From 3e35a5219054ff63b215d3f6863ddd063627f77d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Vollmert <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2022 23:27:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add some unit tests for asyncFetchPackages

This primarily trigger concurrency bugs that are fixed in the
follow-up commits.
 cabal-install/cabal-install.cabal             |   1 +
 cabal-install/tests/UnitTests.hs              |   3 +
 .../Distribution/Client/FetchUtils.hs         | 209 ++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 213 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/FetchUtils.hs

diff --git a/cabal-install/cabal-install.cabal b/cabal-install/cabal-install.cabal
index e56d558ba4..c2edf81915 100644
--- a/cabal-install/cabal-install.cabal
+++ b/cabal-install/cabal-install.cabal
@@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ Test-Suite unit-tests
+      UnitTests.Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
diff --git a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests.hs b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests.hs
index c124fe50e0..c321f07eb3 100644
--- a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Test.Tasty
 import qualified UnitTests.Distribution.Client.BuildReport
 import qualified UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Configure
+import qualified UnitTests.Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
 import qualified UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Get
 import qualified UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Glob
 import qualified UnitTests.Distribution.Client.GZipUtils
@@ -33,6 +34,8 @@ main = do
     , testGroup "UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Configure"
+    , testGroup "UnitTests.Distribution.Client.FetchUtils"
+        UnitTests.Distribution.Client.FetchUtils.tests
     , testGroup "UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Get"
     , testGroup "UnitTests.Distribution.Client.Glob"
diff --git a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/FetchUtils.hs b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/FetchUtils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7ecd5f7ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/FetchUtils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
+  ( tests,
+  )
+import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
+import Control.Exception
+import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
+import Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
+import Distribution.Client.GlobalFlags (RepoContext (..))
+import Distribution.Client.HttpUtils (HttpCode, HttpTransport (..))
+import Distribution.Client.Types.PackageLocation (PackageLocation (..), ResolvedPkgLoc)
+import Distribution.Client.Types.Repo (Repo (..), emptyRemoteRepo)
+import Distribution.Client.Types.RepoName (RepoName (..))
+import Distribution.Types.PackageId (PackageIdentifier (..))
+import Distribution.Types.PackageName (mkPackageName)
+import qualified Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity
+import Distribution.Version (mkVersion)
+import Network.URI (URI, uriPath)
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import UnitTests.TempTestDir (withTestDir)
+tests :: [TestTree]
+tests =
+  [ testGroup
+      "asyncFetchPackages"
+      [ testCase "handles an empty package list" testEmpty,
+        testCase "passes an unpacked local package through" testPassLocalPackage,
+        testCase "handles http" testHttp,
+        testCase "aborts on interrupt in GET" $ testGetInterrupt,
+        testCase "aborts on other exception in GET" $ testGetException,
+        testCase "aborts on interrupt in GET (uncollected download)" $ testUncollectedInterrupt,
+        testCase "continues on other exception in GET (uncollected download)" $ testUncollectedException
+      ]
+  ]
+verbosity :: Verbosity.Verbosity
+verbosity = Verbosity.silent
+-- | An interval that we use to assert that something happens "immediately".
+-- Must be shorter than 'longSleep' to ensure those are interrupted.
+-- 1s would be a reasonable value, but failed tempfile cleanup on Windows CI
+-- takes ~1s.
+shortDelta :: NominalDiffTime
+shortDelta = 5 -- 5s
+longSleep :: IO ()
+longSleep = threadDelay 10000000 -- 10s
+testEmpty :: Assertion
+testEmpty = do
+  let repoCtxt = undefined
+      pkgLocs = []
+  res <- asyncFetchPackages verbosity repoCtxt pkgLocs $ \_ ->
+    return ()
+  res @?= ()
+testPassLocalPackage :: Assertion
+testPassLocalPackage = do
+  let repoCtxt = error "repoCtxt undefined"
+      loc = LocalUnpackedPackage "a"
+  res <- asyncFetchPackages verbosity repoCtxt [loc] $ \downloadMap ->
+    waitAsyncFetchPackage verbosity downloadMap loc
+  res @?= LocalUnpackedPackage "a"
+testHttp :: Assertion
+testHttp = withFakeRepoCtxt get200 $ \repoCtxt repo -> do
+  let pkgId = mkPkgId "foo"
+      loc = RepoTarballPackage repo pkgId Nothing
+  res <- asyncFetchPackages verbosity repoCtxt [loc] $ \downloadMap ->
+    waitAsyncFetchPackage verbosity downloadMap loc
+  case res of
+    RepoTarballPackage repo' pkgId' _ -> do
+      repo' @?= repo
+      pkgId' @?= pkgId
+    _ -> assertFailure $ "expected RepoTarballPackage, got " ++ show res
+  where
+    get200 = \_uri -> return 200
+testGetInterrupt :: Assertion
+testGetInterrupt = testGetAny UserInterrupt
+testGetException :: Assertion
+testGetException = testGetAny $ userError "some error"
+-- | Test that if a GET request fails with the given exception,
+-- we exit promptly. We queue two slow downloads after the failing
+-- download to cover a buggy scenario where
+-- 1. first download throws
+-- 2. second download is cancelled, but swallows AsyncCancelled
+-- 3. third download keeps running
+testGetAny :: Exception e => e -> Assertion
+testGetAny exc = withFakeRepoCtxt get $ \repoCtxt repo -> do
+  let loc pkgId = RepoTarballPackage repo pkgId Nothing
+      pkgLocs = [loc throws, loc slowA, loc slowB]
+  start <- getCurrentTime
+  res :: Either SomeException ResolvedPkgLoc <-
+    try $
+      asyncFetchPackages verbosity repoCtxt pkgLocs $ \downloadMap -> do
+        waitAsyncFetchPackage verbosity downloadMap (loc throws)
+  assertFaster start shortDelta
+  case res of
+    Left _ -> pure ()
+    Right _ -> assertFailure $ "expected an exception, got " ++ show res
+  where
+    throws = mkPkgId "throws"
+    slowA = mkPkgId "slowA"
+    slowB = mkPkgId "slowB"
+    get uri = case uriPath uri of
+      "package/throws-1.0.tar.gz" -> throwIO exc
+      "package/slowA-1.0.tar.gz" -> longSleep >> return 200
+      "package/slowB-1.0.tar.gz" -> longSleep >> return 200
+      _ -> assertFailure $ "unexpected URI: " ++ show uri
+-- | Test that when an undemanded download is interrupted (Ctrl-C),
+-- we still abort directly.
