ hpcTestMatrix ghcPath = do
             , enable exeDyn "executable-dynamic"
             , enable shared "shared"
-    return $ testCase name $ checkTestWithHpc ghcPath name opts
+    return $ testCase name $ checkTestWithHpc config name opts
 dir :: FilePath
 dir = "PackageTests" </> "TestSuiteExeV10"
-checkTest :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkTest ghcPath = buildAndTest ghcPath "Default" [] []
+checkTest :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+checkTest config = buildAndTest config "Default" [] []
 shouldExist :: FilePath -> Assertion
 shouldExist path = doesFileExist path >>= assertBool (path ++ " should exist")
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ shouldNotExist path =
     doesFileExist path >>= assertBool (path ++ " should exist") . not
 -- | Ensure that both .tix file and markup are generated if coverage is enabled.
-checkTestWithHpc :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> Assertion
-checkTestWithHpc ghcPath name extraOpts = do
+checkTestWithHpc :: SuiteConfig -> String -> [String] -> Assertion
+checkTestWithHpc config name extraOpts = do
     isCorrectVersion <- correctHpcVersion
     when isCorrectVersion $ do
         let distPref' = dir </> "dist-" ++ name
-        buildAndTest ghcPath name [] ("--enable-coverage" : extraOpts)
+        buildAndTest config name [] ("--enable-coverage" : extraOpts)
         lbi <- getPersistBuildConfig distPref'
         let way = guessWay lbi
             CompilerId comp version = compilerId (compiler lbi)
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ checkTestWithHpc ghcPath name extraOpts = do
 -- | Ensures that even if -fhpc is manually provided no .tix file is output.
-checkTestNoHpcNoTix :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkTestNoHpcNoTix ghcPath = do
-    buildAndTest ghcPath "NoHpcNoTix" []
+checkTestNoHpcNoTix :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+checkTestNoHpcNoTix config = do
+    buildAndTest config "NoHpcNoTix" []
       [ "--ghc-option=-fhpc"
       , "--ghc-option=-hpcdir"
       , "--ghc-option=dist-NoHpcNoTix/hpc/vanilla" ]
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ checkTestNoHpcNoTix ghcPath = do
 -- | Ensures that even if a .tix file happens to be left around
 -- markup isn't generated.
-checkTestNoHpcNoMarkup :: FilePath -> Assertion
-checkTestNoHpcNoMarkup ghcPath = do
+checkTestNoHpcNoMarkup :: SuiteConfig -> Assertion
+checkTestNoHpcNoMarkup config = do
     let tixFile = tixFilePath "dist-NoHpcNoMarkup" Vanilla "test-Foo"
-    buildAndTest ghcPath "NoHpcNoMarkup"
+    buildAndTest config "NoHpcNoMarkup"
       [("HPCTIXFILE", Just tixFile)]
       [ "--ghc-option=-fhpc"
       , "--ghc-option=-hpcdir"
@@ -115,16 +115,16 @@ checkTestNoHpcNoMarkup ghcPath = do
 -- | Build and test a package and ensure that both were successful.
 -- The flag "--enable-tests" is provided in addition to the given flags.
-buildAndTest :: FilePath -> String -> [(String, Maybe String)] -> [String] -> IO ()
-buildAndTest ghcPath name envOverrides flags = do
+buildAndTest :: SuiteConfig -> String -> [(String, Maybe String)] -> [String] -> IO ()
+buildAndTest config name envOverrides flags = do
     let spec = PackageSpec
             { directory = dir
             , distPref = Just $ "dist-" ++ name
             , configOpts = "--enable-tests" : flags
-    buildResult <- cabal_build spec ghcPath
+    buildResult <- cabal_build config spec
     assertBuildSucceeded buildResult
-    testResult <- cabal_test spec envOverrides [] ghcPath
+    testResult <- cabal_test config spec envOverrides []
     assertTestSucceeded testResult
 -- | Checks for a suitable HPC version for testing.
diff --git a/cabal-install/tests/PackageTests.hs b/cabal-install/tests/PackageTests.hs
index f4d10ef0cf..481a2a7eee 100644
--- a/cabal-install/tests/PackageTests.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/tests/PackageTests.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Main
 -- Modules from Cabal.
