diff --git a/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/PackageDescription/FieldGrammar.hs b/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/PackageDescription/FieldGrammar.hs
index cf6f0536b041128a5aaa6499d754215e718661df..ea077bbee220ede9b9e4829f217a09c08b959c1e 100644
--- a/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/PackageDescription/FieldGrammar.hs
+++ b/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/PackageDescription/FieldGrammar.hs
@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ data TestSuiteStanza = TestSuiteStanza
     , _testStanzaMainIs     :: Maybe FilePath
     , _testStanzaTestModule :: Maybe ModuleName
     , _testStanzaBuildInfo  :: BuildInfo
+    , _testStanzaCodeGenerators :: [String]
 instance L.HasBuildInfo TestSuiteStanza where
@@ -289,6 +290,10 @@ testStanzaBuildInfo :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza BuildInfo
 testStanzaBuildInfo f s = fmap (\x -> s { _testStanzaBuildInfo = x }) (f (_testStanzaBuildInfo s))
 {-# INLINE testStanzaBuildInfo #-}
+testStanzaCodeGenerators :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [String]
+testStanzaCodeGenerators f s = fmap (\x -> s { _testStanzaCodeGenerators = x }) (f (_testStanzaCodeGenerators s))
+{-# INLINE testStanzaCodeGenerators #-}
     :: ( FieldGrammar c g, Applicative (g TestSuiteStanza), Applicative (g BuildInfo)
        , c (Identity ModuleName)
@@ -296,6 +301,7 @@ testSuiteFieldGrammar
        , c (List CommaFSep (Identity ExeDependency) ExeDependency)
        , c (List CommaFSep (Identity LegacyExeDependency) LegacyExeDependency)
        , c (List CommaFSep (Identity PkgconfigDependency) PkgconfigDependency)
+       , c (List CommaFSep Token String)
        , c (List CommaVCat (Identity Dependency) Dependency)
        , c (List CommaVCat (Identity Mixin) Mixin)
        , c (List FSep (MQuoted Extension) Extension)
@@ -315,23 +321,20 @@ testSuiteFieldGrammar = TestSuiteStanza
     <*> optionalFieldAla "main-is"     FilePathNT testStanzaMainIs
     <*> optionalField    "test-module"            testStanzaTestModule
     <*> blurFieldGrammar testStanzaBuildInfo buildInfoFieldGrammar
+    <*> monoidalFieldAla "code-generators"        (alaList'  CommaFSep Token)     testStanzaCodeGenerators
+          ^^^ availableSince CabalSpecV3_6 [] -- TODO 3_8
 validateTestSuite :: Position -> TestSuiteStanza -> ParseResult TestSuite
 validateTestSuite pos stanza = case _testStanzaTestType stanza of
-    Nothing -> return $
-        emptyTestSuite { testBuildInfo = _testStanzaBuildInfo stanza }
+    Nothing -> pure basicTestSuite
     Just tt@(TestTypeUnknown _ _) ->
-        pure emptyTestSuite
-            { testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported tt
-            , testBuildInfo = _testStanzaBuildInfo stanza
-            }
+        pure basicTestSuite
+            { testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported tt }
     Just tt | tt `notElem` knownTestTypes ->
-        pure emptyTestSuite
-            { testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported tt
-            , testBuildInfo = _testStanzaBuildInfo stanza
-            }
+        pure basicTestSuite
+            { testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported tt }
     Just tt@(TestTypeExe ver) -> case _testStanzaMainIs stanza of
         Nothing   -> do
@@ -340,22 +343,18 @@ validateTestSuite pos stanza = case _testStanzaTestType stanza of
         Just file -> do
             when (isJust (_testStanzaTestModule stanza)) $
                 parseWarning pos PWTExtraBenchmarkModule (extraField "test-module" tt)
-            pure emptyTestSuite
-                { testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 ver file
-                , testBuildInfo = _testStanzaBuildInfo stanza
-                }
+            pure basicTestSuite
+                { testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 ver file }
     Just tt@(TestTypeLib ver) -> case _testStanzaTestModule stanza of
          Nothing      -> do
-             parseFailure pos (missingField "test-module" tt)
-             pure emptyTestSuite
+            parseFailure pos (missingField "test-module" tt)
+            pure emptyTestSuite
          Just module_ -> do
             when (isJust (_testStanzaMainIs stanza)) $
                 parseWarning pos PWTExtraMainIs (extraField "main-is" tt)
-            pure emptyTestSuite
-                { testInterface = TestSuiteLibV09 ver module_
-                , testBuildInfo = _testStanzaBuildInfo stanza
-                }
+            pure basicTestSuite
+                { testInterface = TestSuiteLibV09 ver module_ }
     missingField name tt = "The '" ++ name ++ "' field is required for the "
@@ -363,6 +362,11 @@ validateTestSuite pos stanza = case _testStanzaTestType stanza of
     extraField   name tt = "The '" ++ name ++ "' field is not used for the '"
                         ++ prettyShow tt ++ "' test suite type."
+    basicTestSuite =
+             emptyTestSuite {
+                  testBuildInfo = _testStanzaBuildInfo stanza
+                , testCodeGenerators = _testStanzaCodeGenerators stanza
+             }
 unvalidateTestSuite :: TestSuite -> TestSuiteStanza
 unvalidateTestSuite t = TestSuiteStanza
@@ -370,6 +374,7 @@ unvalidateTestSuite t = TestSuiteStanza
     , _testStanzaMainIs     = ma
     , _testStanzaTestModule = mo
     , _testStanzaBuildInfo  = testBuildInfo t
+    , _testStanzaCodeGenerators = testCodeGenerators t
     (ty, ma, mo) = case testInterface t of
diff --git a/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/PackageDescription/Parsec.hs b/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/PackageDescription/Parsec.hs
index b4a8a6dae1d8b3ff8b0966ca07bda1e35a015349..5f19e740e75177c0d192843cf0e1c4d2c00e01dc 100644
--- a/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/PackageDescription/Parsec.hs
+++ b/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/PackageDescription/Parsec.hs
@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ instance FromBuildInfo ForeignLib where fromBuildInfo' n bi = set L.foreignLibNa
 instance FromBuildInfo Executable where fromBuildInfo' n bi = set L.exeName        n $ set L.buildInfo bi emptyExecutable
 instance FromBuildInfo TestSuiteStanza where
-    fromBuildInfo' _ bi = TestSuiteStanza Nothing Nothing Nothing bi
+    fromBuildInfo' _ bi = TestSuiteStanza Nothing Nothing Nothing bi []
 instance FromBuildInfo BenchmarkStanza where
     fromBuildInfo' _ bi = BenchmarkStanza Nothing Nothing Nothing bi
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ onAllBranches p = go mempty
 -- Post parsing checks
--- | Check that we 
+-- | Check that we
 -- * don't use undefined flags (very bad)
 -- * define flags which are unused (just bad)
diff --git a/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/Types/TestSuite.hs b/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/Types/TestSuite.hs
index 3eab5f81fd87d860fce0e9094a7064c6a2528989..b904f7709e5c0817707306a38d4f714153948718 100644
--- a/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/Types/TestSuite.hs
+++ b/Cabal-syntax/src/Distribution/Types/TestSuite.hs
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ import qualified Distribution.Types.BuildInfo.Lens as L
 data TestSuite = TestSuite {
         testName      :: UnqualComponentName,
         testInterface :: TestSuiteInterface,
-        testBuildInfo :: BuildInfo
+        testBuildInfo :: BuildInfo,
+        testCodeGenerators :: [String]
     deriving (Generic, Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, Data)
@@ -42,7 +43,8 @@ instance Monoid TestSuite where
     mempty = TestSuite {
         testName      = mempty,
         testInterface = mempty,
-        testBuildInfo = mempty
+        testBuildInfo = mempty,
+        testCodeGenerators = mempty
     mappend = (<>)
@@ -50,7 +52,8 @@ instance Semigroup TestSuite where
     a <> b = TestSuite {
         testName      = combine' testName,
         testInterface = combine  testInterface,
-        testBuildInfo = combine  testBuildInfo
+        testBuildInfo = combine  testBuildInfo,
+        testCodeGenerators = combine testCodeGenerators
         where combine  field = field a `mappend` field b
               combine' field = case ( unUnqualComponentName $ field a
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/Octree-0.5.expr b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/Octree-0.5.expr
index 30e676cff1125ae3c9c14fa88c45600800846e34..d754955f46d9dca807fd48aedba13bd1f87a853a 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/Octree-0.5.expr
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/Octree-0.5.expr
@@ -1,366 +1,393 @@
-  {condBenchmarks = [],
-   condExecutables = [],
-   condForeignLibs = [],
-   condLibrary = Just
-                   CondNode
-                     {condTreeComponents = [],
-                      condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "base")
-                                               (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 0]))
-                                                  (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [4, 7])))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "AC-Vector")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 3, 0]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "QuickCheck")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 4, 0]))
-                                               mainLibSet],
-                      condTreeData = Library
-                                       {exposedModules = [ModuleName "Data.Octree"],
-                                        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                         {asmOptions = [],
-                                                          asmSources = [],
-                                                          autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                          autogenModules = [],
-                                                          buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                          buildTools = [],
-                                                          buildable = True,
-                                                          cSources = [],
-                                                          ccOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmSources = [],
-                                                          cppOptions = [],
-                                                          customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                          cxxOptions = [],
-                                                          cxxSources = [],
-                                                          defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                          defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                          extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                          extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                          frameworks = [],
-                                                          hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                          includeDirs = [],
-                                                          includes = [],
-                                                          installIncludes = [],
-                                                          jsSources = [],
-                                                          ldOptions = [],
-                                                          mixins = [],
-                                                          oldExtensions = [EnableExtension
-                                                                             ScopedTypeVariables],
-                                                          options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          otherExtensions = [],
-                                                          otherLanguages = [],
-                                                          otherModules = [ModuleName
-                                                                            "Data.Octree.Internal"],
-                                                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "base")
-                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [4, 0]))
-                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [4, 7])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "AC-Vector")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [2, 3, 0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "QuickCheck")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [2, 4, 0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                          virtualModules = []},
-                                        libExposed = True,
-                                        libName = LMainLibName,
-                                        libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                        reexportedModules = [],
-                                        signatures = []}},
-   condSubLibraries = [],
-   condTestSuites = [_×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "test_Octree")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 0]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [4, 7])))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "AC-Vector")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 3, 0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "QuickCheck")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 4, 0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "base")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 0]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 7])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "AC-Vector")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [2,
-                                                                                              3,
-                                                                                              0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "QuickCheck")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [2,
-                                                                                              4,
-                                                                                              0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0])
-                                                              "tests/test_Octree.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}},
-                     _×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "readme")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 0]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [4, 7])))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "AC-Vector")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 3, 0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "QuickCheck")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 4, 0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "markdown-unlit")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                           ["-pgmL",
-                                                                            "markdown-unlit"]
-                                                                           [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "base")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 0]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 7])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "AC-Vector")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [2,
-                                                                                              3,
-                                                                                              0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "QuickCheck")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [2,
-                                                                                              4,
-                                                                                              0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "markdown-unlit")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "README.lhs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}}],
-   genPackageFlags = [],
-   gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
-   packageDescription = PackageDescription
-                          {author = "Michal J. Gajda",
-                           benchmarks = [],
-                           bugReports = "mailto:mjgajda@googlemail.com",
-                           buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
-                           category = "Data",
-                           copyright = "Copyright by Michal J. Gajda '2012",
-                           customFieldsPD = [],
-                           dataDir = ".",
-                           dataFiles = [],
-                           description = "Octree data structure is relatively shallow data structure for space partitioning.",
-                           executables = [],
-                           extraDocFiles = [],
-                           extraSrcFiles = [],
-                           extraTmpFiles = [],
-                           foreignLibs = [],
-                           homepage = "https://github.com/mgajda/octree",
-                           library = Nothing,
-                           licenseFiles = [SymbolicPath "LICENSE"],
-                           licenseRaw = Right BSD3,
-                           maintainer = "mjgajda@googlemail.com",
-                           package = PackageIdentifier
-                                       {pkgName = PackageName "Octree",
-                                        pkgVersion = mkVersion [0, 5]},
-                           pkgUrl = "http://hackage.haskell.org/package/octree",
-                           setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
-                           sourceRepos = [SourceRepo
-                                            {repoBranch = Nothing,
-                                             repoKind = RepoHead,
-                                             repoLocation = Just "git@github.com:mgajda/octree.git",
-                                             repoModule = Nothing,
-                                             repoSubdir = Nothing,
-                                             repoTag = Nothing,
-                                             repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git)}],
-                           specVersion = CabalSpecV1_8,
-                           stability = "beta",
-                           subLibraries = [],
-                           synopsis = "Simple unbalanced Octree for storing data about 3D points",
-                           testSuites = [],
-                           testedWith = [_×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [7, 0, 4])),
-                                         _×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [7, 4, 1])),
-                                         _×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [7, 4, 2])),
-                                         _×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [7, 6, 0]))]}}
+GenericPackageDescription {
+  packageDescription =
+  PackageDescription {
+    specVersion = CabalSpecV1_8,
+    package = PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName = PackageName "Octree",
+      pkgVersion = mkVersion [0, 5]},
+    licenseRaw = Right BSD3,
+    licenseFiles = [
+      SymbolicPath "LICENSE"],
+    copyright =
+    "Copyright by Michal J. Gajda '2012",
+    maintainer =
+    "mjgajda@googlemail.com",
+    author = "Michal J. Gajda",
+    stability = "beta",
+    testedWith = [
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [7, 0, 4])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [7, 4, 1])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [7, 4, 2])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [7, 6, 0]))],
+    homepage =
+    "https://github.com/mgajda/octree",
+    pkgUrl =
+    "http://hackage.haskell.org/package/octree",
+    bugReports =
+    "mailto:mjgajda@googlemail.com",
+    sourceRepos = [
+      SourceRepo {
+        repoKind = RepoHead,
+        repoType = Just
+          (KnownRepoType Git),
+        repoLocation = Just
+          "git@github.com:mgajda/octree.git",
+        repoModule = Nothing,
+        repoBranch = Nothing,
+        repoTag = Nothing,
+        repoSubdir = Nothing}],
+    synopsis =
+    "Simple unbalanced Octree for storing data about 3D points",
+    description =
+    "Octree data structure is relatively shallow data structure for space partitioning.",
+    category = "Data",
+    customFieldsPD = [],
+    buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
+    setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
+    library = Nothing,
+    subLibraries = [],
+    executables = [],
+    foreignLibs = [],
+    testSuites = [],
+    benchmarks = [],
+    dataFiles = [],
+    dataDir = ".",
+    extraSrcFiles = [],
+    extraTmpFiles = [],
+    extraDocFiles = []},
+  gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
+  genPackageFlags = [],
+  condLibrary = Just
+    CondNode {
+      condTreeData = Library {
+        libName = LMainLibName,
+        exposedModules = [
+          ModuleName "Data.Octree"],
+        reexportedModules = [],
+        signatures = [],
+        libExposed = True,
+        libVisibility =
+        LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+          buildable = True,
+          buildTools = [],
+          buildToolDepends = [],
+          cppOptions = [],
+          asmOptions = [],
+          cmmOptions = [],
+          ccOptions = [],
+          cxxOptions = [],
+          ldOptions = [],
+          hsc2hsOptions = [],
+          pkgconfigDepends = [],
+          frameworks = [],
+          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+          asmSources = [],
+          cmmSources = [],
+          cSources = [],
+          cxxSources = [],
+          jsSources = [],
+          hsSourceDirs = [],
+          otherModules = [
+            ModuleName
+              "Data.Octree.Internal"],
+          virtualModules = [],
+          autogenModules = [],
+          defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+          otherLanguages = [],
+          defaultExtensions = [],
+          otherExtensions = [],
+          oldExtensions = [
+            EnableExtension
+              ScopedTypeVariables],
+          extraLibs = [],
+          extraLibsStatic = [],
+          extraGHCiLibs = [],
+          extraBundledLibs = [],
+          extraLibFlavours = [],
+          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+          extraLibDirs = [],
+          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+          includeDirs = [],
+          includes = [],
+          autogenIncludes = [],
+          installIncludes = [],
+          options = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          sharedOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          staticOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          customFieldsBI = [],
+          targetBuildDepends = [
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "base")
+              (IntersectVersionRanges
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [4, 0]))
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [4, 7])))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "AC-Vector")
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [2, 3, 0]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [2, 4, 0]))
+              mainLibSet],
+          mixins = []}},
+      condTreeConstraints = [
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "base")
+          (IntersectVersionRanges
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [4, 0]))
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [4, 7])))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "AC-Vector")
+          (OrLaterVersion
+            (mkVersion [2, 3, 0]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+          (OrLaterVersion
+            (mkVersion [2, 4, 0]))
+          mainLibSet],
+      condTreeComponents = []},
+  condSubLibraries = [],
+  condForeignLibs = [],
+  condExecutables = [],
+  condTestSuites = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName
+        "test_Octree")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "tests/test_Octree.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 0]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 7])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "AC-Vector")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [2, 3, 0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [2, 4, 0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 0]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 7])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "AC-Vector")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [2, 3, 0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [2, 4, 0]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = []},
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName "readme")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "README.lhs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              ["-pgmL", "markdown-unlit"]
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 0]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 7])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "AC-Vector")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [2, 3, 0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [2, 4, 0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "markdown-unlit")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 0]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 7])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "AC-Vector")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [2, 3, 0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [2, 4, 0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "markdown-unlit")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = []}],
+  condBenchmarks = []}
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common-conditional.expr b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common-conditional.expr
index b2cca2ada9bfe08465f3f050618f5fa2094d560b..874b496426793bd4f04c4f691b1a5039b4206044 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common-conditional.expr
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common-conditional.expr
@@ -1,706 +1,691 @@
-  {condBenchmarks = [],
-   condExecutables = [],
-   condForeignLibs = [],
-   condLibrary = Just
-                   CondNode
-                     {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                              {condBranchCondition = `Var (PackageFlag (FlagName "foo"))`,
-                                               condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                               condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                    {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                                                             {condBranchCondition = `Var (OS Windows)`,
-                                                                                              condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                                                              condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                                                                   {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                                                                    condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                             (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                "Win32")
-                                                                                                                                             (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                   [0]))
-                                                                                                                                             mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                    condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                                                                     {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                      libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                                                                       {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        buildable = True,
-                                                                                                                                                        cSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                                                                        extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        includes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        mixins = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                    []
-                                                                                                                                                                    [],
-                                                                                                                                                        otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                        []
-                                                                                                                                                                        [],
-                                                                                                                                                        sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                                                                        staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                                                                        targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                                                (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                                                   "Win32")
-                                                                                                                                                                                (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                   (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                      [0]))
-                                                                                                                                                                                mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                                                        virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                                                                      libExposed = True,
-                                                                                                                                      libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                                                                      libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                                                                      reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                      signatures = []}}}],
-                                                                     condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                              (PackageName
-                                                                                                 "base")
-                                                                                              (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                                 (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                       [4,
-                                                                                                        10]))
-                                                                                                 (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                       [4,
-                                                                                                        11])))
-                                                                                              mainLibSet,
-                                                                                            Dependency
-                                                                                              (PackageName
-                                                                                                 "containers")
-                                                                                              (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                 (mkVersion
-                                                                                                    [0]))
-                                                                                              mainLibSet],
-                                                                     condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                      {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                       libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                        {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                         buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                         buildable = True,
-                                                                                                         cSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                         extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                         hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         includes = [],
-                                                                                                         installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         mixins = [],
-                                                                                                         oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                     []
-                                                                                                                     [],
-                                                                                                         otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                         otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                         pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                         sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                 (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                    "base")
-                                                                                                                                 (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                          [4,
-                                                                                                                                           10]))
-                                                                                                                                    (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                          [4,
-                                                                                                                                           11])))
-                                                                                                                                 mainLibSet,
-                                                                                                                               Dependency
-                                                                                                                                 (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                    "containers")
-                                                                                                                                 (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                       [0]))
-                                                                                                                                 mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                         virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                       libExposed = True,
-                                                                                       libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                       libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                       reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                       signatures = []}}}],
-                      condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "ghc-prim")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet],
-                      condTreeData = Library
-                                       {exposedModules = [ModuleName "ElseIf"],
-                                        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                         {asmOptions = [],
-                                                          asmSources = [],
-                                                          autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                          autogenModules = [],
-                                                          buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                          buildTools = [],
-                                                          buildable = True,
-                                                          cSources = [],
-                                                          ccOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmSources = [],
-                                                          cppOptions = [],
-                                                          customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                          cxxOptions = [],
-                                                          cxxSources = [],
-                                                          defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                          defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                          extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                          extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                          frameworks = [],
-                                                          hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                          includeDirs = [],
-                                                          includes = [],
-                                                          installIncludes = [],
-                                                          jsSources = [],
-                                                          ldOptions = [],
-                                                          mixins = [],
-                                                          oldExtensions = [],
-                                                          options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          otherExtensions = [],
-                                                          otherLanguages = [],
-                                                          otherModules = [],
-                                                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "ghc-prim")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                          virtualModules = []},
-                                        libExposed = True,
-                                        libName = LMainLibName,
-                                        libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                        reexportedModules = [],
-                                        signatures = []}},
-   condSubLibraries = [],
-   condTestSuites = [_×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "tests")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                  {condBranchCondition = `Var (OS Windows)`,
-                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                         condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                          {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = False,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                           testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                             (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                ""
-                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                   [])),
-                                                                                           testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        ""}}},
-                                                CondBranch
-                                                  {condBranchCondition = `Var (PackageFlag (FlagName "foo"))`,
-                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                                                                 {condBranchCondition = `Var (OS Windows)`,
-                                                                                                  condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                                                                  condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                                                                       {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                                                                        condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                 (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                    "Win32")
-                                                                                                                                                 (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                       [0]))
-                                                                                                                                                 mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                        condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                                                                         {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                                                                            {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildable = True,
-                                                                                                                                                             cSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                                                                             extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             includes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             mixins = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                                                                             sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                               []
-                                                                                                                                                                               [],
-                                                                                                                                                             staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                               []
-                                                                                                                                                                               [],
-                                                                                                                                                             targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                                                     (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                                                        "Win32")
-                                                                                                                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                           [0]))
-                                                                                                                                                                                     mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                                                             virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                                                                          testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                                                                            (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                                                               ""
-                                                                                                                                                               (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                  [])),
-                                                                                                                                          testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                                                                       ""}}},
-                                                                                               CondBranch
-                                                                                                 {condBranchCondition = `Var (OS Windows)`,
-                                                                                                  condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                                                                  condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                                                                       {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                                                                        condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                 (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                    "Win32")
-                                                                                                                                                 (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                       [0]))
-                                                                                                                                                 mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                        condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                                                                         {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                                                                            {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildable = True,
-                                                                                                                                                             cSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                                                                             extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             includes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             mixins = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                                                                             sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                               []
-                                                                                                                                                                               [],
-                                                                                                                                                             staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                               []
-                                                                                                                                                                               [],
-                                                                                                                                                             targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                                                     (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                                                        "Win32")
-                                                                                                                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                           [0]))
-                                                                                                                                                                                     mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                                                             virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                                                                          testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                                                                            (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                                                               ""
-                                                                                                                                                               (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                  [])),
-                                                                                                                                          testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                                                                       ""}}}],
-                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                                     "base")
-                                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                                           [4,
-                                                                                                            10]))
-                                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                                           [4,
-                                                                                                            11])))
-                                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                                     "containers")
-                                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                                         condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                          {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = True,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                      (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                         "base")
-                                                                                                                                      (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                                                                         (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                            (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                               [4,
-                                                                                                                                                10]))
-                                                                                                                                         (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                                                                            (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                               [4,
-                                                                                                                                                11])))
-                                                                                                                                      mainLibSet,
-                                                                                                                                    Dependency
-                                                                                                                                      (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                         "containers")
-                                                                                                                                      (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                         (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                            [0]))
-                                                                                                                                      mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                           testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                             (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                ""
-                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                   [])),
-                                                                                           testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        ""}}}],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "HUnit")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "HUnit")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "Tests.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}}],
-   genPackageFlags = [MkPackageFlag
-                        {flagDefault = True,
-                         flagDescription = "",
-                         flagManual = True,
-                         flagName = FlagName "foo"}],
-   gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
-   packageDescription = PackageDescription
-                          {author = "",
-                           benchmarks = [],
-                           bugReports = "",
-                           buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
-                           category = "",
-                           copyright = "",
-                           customFieldsPD = [],
-                           dataDir = ".",
-                           dataFiles = [],
-                           description = "",
-                           executables = [],
-                           extraDocFiles = [],
-                           extraSrcFiles = [],
-                           extraTmpFiles = [],
-                           foreignLibs = [],
-                           homepage = "",
-                           library = Nothing,
-                           licenseFiles = [],
-                           licenseRaw = Left NONE,
-                           maintainer = "",
-                           package = PackageIdentifier
-                                       {pkgName = PackageName "common-conditional",
-                                        pkgVersion = mkVersion [0]},
-                           pkgUrl = "",
-                           setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
-                           sourceRepos = [SourceRepo
-                                            {repoBranch = Nothing,
-                                             repoKind = RepoHead,
-                                             repoLocation = Just "https://github.com/hvr/-.git",
-                                             repoModule = Nothing,
-                                             repoSubdir = Nothing,
-                                             repoTag = Nothing,
-                                             repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git)}],
-                           specVersion = CabalSpecV3_0,
-                           stability = "",
-                           subLibraries = [],
-                           synopsis = "Common-stanza demo demo",
-                           testSuites = [],
-                           testedWith = []}}
+GenericPackageDescription {
+  packageDescription =
+  PackageDescription {
+    specVersion = CabalSpecV3_0,
+    package = PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName = PackageName
+        "common-conditional",
+      pkgVersion = mkVersion [0]},
+    licenseRaw = Left NONE,
+    licenseFiles = [],
+    copyright = "",
+    maintainer = "",
+    author = "",
+    stability = "",
+    testedWith = [],
+    homepage = "",
+    pkgUrl = "",
+    bugReports = "",
+    sourceRepos = [
+      SourceRepo {
+        repoKind = RepoHead,
+        repoType = Just
+          (KnownRepoType Git),
+        repoLocation = Just
+          "https://github.com/hvr/-.git",
+        repoModule = Nothing,
+        repoBranch = Nothing,
+        repoTag = Nothing,
+        repoSubdir = Nothing}],
+    synopsis =
+    "Common-stanza demo demo",
+    description = "",
+    category = "",
+    customFieldsPD = [],
+    buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
+    setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
+    library = Nothing,
+    subLibraries = [],
+    executables = [],
+    foreignLibs = [],
+    testSuites = [],
+    benchmarks = [],
+    dataFiles = [],
+    dataDir = ".",
+    extraSrcFiles = [],
+    extraTmpFiles = [],
+    extraDocFiles = []},
+  gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
+  genPackageFlags = [
+    MkPackageFlag {
+      flagName = FlagName "foo",
+      flagDescription = "",
+      flagDefault = True,
+      flagManual = True}],
+  condLibrary = Just
+    CondNode {
+      condTreeData = Library {
+        libName = LMainLibName,
+        exposedModules = [
+          ModuleName "ElseIf"],
+        reexportedModules = [],
+        signatures = [],
+        libExposed = True,
+        libVisibility =
+        LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+          buildable = True,
+          buildTools = [],
+          buildToolDepends = [],
+          cppOptions = [],
+          asmOptions = [],
+          cmmOptions = [],
+          ccOptions = [],
+          cxxOptions = [],
+          ldOptions = [],
+          hsc2hsOptions = [],
+          pkgconfigDepends = [],
+          frameworks = [],
+          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+          asmSources = [],
+          cmmSources = [],
+          cSources = [],
+          cxxSources = [],
+          jsSources = [],
+          hsSourceDirs = [],
+          otherModules = [],
+          virtualModules = [],
+          autogenModules = [],
+          defaultLanguage = Just
+            Haskell2010,
+          otherLanguages = [],
+          defaultExtensions = [],
+          otherExtensions = [],
+          oldExtensions = [],
+          extraLibs = [],
+          extraLibsStatic = [],
+          extraGHCiLibs = [],
+          extraBundledLibs = [],
+          extraLibFlavours = [],
+          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+          extraLibDirs = [],
+          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+          includeDirs = [],
+          includes = [],
+          autogenIncludes = [],
+          installIncludes = [],
+          options = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          sharedOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          staticOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          customFieldsBI = [],
