diff --git a/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build.hs b/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build.hs
index 5b0842fb9e6f6b8843e0c670a38dc1028e45aa65..596a885b401ee793e42bef05a6d4d7d7d0cd7f83 100644
--- a/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build.hs
+++ b/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/Build.hs
@@ -141,8 +141,9 @@ showBuildInfo :: PackageDescription  -- ^ Mostly information from the .cabal fil
 showBuildInfo pkg_descr lbi flags = do
   let verbosity = fromFlag (buildVerbosity flags)
   targets <- readTargetInfos verbosity pkg_descr lbi (buildArgs flags)
+  pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
   let targetsToBuild = neededTargetsInBuildOrder' pkg_descr lbi (map nodeKey targets)
-      doc = mkBuildInfo pkg_descr lbi flags targetsToBuild
+      doc = mkBuildInfo pwd pkg_descr lbi flags targetsToBuild
   return $ renderJson doc
diff --git a/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/ShowBuildInfo.hs b/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/ShowBuildInfo.hs
index 5dfe8e3a10775191ba8ce9822041c390033f44b3..fbbebbe9e0dd10a76fac4c09798c8c1839293522 100644
--- a/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/ShowBuildInfo.hs
+++ b/Cabal/src/Distribution/Simple/ShowBuildInfo.hs
@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@
 -- Note: At the moment this is only supported when using the GHC compiler.
-module Distribution.Simple.ShowBuildInfo (mkBuildInfo) where
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Distribution.Simple.ShowBuildInfo
+  ( mkBuildInfo, mkBuildInfo', mkCompilerInfo, mkComponentInfo ) where
 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
 import Prelude ()
@@ -74,71 +77,98 @@ import Distribution.Utils.Json
 import Distribution.Types.TargetInfo
 import Distribution.Text
 import Distribution.Pretty
-import Distribution.Utils.Path
 -- | Construct a JSON document describing the build information for a
 -- package.
-  :: PackageDescription  -- ^ Mostly information from the .cabal file
+  :: FilePath            -- ^ The source directory of the package
+  -> PackageDescription  -- ^ Mostly information from the .cabal file
   -> LocalBuildInfo      -- ^ Configuration information
   -> BuildFlags          -- ^ Flags that the user passed to build
   -> [TargetInfo]
   -> Json
-mkBuildInfo pkg_descr lbi _flags targetsToBuild = info
-  where
-    targetToNameAndLBI target =
-      (componentLocalName $ targetCLBI target, targetCLBI target)
-    componentsToBuild = map targetToNameAndLBI targetsToBuild
+mkBuildInfo wdir pkg_descr lbi _flags targetsToBuild =
+  JsonObject $
+    mkBuildInfo' (mkCompilerInfo (withPrograms lbi) (compiler lbi))
+                 (map (mkComponentInfo wdir pkg_descr lbi . targetCLBI) targetsToBuild)
-    info = JsonObject
-      [ "cabal-version" .= JsonString (display cabalVersion)
-      , "compiler"      .= mkCompilerInfo
-      , "components"    .= JsonArray (map mkComponentInfo componentsToBuild)
-      ]
+-- | A variant of 'mkBuildInfo' if you need to call 'mkCompilerInfo' and
+-- 'mkComponentInfo' yourself.
