diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Install.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Install.hs
index dee92c97477c904e51f9328d5d540de6d54fb660..4a3b43eacc8e2d06c55fc3cdf9fb825e764a41ed 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Install.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Install.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module Distribution.Client.Install (
 import Data.Foldable
          ( traverse_ )
 import Data.List
-         ( isPrefixOf, nub, sort, (\\) )
+         ( isPrefixOf, nub, sort, (\\), find )
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 import qualified Data.Set as S
 import Data.Maybe
@@ -1422,9 +1422,6 @@ installUnpackedPackage verbosity installLock numJobs
             -- Capture installed package configuration file, so that
             -- it can be incorporated into the final InstallPlan
-            -- TODO: This is duplicated with
-            -- Distribution/Client/ProjectBuilding.hs, search for
-            -- the Note [Updating installedUnitId].
             ipkgs <- genPkgConfs mLogPath
             let ipkgs' = case ipkgs of
                             [ipkg] -> [ipkg { Installed.installedUnitId = ipid }]
@@ -1439,7 +1436,7 @@ installUnpackedPackage verbosity installLock numJobs
                                       packageDBs ipkg'
-            return (Right (BuildResult docsResult testsResult ipkgs'))
+            return (Right (BuildResult docsResult testsResult (find ((==uid).installedUnitId) ipkgs')))
     pkgid            = packageId pkg
diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs
index 73132986cab01fd88a2833a3072ba6ca15665004..429b53ccd28ee69b0a899a7061e48baa5ecf8bee 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ module Distribution.Client.InstallPlan (
   -- ** Traversal helpers
   -- $traversal
+  -- NB: these functions are only used by the legacy install-path
diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/ProjectBuilding.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/ProjectBuilding.hs
index 5d3522610eb7c81bcb0deb56f345f989c783d10b..a74e8b56164c4ec5f4db18d7ff58455d5ae9ee18 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/ProjectBuilding.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/ProjectBuilding.hs
@@ -179,8 +179,10 @@ data BuildStatusRebuild =
      -- The optional registration info here tells us if we've registered the
      -- package already, or if we stil need to do that after building.
+     -- @Just Nothing@ indicates that we know that no registration is
+     -- necessary (e.g., executable.)
-   | BuildStatusBuild (Maybe [InstalledPackageInfo]) BuildReason
+   | BuildStatusBuild (Maybe (Maybe InstalledPackageInfo)) BuildReason
 data BuildReason =
      -- | The depencencies of this package have been (re)built so the build
@@ -349,22 +351,23 @@ improveInstallPlanWithUpToDatePackages :: ElaboratedInstallPlan
                                        -> ElaboratedInstallPlan
 improveInstallPlanWithUpToDatePackages installPlan pkgsBuildStatus =
     replaceWithPrePreExisting installPlan
-      [ (installedPackageId pkg, ipkgs)
+      [ (installedPackageId pkg, mipkg)
       | InstallPlan.Configured pkg
           <- InstallPlan.reverseTopologicalOrder installPlan
       , let ipkgid = installedPackageId pkg
             Just pkgBuildStatus = Map.lookup ipkgid pkgsBuildStatus
-      , BuildStatusUpToDate (BuildResult { buildResultLibInfo = ipkgs })
+      , BuildStatusUpToDate (BuildResult { buildResultLibInfo = mipkg })
           <- [pkgBuildStatus]
     replaceWithPrePreExisting =
-      foldl' (\plan (ipkgid, ipkgs) ->
-                case find (\ipkg -> installedPackageId ipkg == ipkgid) ipkgs of
+      foldl' (\plan (ipkgid, mipkg) ->
+                case mipkg of
                   Just ipkg -> InstallPlan.preexisting ipkgid ipkg plan
-                  Nothing   -> unexpected)
-    unexpected =
-      error "improveInstallPlanWithUpToDatePackages: dep on non lib package"
+                  -- TODO: Maybe this is a little wrong, because
+                  -- pre-installed executables show up in the
+                  -- InstallPlan as source packages.