+          targetBuildDepends = [
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet],
+          mixins = []}},
+      condTreeConstraints = [
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet],
+      condTreeComponents = [
+        CondBranch {
+          condBranchCondition =
+          `Var (PackageFlag (FlagName "foo"))`,
+          condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+            condTreeData = Library {
+              libName = LMainLibName,
+              exposedModules = [],
+              reexportedModules = [],
+              signatures = [],
+              libExposed = True,
+              libVisibility =
+              LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+              libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                buildable = True,
+                buildTools = [],
+                buildToolDepends = [],
+                cppOptions = [],
+                asmOptions = [],
+                cmmOptions = [],
+                ccOptions = [],
+                cxxOptions = [],
+                ldOptions = [],
+                hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                frameworks = [],
+                extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                asmSources = [],
+                cmmSources = [],
+                cSources = [],
+                cxxSources = [],
+                jsSources = [],
+                hsSourceDirs = [],
+                otherModules = [],
+                virtualModules = [],
+                autogenModules = [],
+                defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                otherLanguages = [],
+                defaultExtensions = [],
+                otherExtensions = [],
+                oldExtensions = [],
+                extraLibs = [],
+                extraLibsStatic = [],
+                extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                extraBundledLibs = [],
+                extraLibFlavours = [],
+                extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                extraLibDirs = [],
+                extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                includeDirs = [],
+                includes = [],
+                autogenIncludes = [],
+                installIncludes = [],
+                options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                sharedOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                staticOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                customFieldsBI = [],
+                targetBuildDepends = [
+                  Dependency
+                    (PackageName "base")
+                    (IntersectVersionRanges
+                      (OrLaterVersion
+                        (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+                      (EarlierVersion
+                        (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+                    mainLibSet,
+                  Dependency
+                    (PackageName "containers")
+                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                    mainLibSet],
+                mixins = []}},
+            condTreeConstraints = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "containers")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            condTreeComponents = [
+              CondBranch {
+                condBranchCondition =
+                `Var (OS Windows)`,
+                condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+                  condTreeData = Library {
+                    libName = LMainLibName,
+                    exposedModules = [],
+                    reexportedModules = [],
+                    signatures = [],
+                    libExposed = True,
+                    libVisibility =
+                    LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+                    libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                      buildable = True,
+                      buildTools = [],
+                      buildToolDepends = [],
+                      cppOptions = [],
+                      asmOptions = [],
+                      cmmOptions = [],
+                      ccOptions = [],
+                      cxxOptions = [],
+                      ldOptions = [],
+                      hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                      pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                      frameworks = [],
+                      extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                      asmSources = [],
+                      cmmSources = [],
+                      cSources = [],
+                      cxxSources = [],
+                      jsSources = [],
+                      hsSourceDirs = [],
+                      otherModules = [],
+                      virtualModules = [],
+                      autogenModules = [],
+                      defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                      otherLanguages = [],
+                      defaultExtensions = [],
+                      otherExtensions = [],
+                      oldExtensions = [],
+                      extraLibs = [],
+                      extraLibsStatic = [],
+                      extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                      extraBundledLibs = [],
+                      extraLibFlavours = [],
+                      extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                      extraLibDirs = [],
+                      extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                      includeDirs = [],
+                      includes = [],
+                      autogenIncludes = [],
+                      installIncludes = [],
+                      options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                        []
+                        [],
+                      profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                        []
+                        [],
+                      sharedOptions =
+                      PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                      staticOptions =
+                      PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                      customFieldsBI = [],
+                      targetBuildDepends = [
+                        Dependency
+                          (PackageName "Win32")
+                          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                          mainLibSet],
+                      mixins = []}},
+                  condTreeConstraints = [
+                    Dependency
+                      (PackageName "Win32")
+                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                      mainLibSet],
+                  condTreeComponents = []},
+                condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]},
+          condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]},
+  condSubLibraries = [],
+  condForeignLibs = [],
+  condExecutables = [],
+  condTestSuites = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName "tests")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "Tests.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "HUnit")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "HUnit")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = [
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (OS Windows)`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                testName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "",
+                testInterface =
+                TestSuiteUnsupported
+                  (TestTypeUnknown
+                    ""
+                    (mkVersion [])),
+                testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = False,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [],
+                  mixins = []},
+                testCodeGenerators = []},
+              condTreeConstraints = [],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing},
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (PackageFlag (FlagName "foo"))`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                testName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "",
+                testInterface =
+                TestSuiteUnsupported
+                  (TestTypeUnknown
+                    ""
+                    (mkVersion [])),
+                testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [
+                    Dependency
+                      (PackageName "base")
+                      (IntersectVersionRanges
+                        (OrLaterVersion
+                          (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+                        (EarlierVersion
+                          (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+                      mainLibSet,
+                    Dependency
+                      (PackageName "containers")
+                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                      mainLibSet],
+                  mixins = []},
+                testCodeGenerators = []},
+              condTreeConstraints = [
+                Dependency
+                  (PackageName "base")
+                  (IntersectVersionRanges
+                    (OrLaterVersion
+                      (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+                    (EarlierVersion
+                      (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+                  mainLibSet,
+                Dependency
+                  (PackageName "containers")
+                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                  mainLibSet],
+              condTreeComponents = [
+                CondBranch {
+                  condBranchCondition =
+                  `Var (OS Windows)`,
+                  condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+                    condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                      testName = UnqualComponentName
+                        "",
+                      testInterface =
+                      TestSuiteUnsupported
+                        (TestTypeUnknown
+                          ""
+                          (mkVersion [])),
+                      testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                        buildable = True,
+                        buildTools = [],
+                        buildToolDepends = [],
+                        cppOptions = [],
+                        asmOptions = [],
+                        cmmOptions = [],
+                        ccOptions = [],
+                        cxxOptions = [],
+                        ldOptions = [],
+                        hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                        pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                        frameworks = [],
+                        extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                        asmSources = [],
+                        cmmSources = [],
+                        cSources = [],
+                        cxxSources = [],
+                        jsSources = [],
+                        hsSourceDirs = [],
+                        otherModules = [],
+                        virtualModules = [],
+                        autogenModules = [],
+                        defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                        otherLanguages = [],
+                        defaultExtensions = [],
+                        otherExtensions = [],
+                        oldExtensions = [],
+                        extraLibs = [],
+                        extraLibsStatic = [],
+                        extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                        extraBundledLibs = [],
+                        extraLibFlavours = [],
+                        extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                        extraLibDirs = [],
+                        extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                        includeDirs = [],
+                        includes = [],
+                        autogenIncludes = [],
+                        installIncludes = [],
+                        options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                          []
+                          [],
+                        profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                          []
+                          [],
+                        sharedOptions =
+                        PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                        staticOptions =
+                        PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                        customFieldsBI = [],
+                        targetBuildDepends = [
+                          Dependency
+                            (PackageName "Win32")
+                            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                            mainLibSet],
+                        mixins = []},
+                      testCodeGenerators = []},
+                    condTreeConstraints = [
+                      Dependency
+                        (PackageName "Win32")
+                        (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                        mainLibSet],
+                    condTreeComponents = []},
+                  condBranchIfFalse = Nothing},
+                CondBranch {
+                  condBranchCondition =
+                  `Var (OS Windows)`,
+                  condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+                    condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                      testName = UnqualComponentName
+                        "",
+                      testInterface =
+                      TestSuiteUnsupported
+                        (TestTypeUnknown
+                          ""
+                          (mkVersion [])),
+                      testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                        buildable = True,
+                        buildTools = [],
+                        buildToolDepends = [],
+                        cppOptions = [],
+                        asmOptions = [],
+                        cmmOptions = [],
+                        ccOptions = [],
+                        cxxOptions = [],
+                        ldOptions = [],
+                        hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                        pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                        frameworks = [],
+                        extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                        asmSources = [],
+                        cmmSources = [],
+                        cSources = [],
+                        cxxSources = [],
+                        jsSources = [],
+                        hsSourceDirs = [],
+                        otherModules = [],
+                        virtualModules = [],
+                        autogenModules = [],
+                        defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                        otherLanguages = [],
+                        defaultExtensions = [],
+                        otherExtensions = [],
+                        oldExtensions = [],
+                        extraLibs = [],
+                        extraLibsStatic = [],
+                        extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                        extraBundledLibs = [],
+                        extraLibFlavours = [],
+                        extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                        extraLibDirs = [],
+                        extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                        includeDirs = [],
+                        includes = [],
+                        autogenIncludes = [],
+                        installIncludes = [],
+                        options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                          []
+                          [],
+                        profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                          []
+                          [],
+                        sharedOptions =
+                        PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                        staticOptions =
+                        PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                        customFieldsBI = [],
+                        targetBuildDepends = [
+                          Dependency
+                            (PackageName "Win32")
+                            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                            mainLibSet],
+                        mixins = []},
+                      testCodeGenerators = []},
+                    condTreeConstraints = [
+                      Dependency
+                        (PackageName "Win32")
+                        (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                        mainLibSet],
+                    condTreeComponents = []},
+                  condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]}],
+  condBenchmarks = []}
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common.expr b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common.expr
index 0273441bfdc85531c35e7be1316700a9a2504978..9a1c7a53df0f7c31fcc9103fbbfd11c778253b08 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common.expr
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common.expr
@@ -1,182 +1,205 @@
-  {condBenchmarks = [],
-   condExecutables = [],
-   condForeignLibs = [],
-   condLibrary = Just
-                   CondNode
-                     {condTreeComponents = [],
-                      condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "ghc-prim")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet],
-                      condTreeData = Library
-                                       {exposedModules = [ModuleName "ElseIf"],
-                                        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                         {asmOptions = [],
-                                                          asmSources = [],
-                                                          autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                          autogenModules = [],
-                                                          buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                          buildTools = [],
-                                                          buildable = True,
-                                                          cSources = [],
-                                                          ccOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmSources = [],
-                                                          cppOptions = [],
-                                                          customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                          cxxOptions = [],
-                                                          cxxSources = [],
-                                                          defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                          defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                          extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                          extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                          frameworks = [],
-                                                          hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                          includeDirs = [],
-                                                          includes = [],
-                                                          installIncludes = [],
-                                                          jsSources = [],
-                                                          ldOptions = [],
-                                                          mixins = [],
-                                                          oldExtensions = [],
-                                                          options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          otherExtensions = [],
-                                                          otherLanguages = [],
-                                                          otherModules = [],
-                                                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "ghc-prim")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                          virtualModules = []},
-                                        libExposed = True,
-                                        libName = LMainLibName,
-                                        libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                        reexportedModules = [],
-                                        signatures = []}},
-   condSubLibraries = [],
-   condTestSuites = [_×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "tests")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "HUnit")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "HUnit")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "Tests.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}}],
-   genPackageFlags = [],
-   gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
-   packageDescription = PackageDescription
-                          {author = "",
-                           benchmarks = [],
-                           bugReports = "",
-                           buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
-                           category = "",
-                           copyright = "",
-                           customFieldsPD = [_×_ "x-revision" "1",
-                                             _×_ "x-follows-version-policy" ""],
-                           dataDir = ".",
-                           dataFiles = [],
-                           description = "",
-                           executables = [],
-                           extraDocFiles = [],
-                           extraSrcFiles = [],
-                           extraTmpFiles = [],
-                           foreignLibs = [],
-                           homepage = "",
-                           library = Nothing,
-                           licenseFiles = [],
-                           licenseRaw = Left NONE,
-                           maintainer = "",
-                           package = PackageIdentifier
-                                       {pkgName = PackageName "common", pkgVersion = mkVersion [0]},
-                           pkgUrl = "",
-                           setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
-                           sourceRepos = [SourceRepo
-                                            {repoBranch = Nothing,
-                                             repoKind = RepoHead,
-                                             repoLocation = Just "https://github.com/hvr/-.git",
-                                             repoModule = Nothing,
-                                             repoSubdir = Nothing,
-                                             repoTag = Nothing,
-                                             repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git)}],
-                           specVersion = CabalSpecV1_10,
-                           stability = "",
-                           subLibraries = [],
-                           synopsis = "Common-stanza demo demo",
-                           testSuites = [],
-                           testedWith = []}}
+GenericPackageDescription {
+  packageDescription =
+  PackageDescription {
+    specVersion = CabalSpecV1_10,
+    package = PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName = PackageName "common",
+      pkgVersion = mkVersion [0]},
+    licenseRaw = Left NONE,
+    licenseFiles = [],
+    copyright = "",
+    maintainer = "",
+    author = "",
+    stability = "",
+    testedWith = [],
+    homepage = "",
+    pkgUrl = "",
+    bugReports = "",
+    sourceRepos = [
+      SourceRepo {
+        repoKind = RepoHead,
+        repoType = Just
+          (KnownRepoType Git),
+        repoLocation = Just
+          "https://github.com/hvr/-.git",
+        repoModule = Nothing,
+        repoBranch = Nothing,
+        repoTag = Nothing,
+        repoSubdir = Nothing}],
+    synopsis =
+    "Common-stanza demo demo",
+    description = "",
+    category = "",
+    customFieldsPD = [
+      _×_ "x-revision" "1",
+      _×_
+        "x-follows-version-policy"
+        ""],
+    buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
+    setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
+    library = Nothing,
+    subLibraries = [],
+    executables = [],
+    foreignLibs = [],
+    testSuites = [],
+    benchmarks = [],
+    dataFiles = [],
+    dataDir = ".",
+    extraSrcFiles = [],
+    extraTmpFiles = [],
+    extraDocFiles = []},
+  gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
+  genPackageFlags = [],
+  condLibrary = Just
+    CondNode {
+      condTreeData = Library {
+        libName = LMainLibName,
+        exposedModules = [
+          ModuleName "ElseIf"],
+        reexportedModules = [],
+        signatures = [],
+        libExposed = True,
+        libVisibility =
+        LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+          buildable = True,
+          buildTools = [],
+          buildToolDepends = [],
+          cppOptions = [],
+          asmOptions = [],
+          cmmOptions = [],
+          ccOptions = [],
+          cxxOptions = [],
+          ldOptions = [],
+          hsc2hsOptions = [],
+          pkgconfigDepends = [],
+          frameworks = [],
+          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+          asmSources = [],
+          cmmSources = [],
+          cSources = [],
+          cxxSources = [],
+          jsSources = [],
+          hsSourceDirs = [],
+          otherModules = [],
+          virtualModules = [],
+          autogenModules = [],
+          defaultLanguage = Just
+            Haskell2010,
+          otherLanguages = [],
+          defaultExtensions = [],
+          otherExtensions = [],
+          oldExtensions = [],
+          extraLibs = [],
+          extraLibsStatic = [],
+          extraGHCiLibs = [],
+          extraBundledLibs = [],
+          extraLibFlavours = [],
+          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+          extraLibDirs = [],
+          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+          includeDirs = [],
+          includes = [],
+          autogenIncludes = [],
+          installIncludes = [],
+          options = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          sharedOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          staticOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          customFieldsBI = [],
+          targetBuildDepends = [
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet],
+          mixins = []}},
+      condTreeConstraints = [
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet],
+      condTreeComponents = []},
+  condSubLibraries = [],
+  condForeignLibs = [],
+  condExecutables = [],
+  condTestSuites = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName "tests")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "Tests.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "HUnit")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "HUnit")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = []}],
+  condBenchmarks = []}
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common2.expr b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common2.expr
index 611ad39242c8f648dc173b74d9d70c1694472bd1..f74c75224ef543fd8c02710d66fa9516f951e76a 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common2.expr
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common2.expr
@@ -1,731 +1,728 @@
-  {condBenchmarks = [],
-   condExecutables = [],
-   condForeignLibs = [],
-   condLibrary = Just
-                   CondNode
-                     {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                              {condBranchCondition = `Var (OS Windows)`,
-                                               condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                               condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                    {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                     condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                              (PackageName
-                                                                                                 "Win32")
-                                                                                              (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                 (mkVersion
-                                                                                                    [0]))
-                                                                                              mainLibSet],
-                                                                     condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                      {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                       libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                        {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                         buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                         buildable = True,
-                                                                                                         cSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                         extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                         hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         includes = [],
-                                                                                                         installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         mixins = [],
-                                                                                                         oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                     []
-                                                                                                                     [],
-                                                                                                         otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                         otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                         pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                         sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                 (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                    "Win32")
-                                                                                                                                 (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                       [0]))
-                                                                                                                                 mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                         virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                       libExposed = True,
-                                                                                       libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                       libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                       reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                       signatures = []}}}],
-                      condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "base")
-                                               (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 10]))
-                                                  (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [4, 11])))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "containers")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "ghc-prim")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet],
-                      condTreeData = Library
-                                       {exposedModules = [ModuleName "ElseIf"],
-                                        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                         {asmOptions = [],
-                                                          asmSources = [],
-                                                          autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                          autogenModules = [],
-                                                          buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                          buildTools = [],
-                                                          buildable = True,
-                                                          cSources = [],
-                                                          ccOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmSources = [],
-                                                          cppOptions = [],
-                                                          customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                          cxxOptions = [],
-                                                          cxxSources = [],
-                                                          defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                          defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                          extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                          extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                          frameworks = [],
-                                                          hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                          includeDirs = [],
-                                                          includes = [],
-                                                          installIncludes = [],
-                                                          jsSources = [],
-                                                          ldOptions = [],
-                                                          mixins = [],
-                                                          oldExtensions = [],
-                                                          options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          otherExtensions = [],
-                                                          otherLanguages = [],
-                                                          otherModules = [],
-                                                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "base")
-                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [4, 10]))
-                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [4,
-                                                                                            11])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "containers")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "ghc-prim")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                          virtualModules = []},
-                                        libExposed = True,
-                                        libName = LMainLibName,
-                                        libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                        reexportedModules = [],
-                                        signatures = []}},
-   condSubLibraries = [_×_
-                         (UnqualComponentName "internal")
-                         CondNode
-                           {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                    {condBranchCondition = `Var (OS Windows)`,
-                                                     condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                     condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                          {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                           condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                                       "Win32")
-                                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                                          [0]))
-                                                                                                    mainLibSet],
-                                                                           condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                            {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                             libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                               defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                               hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                               includes = [],
-                                                                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                               otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                               []
-                                                                                                                               [],
-                                                                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                 []
-                                                                                                                                 [],
-                                                                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                 []
-                                                                                                                                 [],
-                                                                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                          "Win32")
-                                                                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                             libExposed = True,
-                                                                                             libName = LSubLibName
-                                                                                                         (UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                            "internal"),
-                                                                                             libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPrivate,
-                                                                                             reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                             signatures = []}}}],
-                            condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                     (PackageName "base")
-                                                     (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                        (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 10]))
-                                                        (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [4, 11])))
-                                                     mainLibSet,
-                                                   Dependency
-                                                     (PackageName "containers")
-                                                     (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                     mainLibSet,
-                                                   Dependency
-                                                     (PackageName "ghc-prim")
-                                                     (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                     mainLibSet],
-                            condTreeData = Library
-                                             {exposedModules = [ModuleName "ElseIf2"],
-                                              libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                               {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                asmSources = [],
-                                                                autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                autogenModules = [],
-                                                                buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                buildTools = [],
-                                                                buildable = True,
-                                                                cSources = [],
-                                                                ccOptions = [],
-                                                                cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                cmmSources = [],
-                                                                cppOptions = [],
-                                                                customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                cxxSources = [],
-                                                                defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                                extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                extraLibs = [],
-                                                                extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                frameworks = [],
-                                                                hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                includeDirs = [],
-                                                                includes = [],
-                                                                installIncludes = [],
-                                                                jsSources = [],
-                                                                ldOptions = [],
-                                                                mixins = [],
-                                                                oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                                otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                otherModules = [],
-                                                                pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                [] [],
-                                                                sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                  [] [],
-                                                                staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                  [] [],
-                                                                targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                        (PackageName
-                                                                                           "base")
-                                                                                        (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                           (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                              (mkVersion
-                                                                                                 [4,
-                                                                                                  10]))
-                                                                                           (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                              (mkVersion
-                                                                                                 [4,
-                                                                                                  11])))
-                                                                                        mainLibSet,
-                                                                                      Dependency
-                                                                                        (PackageName
-                                                                                           "containers")
-                                                                                        (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                           (mkVersion
-                                                                                              [0]))
-                                                                                        mainLibSet,
-                                                                                      Dependency
-                                                                                        (PackageName
-                                                                                           "ghc-prim")
-                                                                                        (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                           (mkVersion
-                                                                                              [0]))
-                                                                                        mainLibSet],
-                                                                virtualModules = []},
-                                              libExposed = True,
-                                              libName = LSubLibName
-                                                          (UnqualComponentName "internal"),
-                                              libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPrivate,
-                                              reexportedModules = [],
-                                              signatures = []}}],
-   condTestSuites = [_×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "tests")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                  {condBranchCondition = `Var (OS Windows)`,
-                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                                     "Win32")
-                                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                                         condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                          {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = True,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                      (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                         "Win32")
-                                                                                                                                      (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                         (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                            [0]))
-                                                                                                                                      mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                           testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                             (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                ""
-                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                   [])),
-                                                                                           testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        ""}}},
-                                                CondBranch
-                                                  {condBranchCondition = `Var (OS Windows)`,
-                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                                     "Win32")
-                                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                                         condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                          {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = True,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                      (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                         "Win32")
-                                                                                                                                      (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                         (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                            [0]))
-                                                                                                                                      mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                           testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                             (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                ""
-                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                   [])),
-                                                                                           testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        ""}}},
-                                                CondBranch
-                                                  {condBranchCondition = `Var (OS Windows)`,
-                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                         condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                          {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = False,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                           testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                             (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                ""
-                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                   [])),
-                                                                                           testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        ""}}}],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 10]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [4, 11])))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "containers")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "HUnit")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "base")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 10]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 11])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "containers")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "HUnit")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "Tests.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}}],
-   genPackageFlags = [],
-   gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
-   packageDescription = PackageDescription
-                          {author = "",
-                           benchmarks = [],
-                           bugReports = "",
-                           buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
-                           category = "",
-                           copyright = "",
-                           customFieldsPD = [],
-                           dataDir = ".",
-                           dataFiles = [],
-                           description = "",
-                           executables = [],
-                           extraDocFiles = [],
-                           extraSrcFiles = [],
-                           extraTmpFiles = [],
-                           foreignLibs = [],
-                           homepage = "",
-                           library = Nothing,
-                           licenseFiles = [],
-                           licenseRaw = Left NONE,
-                           maintainer = "",
-                           package = PackageIdentifier
-                                       {pkgName = PackageName "common", pkgVersion = mkVersion [0]},
-                           pkgUrl = "",
-                           setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
-                           sourceRepos = [SourceRepo
-                                            {repoBranch = Nothing,
-                                             repoKind = RepoHead,
-                                             repoLocation = Just "https://github.com/hvr/-.git",
-                                             repoModule = Nothing,
-                                             repoSubdir = Nothing,
-                                             repoTag = Nothing,
-                                             repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git)}],
-                           specVersion = CabalSpecV2_2,
-                           stability = "",
-                           subLibraries = [],
-                           synopsis = "Common-stanza demo demo",
-                           testSuites = [],
-                           testedWith = []}}
+GenericPackageDescription {
+  packageDescription =
+  PackageDescription {
+    specVersion = CabalSpecV2_2,
+    package = PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName = PackageName "common",
+      pkgVersion = mkVersion [0]},
+    licenseRaw = Left NONE,
+    licenseFiles = [],
+    copyright = "",
+    maintainer = "",
+    author = "",
+    stability = "",
+    testedWith = [],
+    homepage = "",
+    pkgUrl = "",
+    bugReports = "",
+    sourceRepos = [
+      SourceRepo {
+        repoKind = RepoHead,
+        repoType = Just
+          (KnownRepoType Git),
+        repoLocation = Just
+          "https://github.com/hvr/-.git",
+        repoModule = Nothing,
+        repoBranch = Nothing,
+        repoTag = Nothing,
+        repoSubdir = Nothing}],
+    synopsis =
+    "Common-stanza demo demo",
+    description = "",
+    category = "",
+    customFieldsPD = [],
+    buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
+    setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
+    library = Nothing,
+    subLibraries = [],
+    executables = [],
+    foreignLibs = [],
+    testSuites = [],
+    benchmarks = [],
+    dataFiles = [],
+    dataDir = ".",
+    extraSrcFiles = [],
+    extraTmpFiles = [],
+    extraDocFiles = []},
+  gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
+  genPackageFlags = [],
+  condLibrary = Just
+    CondNode {
+      condTreeData = Library {
+        libName = LMainLibName,
+        exposedModules = [
+          ModuleName "ElseIf"],
+        reexportedModules = [],
+        signatures = [],
+        libExposed = True,
+        libVisibility =
+        LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+          buildable = True,
+          buildTools = [],
+          buildToolDepends = [],
+          cppOptions = [],
+          asmOptions = [],
+          cmmOptions = [],
+          ccOptions = [],
+          cxxOptions = [],
+          ldOptions = [],
+          hsc2hsOptions = [],
+          pkgconfigDepends = [],
+          frameworks = [],
+          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+          asmSources = [],
+          cmmSources = [],
+          cSources = [],
+          cxxSources = [],
+          jsSources = [],
+          hsSourceDirs = [],
+          otherModules = [],
+          virtualModules = [],
+          autogenModules = [],
+          defaultLanguage = Just
+            Haskell2010,
+          otherLanguages = [],
+          defaultExtensions = [],
+          otherExtensions = [],
+          oldExtensions = [],
+          extraLibs = [],
+          extraLibsStatic = [],
+          extraGHCiLibs = [],
+          extraBundledLibs = [],
+          extraLibFlavours = [],
+          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+          extraLibDirs = [],
+          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+          includeDirs = [],
+          includes = [],
+          autogenIncludes = [],
+          installIncludes = [],
+          options = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          sharedOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          staticOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          customFieldsBI = [],
+          targetBuildDepends = [
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "base")
+              (IntersectVersionRanges
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "containers")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet],
+          mixins = []}},
+      condTreeConstraints = [
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "base")
+          (IntersectVersionRanges
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "containers")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet],
+      condTreeComponents = [
+        CondBranch {
+          condBranchCondition =
+          `Var (OS Windows)`,
+          condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+            condTreeData = Library {
+              libName = LMainLibName,
+              exposedModules = [],
+              reexportedModules = [],
+              signatures = [],
+              libExposed = True,
+              libVisibility =
+              LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+              libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                buildable = True,
+                buildTools = [],
+                buildToolDepends = [],
+                cppOptions = [],
+                asmOptions = [],
+                cmmOptions = [],
+                ccOptions = [],
+                cxxOptions = [],
+                ldOptions = [],
+                hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                frameworks = [],
+                extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                asmSources = [],
+                cmmSources = [],
+                cSources = [],
+                cxxSources = [],
+                jsSources = [],
+                hsSourceDirs = [],
+                otherModules = [],
+                virtualModules = [],
+                autogenModules = [],
+                defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                otherLanguages = [],
+                defaultExtensions = [],
+                otherExtensions = [],
+                oldExtensions = [],
+                extraLibs = [],
+                extraLibsStatic = [],
+                extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                extraBundledLibs = [],
+                extraLibFlavours = [],
+                extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                extraLibDirs = [],
+                extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                includeDirs = [],
+                includes = [],
+                autogenIncludes = [],
+                installIncludes = [],
+                options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                sharedOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                staticOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                customFieldsBI = [],
+                targetBuildDepends = [
+                  Dependency
+                    (PackageName "Win32")
+                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                    mainLibSet],
+                mixins = []}},
+            condTreeConstraints = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "Win32")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            condTreeComponents = []},
+          condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]},
+  condSubLibraries = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName "internal")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = Library {
+          libName = LSubLibName
+            (UnqualComponentName
+              "internal"),
+          exposedModules = [
+            ModuleName "ElseIf2"],
+          reexportedModules = [],
+          signatures = [],
+          libExposed = True,
+          libVisibility =
+          LibraryVisibilityPrivate,
+          libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Just