+  :: Json   -- ^ The 'Json' from 'mkCompilerInfo'
+  -> [Json] -- ^ The 'Json' from 'mkComponentInfo'
+  -> [(String, Json)]
+mkBuildInfo' cmplrInfo componentInfos =
+    [ "cabal-version" .= JsonString (display cabalVersion)
+    , "compiler"      .= cmplrInfo
+    , "components"    .= JsonArray componentInfos
+    ]
-    mkCompilerInfo = JsonObject
-      [ "flavour"     .= JsonString (prettyShow $ compilerFlavor $ compiler lbi)
-      , "compiler-id" .= JsonString (showCompilerId $ compiler lbi)
-      , "path"        .= path
-      ]
-      where
-        path = maybe JsonNull (JsonString . programPath)
-               $ (flavorToProgram . compilerFlavor $ compiler lbi)
-               >>= flip lookupProgram (withPrograms lbi)
+mkCompilerInfo :: ProgramDb -> Compiler -> Json
+mkCompilerInfo programDb cmplr = JsonObject
+  [ "flavour"     .= JsonString (prettyShow $ compilerFlavor cmplr)
+  , "compiler-id" .= JsonString (showCompilerId cmplr)
+  , "path"        .= path
+  ]
+  where
+    path = maybe JsonNull (JsonString . programPath)
+            $ (flavorToProgram . compilerFlavor $ cmplr)
+            >>= flip lookupProgram programDb
-        flavorToProgram :: CompilerFlavor -> Maybe Program
-        flavorToProgram GHC   = Just ghcProgram
-        flavorToProgram GHCJS = Just ghcjsProgram
-        flavorToProgram UHC   = Just uhcProgram
-        flavorToProgram JHC   = Just jhcProgram
-        flavorToProgram _     = Nothing
+    flavorToProgram :: CompilerFlavor -> Maybe Program
+    flavorToProgram GHC   = Just ghcProgram
+    flavorToProgram GHCJS = Just ghcjsProgram
+    flavorToProgram UHC   = Just uhcProgram
+    flavorToProgram JHC   = Just jhcProgram
+    flavorToProgram _     = Nothing
-    mkComponentInfo (name, clbi) = JsonObject
-      [ "type"          .= JsonString compType
-      , "name"          .= JsonString (prettyShow name)
-      , "unit-id"       .= JsonString (prettyShow $ componentUnitId clbi)
-      , "compiler-args" .= JsonArray (map JsonString $ getCompilerArgs bi lbi clbi)
-      , "modules"       .= JsonArray (map (JsonString . display) modules)
-      , "src-files"     .= JsonArray (map JsonString sourceFiles)
-      , "src-dirs"      .= JsonArray (map JsonString $ map getSymbolicPath $ hsSourceDirs bi)
-      ]
-      where
-        bi = componentBuildInfo comp
-        comp = fromMaybe (error $ "mkBuildInfo: no component " ++ prettyShow name) $ lookupComponent pkg_descr name
-        compType = case comp of
-          CLib _   -> "lib"
-          CExe _   -> "exe"
-          CTest _  -> "test"
-          CBench _ -> "bench"
-          CFLib _  -> "flib"
-        modules = case comp of
-          CLib lib -> explicitLibModules lib
-          CExe exe -> exeModules exe
-          _        -> []
-        sourceFiles = case comp of
-          CLib _   -> []
-          CExe exe -> [modulePath exe]
-          _        -> []
+mkComponentInfo :: FilePath -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> Json
+mkComponentInfo wdir pkg_descr lbi clbi = JsonObject $
+  [ "type"          .= JsonString compType
+  , "name"          .= JsonString (prettyShow name)
+  , "unit-id"       .= JsonString (prettyShow $ componentUnitId clbi)
+  , "compiler-args" .= JsonArray (map JsonString $ getCompilerArgs bi lbi clbi)
+  , "modules"       .= JsonArray (map (JsonString . display) modules)
+  , "src-files"     .= JsonArray (map JsonString sourceFiles)
+  , "hs-src-dirs"   .= JsonArray (map (JsonString . prettyShow) $ hsSourceDirs bi)
+  , "src-dir"       .= JsonString wdir
+  ] <> cabalFile
+  where
+    name = componentLocalName clbi
+    bi = componentBuildInfo comp
+    comp = fromMaybe (error $ "mkBuildInfo: no component " ++ prettyShow name) $ lookupComponent pkg_descr name
+    compType = case comp of
+      CLib _   -> "lib"
+      CExe _   -> "exe"
+      CTest _  -> "test"
+      CBench _ -> "bench"
+      CFLib _  -> "flib"
+    modules = case comp of
+      CLib lib -> explicitLibModules lib
+      CExe exe -> exeModules exe
+      CTest test ->
+        case testInterface test of
+          TestSuiteExeV10 _ _ -> []
+          TestSuiteLibV09 _ modName -> [modName]
+          TestSuiteUnsupported _ -> []
+      CBench bench -> benchmarkModules bench
+      CFLib flib -> foreignLibModules flib
+    sourceFiles = case comp of
+      CLib _   -> []
+      CExe exe -> [modulePath exe]
+      CTest test ->
+        case testInterface test of
+          TestSuiteExeV10 _ fp -> [fp]
+          TestSuiteLibV09 _ _ -> []
+          TestSuiteUnsupported _ -> []
+      CBench bench -> case benchmarkInterface bench of
+        BenchmarkExeV10 _ fp -> [fp]
+        BenchmarkUnsupported _ -> []
+      CFLib _ -> []
+    cabalFile
+      | Just fp <- pkgDescrFile lbi = [("cabal-file", JsonString fp)]
+      | otherwise                   = []
 -- | Get the command-line arguments that would be passed
 -- to the compiler to build the given component.