+testUncollectedInterrupt :: Assertion
+testUncollectedInterrupt = withFakeRepoCtxt get $ \repoCtxt repo -> do
+  let loc pkgId = RepoTarballPackage repo pkgId Nothing
+      pkgLocs = [loc throws, loc slowA, loc slowB]
+  start <- getCurrentTime
+  res :: Either SomeException ResolvedPkgLoc <-
+    try $
+      asyncFetchPackages verbosity repoCtxt pkgLocs $ \downloadMap -> do
+        waitAsyncFetchPackage verbosity downloadMap (loc slowA)
+  assertFaster start shortDelta
+  case res of
+    Left _ -> pure ()
+    Right _ -> assertFailure $ "expected an exception, got " ++ show res
+  where
+    throws = mkPkgId "throws"
+    slowA = mkPkgId "slowA"
+    slowB = mkPkgId "slowB"
+    get uri = case uriPath uri of
+      "package/throws-1.0.tar.gz" -> throwIO UserInterrupt
+      "package/slowA-1.0.tar.gz" -> longSleep >> return 200
+      "package/slowB-1.0.tar.gz" -> longSleep >> return 200
+      _ -> assertFailure $ "unexpected URI: " ++ show uri
+-- | Test that a download failure doesn't automatically abort things,
+-- e.g. if we don't collect the download. (In practice, we might collect
+-- the download and handle its exception.)
+testUncollectedException :: Assertion
+testUncollectedException = withFakeRepoCtxt get $ \repoCtxt repo -> do
+  let loc pkgId = RepoTarballPackage repo pkgId Nothing
+      pkgLocs = [loc throws, loc foo]
+  start <- getCurrentTime
+  res <- asyncFetchPackages verbosity repoCtxt pkgLocs $ \downloadMap -> do
+    waitAsyncFetchPackage verbosity downloadMap (loc foo)
+  assertFaster start shortDelta
+  case res of
+    RepoTarballPackage repo' pkgId' _ -> do
+      repo' @?= repo
+      pkgId' @?= foo
+    _ -> assertFailure $ "expected RepoTarballPackage, got " ++ show res
+  where
+    throws = mkPkgId "throws"
+    foo = mkPkgId "foo"
+    get uri = case uriPath uri of
+      "package/throws-1.0.tar.gz" -> throwIO $ userError "failed download"
+      "package/foo-1.0.tar.gz" -> return 200
+      _ -> assertFailure $ "unexpected URI: " ++ show uri
+assertFaster :: UTCTime -> NominalDiffTime -> Assertion
+assertFaster start delta = do
+  t <- getCurrentTime
+  assertBool ("took longer than " ++ show delta) (diffUTCTime t start < delta)
+mkPkgId :: String -> PackageIdentifier
+mkPkgId name = PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName name) (mkVersion [1, 0])
+-- | Provide a repo and a repo context with the given GET handler.
+withFakeRepoCtxt ::
+  (URI -> IO HttpCode) ->
+  (RepoContext -> Repo -> IO a) ->
+  IO a
+withFakeRepoCtxt handleGet action =
+  withTestDir verbosity "fake repo" $ \tmpDir ->
+    let repo =
+          RepoRemote
+            { repoRemote = emptyRemoteRepo $ RepoName "fake",
+              repoLocalDir = tmpDir
+            }
+        repoCtxt =
+          RepoContext
+            { repoContextRepos = [repo],
+              repoContextGetTransport = return httpTransport,
+              repoContextWithSecureRepo = \_ _ ->
+                error "fake repo ctxt: repoContextWithSecureRepo not implemented",
+              repoContextIgnoreExpiry = error "fake repo ctxt: repoContextIgnoreExpiry not implemented"
+            }
+     in action repoCtxt repo
+  where
+    httpTransport =
+      HttpTransport
+        { getHttp = \_verbosity uri _etag _filepath _headers -> do
+            code <- handleGet uri
+            return (code, Nothing),
+          postHttp = error "fake transport: postHttp not implemented",
+          postHttpFile = error "fake transport: postHttpFile not implemented",
+          putHttpFile = error "fake transport: putHttp not implemented",
+          transportSupportsHttps = error "fake transport: transportSupportsHttps not implemented",
+          transportManuallySelected = True
+        }