+              Haskell2010,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "containers")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []}},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "containers")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = [
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (OS Windows)`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = Library {
+                libName = LSubLibName
+                  (UnqualComponentName
+                    "internal"),
+                exposedModules = [],
+                reexportedModules = [],
+                signatures = [],
+                libExposed = True,
+                libVisibility =
+                LibraryVisibilityPrivate,
+                libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [
+                    Dependency
+                      (PackageName "Win32")
+                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                      mainLibSet],
+                  mixins = []}},
+              condTreeConstraints = [
+                Dependency
+                  (PackageName "Win32")
+                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                  mainLibSet],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]}],
+  condForeignLibs = [],
+  condExecutables = [],
+  condTestSuites = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName "tests")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "Tests.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "containers")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "HUnit")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "containers")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "HUnit")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = [
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (OS Windows)`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                testName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "",
+                testInterface =
+                TestSuiteUnsupported
+                  (TestTypeUnknown
+                    ""
+                    (mkVersion [])),
+                testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [
+                    Dependency
+                      (PackageName "Win32")
+                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                      mainLibSet],
+                  mixins = []},
+                testCodeGenerators = []},
+              condTreeConstraints = [
+                Dependency
+                  (PackageName "Win32")
+                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                  mainLibSet],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing},
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (OS Windows)`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                testName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "",
+                testInterface =
+                TestSuiteUnsupported
+                  (TestTypeUnknown
+                    ""
+                    (mkVersion [])),
+                testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [
+                    Dependency
+                      (PackageName "Win32")
+                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                      mainLibSet],
+                  mixins = []},
+                testCodeGenerators = []},
+              condTreeConstraints = [
+                Dependency
+                  (PackageName "Win32")
+                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                  mainLibSet],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing},
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (OS Windows)`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                testName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "",
+                testInterface =
+                TestSuiteUnsupported
+                  (TestTypeUnknown
+                    ""
+                    (mkVersion [])),
+                testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = False,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [],
+                  mixins = []},
+                testCodeGenerators = []},
+              condTreeConstraints = [],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]}],
+  condBenchmarks = []}
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common3.expr b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common3.expr
index d4ce4267c9b65db48d92e23cb6eda355a6fca367..91c43cb0755c6595aa173c43a75947718254eda6 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common3.expr
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/common3.expr
@@ -1,212 +1,229 @@
-  {condBenchmarks = [],
-   condExecutables = [],
-   condForeignLibs = [],
-   condLibrary = Just
-                   CondNode
-                     {condTreeComponents = [],
-                      condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "ghc-prim")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet],
-                      condTreeData = Library
-                                       {exposedModules = [ModuleName "ElseIf"],
-                                        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                         {asmOptions = [],
-                                                          asmSources = [],
-                                                          autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                          autogenModules = [],
-                                                          buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                          buildTools = [],
-                                                          buildable = True,
-                                                          cSources = [],
-                                                          ccOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmSources = [],
-                                                          cppOptions = [],
-                                                          customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                          cxxOptions = [],
-                                                          cxxSources = [],
-                                                          defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                          defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                          extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                          extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                          frameworks = [],
-                                                          hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                          includeDirs = [],
-                                                          includes = [],
-                                                          installIncludes = [],
-                                                          jsSources = [],
-                                                          ldOptions = [],
-                                                          mixins = [],
-                                                          oldExtensions = [],
-                                                          options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          otherExtensions = [],
-                                                          otherLanguages = [],
-                                                          otherModules = [],
-                                                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "ghc-prim")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                          virtualModules = []},
-                                        libExposed = True,
-                                        libName = LMainLibName,
-                                        libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                        reexportedModules = [],
-                                        signatures = []}},
-   condSubLibraries = [],
-   condTestSuites = [_×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "tests")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 10]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [4, 11])))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "containers")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "HUnit")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "base")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 10]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 11])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "containers")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "HUnit")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "Tests.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}}],
-   genPackageFlags = [],
-   gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
-   packageDescription = PackageDescription
-                          {author = "",
-                           benchmarks = [],
-                           bugReports = "",
-                           buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
-                           category = "",
-                           copyright = "",
-                           customFieldsPD = [_×_ "x-revision" "1",
-                                             _×_ "x-follows-version-policy" ""],
-                           dataDir = ".",
-                           dataFiles = [],
-                           description = "",
-                           executables = [],
-                           extraDocFiles = [],
-                           extraSrcFiles = [],
-                           extraTmpFiles = [],
-                           foreignLibs = [],
-                           homepage = "",
-                           library = Nothing,
-                           licenseFiles = [],
-                           licenseRaw = Left NONE,
-                           maintainer = "",
-                           package = PackageIdentifier
-                                       {pkgName = PackageName "common", pkgVersion = mkVersion [0]},
-                           pkgUrl = "",
-                           setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
-                           sourceRepos = [SourceRepo
-                                            {repoBranch = Nothing,
-                                             repoKind = RepoHead,
-                                             repoLocation = Just "https://github.com/hvr/-.git",
-                                             repoModule = Nothing,
-                                             repoSubdir = Nothing,
-                                             repoTag = Nothing,
-                                             repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git)}],
-                           specVersion = CabalSpecV2_2,
-                           stability = "",
-                           subLibraries = [],
-                           synopsis = "Common-stanza demo demo",
-                           testSuites = [],
-                           testedWith = []}}
+GenericPackageDescription {
+  packageDescription =
+  PackageDescription {
+    specVersion = CabalSpecV2_2,
+    package = PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName = PackageName "common",
+      pkgVersion = mkVersion [0]},
+    licenseRaw = Left NONE,
+    licenseFiles = [],
+    copyright = "",
+    maintainer = "",
+    author = "",
+    stability = "",
+    testedWith = [],
+    homepage = "",
+    pkgUrl = "",
+    bugReports = "",
+    sourceRepos = [
+      SourceRepo {
+        repoKind = RepoHead,
+        repoType = Just
+          (KnownRepoType Git),
+        repoLocation = Just
+          "https://github.com/hvr/-.git",
+        repoModule = Nothing,
+        repoBranch = Nothing,
+        repoTag = Nothing,
+        repoSubdir = Nothing}],
+    synopsis =
+    "Common-stanza demo demo",
+    description = "",
+    category = "",
+    customFieldsPD = [
+      _×_ "x-revision" "1",
+      _×_
+        "x-follows-version-policy"
+        ""],
+    buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
+    setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
+    library = Nothing,
+    subLibraries = [],
+    executables = [],
+    foreignLibs = [],
+    testSuites = [],
+    benchmarks = [],
+    dataFiles = [],
+    dataDir = ".",
+    extraSrcFiles = [],
+    extraTmpFiles = [],
+    extraDocFiles = []},
+  gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
+  genPackageFlags = [],
+  condLibrary = Just
+    CondNode {
+      condTreeData = Library {
+        libName = LMainLibName,
+        exposedModules = [
+          ModuleName "ElseIf"],
+        reexportedModules = [],
+        signatures = [],
+        libExposed = True,
+        libVisibility =
+        LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+          buildable = True,
+          buildTools = [],
+          buildToolDepends = [],
+          cppOptions = [],
+          asmOptions = [],
+          cmmOptions = [],
+          ccOptions = [],
+          cxxOptions = [],
+          ldOptions = [],
+          hsc2hsOptions = [],
+          pkgconfigDepends = [],
+          frameworks = [],
+          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+          asmSources = [],
+          cmmSources = [],
+          cSources = [],
+          cxxSources = [],
+          jsSources = [],
+          hsSourceDirs = [],
+          otherModules = [],
+          virtualModules = [],
+          autogenModules = [],
+          defaultLanguage = Just
+            Haskell2010,
+          otherLanguages = [],
+          defaultExtensions = [],
+          otherExtensions = [],
+          oldExtensions = [],
+          extraLibs = [],
+          extraLibsStatic = [],
+          extraGHCiLibs = [],
+          extraBundledLibs = [],
+          extraLibFlavours = [],
+          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+          extraLibDirs = [],
+          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+          includeDirs = [],
+          includes = [],
+          autogenIncludes = [],
+          installIncludes = [],
+          options = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          sharedOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          staticOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          customFieldsBI = [],
+          targetBuildDepends = [
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet],
+          mixins = []}},
+      condTreeConstraints = [
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet],
+      condTreeComponents = []},
+  condSubLibraries = [],
+  condForeignLibs = [],
+  condExecutables = [],
+  condTestSuites = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName "tests")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "Tests.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "containers")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "HUnit")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 10]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 11])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "containers")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "HUnit")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = []}],
+  condBenchmarks = []}
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/generics-sop.expr b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/generics-sop.expr
index dfddaf29a02c1fd46ac7ad290edfc6f3335709bb..b549eb51f714cb29bb98a3f9c73725057f9f9a08 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/generics-sop.expr
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/generics-sop.expr
@@ -1,810 +1,833 @@
-  {condBenchmarks = [],
-   condExecutables = [],
-   condForeignLibs = [],
-   condLibrary = Just
-                   CondNode
-                     {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                              {condBranchCondition = `CNot (Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [7,8]))))`,
-                                               condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                               condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                    {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                     condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                              (PackageName
-                                                                                                 "tagged")
-                                                                                              (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                                 (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                       [0,
-                                                                                                        7]))
-                                                                                                 (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                       [0,
-                                                                                                        9])))
-                                                                                              mainLibSet],
-                                                                     condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                      {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                       libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                        {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                         buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                         buildable = True,
-                                                                                                         cSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                         extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                         hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         includes = [],
-                                                                                                         installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         mixins = [],
-                                                                                                         oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                     []
-                                                                                                                     [],
-                                                                                                         otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                         otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                         pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                         sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                 (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                    "tagged")
-                                                                                                                                 (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                          [0,
-                                                                                                                                           7]))
-                                                                                                                                    (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                          [0,
-                                                                                                                                           9])))
-                                                                                                                                 mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                         virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                       libExposed = True,
-                                                                                       libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                       libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                       reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                       signatures = []}}},
-                                            CondBranch
-                                              {condBranchCondition = `CNot (Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [8,0]))))`,
-                                               condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                               condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                    {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                     condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                              (PackageName
-                                                                                                 "transformers-compat")
-                                                                                              (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                                 (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                       [0,
-                                                                                                        3]))
-                                                                                                 (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                       [0,
-                                                                                                        6])))
-                                                                                              mainLibSet,
-                                                                                            Dependency
-                                                                                              (PackageName
-                                                                                                 "transformers")
-                                                                                              (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                                 (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                       [0,
-                                                                                                        3]))
-                                                                                                 (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                       [0,
-                                                                                                        6])))
-                                                                                              mainLibSet],
-                                                                     condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                      {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                       libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                        {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                         buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                         buildable = True,
-                                                                                                         cSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                         extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                         hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         includes = [],
-                                                                                                         installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         mixins = [],
-                                                                                                         oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                     []
-                                                                                                                     [],
-                                                                                                         otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                         otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                         pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                         sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                 (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                    "transformers-compat")
-                                                                                                                                 (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                          [0,
-                                                                                                                                           3]))
-                                                                                                                                    (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                          [0,
-                                                                                                                                           6])))
-                                                                                                                                 mainLibSet,
-                                                                                                                               Dependency
-                                                                                                                                 (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                    "transformers")
-                                                                                                                                 (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                          [0,
-                                                                                                                                           3]))
-                                                                                                                                    (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                          [0,
-                                                                                                                                           6])))
-                                                                                                                                 mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                         virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                       libExposed = True,
-                                                                                       libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                       libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                       reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                       signatures = []}}},
-                                            CondBranch
-                                              {condBranchCondition = `Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [7,8])))`,
-                                               condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                               condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                    {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                     condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                     condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                      {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                       libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                        {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                         buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                         buildable = True,
-                                                                                                         cSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultExtensions = [EnableExtension
-                                                                                                                                AutoDeriveTypeable],
-                                                                                                         defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                         extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                         hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         includes = [],
-                                                                                                         installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         mixins = [],
-                                                                                                         oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                     []
-                                                                                                                     [],
-                                                                                                         otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                         otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                         pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                         sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                       libExposed = True,
-                                                                                       libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                       libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                       reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                       signatures = []}}},
-                                            CondBranch
-                                              {condBranchCondition = `Var (Impl GHC (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [7,10])))`,
-                                               condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                               condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                    {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                     condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                     condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                      {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                       libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                        {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                         buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                         buildable = True,
-                                                                                                         cSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                         extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                         hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         includes = [],
-                                                                                                         installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         mixins = [],
-                                                                                                         oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                     []
-                                                                                                                     [],
-                                                                                                         otherExtensions = [EnableExtension
-                                                                                                                              OverlappingInstances],
-                                                                                                         otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                         otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                         pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                         sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                       libExposed = True,
-                                                                                       libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                       libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                       reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                       signatures = []}}}],
-                      condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "base")
-                                               (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 7]))
-                                                  (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [5])))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "template-haskell")
-                                               (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 8]))
-                                                  (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [2, 13])))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "ghc-prim")
-                                               (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 3]))
-                                                  (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [0, 6])))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "deepseq")
-                                               (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 3]))
-                                                  (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [1, 5])))
-                                               mainLibSet],
-                      condTreeData = Library
-                                       {exposedModules = [ModuleName "Generics.SOP",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.GGP",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.TH",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.Dict",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.Type.Metadata",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.BasicFunctors",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.Classes",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.Constraint",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.Instances",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.Metadata",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.NP",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.NS",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.Universe",
-                                                          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.Sing"],
-                                        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                         {asmOptions = [],
-                                                          asmSources = [],
-                                                          autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                          autogenModules = [],
-                                                          buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                          buildTools = [],
-                                                          buildable = True,
-                                                          cSources = [],
-                                                          ccOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmSources = [],
-                                                          cppOptions = [],
-                                                          customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                          cxxOptions = [],
-                                                          cxxSources = [],
-                                                          defaultExtensions = [EnableExtension CPP,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 ScopedTypeVariables,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 TypeFamilies,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 RankNTypes,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 TypeOperators,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 GADTs,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 ConstraintKinds,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 MultiParamTypeClasses,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 TypeSynonymInstances,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 FlexibleInstances,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 FlexibleContexts,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 DeriveFunctor,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 DeriveFoldable,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 DeriveTraversable,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 DefaultSignatures,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 KindSignatures,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 DataKinds,
-                                                                               EnableExtension
-                                                                                 FunctionalDependencies],
-                                                          defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                          extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                          extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                          frameworks = [],
-                                                          hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath "src"],
-                                                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                          includeDirs = [],
-                                                          includes = [],
-                                                          installIncludes = [],
-                                                          jsSources = [],
-                                                          ldOptions = [],
-                                                          mixins = [],
-                                                          oldExtensions = [],
-                                                          options = PerCompilerFlavor ["-Wall"] [],
-                                                          otherExtensions = [EnableExtension
-                                                                               OverloadedStrings,
-                                                                             EnableExtension
-                                                                               PolyKinds,
-                                                                             EnableExtension
-                                                                               UndecidableInstances,
-                                                                             EnableExtension
-                                                                               TemplateHaskell,
-                                                                             EnableExtension
-                                                                               DeriveGeneric,
-                                                                             EnableExtension
-                                                                               StandaloneDeriving],
-                                                          otherLanguages = [],
-                                                          otherModules = [],
-                                                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "base")
-                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [4, 7]))
-                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [5])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "template-haskell")
-                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [2, 8]))
-                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [2,
-                                                                                            13])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "ghc-prim")
-                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [0, 3]))
-                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [0, 6])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "deepseq")
-                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [1, 3]))
-                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [1, 5])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                          virtualModules = []},
-                                        libExposed = True,
-                                        libName = LMainLibName,
-                                        libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                        reexportedModules = [],
-                                        signatures = []}},
-   condSubLibraries = [],
-   condTestSuites = [_×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "doctests")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "doctest")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 13]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [0, 14])))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [_×_
-                                                                                   "x-doctest-options"
-                                                                                   "--preserve-it"],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath "test"],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                           ["-Wall", "-threaded"]
-                                                                           [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "base")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "doctest")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [0,
-                                                                                                 13]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [0,
-                                                                                                 14])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "doctests.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}},
-                     _×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "generics-sop-examples")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 6]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [5])))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "generics-sop")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath "test"],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                           ["-Wall"] [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [ModuleName
-                                                                                 "HTransExample"],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "base")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 6]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [5])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "generics-sop")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "Example.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}}],
-   genPackageFlags = [],
-   gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
-   packageDescription = PackageDescription
-                          {author = "Edsko de Vries <edsko@well-typed.com>, Andres L\246h <andres@well-typed.com>",
-                           benchmarks = [],
-                           bugReports = "",
-                           buildTypeRaw = Just Custom,
-                           category = "Generics",
-                           copyright = "",
-                           customFieldsPD = [],
-                           dataDir = ".",
-                           dataFiles = [],
-                           description = concat
-                                           ["A library to support the definition of generic functions.\n",
-                                            "Datatypes are viewed in a uniform, structured way:\n",
-                                            "the choice between constructors is represented using an n-ary\n",
-                                            "sum, and the arguments of each constructor are represented using\n",
-                                            "an n-ary product.\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "The module \"Generics.SOP\" is the main module of this library and contains\n",
-                                            "more detailed documentation.\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "Examples of using this library are provided by the following\n",
-                                            "packages:\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "* @<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/basic-sop basic-sop>@ basic examples,\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "* @<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pretty-sop pretty-sop>@ generic pretty printing,\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "* @<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens-sop lens-sop>@ generically computed lenses,\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "* @<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/json-sop json-sop>@ generic JSON conversions.\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "A detailed description of the ideas behind this library is provided by\n",
-                                            "the paper:\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "* Edsko de Vries and Andres L\246h.\n",
-                                            "<http://www.andres-loeh.de/TrueSumsOfProducts True Sums of Products>.\n",
-                                            "Workshop on Generic Programming (WGP) 2014.\n"],
-                           executables = [],
-                           extraDocFiles = [],
-                           extraSrcFiles = ["CHANGELOG.md"],
-                           extraTmpFiles = [],
-                           foreignLibs = [],
-                           homepage = "",
-                           library = Nothing,
-                           licenseFiles = [SymbolicPath "LICENSE"],
-                           licenseRaw = Right BSD3,
-                           maintainer = "andres@well-typed.com",
-                           package = PackageIdentifier
-                                       {pkgName = PackageName "generics-sop",
-                                        pkgVersion = mkVersion [0, 3, 1, 0]},
-                           pkgUrl = "",
-                           setupBuildInfo = Just
-                                              SetupBuildInfo
-                                                {defaultSetupDepends = False,
-                                                 setupDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                                 Dependency
-                                                                   (PackageName "Cabal")
-                                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                                 Dependency
-                                                                   (PackageName "cabal-doctest")
-                                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                      (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                         (mkVersion [1, 0, 2]))
-                                                                      (EarlierVersion
-                                                                         (mkVersion [1, 1])))
-                                                                   mainLibSet]},
-                           sourceRepos = [SourceRepo
-                                            {repoBranch = Nothing,
-                                             repoKind = RepoHead,
-                                             repoLocation = Just
-                                                              "https://github.com/well-typed/generics-sop",
-                                             repoModule = Nothing,
-                                             repoSubdir = Nothing,
-                                             repoTag = Nothing,
-                                             repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git)}],
-                           specVersion = CabalSpecV1_10,
-                           stability = "",
-                           subLibraries = [],
-                           synopsis = "Generic Programming using True Sums of Products",
-                           testSuites = [],
-                           testedWith = [_×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [7, 8, 4])),
-                                         _×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [7, 10, 3])),
-                                         _×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [8, 0, 1])),
-                                         _×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [8, 0, 2])),
-                                         _×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [8, 2, 1])),
-                                         _×_
-                                           GHC
-                                           (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [8, 3]))
-                                              (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [8, 4])))]}}
+GenericPackageDescription {
+  packageDescription =
+  PackageDescription {
+    specVersion = CabalSpecV1_10,
+    package = PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName = PackageName
+        "generics-sop",
+      pkgVersion = mkVersion
+        [0, 3, 1, 0]},
+    licenseRaw = Right BSD3,
+    licenseFiles = [
+      SymbolicPath "LICENSE"],
+    copyright = "",
+    maintainer =
+    "andres@well-typed.com",
+    author =
+    "Edsko de Vries <edsko@well-typed.com>, Andres L\246h <andres@well-typed.com>",
+    stability = "",
+    testedWith = [
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [7, 8, 4])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [7, 10, 3])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [8, 0, 1])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [8, 0, 2])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [8, 2, 1])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (IntersectVersionRanges
+          (OrLaterVersion
+            (mkVersion [8, 3]))
+          (EarlierVersion
+            (mkVersion [8, 4])))],
+    homepage = "",
+    pkgUrl = "",
+    bugReports = "",
+    sourceRepos = [
+      SourceRepo {
+        repoKind = RepoHead,
+        repoType = Just
+          (KnownRepoType Git),
+        repoLocation = Just
+          "https://github.com/well-typed/generics-sop",
+        repoModule = Nothing,
+        repoBranch = Nothing,
+        repoTag = Nothing,
+        repoSubdir = Nothing}],
+    synopsis =
+    "Generic Programming using True Sums of Products",
+    description =
+    concat
+      [
+        "A library to support the definition of generic functions.\n",
+        "Datatypes are viewed in a uniform, structured way:\n",
+        "the choice between constructors is represented using an n-ary\n",
+        "sum, and the arguments of each constructor are represented using\n",
+        "an n-ary product.\n",
+        "\n",
+        "The module \"Generics.SOP\" is the main module of this library and contains\n",
+        "more detailed documentation.\n",
+        "\n",
+        "Examples of using this library are provided by the following\n",
+        "packages:\n",
+        "\n",
+        "* @<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/basic-sop basic-sop>@ basic examples,\n",
+        "\n",
+        "* @<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pretty-sop pretty-sop>@ generic pretty printing,\n",
+        "\n",
+        "* @<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens-sop lens-sop>@ generically computed lenses,\n",
+        "\n",
+        "* @<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/json-sop json-sop>@ generic JSON conversions.\n",
+        "\n",
+        "A detailed description of the ideas behind this library is provided by\n",
+        "the paper:\n",
+        "\n",
+        "* Edsko de Vries and Andres L\246h.\n",
+        "<http://www.andres-loeh.de/TrueSumsOfProducts True Sums of Products>.\n",
+        "Workshop on Generic Programming (WGP) 2014.\n"],
+    category = "Generics",
+    customFieldsPD = [],
+    buildTypeRaw = Just Custom,
+    setupBuildInfo = Just
+      SetupBuildInfo {
+        setupDepends = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "Cabal")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "cabal-doctest")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [1, 0, 2]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [1, 1])))
+            mainLibSet],
+        defaultSetupDepends = False},
+    library = Nothing,
+    subLibraries = [],
+    executables = [],
+    foreignLibs = [],
+    testSuites = [],
+    benchmarks = [],
+    dataFiles = [],
+    dataDir = ".",
+    extraSrcFiles = [
+      "CHANGELOG.md"],
+    extraTmpFiles = [],
+    extraDocFiles = []},
+  gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
+  genPackageFlags = [],
+  condLibrary = Just
+    CondNode {
+      condTreeData = Library {
+        libName = LMainLibName,
+        exposedModules = [
+          ModuleName "Generics.SOP",
+          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.GGP",
+          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.TH",
+          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.Dict",
+          ModuleName
+            "Generics.SOP.Type.Metadata",
+          ModuleName
+            "Generics.SOP.BasicFunctors",
+          ModuleName
+            "Generics.SOP.Classes",
+          ModuleName
+            "Generics.SOP.Constraint",
+          ModuleName
+            "Generics.SOP.Instances",
+          ModuleName
+            "Generics.SOP.Metadata",
+          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.NP",
+          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.NS",
+          ModuleName
+            "Generics.SOP.Universe",
+          ModuleName "Generics.SOP.Sing"],
+        reexportedModules = [],
+        signatures = [],
+        libExposed = True,
+        libVisibility =
+        LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+          buildable = True,
+          buildTools = [],
+          buildToolDepends = [],
+          cppOptions = [],
+          asmOptions = [],
+          cmmOptions = [],
+          ccOptions = [],
+          cxxOptions = [],
+          ldOptions = [],
+          hsc2hsOptions = [],
+          pkgconfigDepends = [],
+          frameworks = [],
+          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+          asmSources = [],
+          cmmSources = [],
+          cSources = [],
+          cxxSources = [],
+          jsSources = [],
+          hsSourceDirs = [
+            SymbolicPath "src"],
+          otherModules = [],
+          virtualModules = [],
+          autogenModules = [],
+          defaultLanguage = Just
+            Haskell2010,
+          otherLanguages = [],
+          defaultExtensions = [
+            EnableExtension CPP,
+            EnableExtension
+              ScopedTypeVariables,
+            EnableExtension TypeFamilies,
+            EnableExtension RankNTypes,
+            EnableExtension TypeOperators,
+            EnableExtension GADTs,
+            EnableExtension ConstraintKinds,
+            EnableExtension
+              MultiParamTypeClasses,
+            EnableExtension
+              TypeSynonymInstances,
+            EnableExtension
+              FlexibleInstances,
+            EnableExtension
+              FlexibleContexts,
+            EnableExtension DeriveFunctor,
+            EnableExtension DeriveFoldable,
+            EnableExtension
+              DeriveTraversable,
+            EnableExtension
+              DefaultSignatures,
+            EnableExtension KindSignatures,
+            EnableExtension DataKinds,
+            EnableExtension
+              FunctionalDependencies],
+          otherExtensions = [
+            EnableExtension
+              OverloadedStrings,
+            EnableExtension PolyKinds,
+            EnableExtension
+              UndecidableInstances,
+            EnableExtension TemplateHaskell,
+            EnableExtension DeriveGeneric,
+            EnableExtension
+              StandaloneDeriving],
+          oldExtensions = [],
+          extraLibs = [],
+          extraLibsStatic = [],
+          extraGHCiLibs = [],
+          extraBundledLibs = [],
+          extraLibFlavours = [],
+          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+          extraLibDirs = [],
+          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+          includeDirs = [],
+          includes = [],
+          autogenIncludes = [],
+          installIncludes = [],
+          options = PerCompilerFlavor
+            ["-Wall"]
+            [],
+          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          sharedOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          staticOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          customFieldsBI = [],
+          targetBuildDepends = [
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "base")
+              (IntersectVersionRanges
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [4, 7]))
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [5])))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "template-haskell")
+              (IntersectVersionRanges
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [2, 8]))
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [2, 13])))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+              (IntersectVersionRanges
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 6])))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "deepseq")
+              (IntersectVersionRanges
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 3]))
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 5])))
+              mainLibSet],
+          mixins = []}},
+      condTreeConstraints = [
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "base")
+          (IntersectVersionRanges
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [4, 7]))
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [5])))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "template-haskell")
+          (IntersectVersionRanges
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [2, 8]))
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [2, 13])))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "ghc-prim")
+          (IntersectVersionRanges
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 6])))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "deepseq")
+          (IntersectVersionRanges
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 3]))
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 5])))
+          mainLibSet],
+      condTreeComponents = [
+        CondBranch {
+          condBranchCondition =
+          `CNot (Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [7,8]))))`,
+          condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+            condTreeData = Library {
+              libName = LMainLibName,
+              exposedModules = [],
+              reexportedModules = [],
+              signatures = [],
+              libExposed = True,
+              libVisibility =