+import Distribution.Simple.Configure (findDistPrefOrDefault)
 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin (ghcPkgProgram)
 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
         (defaultProgramDb, requireProgram, setProgramSearchPath)
@@ -14,11 +15,13 @@ import Distribution.Simple.Program.Find
         (ProgramSearchPathEntry(ProgramSearchPathDir), defaultProgramSearchPath)
 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
         ( Program(..), simpleProgram, programPath)
+import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( Flag(..) )
 import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( findProgramVersion )
 import Distribution.Verbosity (normal)
 -- Third party modules.
 import qualified Control.Exception.Extensible as E
+import Distribution.Compat.Environment ( setEnv )
 import System.Directory
         ( canonicalizePath, getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory
         , removeFile, doesFileExist )
@@ -53,7 +56,11 @@ cabalProgram = (simpleProgram "cabal") {
 main :: IO ()
 main = do
-    buildDir <- canonicalizePath "dist/build/cabal"
+    -- Find the builddir used to build Cabal
+    distPref <- findDistPrefOrDefault NoFlag
+    -- Use the default builddir for all of the subsequent package tests
+    setEnv "CABAL_BUILDDIR" "dist"
+    buildDir <- canonicalizePath (distPref </> "build/cabal")
     let programSearchPath = ProgramSearchPathDir buildDir : defaultProgramSearchPath
     (cabal, _) <- requireProgram normal cabalProgram
                       (setProgramSearchPath programSearchPath defaultProgramDb)
diff --git a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/UserConfig.hs b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/UserConfig.hs
index 8df77576c0..d0cf738724 100644
--- a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/UserConfig.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/UserConfig.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ tests = [ testCase "nullDiffOnCreate" nullDiffOnCreateTest
 nullDiffOnCreateTest :: Assertion
 nullDiffOnCreateTest = bracketTest . const $ do
     -- Create a new default config file in our test directory.
-    _ <- loadConfig silent mempty mempty
+    _ <- loadConfig silent mempty
     -- Now we read it in and compare it against the default.
     diff <- userConfigDiff mempty
     assertBool (unlines $ "Following diff should be empty:" : diff) $ null diff
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ nullDiffOnCreateTest = bracketTest . const $ do
 canDetectDifference :: Assertion
 canDetectDifference = bracketTest . const $ do
     -- Create a new default config file in our test directory.
-    _ <- loadConfig silent mempty mempty
+    _ <- loadConfig silent mempty
     cabalFile <- defaultConfigFile
     appendFile cabalFile "verbose: 0\n"
     diff <- userConfigDiff mempty
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ canUpdateConfig = bracketTest . const $ do
     -- Update the config file.
     userConfigUpdate silent mempty
     -- Load it again.
-    updated <- loadConfig silent mempty mempty
+    updated <- loadConfig silent mempty
     assertBool ("Field 'tests' should be True") $
         fromFlag (configTests $ savedConfigureFlags updated)
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ canUpdateConfig = bracketTest . const $ do
 doubleUpdateConfig :: Assertion
 doubleUpdateConfig = bracketTest . const $ do
     -- Create a new default config file in our test directory.
-    _ <- loadConfig silent mempty mempty
+    _ <- loadConfig silent mempty
     -- Update it.
     userConfigUpdate silent mempty
     userConfigUpdate silent mempty
     -- Load it again.
-    updated <- loadConfig silent mempty mempty
+    updated <- loadConfig silent mempty
     assertBool ("Field 'remote-repo' doesn't contain duplicates") $
         listUnique (map show . fromNubList . globalRemoteRepos $ savedGlobalFlags updated)