+              LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+              libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                buildable = True,
+                buildTools = [],
+                buildToolDepends = [],
+                cppOptions = [],
+                asmOptions = [],
+                cmmOptions = [],
+                ccOptions = [],
+                cxxOptions = [],
+                ldOptions = [],
+                hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                frameworks = [],
+                extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                asmSources = [],
+                cmmSources = [],
+                cSources = [],
+                cxxSources = [],
+                jsSources = [],
+                hsSourceDirs = [],
+                otherModules = [],
+                virtualModules = [],
+                autogenModules = [],
+                defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                otherLanguages = [],
+                defaultExtensions = [],
+                otherExtensions = [],
+                oldExtensions = [],
+                extraLibs = [],
+                extraLibsStatic = [],
+                extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                extraBundledLibs = [],
+                extraLibFlavours = [],
+                extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                extraLibDirs = [],
+                extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                includeDirs = [],
+                includes = [],
+                autogenIncludes = [],
+                installIncludes = [],
+                options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                sharedOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                staticOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                customFieldsBI = [],
+                targetBuildDepends = [
+                  Dependency
+                    (PackageName "tagged")
+                    (IntersectVersionRanges
+                      (OrLaterVersion
+                        (mkVersion [0, 7]))
+                      (EarlierVersion
+                        (mkVersion [0, 9])))
+                    mainLibSet],
+                mixins = []}},
+            condTreeConstraints = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "tagged")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 7]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 9])))
+                mainLibSet],
+            condTreeComponents = []},
+          condBranchIfFalse = Nothing},
+        CondBranch {
+          condBranchCondition =
+          `CNot (Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [8,0]))))`,
+          condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+            condTreeData = Library {
+              libName = LMainLibName,
+              exposedModules = [],
+              reexportedModules = [],
+              signatures = [],
+              libExposed = True,
+              libVisibility =
+              LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+              libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                buildable = True,
+                buildTools = [],
+                buildToolDepends = [],
+                cppOptions = [],
+                asmOptions = [],
+                cmmOptions = [],
+                ccOptions = [],
+                cxxOptions = [],
+                ldOptions = [],
+                hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                frameworks = [],
+                extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                asmSources = [],
+                cmmSources = [],
+                cSources = [],
+                cxxSources = [],
+                jsSources = [],
+                hsSourceDirs = [],
+                otherModules = [],
+                virtualModules = [],
+                autogenModules = [],
+                defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                otherLanguages = [],
+                defaultExtensions = [],
+                otherExtensions = [],
+                oldExtensions = [],
+                extraLibs = [],
+                extraLibsStatic = [],
+                extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                extraBundledLibs = [],
+                extraLibFlavours = [],
+                extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                extraLibDirs = [],
+                extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                includeDirs = [],
+                includes = [],
+                autogenIncludes = [],
+                installIncludes = [],
+                options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                sharedOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                staticOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                customFieldsBI = [],
+                targetBuildDepends = [
+                  Dependency
+                    (PackageName
+                      "transformers-compat")
+                    (IntersectVersionRanges
+                      (OrLaterVersion
+                        (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+                      (EarlierVersion
+                        (mkVersion [0, 6])))
+                    mainLibSet,
+                  Dependency
+                    (PackageName "transformers")
+                    (IntersectVersionRanges
+                      (OrLaterVersion
+                        (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+                      (EarlierVersion
+                        (mkVersion [0, 6])))
+                    mainLibSet],
+                mixins = []}},
+            condTreeConstraints = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName
+                  "transformers-compat")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 6])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "transformers")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 6])))
+                mainLibSet],
+            condTreeComponents = []},
+          condBranchIfFalse = Nothing},
+        CondBranch {
+          condBranchCondition =
+          `Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [7,8])))`,
+          condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+            condTreeData = Library {
+              libName = LMainLibName,
+              exposedModules = [],
+              reexportedModules = [],
+              signatures = [],
+              libExposed = True,
+              libVisibility =
+              LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+              libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                buildable = True,
+                buildTools = [],
+                buildToolDepends = [],
+                cppOptions = [],
+                asmOptions = [],
+                cmmOptions = [],
+                ccOptions = [],
+                cxxOptions = [],
+                ldOptions = [],
+                hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                frameworks = [],
+                extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                asmSources = [],
+                cmmSources = [],
+                cSources = [],
+                cxxSources = [],
+                jsSources = [],
+                hsSourceDirs = [],
+                otherModules = [],
+                virtualModules = [],
+                autogenModules = [],
+                defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                otherLanguages = [],
+                defaultExtensions = [
+                  EnableExtension
+                    AutoDeriveTypeable],
+                otherExtensions = [],
+                oldExtensions = [],
+                extraLibs = [],
+                extraLibsStatic = [],
+                extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                extraBundledLibs = [],
+                extraLibFlavours = [],
+                extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                extraLibDirs = [],
+                extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                includeDirs = [],
+                includes = [],
+                autogenIncludes = [],
+                installIncludes = [],
+                options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                sharedOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                staticOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                customFieldsBI = [],
+                targetBuildDepends = [],
+                mixins = []}},
+            condTreeConstraints = [],
+            condTreeComponents = []},
+          condBranchIfFalse = Nothing},
+        CondBranch {
+          condBranchCondition =
+          `Var (Impl GHC (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [7,10])))`,
+          condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+            condTreeData = Library {
+              libName = LMainLibName,
+              exposedModules = [],
+              reexportedModules = [],
+              signatures = [],
+              libExposed = True,
+              libVisibility =
+              LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+              libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                buildable = True,
+                buildTools = [],
+                buildToolDepends = [],
+                cppOptions = [],
+                asmOptions = [],
+                cmmOptions = [],
+                ccOptions = [],
+                cxxOptions = [],
+                ldOptions = [],
+                hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                frameworks = [],
+                extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                asmSources = [],
+                cmmSources = [],
+                cSources = [],
+                cxxSources = [],
+                jsSources = [],
+                hsSourceDirs = [],
+                otherModules = [],
+                virtualModules = [],
+                autogenModules = [],
+                defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                otherLanguages = [],
+                defaultExtensions = [],
+                otherExtensions = [
+                  EnableExtension
+                    OverlappingInstances],
+                oldExtensions = [],
+                extraLibs = [],
+                extraLibsStatic = [],
+                extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                extraBundledLibs = [],
+                extraLibFlavours = [],
+                extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                extraLibDirs = [],
+                extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                includeDirs = [],
+                includes = [],
+                autogenIncludes = [],
+                installIncludes = [],
+                options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                sharedOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                staticOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                customFieldsBI = [],
+                targetBuildDepends = [],
+                mixins = []}},
+            condTreeConstraints = [],
+            condTreeComponents = []},
+          condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]},
+  condSubLibraries = [],
+  condForeignLibs = [],
+  condExecutables = [],
+  condTestSuites = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName "doctests")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "doctests.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [
+              SymbolicPath "test"],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Just
+              Haskell2010,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              ["-Wall", "-threaded"]
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [
+              _×_
+                "x-doctest-options"
+                "--preserve-it"],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "doctest")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 13]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 14])))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "doctest")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 13]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 14])))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = []},
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName
+        "generics-sop-examples")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "Example.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [
+              SymbolicPath "test"],
+            otherModules = [
+              ModuleName "HTransExample"],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Just
+              Haskell2010,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              ["-Wall"]
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 6]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [5])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "generics-sop")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 6]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [5])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "generics-sop")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = []}],
+  condBenchmarks = []}
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/hasktorch.expr b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/hasktorch.expr
index 2ddf3ba05566d15253dc27795f3eafbb6a62bc44..92b76bbb0eb882499b229407deb01e7bb0ab0bda 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/hasktorch.expr
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/hasktorch.expr
@@ -10080,7 +10080,8 @@ GenericPackageDescription {
                 (PackageName "generic-lens")
                 (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-            mixins = []}},
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
         condTreeConstraints = [
             (PackageName "QuickCheck")
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/issue-5055.expr b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/issue-5055.expr
index 96577831b3691a276ac0f301f003fee7f0fce48a..be5e955442b8e93d350c83c2f9d8fbeb6a835a88 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/issue-5055.expr
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/issue-5055.expr
@@ -1,255 +1,278 @@
-  {condBenchmarks = [],
-   condExecutables = [_×_
-                        (UnqualComponentName "flag-test-exe")
-                        CondNode
-                          {condTreeComponents = [],
-                           condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "base")
-                                                    (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                       (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 8]))
-                                                       (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [5])))
-                                                    mainLibSet],
-                           condTreeData = Executable
-                                            {buildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                           {asmOptions = [],
-                                                            asmSources = [],
-                                                            autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                            autogenModules = [],
-                                                            buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                            buildTools = [],
-                                                            buildable = True,
-                                                            cSources = [],
-                                                            ccOptions = [],
-                                                            cmmOptions = [],
-                                                            cmmSources = [],
-                                                            cppOptions = [],
-                                                            customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                            cxxOptions = [],
-                                                            cxxSources = [],
-                                                            defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                            defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                            extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                            extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                            extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                            extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                            extraLibs = [],
-                                                            extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                            frameworks = [],
-                                                            hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                            hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                            includeDirs = [],
-                                                            includes = [],
-                                                            installIncludes = [],
-                                                            jsSources = [],
-                                                            ldOptions = [],
-                                                            mixins = [],
-                                                            oldExtensions = [],
-                                                            options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                            otherExtensions = [],
-                                                            otherLanguages = [],
-                                                            otherModules = [],
-                                                            pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                            sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                            staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                            targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "base")
-                                                                                    (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [4,
-                                                                                              8]))
-                                                                                       (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [5])))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet],
-                                                            virtualModules = []},
-                                             exeName = UnqualComponentName "flag-test-exe",
-                                             exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
-                                             modulePath = "FirstMain.hs"}}],
-   condForeignLibs = [],
-   condLibrary = Nothing,
-   condSubLibraries = [],
-   condTestSuites = [_×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "flag-cabal-test")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                  {condBranchCondition = `Var (OS Windows)`,
-                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                         condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                          {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = True,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                           testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                             (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                ""
-                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                   [])),
-                                                                                           testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        ""}}}],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 8]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [5])))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "base")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 8]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [5])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "SecondMain.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}}],
-   genPackageFlags = [],
-   gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
-   packageDescription = PackageDescription
-                          {author = "",
-                           benchmarks = [],
-                           bugReports = "",
-                           buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
-                           category = "Test",
-                           copyright = "",
-                           customFieldsPD = [],
-                           dataDir = ".",
-                           dataFiles = [],
-                           description = "no type in all branches.",
-                           executables = [],
-                           extraDocFiles = [],
-                           extraSrcFiles = [],
-                           extraTmpFiles = [],
-                           foreignLibs = [],
-                           homepage = "",
-                           library = Nothing,
-                           licenseFiles = [],
-                           licenseRaw = Right BSD3,
-                           maintainer = "",
-                           package = PackageIdentifier
-                                       {pkgName = PackageName "issue",
-                                        pkgVersion = mkVersion [5055]},
-                           pkgUrl = "",
-                           setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
-                           sourceRepos = [],
-                           specVersion = CabalSpecV2_0,
-                           stability = "",
-                           subLibraries = [],
-                           synopsis = "no type in all branches",
-                           testSuites = [],
-                           testedWith = []}}
+GenericPackageDescription {
+  packageDescription =
+  PackageDescription {
+    specVersion = CabalSpecV2_0,
+    package = PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName = PackageName "issue",
+      pkgVersion = mkVersion [5055]},
+    licenseRaw = Right BSD3,
+    licenseFiles = [],
+    copyright = "",
+    maintainer = "",
+    author = "",
+    stability = "",
+    testedWith = [],
+    homepage = "",
+    pkgUrl = "",
+    bugReports = "",
+    sourceRepos = [],
+    synopsis =
+    "no type in all branches",
+    description =
+    "no type in all branches.",
+    category = "Test",
+    customFieldsPD = [],
+    buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
+    setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
+    library = Nothing,
+    subLibraries = [],
+    executables = [],
+    foreignLibs = [],
+    testSuites = [],
+    benchmarks = [],
+    dataFiles = [],
+    dataDir = ".",
+    extraSrcFiles = [],
+    extraTmpFiles = [],
+    extraDocFiles = []},
+  gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
+  genPackageFlags = [],
+  condLibrary = Nothing,
+  condSubLibraries = [],
+  condForeignLibs = [],
+  condExecutables = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName
+        "flag-test-exe")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = Executable {
+          exeName = UnqualComponentName
+            "flag-test-exe",
+          modulePath = "FirstMain.hs",
+          exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
+          buildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Just
+              Haskell2010,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 8]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [5])))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []}},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 8]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [5])))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = []}],
+  condTestSuites = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName
+        "flag-cabal-test")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "SecondMain.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Just
+              Haskell2010,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 8]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [5])))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 8]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [5])))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = [
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (OS Windows)`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                testName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "",
+                testInterface =
+                TestSuiteUnsupported
+                  (TestTypeUnknown
+                    ""
+                    (mkVersion [])),
+                testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [],
+                  mixins = []},
+                testCodeGenerators = []},
+              condTreeConstraints = [],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]}],
+  condBenchmarks = []}
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/jaeger-flamegraph.expr b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/jaeger-flamegraph.expr
index 51b6add00d7d357c41a75f4a83625651b68fcde3..aac1a2153e64e6438bf7287c2144407a3453f97f 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/jaeger-flamegraph.expr
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/jaeger-flamegraph.expr
@@ -1,480 +1,469 @@
-  {condBenchmarks = [],
-   condExecutables = [_×_
-                        (UnqualComponentName "jaeger-flamegraph")
-                        CondNode
-                          {condTreeComponents = [],
-                           condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "base")
-                                                    (UnionVersionRanges
-                                                       (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
-                                                       (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                          (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "jaeger-flamegraph")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "bytestring")
-                                                    (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [0, 10, 8, 2]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "containers")
-                                                    (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [0, 6, 0, 1]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "extra")
-                                                    (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [1, 6, 13]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "aeson")
-                                                    (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [1, 4, 1, 0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "optparse-applicative")
-                                                    (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [0, 14, 3, 0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "text")
-                                                    (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [1, 2, 3, 1]))
-                                                    mainLibSet],
-                           condTreeData = Executable
-                                            {buildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                           {asmOptions = [],
-                                                            asmSources = [],
-                                                            autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                            autogenModules = [],
-                                                            buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                            buildTools = [],
-                                                            buildable = True,
-                                                            cSources = [],
-                                                            ccOptions = [],
-                                                            cmmOptions = [],
-                                                            cmmSources = [],
-                                                            cppOptions = [],
-                                                            customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                            cxxOptions = [],
-                                                            cxxSources = [],
-                                                            defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                            defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                            extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                            extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                            extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                            extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                            extraLibs = [],
-                                                            extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                            frameworks = [],
-                                                            hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath "exe"],
-                                                            hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                            includeDirs = [],
-                                                            includes = [],
-                                                            installIncludes = [],
-                                                            jsSources = [],
-                                                            ldOptions = [],
-                                                            mixins = [],
-                                                            oldExtensions = [],
-                                                            options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                        ["-Wall",
-                                                                         "-Werror=missing-home-modules",
-                                                                         "-threaded"]
-                                                                        [],
-                                                            otherExtensions = [],
-                                                            otherLanguages = [],
-                                                            otherModules = [],
-                                                            pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                            sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                            staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                            targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "base")
-                                                                                    (UnionVersionRanges
-                                                                                       (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [4,
-                                                                                              11,
-                                                                                              1,
-                                                                                              0]))
-                                                                                       (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [4,
-                                                                                              12,
-                                                                                              0,
-                                                                                              0])))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "jaeger-flamegraph")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "bytestring")
-                                                                                    (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0,
-                                                                                           10,
-                                                                                           8,
-                                                                                           2]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "containers")
-                                                                                    (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0,
-                                                                                           6,
-                                                                                           0,
-                                                                                           1]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "extra")
-                                                                                    (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [1,
-                                                                                           6,
-                                                                                           13]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "aeson")
-                                                                                    (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [1,
-                                                                                           4,
-                                                                                           1,
-                                                                                           0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "optparse-applicative")
-                                                                                    (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0,
-                                                                                           14,
-                                                                                           3,
-                                                                                           0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "text")
-                                                                                    (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [1,
-                                                                                           2,
-                                                                                           3,
-                                                                                           1]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet],
-                                                            virtualModules = []},
-                                             exeName = UnqualComponentName "jaeger-flamegraph",
-                                             exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
-                                             modulePath = "Main.hs"}}],
-   condForeignLibs = [],
-   condLibrary = Just
-                   CondNode
-                     {condTreeComponents = [],
-                      condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "base")
-                                               (UnionVersionRanges
-                                                  (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
-                                                  (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "QuickCheck")
-                                               (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [2, 12, 6, 1]))
-                                               mainLibSet],
-                      condTreeData = Library
-                                       {exposedModules = [ModuleName "Interval"],
-                                        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                         {asmOptions = [],
-                                                          asmSources = [],
-                                                          autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                          autogenModules = [],
-                                                          buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                          buildTools = [],
-                                                          buildable = True,
-                                                          cSources = [],
-                                                          ccOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmSources = [],
-                                                          cppOptions = [],
-                                                          customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                          cxxOptions = [],
-                                                          cxxSources = [],
-                                                          defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                          defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                          extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                          extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                          frameworks = [],
-                                                          hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath "library"],
-                                                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                          includeDirs = [],
-                                                          includes = [],
-                                                          installIncludes = [],
-                                                          jsSources = [],
-                                                          ldOptions = [],
-                                                          mixins = [],
-                                                          oldExtensions = [],
-                                                          options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                      ["-Wall",
-                                                                       "-Werror=missing-home-modules"]
-                                                                      [],
-                                                          otherExtensions = [],
-                                                          otherLanguages = [],
-                                                          otherModules = [],
-                                                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "base")
-                                                                                  (UnionVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [4,
-                                                                                            11,
-                                                                                            1,
-                                                                                            0]))
-                                                                                     (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [4,
-                                                                                            12,
-                                                                                            0,
-                                                                                            0])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "QuickCheck")
-                                                                                  (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [2,
-                                                                                         12,
-                                                                                         6,
-                                                                                         1]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                          virtualModules = []},
-                                        libExposed = True,
-                                        libName = LMainLibName,
-                                        libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                        reexportedModules = [],
-                                        signatures = []}},
-   condSubLibraries = [],
-   condTestSuites = [_×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "tests")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                   (UnionVersionRanges
-                                                      (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
-                                                      (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "jaeger-flamegraph")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "tasty")
-                                                   (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [1, 1, 0, 4]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "tasty-hspec")
-                                                   (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [1, 1, 5]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "tasty-quickcheck")
-                                                   (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [0, 10]))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [ExeDependency
-                                                                                     (PackageName
-                                                                                        "tasty-discover")
-                                                                                     (UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                        "tasty-discover")
-                                                                                     (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [4,
-                                                                                            2,
-                                                                                            1]))],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath "test"],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                           ["-Wall",
-                                                                            "-Werror=missing-home-modules",
-                                                                            "-threaded"]
-                                                                           [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [ModuleName
-                                                                                 "IntervalTest"],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "base")
-                                                                                       (UnionVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 11,
-                                                                                                 1,
-                                                                                                 0]))
-                                                                                          (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4,
-                                                                                                 12,
-                                                                                                 0,
-                                                                                                 0])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "jaeger-flamegraph")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "tasty")
-                                                                                       (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [1,
-                                                                                              1,
-                                                                                              0,
-                                                                                              4]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "tasty-hspec")
-                                                                                       (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [1,
-                                                                                              1,
-                                                                                              5]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "tasty-quickcheck")
-                                                                                       (MajorBoundVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0,
-                                                                                              10]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "Driver.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}}],
-   genPackageFlags = [],
-   gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
-   packageDescription = PackageDescription
-                          {author = "Sam Halliday",
-                           benchmarks = [],
-                           bugReports = "https://github.com/symbiont-io/jaeger-flamegraph/pulls",
-                           buildTypeRaw = Nothing,
-                           category = "Testing",
-                           copyright = "(c) 2018 Symbiont.io",
-                           customFieldsPD = [],
-                           dataDir = ".",
-                           dataFiles = [],
-                           description = concat
-                                           ["This is a small tool to convert JSON dumps obtained from a Jaeger\n",
-                                            "server (<https://www.jaegertracing.io/>) into a format consumable\n",
-                                            "by [FlameGraph](https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph).\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "First download the traces for your SERVICE limiting to LIMIT traces\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "> $ curl http://your-jaeger-installation/api/traces?service=SERVICE&limit=LIMIT > input.json\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "using the [undocumented Jaeger API](https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger/issues/456#issuecomment-412560321)\n",
-                                            "then use @jaeger-flamegraph@ to convert the data and send to @flamegraph.pl@\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "> $ jaeger-flamegraph -f input.json | flamegraph.pl > output.svg\n"],
-                           executables = [],
-                           extraDocFiles = [],
-                           extraSrcFiles = [],
-                           extraTmpFiles = [],
-                           foreignLibs = [],
-                           homepage = "",
-                           library = Nothing,
-                           licenseFiles = [SymbolicPath "LICENSE"],
-                           licenseRaw = Left
-                                          (License (ELicense (ELicenseId BSD_3_Clause) Nothing)),
-                           maintainer = "Sam Halliday",
-                           package = PackageIdentifier
-                                       {pkgName = PackageName "jaeger-flamegraph",
-                                        pkgVersion = mkVersion [1, 0, 0]},
-                           pkgUrl = "",
-                           setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
-                           sourceRepos = [SourceRepo
-                                            {repoBranch = Nothing,
-                                             repoKind = RepoHead,
-                                             repoLocation = Just
-                                                              "https://github.com/symbiont-io/jaeger-flamegraph",
-                                             repoModule = Nothing,
-                                             repoSubdir = Nothing,
-                                             repoTag = Nothing,
-                                             repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git)}],
-                           specVersion = CabalSpecV2_2,
-                           stability = "",
-                           subLibraries = [],
-                           synopsis = "Generate flamegraphs from Jaeger .json dumps.",
-                           testSuites = [],
-                           testedWith = [_×_
-                                           GHC
-                                           (UnionVersionRanges
-                                              (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [8, 4, 4]))
-                                              (MajorBoundVersion (mkVersion [8, 6, 2])))]}}
+GenericPackageDescription {
+  packageDescription =
+  PackageDescription {
+    specVersion = CabalSpecV2_2,
+    package = PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName = PackageName
+        "jaeger-flamegraph",
+      pkgVersion = mkVersion
+        [1, 0, 0]},
+    licenseRaw = Left
+      (License
+        (ELicense
+          (ELicenseId BSD_3_Clause)
+          Nothing)),
+    licenseFiles = [
+      SymbolicPath "LICENSE"],
+    copyright =
+    "(c) 2018 Symbiont.io",
+    maintainer = "Sam Halliday",
+    author = "Sam Halliday",
+    stability = "",
+    testedWith = [
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (UnionVersionRanges
+          (MajorBoundVersion
+            (mkVersion [8, 4, 4]))
+          (MajorBoundVersion
+            (mkVersion [8, 6, 2])))],
+    homepage = "",
+    pkgUrl = "",
+    bugReports =
+    "https://github.com/symbiont-io/jaeger-flamegraph/pulls",
+    sourceRepos = [
+      SourceRepo {
+        repoKind = RepoHead,
+        repoType = Just
+          (KnownRepoType Git),
+        repoLocation = Just
+          "https://github.com/symbiont-io/jaeger-flamegraph",
+        repoModule = Nothing,
+        repoBranch = Nothing,
+        repoTag = Nothing,
+        repoSubdir = Nothing}],
+    synopsis =
+    "Generate flamegraphs from Jaeger .json dumps.",
+    description =
+    concat
+      [
+        "This is a small tool to convert JSON dumps obtained from a Jaeger\n",
+        "server (<https://www.jaegertracing.io/>) into a format consumable\n",
+        "by [FlameGraph](https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph).\n",
+        "\n",
+        "First download the traces for your SERVICE limiting to LIMIT traces\n",
+        "\n",
+        "> $ curl http://your-jaeger-installation/api/traces?service=SERVICE&limit=LIMIT > input.json\n",
+        "\n",
+        "using the [undocumented Jaeger API](https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger/issues/456#issuecomment-412560321)\n",
+        "then use @jaeger-flamegraph@ to convert the data and send to @flamegraph.pl@\n",
+        "\n",
+        "> $ jaeger-flamegraph -f input.json | flamegraph.pl > output.svg\n"],
+    category = "Testing",
+    customFieldsPD = [],
+    buildTypeRaw = Nothing,
+    setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
+    library = Nothing,
+    subLibraries = [],
+    executables = [],
+    foreignLibs = [],
+    testSuites = [],
+    benchmarks = [],
+    dataFiles = [],
+    dataDir = ".",
+    extraSrcFiles = [],
+    extraTmpFiles = [],
+    extraDocFiles = []},
+  gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
+  genPackageFlags = [],
+  condLibrary = Just
+    CondNode {
+      condTreeData = Library {
+        libName = LMainLibName,
+        exposedModules = [
+          ModuleName "Interval"],
+        reexportedModules = [],
+        signatures = [],
+        libExposed = True,
+        libVisibility =
+        LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+          buildable = True,
+          buildTools = [],
+          buildToolDepends = [],
+          cppOptions = [],
+          asmOptions = [],
+          cmmOptions = [],
+          ccOptions = [],
+          cxxOptions = [],
+          ldOptions = [],
+          hsc2hsOptions = [],
+          pkgconfigDepends = [],
+          frameworks = [],
+          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+          asmSources = [],
+          cmmSources = [],
+          cSources = [],
+          cxxSources = [],
+          jsSources = [],
+          hsSourceDirs = [
+            SymbolicPath "library"],
+          otherModules = [],
+          virtualModules = [],
+          autogenModules = [],
+          defaultLanguage = Just
+            Haskell2010,
+          otherLanguages = [],
+          defaultExtensions = [],
+          otherExtensions = [],
+          oldExtensions = [],
+          extraLibs = [],
+          extraLibsStatic = [],
+          extraGHCiLibs = [],
+          extraBundledLibs = [],
+          extraLibFlavours = [],
+          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+          extraLibDirs = [],
+          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+          includeDirs = [],
+          includes = [],
+          autogenIncludes = [],
+          installIncludes = [],
+          options = PerCompilerFlavor
+            [
+              "-Wall",
+              "-Werror=missing-home-modules"]
+            [],
+          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          sharedOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          staticOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          customFieldsBI = [],
+          targetBuildDepends = [
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "base")
+              (UnionVersionRanges
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+              (MajorBoundVersion
+                (mkVersion [2, 12, 6, 1]))
+              mainLibSet],
+          mixins = []}},
+      condTreeConstraints = [
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "base")
+          (UnionVersionRanges
+            (MajorBoundVersion
+              (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
+            (MajorBoundVersion
+              (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+          (MajorBoundVersion
+            (mkVersion [2, 12, 6, 1]))
+          mainLibSet],
+      condTreeComponents = []},
+  condSubLibraries = [],
+  condForeignLibs = [],
+  condExecutables = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName
+        "jaeger-flamegraph")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = Executable {
+          exeName = UnqualComponentName
+            "jaeger-flamegraph",
+          modulePath = "Main.hs",
+          exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
+          buildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [
+              SymbolicPath "exe"],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Just
+              Haskell2010,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              [
+                "-Wall",
+                "-Werror=missing-home-modules",
+                "-threaded"]
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (UnionVersionRanges
+                  (MajorBoundVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
+                  (MajorBoundVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName
+                  "jaeger-flamegraph")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "bytestring")
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 10, 8, 2]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "containers")
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 6, 0, 1]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "extra")
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 6, 13]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "aeson")
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 4, 1, 0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName
+                  "optparse-applicative")
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 14, 3, 0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "text")
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 2, 3, 1]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []}},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (UnionVersionRanges
+              (MajorBoundVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
+              (MajorBoundVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName
+              "jaeger-flamegraph")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "bytestring")
+            (MajorBoundVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 10, 8, 2]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "containers")
+            (MajorBoundVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 6, 0, 1]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "extra")
+            (MajorBoundVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 6, 13]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "aeson")
+            (MajorBoundVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 4, 1, 0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName
+              "optparse-applicative")
+            (MajorBoundVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 14, 3, 0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "text")
+            (MajorBoundVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 2, 3, 1]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = []}],
+  condTestSuites = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName "tests")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "Driver.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [
+              ExeDependency
+                (PackageName "tasty-discover")
+                (UnqualComponentName
+                  "tasty-discover")
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [4, 2, 1]))],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [
+              SymbolicPath "test"],
+            otherModules = [
+              ModuleName "IntervalTest"],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Just
+              Haskell2010,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              [
+                "-Wall",
+                "-Werror=missing-home-modules",
+                "-threaded"]
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (UnionVersionRanges
+                  (MajorBoundVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
+                  (MajorBoundVersion
+                    (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName
+                  "jaeger-flamegraph")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "tasty")
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 1, 0, 4]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "tasty-hspec")
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 1, 5]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "tasty-quickcheck")
+                (MajorBoundVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 10]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (UnionVersionRanges
+              (MajorBoundVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 11, 1, 0]))
+              (MajorBoundVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 12, 0, 0])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName
+              "jaeger-flamegraph")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "tasty")
+            (MajorBoundVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 1, 0, 4]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "tasty-hspec")
+            (MajorBoundVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 1, 5]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "tasty-quickcheck")
+            (MajorBoundVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 10]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = []}],
+  condBenchmarks = []}
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/shake.expr b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/shake.expr
index 36f522c82df907a59ce5216f9b6393b7e7184ee8..30e0f9077c11f2affbe37f32c2ccab7bdea44eeb 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/shake.expr
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/shake.expr
@@ -1,2570 +1,2413 @@
-  {condBenchmarks = [],
-   condExecutables = [_×_
-                        (UnqualComponentName "shake")
-                        CondNode
-                          {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                   {condBranchCondition = `Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [7,8])))`,
-                                                    condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                    condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                         {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                          condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                          condTreeData = Executable
-                                                                                           {buildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                          {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                           autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                           autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                           buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                           buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                           buildable = True,
-                                                                                                           cSources = [],
-                                                                                                           ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                           cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                           cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                           defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                           defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                           extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                           extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                           frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                           hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           includes = [],
-                                                                                                           installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                           jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                           ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           mixins = [],
-                                                                                                           oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                           options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                       ["-threaded",
-                                                                                                                        "-with-rtsopts=-I0 -qg -qb"]
-                                                                                                                       [],
-                                                                                                           otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                           otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                           otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                           pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                           profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                           sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                           staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                           targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                           virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                            exeName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        "shake",
-                                                                                            exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
-                                                                                            modulePath = ""}}},
-                                                 CondBranch
-                                                   {condBranchCondition = `Var (PackageFlag (FlagName "portable"))`,
-                                                    condBranchIfFalse = Just
-                                                                          CondNode
-                                                                            {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                                                                     {condBranchCondition = `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
-                                                                                                      condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                                                                      condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                                                                           {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                                                                            condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                     (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                        "unix")
-                                                                                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                           [2,
-                                                                                                                                                            5,
-                                                                                                                                                            1]))
-                                                                                                                                                     mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                            condTreeData = Executable
-                                                                                                                                             {buildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                                                                            {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildable = True,
-                                                                                                                                                             cSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                                                                             extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             includes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             mixins = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                                                                             sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                               []
-                                                                                                                                                                               [],
-                                                                                                                                                             staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                               []
-                                                                                                                                                                               [],
-                                                                                                                                                             targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                                                     (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                                                        "unix")
-                                                                                                                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                           [2,
-                                                                                                                                                                                            5,
-                                                                                                                                                                                            1]))
-                                                                                                                                                                                     mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                                                             virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                                                                              exeName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                                                                          "shake",
-                                                                                                                                              exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
-                                                                                                                                              modulePath = ""}}}],
-                                                                             condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                             condTreeData = Executable
-                                                                                              {buildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = True,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                               exeName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                           "shake",
-                                                                                               exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
-                                                                                               modulePath = ""}},
-                                                    condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                         {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                                                                  {condBranchCondition = `Var (Impl GHC (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [7,6])))`,
-                                                                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                     "old-time")
-                                                                                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                         condTreeData = Executable
-                                                                                                                                          {buildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                                                                         {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          buildable = True,
-                                                                                                                                                          cSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                                                                          extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          includes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          mixins = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                      []
-                                                                                                                                                                      [],
-                                                                                                                                                          otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                                                                          sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                            []
-                                                                                                                                                                            [],
-                                                                                                                                                          staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                            []
-                                                                                                                                                                            [],
-                                                                                                                                                          targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                                                     "old-time")
-                                                                                                                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                                                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                                                          virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                                                                           exeName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                                                                       "shake",
-                                                                                                                                           exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
-                                                                                                                                           modulePath = ""}}}],
-                                                                          condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                          condTreeData = Executable
-                                                                                           {buildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                          {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                           autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                           autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                           buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                           buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                           buildable = True,
-                                                                                                           cSources = [],
-                                                                                                           ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                           cppOptions = ["-DPORTABLE"],
-                                                                                                           customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                           cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                           defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                           defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                           extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                           extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                           frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                           hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           includes = [],
-                                                                                                           installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                           jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                           ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           mixins = [],
-                                                                                                           oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                           options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                       []
-                                                                                                                       [],
-                                                                                                           otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                           otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                           otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                           pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                           profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                           sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                           staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                           targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                           virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                            exeName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        "shake",
-                                                                                            exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
-                                                                                            modulePath = ""}}},
-                                                 CondBranch
-                                                   {condBranchCondition = `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
-                                                    condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                    condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                         {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                   (PackageName
-                                                                                                      "unix")
-                                                                                                   (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                      (mkVersion
-                                                                                                         [0]))
-                                                                                                   mainLibSet],
-                                                                          condTreeData = Executable
-                                                                                           {buildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                          {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                           autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                           autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                           buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                           buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                           buildable = True,
-                                                                                                           cSources = [],
-                                                                                                           ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                           cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                           cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                           defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                           defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                           extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                           extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                           extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                           frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                           hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                           includes = [],
-                                                                                                           installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                           jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                           ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                           mixins = [],
-                                                                                                           oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                           options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                       []
-                                                                                                                       [],
-                                                                                                           otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                           otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                           otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                           pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                           profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                           sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                           staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                           targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                   (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                      "unix")
-                                                                                                                                   (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                      (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                         [0]))
-                                                                                                                                   mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                           virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                            exeName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        "shake",
-                                                                                            exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
-                                                                                            modulePath = ""}}}],
-                           condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "base")
-                                                    (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                       (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4]))
-                                                       (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [5])))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "directory")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "hashable")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 1, 2, 3]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "binary")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "filepath")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "process")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 1]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "unordered-containers")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 2, 1]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "bytestring")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "utf8-string")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 3]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "time")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "random")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "js-jquery")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "js-flot")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "transformers")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 2]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "extra")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 4, 8]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "deepseq")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 1]))
-                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                  Dependency
-                                                    (PackageName "primitive")
-                                                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                    mainLibSet],
-                           condTreeData = Executable
-                                            {buildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                           {asmOptions = [],
-                                                            asmSources = [],
-                                                            autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                            autogenModules = [],
-                                                            buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                            buildTools = [],
-                                                            buildable = True,
-                                                            cSources = [],
-                                                            ccOptions = [],
-                                                            cmmOptions = [],
-                                                            cmmSources = [],
-                                                            cppOptions = [],
-                                                            customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                            cxxOptions = [],
-                                                            cxxSources = [],
-                                                            defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                            defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                            extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                            extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                            extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                            extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                            extraLibs = [],
-                                                            extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                            frameworks = [],
-                                                            hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath "src"],
-                                                            hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                            includeDirs = [],
-                                                            includes = [],
-                                                            installIncludes = [],
-                                                            jsSources = [],
-                                                            ldOptions = [],
-                                                            mixins = [],
-                                                            oldExtensions = [],
-                                                            options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                        ["-main-is",
-                                                                         "Run.main",
-                                                                         "-rtsopts"]
-                                                                        [],
-                                                            otherExtensions = [],
-                                                            otherLanguages = [],
-                                                            otherModules = [ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Make.All",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Make.Env",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Make.Parse",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Make.Rules",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Make.Type",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Ninja.All",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Ninja.Env",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Ninja.Lexer",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Ninja.Parse",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Ninja.Type",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Args",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.ByteString",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Classes",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.CmdOption",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Command",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Core",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Database",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Demo",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Derived",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Errors",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.FileInfo",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.FilePath",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.FilePattern",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Forward",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Monad",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Pool",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Profile",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Progress",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Resource",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Rule",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Rules.Directory",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Rules.File",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Rules.Files",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Rules.Oracle",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Rules.OrderOnly",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Rules.Rerun",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Shake",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Special",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Storage",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Types",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Development.Shake.Value",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "General.Bilist",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "General.Binary",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "General.Cleanup",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "General.Concurrent",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "General.Extra",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "General.FileLock",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "General.Intern",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "General.Process",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "General.String",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "General.Template",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "General.Timing",
-                                                                            ModuleName
-                                                                              "Paths_shake",
-                                                                            ModuleName "Run"],
-                                                            pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                            sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                            staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                            targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "base")
-                                                                                    (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [4]))
-                                                                                       (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [5])))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "directory")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "hashable")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [1,
-                                                                                           1,
-                                                                                           2,
-                                                                                           3]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "binary")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "filepath")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "process")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [1, 1]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "unordered-containers")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0,
-                                                                                           2,
-                                                                                           1]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "bytestring")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "utf8-string")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0, 3]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "time")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "random")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "js-jquery")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "js-flot")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "transformers")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0, 2]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "extra")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [1,
-                                                                                           4,
-                                                                                           8]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "deepseq")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [1, 1]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet,
-                                                                                  Dependency
-                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                       "primitive")
-                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                          [0]))
-                                                                                    mainLibSet],
-                                                            virtualModules = []},
-                                             exeName = UnqualComponentName "shake",
-                                             exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
-                                             modulePath = "Run.hs"}}],
-   condForeignLibs = [],
-   condLibrary = Just
-                   CondNode
-                     {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                              {condBranchCondition = `Var (PackageFlag (FlagName "portable"))`,
-                                               condBranchIfFalse = Just
-                                                                     CondNode
-                                                                       {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                                                                {condBranchCondition = `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
-                                                                                                 condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                                                                 condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                                                                      {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                                                                       condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                   "unix")
-                                                                                                                                                (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                   (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                      [2,
-                                                                                                                                                       5,
-                                                                                                                                                       1]))
-                                                                                                                                                mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                       condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                                                                        {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                         libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                                                                          {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           buildable = True,
-                                                                                                                                                           cSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                                                                           extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           includes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           mixins = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                       []
-                                                                                                                                                                       [],
-                                                                                                                                                           otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                           profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                                                                           sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                                                                           staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                                                                           targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                                                   (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                                                      "unix")
-                                                                                                                                                                                   (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                      (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                         [2,
-                                                                                                                                                                                          5,
-                                                                                                                                                                                          1]))
-                                                                                                                                                                                   mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                                                           virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                                                                         libExposed = True,
-                                                                                                                                         libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                                                                         libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                                                                         reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                         signatures = []}}}],
-                                                                        condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                        condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                         {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                          libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                           {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                            asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                            autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                            autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                            buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                            buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                            buildable = True,
-                                                                                                            cSources = [],
-                                                                                                            ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                            cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                            cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                            cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                            customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                            cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                            cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                            defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                            defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                            extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                            extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                            extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                            extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                            extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                            extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                            frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                            hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                            hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                            includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                            includes = [],
-                                                                                                            installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                            jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                            ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                            mixins = [],
-                                                                                                            oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                            options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                        []
-                                                                                                                        [],
-                                                                                                            otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                            otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                            otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                            pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                            []
-                                                                                                                            [],
-                                                                                                            sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                            staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                            targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                            virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                          libExposed = True,
-                                                                                          libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                          libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                          reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                          signatures = []}},
-                                               condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                    {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                                                             {condBranchCondition = `Var (Impl GHC (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [7,6])))`,
-                                                                                              condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                                                              condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                                                                   {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                                                                    condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                             (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                "old-time")
-                                                                                                                                             (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                   [0]))
-                                                                                                                                             mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                    condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                                                                     {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                      libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                                                                       {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        buildable = True,
-                                                                                                                                                        cSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                                                                        extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        includes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        mixins = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                    []
-                                                                                                                                                                    [],
-                                                                                                                                                        otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                        profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                        []
-                                                                                                                                                                        [],
-                                                                                                                                                        sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                                                                        staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                                                                        targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                                                (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                                                   "old-time")
-                                                                                                                                                                                (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                   (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                      [0]))
-                                                                                                                                                                                mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                                                        virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                                                                      libExposed = True,
-                                                                                                                                      libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                                                                      libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                                                                      reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                      signatures = []}}}],
-                                                                     condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                     condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                      {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                       libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                        {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                         buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                         buildable = True,
-                                                                                                         cSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         cppOptions = ["-DPORTABLE"],
-                                                                                                         customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                         extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                         hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         includes = [],
-                                                                                                         installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         mixins = [],
-                                                                                                         oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                     []
-                                                                                                                     [],
-                                                                                                         otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                         otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                         pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                         sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                       libExposed = True,
-                                                                                       libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                       libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                       reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                       signatures = []}}},
-                                            CondBranch
-                                              {condBranchCondition = `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
-                                               condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                               condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                    {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                     condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                              (PackageName
-                                                                                                 "unix")
-                                                                                              (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                 (mkVersion
-                                                                                                    [0]))
-                                                                                              mainLibSet],
-                                                                     condTreeData = Library
-                                                                                      {exposedModules = [],
-                                                                                       libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                        {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                         buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                         buildable = True,
-                                                                                                         cSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                         cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                         extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                         extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                         frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                         hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                         includes = [],
-                                                                                                         installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                         jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                         ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                         mixins = [],
-                                                                                                         oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                     []
-                                                                                                                     [],
-                                                                                                         otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                         otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                         otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                         pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                         profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                         sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                           []
-                                                                                                                           [],
-                                                                                                         targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                 (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                    "unix")
-                                                                                                                                 (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                       [0]))
-                                                                                                                                 mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                         virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                       libExposed = True,
-                                                                                       libName = LMainLibName,
-                                                                                       libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                                                                       reexportedModules = [],
-                                                                                       signatures = []}}}],
-                      condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "base")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 5]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "directory")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "hashable")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 1, 2, 3]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "binary")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "filepath")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "process")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 1]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "unordered-containers")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 2, 1]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "bytestring")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "utf8-string")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 3]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "time")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "random")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "js-jquery")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "js-flot")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "transformers")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 2]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "extra")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 4, 8]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "deepseq")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 1]))
-                                               mainLibSet],
-                      condTreeData = Library
-                                       {exposedModules = [ModuleName "Development.Shake",
-                                                          ModuleName "Development.Shake.Classes",
-                                                          ModuleName "Development.Shake.Command",
-                                                          ModuleName "Development.Shake.Config",
-                                                          ModuleName "Development.Shake.FilePath",
-                                                          ModuleName "Development.Shake.Forward",
-                                                          ModuleName "Development.Shake.Rule",
-                                                          ModuleName "Development.Shake.Util"],
-                                        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                         {asmOptions = [],
-                                                          asmSources = [],
-                                                          autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                          autogenModules = [],
-                                                          buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                          buildTools = [],
-                                                          buildable = True,
-                                                          cSources = [],
-                                                          ccOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmSources = [],
-                                                          cppOptions = [],
-                                                          customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                          cxxOptions = [],
-                                                          cxxSources = [],
-                                                          defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                          defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                          extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                          extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                          frameworks = [],
-                                                          hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath ".",
-                                                                          SymbolicPath "src"],
-                                                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                          includeDirs = [],
-                                                          includes = [],
-                                                          installIncludes = [],
-                                                          jsSources = [],
-                                                          ldOptions = [],
-                                                          mixins = [],
-                                                          oldExtensions = [],
-                                                          options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          otherExtensions = [],
-                                                          otherLanguages = [],
-                                                          otherModules = [ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Ninja.Env",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Ninja.Lexer",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Ninja.Parse",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Ninja.Type",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Args",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.ByteString",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Core",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.CmdOption",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Database",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Demo",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Derived",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Errors",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.FileInfo",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.FilePattern",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Monad",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Pool",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Profile",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Progress",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Resource",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Rules.Directory",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Rules.File",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Rules.Files",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Rules.Oracle",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Rules.OrderOnly",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Rules.Rerun",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Shake",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Special",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Storage",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Types",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "Development.Shake.Value",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "General.Bilist",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "General.Binary",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "General.Cleanup",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "General.Concurrent",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "General.Extra",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "General.FileLock",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "General.Intern",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "General.Process",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "General.String",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "General.Template",
-                                                                          ModuleName
-                                                                            "General.Timing",
-                                                                          ModuleName "Paths_shake"],
-                                                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "base")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [4, 5]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "directory")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "hashable")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [1,
-                                                                                         1,
-                                                                                         2,
-                                                                                         3]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "binary")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "filepath")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "process")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [1, 1]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "unordered-containers")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0, 2, 1]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "bytestring")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "utf8-string")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0, 3]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "time")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "random")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "js-jquery")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "js-flot")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "transformers")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0, 2]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "extra")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [1, 4, 8]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "deepseq")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [1, 1]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                          virtualModules = []},
-                                        libExposed = True,
-                                        libName = LMainLibName,
-                                        libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                        reexportedModules = [],
-                                        signatures = []}},
-   condSubLibraries = [],
-   condTestSuites = [_×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "shake-test")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                  {condBranchCondition = `Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [7,6])))`,
-                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                         condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                          {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = True,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          ["-with-rtsopts=-K1K"]
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                           testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                             (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                ""
-                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                   [])),
-                                                                                           testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        ""}}},
-                                                CondBranch
-                                                  {condBranchCondition = `Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [7,8])))`,
-                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                         condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                          {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = True,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          ["-threaded"]
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                           testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                             (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                ""
-                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                   [])),
-                                                                                           testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        ""}}},
-                                                CondBranch
-                                                  {condBranchCondition = `Var (PackageFlag (FlagName "portable"))`,
-                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Just
-                                                                         CondNode
-                                                                           {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                                                                    {condBranchCondition = `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
-                                                                                                     condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                                                                     condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                                                                          {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                                                                           condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                    (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                       "unix")
-                                                                                                                                                    (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                       (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                          [2,
-                                                                                                                                                           5,
-                                                                                                                                                           1]))
-                                                                                                                                                    mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                           condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                                                                            {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                                                                               {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                buildable = True,
-                                                                                                                                                                cSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                                                                                extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                includes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                mixins = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                            []
-                                                                                                                                                                            [],
-                                                                                                                                                                otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                                profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                                                                                sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                                  []
-                                                                                                                                                                                  [],
-                                                                                                                                                                staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                                  []
-                                                                                                                                                                                  [],
-                                                                                                                                                                targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                                                        (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                                                           "unix")
-                                                                                                                                                                                        (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                           (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                              [2,
-                                                                                                                                                                                               5,
-                                                                                                                                                                                               1]))
-                                                                                                                                                                                        mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                                                                virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                                                                             testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                                                                               (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                                                                  ""
-                                                                                                                                                                  (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                     [])),
-                                                                                                                                             testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                                                                          ""}}}],
-                                                                            condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                            condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                             {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                                {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                 asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                 autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                 autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                                 buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                 buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                                 buildable = True,
-                                                                                                                 cSources = [],
-                                                                                                                 ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                 cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                 cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                 cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                 customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                                 cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                 cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                                 defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                 defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                                 extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                 extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                 extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                 extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                 extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                 extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                 extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                 extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                 extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                 frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                                 hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                 hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                 includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                 includes = [],
-                                                                                                                 installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                 jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                                 ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                 mixins = [],
-                                                                                                                 oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                 options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                                 otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                 otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                                 otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                                 pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                 profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                 []
-                                                                                                                                 [],
-                                                                                                                 sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                   []
-                                                                                                                                   [],
-                                                                                                                 staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                   []
-                                                                                                                                   [],
-                                                                                                                 targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                 virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                              testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                                (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                   ""
-                                                                                                                   (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                      [])),
-                                                                                              testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                           ""}},
-                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                                                                 {condBranchCondition = `Var (Impl GHC (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [7,6])))`,
-                                                                                                  condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                                                                  condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                                                                       {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                                                                        condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                 (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                    "old-time")
-                                                                                                                                                 (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                    (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                       [0]))
-                                                                                                                                                 mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                        condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                                                                         {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                                                                            {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             buildable = True,
-                                                                                                                                                             cSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                                                                             extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             includes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             mixins = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                         []
-                                                                                                                                                                         [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                                                                             profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                             []
-                                                                                                                                                                             [],
-                                                                                                                                                             sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                               []
-                                                                                                                                                                               [],
-                                                                                                                                                             staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                                                               []
-                                                                                                                                                                               [],
-                                                                                                                                                             targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                                                                     (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                                                                        "old-time")
-                                                                                                                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                                           [0]))
-                                                                                                                                                                                     mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                                                                             virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                                                                          testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                                                                            (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                                                               ""
-                                                                                                                                                               (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                                                  [])),
-                                                                                                                                          testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                                                                       ""}}}],
-                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                         condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                          {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = True,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = ["-DPORTABLE"],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                           testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                             (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                ""
-                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                   [])),
-                                                                                           testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        ""}}},
-                                                CondBranch
-                                                  {condBranchCondition = `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
-                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                                     "unix")
-                                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                                         condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                          {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = True,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          []
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                                                                      (PackageName
-                                                                                                                                         "unix")
-                                                                                                                                      (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                                                                         (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                                            [0]))
-                                                                                                                                      mainLibSet],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                           testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                             (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                ""
-                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                   [])),
-                                                                                           testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        ""}}}],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [5])))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "directory")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "hashable")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 1, 2, 3]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "binary")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "filepath")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "process")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 1]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "unordered-containers")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 2, 1]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "bytestring")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "utf8-string")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 3]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "time")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "random")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "js-jquery")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "js-flot")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "transformers")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 2]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "deepseq")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 1]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "extra")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 4, 8]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "QuickCheck")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath "src"],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                           ["-main-is",
-                                                                            "Test.main",
-                                                                            "-rtsopts"]
-                                                                           [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Make.All",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Make.Env",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Make.Parse",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Make.Rules",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Make.Type",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Ninja.All",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Ninja.Env",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Ninja.Lexer",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Ninja.Parse",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Ninja.Type",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Args",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.ByteString",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Classes",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.CmdOption",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Command",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Config",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Core",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Database",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Demo",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Derived",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Errors",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.FileInfo",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.FilePath",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.FilePattern",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Forward",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Monad",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Pool",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Profile",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Progress",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Resource",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Rule",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Rules.Directory",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Rules.File",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Rules.Files",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Rules.Oracle",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Rules.OrderOnly",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Rules.Rerun",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Shake",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Special",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Storage",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Types",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Util",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Development.Shake.Value",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "General.Bilist",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "General.Binary",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "General.Cleanup",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "General.Concurrent",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "General.Extra",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "General.FileLock",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "General.Intern",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "General.Process",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "General.String",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "General.Template",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "General.Timing",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Paths_shake",
-                                                                               ModuleName "Run",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Assume",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Basic",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Benchmark",
-                                                                               ModuleName "Test.C",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Cache",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Command",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Config",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Digest",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Directory",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Docs",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Errors",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.FileLock",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.FilePath",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.FilePattern",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Files",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Forward",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Journal",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Lint",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Live",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Makefile",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Manual",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Match",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Monad",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Ninja",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Oracle",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.OrderOnly",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Parallel",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Pool",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Progress",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Random",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Resources",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Self",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Tar",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Tup",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Type",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Unicode",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Util",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Verbosity",
-                                                                               ModuleName
-                                                                                 "Test.Version"],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "base")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [4]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [5])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "directory")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "hashable")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [1,
-                                                                                              1,
-                                                                                              2,
-                                                                                              3]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "binary")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "filepath")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "process")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [1,
-                                                                                              1]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "unordered-containers")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0,
-                                                                                              2,
-                                                                                              1]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "bytestring")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "utf8-string")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0,
-                                                                                              3]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "time")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "random")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "js-jquery")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "js-flot")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "transformers")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0,
-                                                                                              2]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "deepseq")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [1,
-                                                                                              1]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "extra")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [1,
-                                                                                              4,
-                                                                                              8]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "QuickCheck")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [2,
-                                                                                              0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "Test.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}}],
-   genPackageFlags = [MkPackageFlag
-                        {flagDefault = False,
-                         flagDescription = "Obtain FileTime using portable functions",
-                         flagManual = True,
-                         flagName = FlagName "portable"}],
-   gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
-   packageDescription = PackageDescription
-                          {author = "Neil Mitchell <ndmitchell@gmail.com>",
-                           benchmarks = [],
-                           bugReports = "https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/issues",
-                           buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
-                           category = "Development, Shake",
-                           copyright = "Neil Mitchell 2011-2017",
-                           customFieldsPD = [],
-                           dataDir = ".",
-                           dataFiles = ["html/viz.js",
-                                        "html/profile.html",
-                                        "html/progress.html",
-                                        "html/shake.js",
-                                        "docs/manual/build.bat",
-                                        "docs/manual/Build.hs",
-                                        "docs/manual/build.sh",
-                                        "docs/manual/constants.c",
-                                        "docs/manual/constants.h",
-                                        "docs/manual/main.c"],
-                           description = concat
-                                           ["Shake is a Haskell library for writing build systems - designed as a\n",
-                                            "replacement for @make@. See \"Development.Shake\" for an introduction,\n",
-                                            "including an example. Further examples are included in the Cabal tarball,\n",
-                                            "under the @Examples@ directory. The homepage contains links to a user\n",
-                                            "manual, an academic paper and further information:\n",
-                                            "<http://shakebuild.com>\n",
-                                            "\n",
-                                            "To use Shake the user writes a Haskell program\n",
-                                            "that imports \"Development.Shake\", defines some build rules, and calls\n",
-                                            "the 'Development.Shake.shakeArgs' function. Thanks to do notation and infix\n",
-                                            "operators, a simple Shake build system\n",
-                                            "is not too dissimilar from a simple Makefile. However, as build systems\n",
-                                            "get more complex, Shake is able to take advantage of the excellent\n",
-                                            "abstraction facilities offered by Haskell and easily support much larger\n",
-                                            "projects. The Shake library provides all the standard features available in other\n",
-                                            "build systems, including automatic parallelism and minimal rebuilds.\n",
-                                            "Shake also provides more accurate dependency tracking, including seamless\n",
-                                            "support for generated files, and dependencies on system information\n",
-                                            "(e.g. compiler version)."],
-                           executables = [],
-                           extraDocFiles = ["CHANGES.txt", "README.md"],
-                           extraSrcFiles = ["src/Test/C/constants.c",
-                                            "src/Test/C/constants.h",
-                                            "src/Test/C/main.c",
-                                            "src/Test/MakeTutor/Makefile",
-                                            "src/Test/MakeTutor/hellofunc.c",
-                                            "src/Test/MakeTutor/hellomake.c",
-                                            "src/Test/MakeTutor/hellomake.h",
-                                            "src/Test/Tar/list.txt",
-                                            "src/Test/Ninja/*.ninja",
-                                            "src/Test/Ninja/subdir/*.ninja",
-                                            "src/Test/Ninja/*.output",
-                                            "src/Test/Progress/*.prog",
-                                            "src/Test/Tup/hello.c",
-                                            "src/Test/Tup/root.cfg",
-                                            "src/Test/Tup/newmath/root.cfg",
-                                            "src/Test/Tup/newmath/square.c",
-                                            "src/Test/Tup/newmath/square.h",
-                                            "src/Paths.hs",
-                                            "docs/Manual.md",
-                                            "docs/shake-progress.png"],
-                           extraTmpFiles = [],
-                           foreignLibs = [],
-                           homepage = "http://shakebuild.com",
-                           library = Nothing,
-                           licenseFiles = [SymbolicPath "LICENSE"],
-                           licenseRaw = Right BSD3,
-                           maintainer = "Neil Mitchell <ndmitchell@gmail.com>",
-                           package = PackageIdentifier
-                                       {pkgName = PackageName "shake",
-                                        pkgVersion = mkVersion [0, 15, 11]},
-                           pkgUrl = "",
-                           setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
-                           sourceRepos = [SourceRepo
-                                            {repoBranch = Nothing,
-                                             repoKind = RepoHead,
-                                             repoLocation = Just
-                                                              "https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake.git",
-                                             repoModule = Nothing,
-                                             repoSubdir = Nothing,
-                                             repoTag = Nothing,
-                                             repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git)}],
-                           specVersion = CabalSpecV1_18,
-                           stability = "",
-                           subLibraries = [],
-                           synopsis = "Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies.",
-                           testSuites = [],
-                           testedWith = [_×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [8, 0, 1])),
-                                         _×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [7, 10, 3])),
-                                         _×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [7, 8, 4])),
-                                         _×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [7, 6, 3])),
-                                         _×_ GHC (ThisVersion (mkVersion [7, 4, 2]))]}}
+GenericPackageDescription {
+  packageDescription =
+  PackageDescription {
+    specVersion = CabalSpecV1_18,
+    package = PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName = PackageName "shake",
+      pkgVersion = mkVersion
+        [0, 15, 11]},
+    licenseRaw = Right BSD3,
+    licenseFiles = [
+      SymbolicPath "LICENSE"],
+    copyright =
+    "Neil Mitchell 2011-2017",
+    maintainer =
+    "Neil Mitchell <ndmitchell@gmail.com>",
+    author =
+    "Neil Mitchell <ndmitchell@gmail.com>",
+    stability = "",
+    testedWith = [
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [8, 0, 1])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [7, 10, 3])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [7, 8, 4])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [7, 6, 3])),
+      _×_
+        GHC
+        (ThisVersion
+          (mkVersion [7, 4, 2]))],
+    homepage =
+    "http://shakebuild.com",
+    pkgUrl = "",
+    bugReports =
+    "https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/issues",
+    sourceRepos = [
+      SourceRepo {
+        repoKind = RepoHead,
+        repoType = Just
+          (KnownRepoType Git),
+        repoLocation = Just
+          "https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake.git",
+        repoModule = Nothing,
+        repoBranch = Nothing,
+        repoTag = Nothing,
+        repoSubdir = Nothing}],
+    synopsis =
+    "Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies.",
+    description =
+    concat
+      [
+        "Shake is a Haskell library for writing build systems - designed as a\n",
+        "replacement for @make@. See \"Development.Shake\" for an introduction,\n",
+        "including an example. Further examples are included in the Cabal tarball,\n",
+        "under the @Examples@ directory. The homepage contains links to a user\n",
+        "manual, an academic paper and further information:\n",
+        "<http://shakebuild.com>\n",
+        "\n",
+        "To use Shake the user writes a Haskell program\n",
+        "that imports \"Development.Shake\", defines some build rules, and calls\n",
+        "the 'Development.Shake.shakeArgs' function. Thanks to do notation and infix\n",
+        "operators, a simple Shake build system\n",
+        "is not too dissimilar from a simple Makefile. However, as build systems\n",
+        "get more complex, Shake is able to take advantage of the excellent\n",
+        "abstraction facilities offered by Haskell and easily support much larger\n",
+        "projects. The Shake library provides all the standard features available in other\n",
+        "build systems, including automatic parallelism and minimal rebuilds.\n",
+        "Shake also provides more accurate dependency tracking, including seamless\n",
+        "support for generated files, and dependencies on system information\n",
+        "(e.g. compiler version)."],
+    category = "Development, Shake",
+    customFieldsPD = [],
+    buildTypeRaw = Just Simple,
+    setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
+    library = Nothing,
+    subLibraries = [],
+    executables = [],
+    foreignLibs = [],
+    testSuites = [],
+    benchmarks = [],
+    dataFiles = [
+      "html/viz.js",
+      "html/profile.html",
+      "html/progress.html",
+      "html/shake.js",
+      "docs/manual/build.bat",
+      "docs/manual/Build.hs",
+      "docs/manual/build.sh",
+      "docs/manual/constants.c",
+      "docs/manual/constants.h",
+      "docs/manual/main.c"],
+    dataDir = ".",
+    extraSrcFiles = [
+      "src/Test/C/constants.c",
+      "src/Test/C/constants.h",
+      "src/Test/C/main.c",
+      "src/Test/MakeTutor/Makefile",
+      "src/Test/MakeTutor/hellofunc.c",
+      "src/Test/MakeTutor/hellomake.c",
+      "src/Test/MakeTutor/hellomake.h",
+      "src/Test/Tar/list.txt",
+      "src/Test/Ninja/*.ninja",
+      "src/Test/Ninja/subdir/*.ninja",
+      "src/Test/Ninja/*.output",
+      "src/Test/Progress/*.prog",
+      "src/Test/Tup/hello.c",
+      "src/Test/Tup/root.cfg",
+      "src/Test/Tup/newmath/root.cfg",
+      "src/Test/Tup/newmath/square.c",
+      "src/Test/Tup/newmath/square.h",
+      "src/Paths.hs",
+      "docs/Manual.md",
+      "docs/shake-progress.png"],
+    extraTmpFiles = [],
+    extraDocFiles = [
+      "CHANGES.txt",
+      "README.md"]},
+  gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
+  genPackageFlags = [
+    MkPackageFlag {
+      flagName = FlagName "portable",
+      flagDescription =
+      "Obtain FileTime using portable functions",
+      flagDefault = False,
+      flagManual = True}],
+  condLibrary = Just
+    CondNode {
+      condTreeData = Library {
+        libName = LMainLibName,
+        exposedModules = [
+          ModuleName "Development.Shake",
+          ModuleName
+            "Development.Shake.Classes",
+          ModuleName
+            "Development.Shake.Command",
+          ModuleName
+            "Development.Shake.Config",
+          ModuleName
+            "Development.Shake.FilePath",
+          ModuleName
+            "Development.Shake.Forward",
+          ModuleName
+            "Development.Shake.Rule",
+          ModuleName
+            "Development.Shake.Util"],
+        reexportedModules = [],
+        signatures = [],
+        libExposed = True,
+        libVisibility =
+        LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+          buildable = True,
+          buildTools = [],
+          buildToolDepends = [],
+          cppOptions = [],
+          asmOptions = [],
+          cmmOptions = [],
+          ccOptions = [],
+          cxxOptions = [],
+          ldOptions = [],
+          hsc2hsOptions = [],
+          pkgconfigDepends = [],
+          frameworks = [],
+          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+          asmSources = [],
+          cmmSources = [],
+          cSources = [],
+          cxxSources = [],
+          jsSources = [],
+          hsSourceDirs = [
+            SymbolicPath ".",
+            SymbolicPath "src"],
+          otherModules = [
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Ninja.Env",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Ninja.Lexer",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Ninja.Parse",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Ninja.Type",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Args",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.ByteString",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Core",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.CmdOption",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Database",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Demo",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Derived",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Errors",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.FileInfo",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.FilePattern",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Monad",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Pool",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Profile",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Progress",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Resource",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Rules.Directory",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Rules.File",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Rules.Files",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Rules.Oracle",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Rules.OrderOnly",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Rules.Rerun",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Shake",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Special",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Storage",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Types",
+            ModuleName
+              "Development.Shake.Value",
+            ModuleName "General.Bilist",
+            ModuleName "General.Binary",
+            ModuleName "General.Cleanup",
+            ModuleName "General.Concurrent",
+            ModuleName "General.Extra",
+            ModuleName "General.FileLock",
+            ModuleName "General.Intern",
+            ModuleName "General.Process",
+            ModuleName "General.String",
+            ModuleName "General.Template",
+            ModuleName "General.Timing",
+            ModuleName "Paths_shake"],
+          virtualModules = [],
+          autogenModules = [],
+          defaultLanguage = Just
+            Haskell2010,
+          otherLanguages = [],
+          defaultExtensions = [],
+          otherExtensions = [],
+          oldExtensions = [],
+          extraLibs = [],
+          extraLibsStatic = [],
+          extraGHCiLibs = [],
+          extraBundledLibs = [],
+          extraLibFlavours = [],
+          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+          extraLibDirs = [],
+          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+          includeDirs = [],
+          includes = [],
+          autogenIncludes = [],
+          installIncludes = [],
+          options = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          sharedOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          staticOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          customFieldsBI = [],
+          targetBuildDepends = [
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "base")
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [4, 5]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "directory")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "hashable")
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [1, 1, 2, 3]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "binary")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "filepath")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "process")
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName
+                "unordered-containers")
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 2, 1]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "bytestring")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "utf8-string")
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "time")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "random")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "js-jquery")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "js-flot")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "transformers")
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 2]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "extra")
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [1, 4, 8]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "deepseq")
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+              mainLibSet],
+          mixins = []}},
+      condTreeConstraints = [
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "base")
+          (OrLaterVersion
+            (mkVersion [4, 5]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "directory")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "hashable")
+          (OrLaterVersion
+            (mkVersion [1, 1, 2, 3]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "binary")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "filepath")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "process")
+          (OrLaterVersion
+            (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName
+            "unordered-containers")
+          (OrLaterVersion
+            (mkVersion [0, 2, 1]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "bytestring")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "utf8-string")
+          (OrLaterVersion
+            (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "time")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "random")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "js-jquery")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "js-flot")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "transformers")
+          (OrLaterVersion
+            (mkVersion [0, 2]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "extra")
+          (OrLaterVersion
+            (mkVersion [1, 4, 8]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "deepseq")
+          (OrLaterVersion
+            (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+          mainLibSet],
+      condTreeComponents = [
+        CondBranch {
+          condBranchCondition =
+          `Var (PackageFlag (FlagName "portable"))`,
+          condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+            condTreeData = Library {
+              libName = LMainLibName,
+              exposedModules = [],
+              reexportedModules = [],
+              signatures = [],
+              libExposed = True,
+              libVisibility =
+              LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+              libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                buildable = True,
+                buildTools = [],
+                buildToolDepends = [],
+                cppOptions = ["-DPORTABLE"],
+                asmOptions = [],
+                cmmOptions = [],
+                ccOptions = [],
+                cxxOptions = [],
+                ldOptions = [],
+                hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                frameworks = [],
+                extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                asmSources = [],
+                cmmSources = [],
+                cSources = [],
+                cxxSources = [],
+                jsSources = [],
+                hsSourceDirs = [],
+                otherModules = [],
+                virtualModules = [],
+                autogenModules = [],
+                defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                otherLanguages = [],
+                defaultExtensions = [],
+                otherExtensions = [],
+                oldExtensions = [],
+                extraLibs = [],
+                extraLibsStatic = [],
+                extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                extraBundledLibs = [],
+                extraLibFlavours = [],
+                extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                extraLibDirs = [],
+                extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                includeDirs = [],
+                includes = [],
+                autogenIncludes = [],
+                installIncludes = [],
+                options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                sharedOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                staticOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                customFieldsBI = [],
+                targetBuildDepends = [],
+                mixins = []}},
+            condTreeConstraints = [],
+            condTreeComponents = [
+              CondBranch {
+                condBranchCondition =
+                `Var (Impl GHC (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [7,6])))`,
+                condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+                  condTreeData = Library {
+                    libName = LMainLibName,
+                    exposedModules = [],
+                    reexportedModules = [],
+                    signatures = [],
+                    libExposed = True,
+                    libVisibility =
+                    LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+                    libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                      buildable = True,
+                      buildTools = [],
+                      buildToolDepends = [],
+                      cppOptions = [],
+                      asmOptions = [],
+                      cmmOptions = [],
+                      ccOptions = [],
+                      cxxOptions = [],
+                      ldOptions = [],
+                      hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                      pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                      frameworks = [],
+                      extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                      asmSources = [],
+                      cmmSources = [],
+                      cSources = [],
+                      cxxSources = [],
+                      jsSources = [],
+                      hsSourceDirs = [],
+                      otherModules = [],
+                      virtualModules = [],
+                      autogenModules = [],
+                      defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                      otherLanguages = [],
+                      defaultExtensions = [],
+                      otherExtensions = [],
+                      oldExtensions = [],
+                      extraLibs = [],
+                      extraLibsStatic = [],
+                      extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                      extraBundledLibs = [],
+                      extraLibFlavours = [],
+                      extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                      extraLibDirs = [],
+                      extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                      includeDirs = [],
+                      includes = [],
+                      autogenIncludes = [],
+                      installIncludes = [],
+                      options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                        []
+                        [],
+                      profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                        []
+                        [],
+                      sharedOptions =
+                      PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                      staticOptions =
+                      PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                      customFieldsBI = [],
+                      targetBuildDepends = [
+                        Dependency
+                          (PackageName "old-time")
+                          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                          mainLibSet],
+                      mixins = []}},
+                  condTreeConstraints = [
+                    Dependency
+                      (PackageName "old-time")
+                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                      mainLibSet],
+                  condTreeComponents = []},
+                condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]},
+          condBranchIfFalse = Just
+            CondNode {
+              condTreeData = Library {
+                libName = LMainLibName,
+                exposedModules = [],
+                reexportedModules = [],
+                signatures = [],
+                libExposed = True,
+                libVisibility =
+                LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+                libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [],
+                  mixins = []}},
+              condTreeConstraints = [],
+              condTreeComponents = [
+                CondBranch {
+                  condBranchCondition =
+                  `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
+                  condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+                    condTreeData = Library {
+                      libName = LMainLibName,
+                      exposedModules = [],
+                      reexportedModules = [],
+                      signatures = [],
+                      libExposed = True,
+                      libVisibility =
+                      LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+                      libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                        buildable = True,
+                        buildTools = [],
+                        buildToolDepends = [],
+                        cppOptions = [],
+                        asmOptions = [],
+                        cmmOptions = [],
+                        ccOptions = [],
+                        cxxOptions = [],
+                        ldOptions = [],
+                        hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                        pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                        frameworks = [],
+                        extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                        asmSources = [],
+                        cmmSources = [],
+                        cSources = [],
+                        cxxSources = [],
+                        jsSources = [],
+                        hsSourceDirs = [],
+                        otherModules = [],
+                        virtualModules = [],
+                        autogenModules = [],
+                        defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                        otherLanguages = [],
+                        defaultExtensions = [],
+                        otherExtensions = [],
+                        oldExtensions = [],
+                        extraLibs = [],
+                        extraLibsStatic = [],
+                        extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                        extraBundledLibs = [],
+                        extraLibFlavours = [],
+                        extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                        extraLibDirs = [],
+                        extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                        includeDirs = [],
+                        includes = [],
+                        autogenIncludes = [],
+                        installIncludes = [],
+                        options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                          []
+                          [],
+                        profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                          []
+                          [],
+                        sharedOptions =
+                        PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                        staticOptions =
+                        PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                        customFieldsBI = [],
+                        targetBuildDepends = [
+                          Dependency
+                            (PackageName "unix")
+                            (OrLaterVersion
+                              (mkVersion [2, 5, 1]))
+                            mainLibSet],
+                        mixins = []}},
+                    condTreeConstraints = [
+                      Dependency
+                        (PackageName "unix")
+                        (OrLaterVersion
+                          (mkVersion [2, 5, 1]))
+                        mainLibSet],
+                    condTreeComponents = []},
+                  condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]}},
+        CondBranch {
+          condBranchCondition =
+          `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
+          condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+            condTreeData = Library {
+              libName = LMainLibName,
+              exposedModules = [],
+              reexportedModules = [],
+              signatures = [],
+              libExposed = True,
+              libVisibility =
+              LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+              libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                buildable = True,
+                buildTools = [],
+                buildToolDepends = [],
+                cppOptions = [],
+                asmOptions = [],
+                cmmOptions = [],
+                ccOptions = [],
+                cxxOptions = [],
+                ldOptions = [],
+                hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                frameworks = [],
+                extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                asmSources = [],
+                cmmSources = [],
+                cSources = [],
+                cxxSources = [],
+                jsSources = [],
+                hsSourceDirs = [],
+                otherModules = [],
+                virtualModules = [],
+                autogenModules = [],
+                defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                otherLanguages = [],
+                defaultExtensions = [],
+                otherExtensions = [],
+                oldExtensions = [],
+                extraLibs = [],
+                extraLibsStatic = [],
+                extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                extraBundledLibs = [],
+                extraLibFlavours = [],
+                extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                extraLibDirs = [],
+                extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                includeDirs = [],
+                includes = [],
+                autogenIncludes = [],
+                installIncludes = [],
+                options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                  []
+                  [],
+                sharedOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                staticOptions =
+                PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                customFieldsBI = [],
+                targetBuildDepends = [
+                  Dependency
+                    (PackageName "unix")
+                    (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                    mainLibSet],
+                mixins = []}},
+            condTreeConstraints = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "unix")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            condTreeComponents = []},
+          condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]},
+  condSubLibraries = [],
+  condForeignLibs = [],
+  condExecutables = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName "shake")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = Executable {
+          exeName = UnqualComponentName
+            "shake",
+          modulePath = "Run.hs",
+          exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
+          buildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [
+              SymbolicPath "src"],
+            otherModules = [
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Make.All",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Make.Env",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Make.Parse",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Make.Rules",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Make.Type",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Ninja.All",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Ninja.Env",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Ninja.Lexer",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Ninja.Parse",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Ninja.Type",
+              ModuleName "Development.Shake",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Args",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.ByteString",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Classes",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.CmdOption",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Command",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Core",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Database",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Demo",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Derived",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Errors",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.FileInfo",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.FilePath",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.FilePattern",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Forward",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Monad",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Pool",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Profile",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Progress",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Resource",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rule",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.Directory",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.File",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.Files",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.Oracle",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.OrderOnly",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.Rerun",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Shake",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Special",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Storage",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Types",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Value",
+              ModuleName "General.Bilist",
+              ModuleName "General.Binary",
+              ModuleName "General.Cleanup",
+              ModuleName "General.Concurrent",
+              ModuleName "General.Extra",
+              ModuleName "General.FileLock",
+              ModuleName "General.Intern",
+              ModuleName "General.Process",
+              ModuleName "General.String",
+              ModuleName "General.Template",
+              ModuleName "General.Timing",
+              ModuleName "Paths_shake",
+              ModuleName "Run"],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Just
+              Haskell2010,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              [
+                "-main-is",
+                "Run.main",
+                "-rtsopts"]
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [5])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "directory")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "hashable")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 1, 2, 3]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "binary")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "filepath")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "process")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName
+                  "unordered-containers")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 2, 1]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "bytestring")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "utf8-string")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "time")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "random")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "js-jquery")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "js-flot")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "transformers")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 2]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "extra")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 4, 8]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "deepseq")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "primitive")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []}},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [5])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "directory")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "hashable")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 1, 2, 3]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "binary")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "filepath")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "process")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName
+              "unordered-containers")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 2, 1]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "bytestring")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "utf8-string")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "time")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "random")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "js-jquery")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "js-flot")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "transformers")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 2]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "extra")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 4, 8]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "deepseq")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "primitive")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = [
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [7,8])))`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = Executable {
+                exeName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "shake",
+                modulePath = "",
+                exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
+                buildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    [
+                      "-threaded",
+                      "-with-rtsopts=-I0 -qg -qb"]
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [],
+                  mixins = []}},
+              condTreeConstraints = [],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing},
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (PackageFlag (FlagName "portable"))`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = Executable {
+                exeName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "shake",
+                modulePath = "",
+                exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
+                buildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = ["-DPORTABLE"],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [],
+                  mixins = []}},
+              condTreeConstraints = [],
+              condTreeComponents = [
+                CondBranch {
+                  condBranchCondition =
+                  `Var (Impl GHC (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [7,6])))`,
+                  condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+                    condTreeData = Executable {
+                      exeName = UnqualComponentName
+                        "shake",
+                      modulePath = "",
+                      exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
+                      buildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                        buildable = True,
+                        buildTools = [],
+                        buildToolDepends = [],
+                        cppOptions = [],
+                        asmOptions = [],
+                        cmmOptions = [],
+                        ccOptions = [],
+                        cxxOptions = [],
+                        ldOptions = [],
+                        hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                        pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                        frameworks = [],
+                        extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                        asmSources = [],
+                        cmmSources = [],
+                        cSources = [],
+                        cxxSources = [],
+                        jsSources = [],
+                        hsSourceDirs = [],
+                        otherModules = [],
+                        virtualModules = [],
+                        autogenModules = [],
+                        defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                        otherLanguages = [],
+                        defaultExtensions = [],
+                        otherExtensions = [],
+                        oldExtensions = [],
+                        extraLibs = [],
+                        extraLibsStatic = [],
+                        extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                        extraBundledLibs = [],
+                        extraLibFlavours = [],
+                        extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                        extraLibDirs = [],
+                        extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                        includeDirs = [],
+                        includes = [],
+                        autogenIncludes = [],
+                        installIncludes = [],
+                        options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                          []
+                          [],
+                        profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                          []
+                          [],
+                        sharedOptions =
+                        PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                        staticOptions =
+                        PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                        customFieldsBI = [],
+                        targetBuildDepends = [
+                          Dependency
+                            (PackageName "old-time")
+                            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                            mainLibSet],
+                        mixins = []}},
+                    condTreeConstraints = [
+                      Dependency
+                        (PackageName "old-time")
+                        (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                        mainLibSet],
+                    condTreeComponents = []},
+                  condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Just
+              CondNode {
+                condTreeData = Executable {
+                  exeName = UnqualComponentName
+                    "shake",
+                  modulePath = "",
+                  exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
+                  buildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                    buildable = True,
+                    buildTools = [],
+                    buildToolDepends = [],
+                    cppOptions = [],
+                    asmOptions = [],
+                    cmmOptions = [],
+                    ccOptions = [],
+                    cxxOptions = [],
+                    ldOptions = [],
+                    hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                    pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                    frameworks = [],
+                    extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                    asmSources = [],
+                    cmmSources = [],
+                    cSources = [],
+                    cxxSources = [],
+                    jsSources = [],
+                    hsSourceDirs = [],
+                    otherModules = [],
+                    virtualModules = [],
+                    autogenModules = [],
+                    defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                    otherLanguages = [],
+                    defaultExtensions = [],
+                    otherExtensions = [],
+                    oldExtensions = [],
+                    extraLibs = [],
+                    extraLibsStatic = [],
+                    extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                    extraBundledLibs = [],
+                    extraLibFlavours = [],
+                    extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                    extraLibDirs = [],
+                    extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                    includeDirs = [],
+                    includes = [],
+                    autogenIncludes = [],
+                    installIncludes = [],
+                    options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                      []
+                      [],
+                    profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                      []
+                      [],
+                    sharedOptions =
+                    PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                    staticOptions =
+                    PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                    customFieldsBI = [],
+                    targetBuildDepends = [],
+                    mixins = []}},
+                condTreeConstraints = [],
+                condTreeComponents = [
+                  CondBranch {
+                    condBranchCondition =
+                    `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
+                    condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+                      condTreeData = Executable {
+                        exeName = UnqualComponentName
+                          "shake",
+                        modulePath = "",
+                        exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
+                        buildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                          buildable = True,
+                          buildTools = [],
+                          buildToolDepends = [],
+                          cppOptions = [],
+                          asmOptions = [],
+                          cmmOptions = [],
+                          ccOptions = [],
+                          cxxOptions = [],
+                          ldOptions = [],
+                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                          frameworks = [],
+                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                          asmSources = [],
+                          cmmSources = [],
+                          cSources = [],
+                          cxxSources = [],
+                          jsSources = [],
+                          hsSourceDirs = [],
+                          otherModules = [],
+                          virtualModules = [],
+                          autogenModules = [],
+                          defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                          otherLanguages = [],
+                          defaultExtensions = [],
+                          otherExtensions = [],
+                          oldExtensions = [],
+                          extraLibs = [],
+                          extraLibsStatic = [],
+                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                          extraBundledLibs = [],
+                          extraLibFlavours = [],
+                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                          extraLibDirs = [],
+                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                          includeDirs = [],
+                          includes = [],
+                          autogenIncludes = [],
+                          installIncludes = [],
+                          options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                            []
+                            [],
+                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                            []
+                            [],
+                          sharedOptions =
+                          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                          staticOptions =
+                          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                          customFieldsBI = [],
+                          targetBuildDepends = [
+                            Dependency
+                              (PackageName "unix")
+                              (OrLaterVersion
+                                (mkVersion [2, 5, 1]))
+                              mainLibSet],
+                          mixins = []}},
+                      condTreeConstraints = [
+                        Dependency
+                          (PackageName "unix")
+                          (OrLaterVersion
+                            (mkVersion [2, 5, 1]))
+                          mainLibSet],
+                      condTreeComponents = []},
+                    condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]}},
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = Executable {
+                exeName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "shake",
+                modulePath = "",
+                exeScope = ExecutablePublic,
+                buildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [
+                    Dependency
+                      (PackageName "unix")
+                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                      mainLibSet],
+                  mixins = []}},
+              condTreeConstraints = [
+                Dependency
+                  (PackageName "unix")
+                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                  mainLibSet],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]}],
+  condTestSuites = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName
+        "shake-test")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "Test.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [
+              SymbolicPath "src"],
+            otherModules = [
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Make.All",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Make.Env",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Make.Parse",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Make.Rules",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Make.Type",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Ninja.All",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Ninja.Env",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Ninja.Lexer",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Ninja.Parse",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Ninja.Type",
+              ModuleName "Development.Shake",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Args",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.ByteString",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Classes",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.CmdOption",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Command",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Config",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Core",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Database",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Demo",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Derived",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Errors",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.FileInfo",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.FilePath",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.FilePattern",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Forward",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Monad",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Pool",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Profile",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Progress",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Resource",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rule",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.Directory",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.File",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.Files",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.Oracle",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.OrderOnly",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Rules.Rerun",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Shake",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Special",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Storage",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Types",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Util",
+              ModuleName
+                "Development.Shake.Value",
+              ModuleName "General.Bilist",
+              ModuleName "General.Binary",
+              ModuleName "General.Cleanup",
+              ModuleName "General.Concurrent",
+              ModuleName "General.Extra",
+              ModuleName "General.FileLock",
+              ModuleName "General.Intern",
+              ModuleName "General.Process",
+              ModuleName "General.String",
+              ModuleName "General.Template",
+              ModuleName "General.Timing",
+              ModuleName "Paths_shake",
+              ModuleName "Run",
+              ModuleName "Test.Assume",
+              ModuleName "Test.Basic",
+              ModuleName "Test.Benchmark",
+              ModuleName "Test.C",
+              ModuleName "Test.Cache",
+              ModuleName "Test.Command",
+              ModuleName "Test.Config",
+              ModuleName "Test.Digest",
+              ModuleName "Test.Directory",
+              ModuleName "Test.Docs",
+              ModuleName "Test.Errors",
+              ModuleName "Test.FileLock",
+              ModuleName "Test.FilePath",
+              ModuleName "Test.FilePattern",
+              ModuleName "Test.Files",
+              ModuleName "Test.Forward",
+              ModuleName "Test.Journal",
+              ModuleName "Test.Lint",
+              ModuleName "Test.Live",
+              ModuleName "Test.Makefile",
+              ModuleName "Test.Manual",
+              ModuleName "Test.Match",
+              ModuleName "Test.Monad",
+              ModuleName "Test.Ninja",
+              ModuleName "Test.Oracle",
+              ModuleName "Test.OrderOnly",
+              ModuleName "Test.Parallel",
+              ModuleName "Test.Pool",
+              ModuleName "Test.Progress",
+              ModuleName "Test.Random",
+              ModuleName "Test.Resources",
+              ModuleName "Test.Self",
+              ModuleName "Test.Tar",
+              ModuleName "Test.Tup",
+              ModuleName "Test.Type",
+              ModuleName "Test.Unicode",
+              ModuleName "Test.Util",
+              ModuleName "Test.Verbosity",
+              ModuleName "Test.Version"],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Just
+              Haskell2010,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              [
+                "-main-is",
+                "Test.main",
+                "-rtsopts"]
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [5])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "directory")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "hashable")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 1, 2, 3]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "binary")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "filepath")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "process")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName
+                  "unordered-containers")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 2, 1]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "bytestring")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "utf8-string")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "time")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "random")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "js-jquery")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "js-flot")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "transformers")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 2]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "deepseq")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "extra")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 4, 8]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [2, 0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [5])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "directory")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "hashable")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 1, 2, 3]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "binary")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "filepath")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "process")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName
+              "unordered-containers")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 2, 1]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "bytestring")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "utf8-string")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 3]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "time")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "random")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "js-jquery")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "js-flot")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "transformers")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 2]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "deepseq")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 1]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "extra")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 4, 8]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [2, 0]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = [
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [7,6])))`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                testName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "",
+                testInterface =
+                TestSuiteUnsupported
+                  (TestTypeUnknown
+                    ""
+                    (mkVersion [])),
+                testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    ["-with-rtsopts=-K1K"]
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [],
+                  mixins = []},
+                testCodeGenerators = []},
+              condTreeConstraints = [],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing},
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (Impl GHC (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [7,8])))`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                testName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "",
+                testInterface =
+                TestSuiteUnsupported
+                  (TestTypeUnknown
+                    ""
+                    (mkVersion [])),
+                testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    ["-threaded"]
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [],
+                  mixins = []},
+                testCodeGenerators = []},
+              condTreeConstraints = [],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing},
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (PackageFlag (FlagName "portable"))`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                testName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "",
+                testInterface =
+                TestSuiteUnsupported
+                  (TestTypeUnknown
+                    ""
+                    (mkVersion [])),
+                testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = ["-DPORTABLE"],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [],
+                  mixins = []},
+                testCodeGenerators = []},
+              condTreeConstraints = [],
+              condTreeComponents = [
+                CondBranch {
+                  condBranchCondition =
+                  `Var (Impl GHC (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [7,6])))`,
+                  condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+                    condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                      testName = UnqualComponentName
+                        "",
+                      testInterface =
+                      TestSuiteUnsupported
+                        (TestTypeUnknown
+                          ""
+                          (mkVersion [])),
+                      testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                        buildable = True,
+                        buildTools = [],
+                        buildToolDepends = [],
+                        cppOptions = [],
+                        asmOptions = [],
+                        cmmOptions = [],
+                        ccOptions = [],
+                        cxxOptions = [],
+                        ldOptions = [],
+                        hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                        pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                        frameworks = [],
+                        extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                        asmSources = [],
+                        cmmSources = [],
+                        cSources = [],
+                        cxxSources = [],
+                        jsSources = [],
+                        hsSourceDirs = [],
+                        otherModules = [],
+                        virtualModules = [],
+                        autogenModules = [],
+                        defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                        otherLanguages = [],
+                        defaultExtensions = [],
+                        otherExtensions = [],
+                        oldExtensions = [],
+                        extraLibs = [],
+                        extraLibsStatic = [],
+                        extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                        extraBundledLibs = [],
+                        extraLibFlavours = [],
+                        extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                        extraLibDirs = [],
+                        extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                        includeDirs = [],
+                        includes = [],
+                        autogenIncludes = [],
+                        installIncludes = [],
+                        options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                          []
+                          [],
+                        profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                          []
+                          [],
+                        sharedOptions =
+                        PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                        staticOptions =
+                        PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                        customFieldsBI = [],
+                        targetBuildDepends = [
+                          Dependency
+                            (PackageName "old-time")
+                            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                            mainLibSet],
+                        mixins = []},
+                      testCodeGenerators = []},
+                    condTreeConstraints = [
+                      Dependency
+                        (PackageName "old-time")
+                        (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                        mainLibSet],
+                    condTreeComponents = []},
+                  condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Just
+              CondNode {
+                condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                  testName = UnqualComponentName
+                    "",
+                  testInterface =
+                  TestSuiteUnsupported
+                    (TestTypeUnknown
+                      ""
+                      (mkVersion [])),
+                  testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                    buildable = True,
+                    buildTools = [],
+                    buildToolDepends = [],
+                    cppOptions = [],
+                    asmOptions = [],
+                    cmmOptions = [],
+                    ccOptions = [],
+                    cxxOptions = [],
+                    ldOptions = [],
+                    hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                    pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                    frameworks = [],
+                    extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                    asmSources = [],
+                    cmmSources = [],
+                    cSources = [],
+                    cxxSources = [],
+                    jsSources = [],
+                    hsSourceDirs = [],
+                    otherModules = [],
+                    virtualModules = [],
+                    autogenModules = [],
+                    defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                    otherLanguages = [],
+                    defaultExtensions = [],
+                    otherExtensions = [],
+                    oldExtensions = [],
+                    extraLibs = [],
+                    extraLibsStatic = [],
+                    extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                    extraBundledLibs = [],
+                    extraLibFlavours = [],
+                    extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                    extraLibDirs = [],
+                    extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                    includeDirs = [],
+                    includes = [],
+                    autogenIncludes = [],
+                    installIncludes = [],
+                    options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                      []
+                      [],
+                    profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                      []
+                      [],
+                    sharedOptions =
+                    PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                    staticOptions =
+                    PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                    customFieldsBI = [],
+                    targetBuildDepends = [],
+                    mixins = []},
+                  testCodeGenerators = []},
+                condTreeConstraints = [],
+                condTreeComponents = [
+                  CondBranch {
+                    condBranchCondition =
+                    `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
+                    condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+                      condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                        testName = UnqualComponentName
+                          "",
+                        testInterface =
+                        TestSuiteUnsupported
+                          (TestTypeUnknown
+                            ""
+                            (mkVersion [])),
+                        testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                          buildable = True,
+                          buildTools = [],
+                          buildToolDepends = [],
+                          cppOptions = [],
+                          asmOptions = [],
+                          cmmOptions = [],
+                          ccOptions = [],
+                          cxxOptions = [],
+                          ldOptions = [],
+                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                          frameworks = [],
+                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                          asmSources = [],
+                          cmmSources = [],
+                          cSources = [],
+                          cxxSources = [],
+                          jsSources = [],
+                          hsSourceDirs = [],
+                          otherModules = [],
+                          virtualModules = [],
+                          autogenModules = [],
+                          defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                          otherLanguages = [],
+                          defaultExtensions = [],
+                          otherExtensions = [],
+                          oldExtensions = [],
+                          extraLibs = [],
+                          extraLibsStatic = [],
+                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                          extraBundledLibs = [],
+                          extraLibFlavours = [],
+                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                          extraLibDirs = [],
+                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                          includeDirs = [],
+                          includes = [],
+                          autogenIncludes = [],
+                          installIncludes = [],
+                          options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                            []
+                            [],
+                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                            []
+                            [],
+                          sharedOptions =
+                          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                          staticOptions =
+                          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                          customFieldsBI = [],
+                          targetBuildDepends = [
+                            Dependency
+                              (PackageName "unix")
+                              (OrLaterVersion
+                                (mkVersion [2, 5, 1]))
+                              mainLibSet],
+                          mixins = []},
+                        testCodeGenerators = []},
+                      condTreeConstraints = [
+                        Dependency
+                          (PackageName "unix")
+                          (OrLaterVersion
+                            (mkVersion [2, 5, 1]))
+                          mainLibSet],
+                      condTreeComponents = []},
+                    condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]}},
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `CNot (Var (OS Windows))`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                testName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "",
+                testInterface =
+                TestSuiteUnsupported
+                  (TestTypeUnknown
+                    ""
+                    (mkVersion [])),
+                testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [
+                    Dependency
+                      (PackageName "unix")
+                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                      mainLibSet],
+                  mixins = []},
+                testCodeGenerators = []},
+              condTreeConstraints = [
+                Dependency
+                  (PackageName "unix")
+                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                  mainLibSet],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]}],
+  condBenchmarks = []}
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/th-lift-instances.expr b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/th-lift-instances.expr
index 5d8fb72de8899fab6ad0c45a21a653e89c3fb342..f714c7a0fe4572145392a8e2b53cf9d58f4c3c5e 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/th-lift-instances.expr
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/ParserTests/regressions/th-lift-instances.expr
@@ -1,584 +1,589 @@
-  {condBenchmarks = [],
-   condExecutables = [],
-   condForeignLibs = [],
-   condLibrary = Just
-                   CondNode
-                     {condTreeComponents = [],
-                      condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "base")
-                                               (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [4, 4]))
-                                                  (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [5])))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "template-haskell")
-                                               (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [2, 10]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "th-lift")
-                                               (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "containers")
-                                               (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 4]))
-                                                  (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [0, 6])))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "vector")
-                                               (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 9]))
-                                                  (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [0, 11])))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "text")
-                                               (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 11]))
-                                                  (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [1, 3])))
-                                               mainLibSet,
-                                             Dependency
-                                               (PackageName "bytestring")
-                                               (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                  (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 9]))
-                                                  (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [0, 11])))
-                                               mainLibSet],
-                      condTreeData = Library
-                                       {exposedModules = [ModuleName "Instances.TH.Lift"],
-                                        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                         {asmOptions = [],
-                                                          asmSources = [],
-                                                          autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                          autogenModules = [],
-                                                          buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                          buildTools = [],
-                                                          buildable = True,
-                                                          cSources = [],
-                                                          ccOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmOptions = [],
-                                                          cmmSources = [],
-                                                          cppOptions = [],
-                                                          customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                          cxxOptions = [],
-                                                          cxxSources = [],
-                                                          defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                          defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                          extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                          extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                          extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                          extraLibs = [],
-                                                          extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                          frameworks = [],
-                                                          hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath "src"],
-                                                          hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                          includeDirs = [],
-                                                          includes = [],
-                                                          installIncludes = [],
-                                                          jsSources = [],
-                                                          ldOptions = [],
-                                                          mixins = [],
-                                                          oldExtensions = [],
-                                                          options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                      ["-Wall", "-fwarn-tabs"] [],
-                                                          otherExtensions = [EnableExtension
-                                                                               TemplateHaskell],
-                                                          otherLanguages = [],
-                                                          otherModules = [],
-                                                          pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                          targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "base")
-                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [4, 4]))
-                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [5])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "template-haskell")
-                                                                                  (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [2, 10]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "th-lift")
-                                                                                  (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                     (mkVersion
-                                                                                        [0]))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "containers")
-                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [0, 4]))
-                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [0, 6])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "vector")
-                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [0, 9]))
-                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [0,
-                                                                                            11])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "text")
-                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [0, 11]))
-                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [1, 3])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet,
-                                                                                Dependency
-                                                                                  (PackageName
-                                                                                     "bytestring")
-                                                                                  (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                     (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [0, 9]))
-                                                                                     (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                        (mkVersion
-                                                                                           [0,
-                                                                                            11])))
-                                                                                  mainLibSet],
-                                                          virtualModules = []},
-                                        libExposed = True,
-                                        libName = LMainLibName,
-                                        libVisibility = LibraryVisibilityPublic,
-                                        reexportedModules = [],
-                                        signatures = []}},
-   condSubLibraries = [],
-   condTestSuites = [_×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "tests")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "template-haskell")
-                                                   (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [2, 10]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "containers")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 4]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [0, 6])))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "vector")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 9]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [0, 11])))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "text")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 11]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [1, 2])))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "bytestring")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 9]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [0, 11])))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "th-lift-instances")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "QuickCheck")
-                                                   (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                      (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [2, 6]))
-                                                      (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [2, 8])))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath
-                                                                                 "tests"],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [EnableExtension
-                                                                                    TemplateHaskell],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [ModuleName "Data"],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "base")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "template-haskell")
-                                                                                       (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [2,
-                                                                                              10]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "containers")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [0,
-                                                                                                 4]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [0,
-                                                                                                 6])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "vector")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [0,
-                                                                                                 9]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [0,
-                                                                                                 11])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "text")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [0,
-                                                                                                 11]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [1,
-                                                                                                 2])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "bytestring")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [0,
-                                                                                                 9]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [0,
-                                                                                                 11])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "th-lift-instances")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "QuickCheck")
-                                                                                       (IntersectVersionRanges
-                                                                                          (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [2,
-                                                                                                 6]))
-                                                                                          (EarlierVersion
-                                                                                             (mkVersion
-                                                                                                [2,
-                                                                                                 8])))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "Main.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}},
-                     _×_
-                       (UnqualComponentName "doctests")
-                       CondNode
-                         {condTreeComponents = [CondBranch
-                                                  {condBranchCondition = `Var (Impl GHC (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [7,6,1])))`,
-                                                   condBranchIfFalse = Nothing,
-                                                   condBranchIfTrue = CondNode
-                                                                        {condTreeComponents = [],
-                                                                         condTreeConstraints = [],
-                                                                         condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                                                                          {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                                                                             {asmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              asmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              autogenModules = [],
-                                                                                                              buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              buildTools = [],
-                                                                                                              buildable = True,
-                                                                                                              cSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ccOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cmmSources = [],
-                                                                                                              cppOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              cxxSources = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              defaultLanguage = Nothing,
-                                                                                                              extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibs = [],
-                                                                                                              extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                                                                              frameworks = [],
-                                                                                                              hsSourceDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              includeDirs = [],
-                                                                                                              includes = [],
-                                                                                                              installIncludes = [],
-                                                                                                              jsSources = [],
-                                                                                                              ldOptions = [],
-                                                                                                              mixins = [],
-                                                                                                              oldExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                          ["-Werror"]
-                                                                                                                          [],
-                                                                                                              otherExtensions = [],
-                                                                                                              otherLanguages = [],
-                                                                                                              otherModules = [],
-                                                                                                              pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                              []
-                                                                                                                              [],
-                                                                                                              sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                                                                []
-                                                                                                                                [],
-                                                                                                              targetBuildDepends = [],
-                                                                                                              virtualModules = []},
-                                                                                           testInterface = TestSuiteUnsupported
-                                                                                                             (TestTypeUnknown
-                                                                                                                ""
-                                                                                                                (mkVersion
-                                                                                                                   [])),
-                                                                                           testName = UnqualComponentName
-                                                                                                        ""}}}],
-                          condTreeConstraints = [Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "base")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "directory")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [1, 0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "doctest")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0, 9, 1]))
-                                                   mainLibSet,
-                                                 Dependency
-                                                   (PackageName "filepath")
-                                                   (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
-                                                   mainLibSet],
-                          condTreeData = TestSuite
-                                           {testBuildInfo = BuildInfo
-                                                              {asmOptions = [],
-                                                               asmSources = [],
-                                                               autogenIncludes = [],
-                                                               autogenModules = [],
-                                                               buildToolDepends = [],
-                                                               buildTools = [],
-                                                               buildable = True,
-                                                               cSources = [],
-                                                               ccOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmOptions = [],
-                                                               cmmSources = [],
-                                                               cppOptions = [],
-                                                               customFieldsBI = [],
-                                                               cxxOptions = [],
-                                                               cxxSources = [],
-                                                               defaultExtensions = [],
-                                                               defaultLanguage = Just Haskell2010,
-                                                               extraBundledLibs = [],
-                                                               extraDynLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraFrameworkDirs = [],
-                                                               extraGHCiLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirs = [],
-                                                               extraLibDirsStatic = [],
-                                                               extraLibFlavours = [],
-                                                               extraLibs = [],
-                                                               extraLibsStatic = [],
-                                                               frameworks = [],
-                                                               hsSourceDirs = [SymbolicPath
-                                                                                 "tests"],
-                                                               hsc2hsOptions = [],
-                                                               includeDirs = [],
-                                                               includes = [],
-                                                               installIncludes = [],
-                                                               jsSources = [],
-                                                               ldOptions = [],
-                                                               mixins = [],
-                                                               oldExtensions = [],
-                                                               options = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                           ["-Wall", "-threaded"]
-                                                                           [],
-                                                               otherExtensions = [],
-                                                               otherLanguages = [],
-                                                               otherModules = [],
-                                                               pkgconfigDepends = [],
-                                                               profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                               [] [],
-                                                               sharedOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               staticOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
-                                                                                 [] [],
-                                                               targetBuildDepends = [Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "base")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "directory")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [1,
-                                                                                              0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "doctest")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0,
-                                                                                              9,
-                                                                                              1]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet,
-                                                                                     Dependency
-                                                                                       (PackageName
-                                                                                          "filepath")
-                                                                                       (OrLaterVersion
-                                                                                          (mkVersion
-                                                                                             [0]))
-                                                                                       mainLibSet],
-                                                               virtualModules = []},
-                                            testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
-                                                              (mkVersion [1, 0]) "doctests.hs",
-                                            testName = UnqualComponentName ""}}],
-   genPackageFlags = [],
-   gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
-   packageDescription = PackageDescription
-                          {author = "Benno F\252nfst\252ck",
-                           benchmarks = [],
-                           bugReports = "http://github.com/bennofs/th-lift-instances/issues",
-                           buildTypeRaw = Just Custom,
-                           category = "Template Haskell",
-                           copyright = "Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Benno F\252nfst\252ck",
-                           customFieldsPD = [_×_ "x-revision" "1"],
-                           dataDir = ".",
-                           dataFiles = [],
-                           description = concat
-                                           ["Most data types in haskell platform do not have Lift instances. This package provides orphan instances\n",
-                                            "for containers, text, bytestring and vector."],
-                           executables = [],
-                           extraDocFiles = [],
-                           extraSrcFiles = [".ghci",
-                                            ".gitignore",
-                                            ".travis.yml",
-                                            ".vim.custom",
-                                            "README.md"],
-                           extraTmpFiles = [],
-                           foreignLibs = [],
-                           homepage = "http://github.com/bennofs/th-lift-instances/",
-                           library = Nothing,
-                           licenseFiles = [SymbolicPath "LICENSE"],
-                           licenseRaw = Right BSD3,
-                           maintainer = "Benno F\252nfst\252ck <benno.fuenfstueck@gmail.com>",
-                           package = PackageIdentifier
-                                       {pkgName = PackageName "th-lift-instances",
-                                        pkgVersion = mkVersion [0, 1, 4]},
-                           pkgUrl = "",
-                           setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
-                           sourceRepos = [SourceRepo
-                                            {repoBranch = Nothing,
-                                             repoKind = RepoHead,
-                                             repoLocation = Just
-                                                              "https://github.com/bennofs/th-lift-instances.git",
-                                             repoModule = Nothing,
-                                             repoSubdir = Nothing,
-                                             repoTag = Nothing,
-                                             repoType = Just (KnownRepoType Git)}],
-                           specVersion = CabalSpecV1_10,
-                           stability = "experimental",
-                           subLibraries = [],
-                           synopsis = "Lift instances for template-haskell for common data types.",
-                           testSuites = [],
-                           testedWith = []}}
+GenericPackageDescription {
+  packageDescription =
+  PackageDescription {
+    specVersion = CabalSpecV1_10,
+    package = PackageIdentifier {
+      pkgName = PackageName
+        "th-lift-instances",
+      pkgVersion = mkVersion
+        [0, 1, 4]},
+    licenseRaw = Right BSD3,
+    licenseFiles = [
+      SymbolicPath "LICENSE"],
+    copyright =
+    "Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Benno F\252nfst\252ck",
+    maintainer =
+    "Benno F\252nfst\252ck <benno.fuenfstueck@gmail.com>",
+    author =
+    "Benno F\252nfst\252ck",
+    stability = "experimental",
+    testedWith = [],
+    homepage =
+    "http://github.com/bennofs/th-lift-instances/",
+    pkgUrl = "",
+    bugReports =
+    "http://github.com/bennofs/th-lift-instances/issues",
+    sourceRepos = [
+      SourceRepo {
+        repoKind = RepoHead,
+        repoType = Just
+          (KnownRepoType Git),
+        repoLocation = Just
+          "https://github.com/bennofs/th-lift-instances.git",
+        repoModule = Nothing,
+        repoBranch = Nothing,
+        repoTag = Nothing,
+        repoSubdir = Nothing}],
+    synopsis =
+    "Lift instances for template-haskell for common data types.",
+    description =
+    concat
+      [
+        "Most data types in haskell platform do not have Lift instances. This package provides orphan instances\n",
+        "for containers, text, bytestring and vector."],
+    category = "Template Haskell",
+    customFieldsPD = [
+      _×_ "x-revision" "1"],
+    buildTypeRaw = Just Custom,
+    setupBuildInfo = Nothing,
+    library = Nothing,
+    subLibraries = [],
+    executables = [],
+    foreignLibs = [],
+    testSuites = [],
+    benchmarks = [],
+    dataFiles = [],
+    dataDir = ".",
+    extraSrcFiles = [
+      ".ghci",
+      ".gitignore",
+      ".travis.yml",
+      ".vim.custom",
+      "README.md"],
+    extraTmpFiles = [],
+    extraDocFiles = []},
+  gpdScannedVersion = Nothing,
+  genPackageFlags = [],
+  condLibrary = Just
+    CondNode {
+      condTreeData = Library {
+        libName = LMainLibName,
+        exposedModules = [
+          ModuleName "Instances.TH.Lift"],
+        reexportedModules = [],
+        signatures = [],
+        libExposed = True,
+        libVisibility =
+        LibraryVisibilityPublic,
+        libBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+          buildable = True,
+          buildTools = [],
+          buildToolDepends = [],
+          cppOptions = [],
+          asmOptions = [],
+          cmmOptions = [],
+          ccOptions = [],
+          cxxOptions = [],
+          ldOptions = [],
+          hsc2hsOptions = [],
+          pkgconfigDepends = [],
+          frameworks = [],
+          extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+          asmSources = [],
+          cmmSources = [],
+          cSources = [],
+          cxxSources = [],
+          jsSources = [],
+          hsSourceDirs = [
+            SymbolicPath "src"],
+          otherModules = [],
+          virtualModules = [],
+          autogenModules = [],
+          defaultLanguage = Just
+            Haskell2010,
+          otherLanguages = [],
+          defaultExtensions = [],
+          otherExtensions = [
+            EnableExtension
+              TemplateHaskell],
+          oldExtensions = [],
+          extraLibs = [],
+          extraLibsStatic = [],
+          extraGHCiLibs = [],
+          extraBundledLibs = [],
+          extraLibFlavours = [],
+          extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+          extraLibDirs = [],
+          extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+          includeDirs = [],
+          includes = [],
+          autogenIncludes = [],
+          installIncludes = [],
+          options = PerCompilerFlavor
+            ["-Wall", "-fwarn-tabs"]
+            [],
+          profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+            []
+            [],
+          sharedOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          staticOptions =
+          PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+          customFieldsBI = [],
+          targetBuildDepends = [
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "base")
+              (IntersectVersionRanges
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [4, 4]))
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [5])))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "template-haskell")
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [2, 10]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "th-lift")
+              (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "containers")
+              (IntersectVersionRanges
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 4]))
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 6])))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "vector")
+              (IntersectVersionRanges
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 9]))
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 11])))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "text")
+              (IntersectVersionRanges
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 11]))
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 3])))
+              mainLibSet,
+            Dependency
+              (PackageName "bytestring")
+              (IntersectVersionRanges
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 9]))
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 11])))
+              mainLibSet],
+          mixins = []}},
+      condTreeConstraints = [
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "base")
+          (IntersectVersionRanges
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [4, 4]))
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [5])))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "template-haskell")
+          (EarlierVersion
+            (mkVersion [2, 10]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "th-lift")
+          (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "containers")
+          (IntersectVersionRanges
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 4]))
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 6])))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "vector")
+          (IntersectVersionRanges
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 9]))
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 11])))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "text")
+          (IntersectVersionRanges
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 11]))
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 3])))
+          mainLibSet,
+        Dependency
+          (PackageName "bytestring")
+          (IntersectVersionRanges
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 9]))
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 11])))
+          mainLibSet],
+      condTreeComponents = []},
+  condSubLibraries = [],
+  condForeignLibs = [],
+  condExecutables = [],
+  condTestSuites = [
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName "tests")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "Main.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [
+              SymbolicPath "tests"],
+            otherModules = [
+              ModuleName "Data"],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Just
+              Haskell2010,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [
+              EnableExtension
+                TemplateHaskell],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "template-haskell")
+                (EarlierVersion
+                  (mkVersion [2, 10]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "containers")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 4]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 6])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "vector")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 9]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 11])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "text")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 11]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [1, 2])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "bytestring")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 9]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [0, 11])))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName
+                  "th-lift-instances")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+                (IntersectVersionRanges
+                  (OrLaterVersion
+                    (mkVersion [2, 6]))
+                  (EarlierVersion
+                    (mkVersion [2, 8])))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "template-haskell")
+            (EarlierVersion
+              (mkVersion [2, 10]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "containers")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 4]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 6])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "vector")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 9]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 11])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "text")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 11]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [1, 2])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "bytestring")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 9]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [0, 11])))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName
+              "th-lift-instances")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "QuickCheck")
+            (IntersectVersionRanges
+              (OrLaterVersion
+                (mkVersion [2, 6]))
+              (EarlierVersion
+                (mkVersion [2, 8])))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = []},
+    _×_
+      (UnqualComponentName "doctests")
+      CondNode {
+        condTreeData = TestSuite {
+          testName = UnqualComponentName
+            "",
+          testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10
+            (mkVersion [1, 0])
+            "doctests.hs",
+          testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+            buildable = True,
+            buildTools = [],
+            buildToolDepends = [],
+            cppOptions = [],
+            asmOptions = [],
+            cmmOptions = [],
+            ccOptions = [],
+            cxxOptions = [],
+            ldOptions = [],
+            hsc2hsOptions = [],
+            pkgconfigDepends = [],
+            frameworks = [],
+            extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+            asmSources = [],
+            cmmSources = [],
+            cSources = [],
+            cxxSources = [],
+            jsSources = [],
+            hsSourceDirs = [
+              SymbolicPath "tests"],
+            otherModules = [],
+            virtualModules = [],
+            autogenModules = [],
+            defaultLanguage = Just
+              Haskell2010,
+            otherLanguages = [],
+            defaultExtensions = [],
+            otherExtensions = [],
+            oldExtensions = [],
+            extraLibs = [],
+            extraLibsStatic = [],
+            extraGHCiLibs = [],
+            extraBundledLibs = [],
+            extraLibFlavours = [],
+            extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+            extraLibDirs = [],
+            extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+            includeDirs = [],
+            includes = [],
+            autogenIncludes = [],
+            installIncludes = [],
+            options = PerCompilerFlavor
+              ["-Wall", "-threaded"]
+              [],
+            profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+              []
+              [],
+            sharedOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            staticOptions =
+            PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+            customFieldsBI = [],
+            targetBuildDepends = [
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "base")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "directory")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [1, 0]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "doctest")
+                (OrLaterVersion
+                  (mkVersion [0, 9, 1]))
+                mainLibSet,
+              Dependency
+                (PackageName "filepath")
+                (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+                mainLibSet],
+            mixins = []},
+          testCodeGenerators = []},
+        condTreeConstraints = [
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "base")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "directory")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [1, 0]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "doctest")
+            (OrLaterVersion
+              (mkVersion [0, 9, 1]))
+            mainLibSet,
+          Dependency
+            (PackageName "filepath")
+            (OrLaterVersion (mkVersion [0]))
+            mainLibSet],
+        condTreeComponents = [
+          CondBranch {
+            condBranchCondition =
+            `Var (Impl GHC (EarlierVersion (mkVersion [7,6,1])))`,
+            condBranchIfTrue = CondNode {
+              condTreeData = TestSuite {
+                testName = UnqualComponentName
+                  "",
+                testInterface =
+                TestSuiteUnsupported
+                  (TestTypeUnknown
+                    ""
+                    (mkVersion [])),
+                testBuildInfo = BuildInfo {
+                  buildable = True,
+                  buildTools = [],
+                  buildToolDepends = [],
+                  cppOptions = [],
+                  asmOptions = [],
+                  cmmOptions = [],
+                  ccOptions = [],
+                  cxxOptions = [],
+                  ldOptions = [],
+                  hsc2hsOptions = [],
+                  pkgconfigDepends = [],
+                  frameworks = [],
+                  extraFrameworkDirs = [],
+                  asmSources = [],
+                  cmmSources = [],
+                  cSources = [],
+                  cxxSources = [],
+                  jsSources = [],
+                  hsSourceDirs = [],
+                  otherModules = [],
+                  virtualModules = [],
+                  autogenModules = [],
+                  defaultLanguage = Nothing,
+                  otherLanguages = [],
+                  defaultExtensions = [],
+                  otherExtensions = [],
+                  oldExtensions = [],
+                  extraLibs = [],
+                  extraLibsStatic = [],
+                  extraGHCiLibs = [],
+                  extraBundledLibs = [],
+                  extraLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraDynLibFlavours = [],
+                  extraLibDirs = [],
+                  extraLibDirsStatic = [],
+                  includeDirs = [],
+                  includes = [],
+                  autogenIncludes = [],
+                  installIncludes = [],
+                  options = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    ["-Werror"]
+                    [],
+                  profOptions = PerCompilerFlavor
+                    []
+                    [],
+                  sharedOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  staticOptions =
+                  PerCompilerFlavor [] [],
+                  customFieldsBI = [],
+                  targetBuildDepends = [],
+                  mixins = []},
+                testCodeGenerators = []},
+              condTreeConstraints = [],
+              condTreeComponents = []},
+            condBranchIfFalse = Nothing}]}],
+  condBenchmarks = []}
diff --git a/Cabal-tests/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Utils/Structured.hs b/Cabal-tests/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Utils/Structured.hs
index 9ad401b4b17007d913f610948159235a5ea38720..ea4bf7602c8adbcfe509d0f8037b8dfc484a1b69 100644
--- a/Cabal-tests/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Utils/Structured.hs
+++ b/Cabal-tests/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Utils/Structured.hs
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ tests = testGroup "Distribution.Utils.Structured"
     -- The difference is in encoding of newtypes
 #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
     , testCase "GenericPackageDescription" $
-      md5Check (Proxy :: Proxy GenericPackageDescription) 0xa164cbe5092a1cd31da1f15358d1537a
+      md5Check (Proxy :: Proxy GenericPackageDescription) 0xafbf1cfb39ece402a2008d07f5e5ffd8
     , testCase "LocalBuildInfo" $
-      md5Check (Proxy :: Proxy LocalBuildInfo) 0x9ce83e4aec3b2fa6d7f999dbc32c2a33
+      md5Check (Proxy :: Proxy LocalBuildInfo) 0xd8b4c7f04e75345f0303fe2c3093bc29
diff --git a/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build.hs b/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build.hs
index 8a4beecfce43b96777b0a49d71892331278ab06f..4fe8a48c134a68656383baf9827aab6d53a55345 100644
--- a/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build.hs
+++ b/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build.hs
@@ -69,9 +69,10 @@ import Distribution.Simple.BuildTarget
 import Distribution.Simple.BuildToolDepends
 import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess
 import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
-import Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin (ghcProgram, ghcjsProgram, uhcProgram, jhcProgram, haskellSuiteProgram)
+import Distribution.Simple.Program
+import Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin (haskellSuiteProgram)
+import qualified Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC   as GHC
 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types
-import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
 import Distribution.Simple.ShowBuildInfo
 import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
 import Distribution.Simple.Configure
@@ -332,14 +333,14 @@ buildComponent verbosity numJobs pkg_descr lbi suffixes
     let exe = testSuiteExeV10AsExe test
     preprocessComponent pkg_descr comp lbi clbi False verbosity suffixes
     extras <- preprocessExtras verbosity comp lbi
+    (genDir, generatedExtras) <- generateCode (testCodeGenerators test) (testName test) pkg_descr (testBuildInfo test) lbi clbi verbosity
     setupMessage' verbosity "Building" (packageId pkg_descr)
       (componentLocalName clbi) (maybeComponentInstantiatedWith clbi)
     let ebi = buildInfo exe
-        exe' = exe { buildInfo = addExtraCSources ebi extras }
+        exe' = exe { buildInfo = addSrcDir (addExtraOtherModules (addExtraCSources ebi extras) generatedExtras) genDir } -- todo extend hssrcdirs
     buildExe verbosity numJobs pkg_descr lbi exe' clbi
     return Nothing
 buildComponent verbosity numJobs pkg_descr lbi0 suffixes
                  test@TestSuite { testInterface = TestSuiteLibV09{} })
@@ -353,10 +354,13 @@ buildComponent verbosity numJobs pkg_descr lbi0 suffixes
     let (pkg, lib, libClbi, lbi, ipi, exe, exeClbi) =
           testSuiteLibV09AsLibAndExe pkg_descr test clbi lbi0 distPref pwd
     preprocessComponent pkg_descr comp lbi clbi False verbosity suffixes
-    extras <- preprocessExtras verbosity comp lbi
+    extras <- preprocessExtras verbosity comp lbi -- TODO find cpphs processed files
+    (genDir, generatedExtras) <- generateCode (testCodeGenerators test) (testName test) pkg_descr (testBuildInfo test) lbi clbi verbosity
     setupMessage' verbosity "Building" (packageId pkg_descr)
       (componentLocalName clbi) (maybeComponentInstantiatedWith clbi)
-    buildLib verbosity numJobs pkg lbi lib libClbi
+    let libbi = libBuildInfo lib
+        lib' = lib { libBuildInfo = addSrcDir (addExtraOtherModules libbi generatedExtras) genDir }
+    buildLib verbosity numJobs pkg lbi lib' libClbi
     -- NB: need to enable multiple instances here, because on 7.10+
     -- the package name is the same as the library, and we still
     -- want the registration to go through.
@@ -400,6 +404,32 @@ buildComponent verbosity _ _ _ _
     die' verbosity $ "No support for building benchmark type " ++ prettyShow tt
+        :: [String]
+           -> UnqualComponentName
+           -> PackageDescription
+           -> BuildInfo
+           -> LocalBuildInfo
+           -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
+           -> Verbosity
+           -> IO (FilePath, [ModuleName.ModuleName])
+generateCode codeGens nm pdesc bi lbi clbi verbosity = do
+     when (not . null $ codeGens) $ createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True tgtDir
+     (\x -> (tgtDir,x)) . concat <$> mapM go codeGens
+   where
+     allLibs = (maybe id (:) $ library pdesc) (subLibraries pdesc)
+     dependencyLibs = filter (const True) allLibs -- intersect with componentPackageDeps of clbi
+     srcDirs = concatMap (hsSourceDirs . libBuildInfo) dependencyLibs
+     nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
+     tgtDir = buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-gen"
+     go :: String -> IO [ModuleName.ModuleName]
+     go codeGenProg = fmap fromString . lines <$> getDbProgramOutput verbosity (simpleProgram codeGenProg) (withPrograms lbi)
+                         ((tgtDir : map getSymbolicPath srcDirs) ++
+                         ("--" :
+                          GHC.renderGhcOptions (compiler lbi) (hostPlatform lbi) (GHC.componentGhcOptions verbosity lbi bi clbi tgtDir)))
 -- | Add extra C sources generated by preprocessing to build
 -- information.
 addExtraCSources :: BuildInfo -> [FilePath] -> BuildInfo
@@ -435,6 +465,21 @@ addExtraAsmSources bi extras = bi { asmSources = new }
         old = Set.fromList $ asmSources bi
         exs = Set.fromList extras
+-- | Add extra HS modules generated by preprocessing to build
+-- information.
+addExtraOtherModules :: BuildInfo -> [ModuleName.ModuleName] -> BuildInfo
+addExtraOtherModules bi extras = bi { otherModules = new }
+  where new = Set.toList $ old `Set.union` exs
+        old = Set.fromList $ otherModules bi
+        exs = Set.fromList extras
+-- | Add extra source dir for generated modules.
+addSrcDir :: BuildInfo -> FilePath -> BuildInfo
+addSrcDir bi extra = bi { hsSourceDirs = new }
+  where new = Set.toList $ old `Set.union` ex
+        old = Set.fromList $ hsSourceDirs bi
+        ex  = Set.fromList [unsafeMakeSymbolicPath extra] -- TODO
 replComponent :: ReplOptions
               -> Verbosity
diff --git a/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/PreProcess.hs b/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/PreProcess.hs
index 5290012299f6179ef2f2f9b14a55e6410436a611..04f92dd58fa7e616130ddbabc5ca106a8e441325 100644
--- a/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/PreProcess.hs
+++ b/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/PreProcess.hs
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ import Distribution.Version
 import Distribution.Verbosity
 import Distribution.Utils.Path
-import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
+import System.Directory (doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist)
 import System.Info (os, arch)
 import System.FilePath (splitExtension, dropExtensions, (</>), (<.>),
                         takeDirectory, normalise, replaceExtension,
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ preprocessComponent pd comp lbi clbi isSrcDist verbosity handlers =
     builtinSuffixes        = builtinHaskellSuffixes ++ builtinCSuffixes
     localHandlers bi = [(ext, h bi lbi clbi) | (ext, h) <- handlers]
     pre dirs dir lhndlrs fp =
-      preprocessFile (map unsafeMakeSymbolicPath dirs) dir isSrcDist fp verbosity builtinSuffixes lhndlrs
+      preprocessFile (map unsafeMakeSymbolicPath dirs) dir isSrcDist fp verbosity builtinSuffixes lhndlrs True
     preProcessTest test = preProcessComponent (testBuildInfo test)
                           (testModules test)
     preProcessBench bm = preProcessComponent (benchmarkBuildInfo bm)
@@ -255,20 +255,20 @@ preprocessComponent pd comp lbi clbi isSrcDist verbosity handlers =
                                             , autogenPackageModulesDir lbi ]
         sequence_ [ preprocessFile (map unsafeMakeSymbolicPath sourceDirs) dir isSrcDist
                 (ModuleName.toFilePath modu) verbosity builtinSuffixes
-                biHandlers
+                biHandlers False
                 | modu <- modules ]
         -- XXX: what we do here (re SymbolicPath dir)
         -- XXX: 2020-10-15 do we rely here on CWD being the PackageDir?
+        -- Note we don't fail on missing in this case, because the main file may be generated later (i.e. by a test code generator)
         preprocessFile (unsafeMakeSymbolicPath dir : hsSourceDirs bi) dir isSrcDist
             (dropExtensions $ exePath) verbosity
-            builtinSuffixes biHandlers
+            builtinSuffixes biHandlers False
 --TODO: try to list all the modules that could not be found
 --      not just the first one. It's annoying and slow due to the need
 --      to reconfigure after editing the .cabal file each time.
--- |Find the first extension of the file that exists, and preprocess it
+-- | Find the first extension of the file that exists, and preprocess it
 -- if required.
     :: [SymbolicPath PackageDir SourceDir] -- ^ source directories
@@ -279,8 +279,9 @@ preprocessFile
     -> Verbosity                -- ^verbosity
     -> [String]                 -- ^builtin suffixes
     -> [(String, PreProcessor)] -- ^possible preprocessors
+    -> Bool                     -- ^fail on missing file
     -> IO ()
-preprocessFile searchLoc buildLoc forSDist baseFile verbosity builtinSuffixes handlers = do
+preprocessFile searchLoc buildLoc forSDist baseFile verbosity builtinSuffixes handlers failOnMissing = do
     -- look for files in the various source dirs with this module name
     -- and a file extension of a known preprocessor
     psrcFiles <- findFileWithExtension' (map fst handlers) (map getSymbolicPath searchLoc) baseFile
@@ -294,8 +295,8 @@ preprocessFile searchLoc buildLoc forSDist baseFile verbosity builtinSuffixes ha
         -- the rest of the build system being aware of it (somewhat dodgy)
       Nothing -> do
                  bsrcFiles <- findFileWithExtension builtinSuffixes (buildLoc : map getSymbolicPath searchLoc) baseFile
-                 case bsrcFiles of
-                  Nothing ->
+                 case (bsrcFiles, failOnMissing) of
+                  (Nothing, True) ->
                     die' verbosity $ "can't find source for " ++ baseFile
                                   ++ " in " ++ intercalate ", " (map getSymbolicPath searchLoc)
                   _       -> return ()
@@ -809,9 +810,13 @@ preprocessExtras verbosity comp lbi = case comp of
                         ++ "type " ++ prettyShow tt
     pp :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
-    pp dir = (map (dir </>) . filter not_sub . concat)
-          <$> for knownExtrasHandlers
-                (withLexicalCallStack (\f -> f dir))
+    pp dir = do
+        b <- doesDirectoryExist dir
+        if b
+         then (map (dir </>) . filter not_sub . concat)
+                 <$> for knownExtrasHandlers
+                     (withLexicalCallStack (\f -> f dir))
+         else pure []
     -- TODO: This is a terrible hack to work around #3545 while we don't
     -- reorganize the directory layout.  Basically, for the main
     -- library, we might accidentally pick up autogenerated sources for
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/Foo.hs b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/Foo.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d3e705b0cbae2308bfdf23b3e01b71ab32bb27b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/Foo.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+module Foo where
+fooTest :: [String] -> Bool
+fooTest _ = True
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/cabal.out b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/cabal.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0403dcaa4f54296ed7d947fbf1ea055757ef1ce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/cabal.out
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# cabal v2-test
+Resolving dependencies...
+Build profile: -w ghc-<GHCVER> -O1
+In order, the following will be built:
+ - my-0.1 (lib) (first run)
+ - test-code-gen- (exe:test-code-gen) (first run)
+ - my-0.1 (test:test-Foo) (first run)
+Configuring library for my-0.1..
+Preprocessing library for my-0.1..
+Building library for my-0.1..
+Configuring executable 'test-code-gen' for test-code-gen-
+Preprocessing executable 'test-code-gen' for test-code-gen-
+Building executable 'test-code-gen' for test-code-gen-
+Configuring test suite 'test-Foo' for my-0.1..
+Preprocessing test suite 'test-Foo' for my-0.1..
+Building test suite 'test-Foo' for my-0.1..
+Running 1 test suites...
+Test suite test-Foo: RUNNING...
+Test suite test-Foo: PASS
+Test suite logged to: <ROOT>/cabal.dist/work/./dist/build/<ARCH>/ghc-<GHCVER>/my-0.1/t/test-Foo/test/my-0.1-test-Foo.log
+1 of 1 test suites (1 of 1 test cases) passed.
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/cabal.project b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/cabal.project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b2cd5ab5dfeefea33a35ce477029a8ff9c0acdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/cabal.project
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+packages: . test-code-gen/test-code-gen.cabal
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/cabal.test.hs b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/cabal.test.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..94d4db92de8cb7e5865393facba4d257db0d8e4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/cabal.test.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+import Test.Cabal.Prelude
+main = cabalTest $ do
+    cabal "v2-test" []
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/my.cabal b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/my.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe74eaf7af246750435964d13aee710797823a63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/my.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+cabal-version:  3.6
+name:           my
+version:        0.1
+license:        BSD-3-Clause
+build-type:     Simple
+    default-language: Haskell2010
+    exposed-modules:    Foo
+    build-depends:      base
+test-suite test-Foo
+    default-language: Haskell2010
+    type:   exitcode-stdio-1.0
+    hs-source-dirs: tests
+    main-is:    Main.hs
+    build-tool-depends: test-code-gen:test-code-gen
+    code-generators: test-code-gen
+    build-depends: base, my
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/CHANGELOG.md b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..984580fad3475b0ed952c06ad05ebfc9bbc6d9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Revision history for test-code-gen
+## -- YYYY-mm-dd
+* First version. Released on an unsuspecting world.
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/LICENSE b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b28929f30d7324a708d085ad489481542f7e513f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Copyright (c) 2022, 
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+      with the distribution.
+    * Neither the name of  nor the names of other
+      contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+      from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/app/Main.hs b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/app/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a7b90b232c7fce7e4b5a00253da02c52ffcebfa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/app/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+module Main where
+import System.FilePath
+import System.Environment
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+  (tgt:rest) <- getArgs
+  let (srcDirs, ghcArgs) = splitArgs rest
+  let isGood = srcDirs == ["."] && "-outputdir" `elem` ghcArgs
+  if isGood 
+   then writeFile (tgt </> "Main.hs") $ "module Main where main = pure ()"
+   else writeFile (tgt </> "Main.hs") $ "module Main where main = error \"failure\""
+splitArgs = go []
+  where
+    go r ("--":xs) = (reverse r, xs)
+    go r (x:xs) = go (x:r) xs
+    go r [] = (reverse r, [])
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/test-code-gen.cabal b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/test-code-gen.cabal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2c7d8a6823fb2e1547a4ae7953988c562f114b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/test-code-gen/test-code-gen.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+cabal-version:      3.0
+name:               test-code-gen
+license:            BSD-3-Clause
+license-file:       LICENSE
+build-type:         Simple
+extra-doc-files:    CHANGELOG.md
+executable test-code-gen
+    main-is:          Main.hs
+    build-depends:    base, filepath
+    hs-source-dirs:   app
+    default-language: Haskell2010
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/tests/blank b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/TestCodeGenerator/tests/blank
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/changelog.d/pr-7688 b/changelog.d/pr-7688
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7cf1dad5c28d6ea5f1197ce5e433156aba74c7dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/pr-7688
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+synopsis: Add code-generators field to test-suite stanza
+packages: Cabal
+prs: #7688
+issues: #4500
+description: {
+Test-suite stanzas now may contain a `code-generators:` field that can be used to run executables as preprocessors which take existing locations of library code and cabal-generated ghc build flags, and output new modules for use in the test stanza. This can be used to automatically generate drivers for "discover" style tests, including doctests.
diff --git a/doc/cabal-package.rst b/doc/cabal-package.rst
index 4541d12f61b5c11d8aeed844c30286a59226f7e2..819d146dc11b478cec3562e6de108691c4f94de1 100644
--- a/doc/cabal-package.rst
+++ b/doc/cabal-package.rst
@@ -1245,6 +1245,24 @@ the :pkg-field:`test-module` field.
     The module exporting the ``tests`` symbol.
+.. pkg-field:: code-generators
+    An optional list of preprocessors which can generate new modules
+    for use in the test-suite.
+ A list of executabes (possibly brought into scope by  :pkg-field:`build-tool-depends`) that are run after all other
+ preprocessors. These executables are invoked as so: ``exe-name
+ TARGETDIR [SOURCEDIRS] -- [GHCOPTIONS]``. The arguments are, in order a target dir for
+ output, a sequence of all source directories with source files of
+ local lib components that the given test stanza dependens on, and
+ following a double dash, all options cabal would pass to ghc for a
+ build. They are expected to output a newline-seperated list of
+ generated modules which have been written to the targetdir
+ (excepting, if written, the main module). This can
+ be used for driving doctests and other discover-style tests generated
+ from source code.
 Example: Package using ``exitcode-stdio-1.0`` interface
diff --git a/doc/file-format-changelog.rst b/doc/file-format-changelog.rst
index cffa4edd578623a1f31dc99dbd73ed220ea6854f..566d7a79ce5158564607b2bcc6433f82b193ee44 100644
--- a/doc/file-format-changelog.rst
+++ b/doc/file-format-changelog.rst
@@ -22,6 +22,17 @@ relative to the respective preceding *published* version.
 ``cabal-version: 3.x``
+* Added field ``code-generators`` to :pkg-section:`test-suite` stanzas. This
+  enumerates executabes (possibly brought into scope by  :pkg-field:`build-tool-depends`) that are run after all other
+  preprocessors. These executables are invoked with a target dir for
+  output, a sequence of all source directories with source files of
+  local lib components that the given test stanza dependens on, and
+  following a double dash, all options cabal would pass to ghc for a
+  build. They are expected to output a newline-seperated list of
+  generated modules which have been written to the targetdir. This can
+  be used for driving doctests and other discover-style tests generated
+  from source code.
 * Added fields :pkg-field:`extra-libraries-static` and
   :pkg-field:`extra-lib-dirs-static` to allow Haskell libraries to remember
   linker flags needed for fully static linking of system libraries into