+                  Nothing -> plan)
@@ -384,7 +387,7 @@ improveInstallPlanWithUpToDatePackages installPlan pkgsBuildStatus =
 data PackageFileMonitor = PackageFileMonitor {
        pkgFileMonitorConfig :: FileMonitor ElaboratedConfiguredPackage (),
        pkgFileMonitorBuild  :: FileMonitor (Set ComponentName) BuildResultMisc,
-       pkgFileMonitorReg    :: FileMonitor () [InstalledPackageInfo]
+       pkgFileMonitorReg    :: FileMonitor () (Maybe InstalledPackageInfo)
 -- | This is all the components of the 'BuildResult' other than the
@@ -504,12 +507,12 @@ checkPackageFileMonitorChanged PackageFileMonitor{..}
                   buildReason = BuildReasonEphemeralTargets
-              (MonitorUnchanged buildResult _, MonitorUnchanged ipkgs _) ->
+              (MonitorUnchanged buildResult _, MonitorUnchanged mipkg _) ->
                   return $ Right BuildResult {
                     buildResultDocs    = docsResult,
                     buildResultTests   = testsResult,
                     buildResultLogFile = Nothing,
-                    buildResultLibInfo = ipkgs
+                    buildResultLibInfo = mipkg
                   (docsResult, testsResult) = buildResult
@@ -562,12 +565,12 @@ updatePackageBuildFileMonitor PackageFileMonitor{pkgFileMonitorBuild}
 updatePackageRegFileMonitor :: PackageFileMonitor
                             -> FilePath
-                            -> [InstalledPackageInfo]
+                            -> Maybe InstalledPackageInfo
                             -> IO ()
 updatePackageRegFileMonitor PackageFileMonitor{pkgFileMonitorReg}
-                            srcdir ipkgs =
+                            srcdir mipkg =
     updateFileMonitor pkgFileMonitorReg srcdir Nothing
-                      [] () ipkgs
+                      [] () mipkg
 invalidatePackageRegFileMonitor :: PackageFileMonitor -> IO ()
 invalidatePackageRegFileMonitor PackageFileMonitor{pkgFileMonitorReg} =
@@ -593,7 +596,7 @@ data BuildResult = BuildResult {
        buildResultDocs    :: DocsResult,
        buildResultTests   :: TestsResult,
        buildResultLogFile :: Maybe FilePath,
-       buildResultLibInfo :: [InstalledPackageInfo]
+       buildResultLibInfo :: Maybe InstalledPackageInfo
   deriving Show
@@ -987,7 +990,7 @@ buildAndInstallUnpackedPackage verbosity
       setup buildCommand buildFlags
     -- Install phase
-    ipkgs <-
+    mipkg <-
       annotateFailure mlogFile InstallFailed $ do
       --TODO: [required eventually] need to lock installing this ipkig so other processes don't
       -- stomp on our files, since we don't have ABI compat, not safe to replace
@@ -1013,30 +1016,18 @@ buildAndInstallUnpackedPackage verbosity
       if pkgRequiresRegistration pkg
         then do
-          ipkgs <- generateInstalledPackageInfos
           -- We register ourselves rather than via Setup.hs. We need to
           -- grab and modify the InstalledPackageInfo. We decide what
           -- the installed package id is, not the build system.
+          ipkg0 <- generateInstalledPackageInfo
+          let ipkg = ipkg0 { Installed.installedUnitId = ipkgid }
-          -- See Note [Updating installedUnitId]
-          let ipkgs' = case ipkgs of
-                          -- Case A and B
-                          [ipkg] -> [ipkg { Installed.installedUnitId = ipkgid }]
-                          -- Case C
-                          _      -> ipkgs
-          unless (any ((== ipkgid) . Installed.installedUnitId) ipkgs') $
-            die $ "the package " ++ display (packageId pkg) ++ " was expected "
-               ++ " to produce registeration info for the unit Id "
-               ++ display ipkgid ++ " but it actually produced info for "
-               ++ intercalate ", "
-                    (map (display . Installed.installedUnitId) ipkgs')
           criticalSection registerLock $
-            forM_ ipkgs' $ \ipkg' ->
               Cabal.registerPackage verbosity compiler progdb
-                                    (pkgRegisterPackageDBStack pkg) ipkg'
-          return ipkgs'
-        else return []
+                                    (pkgRegisterPackageDBStack pkg) ipkg
+          return (Just ipkg)
+        else return Nothing
     --TODO: [required feature] docs and test phases
     let docsResult  = DocsNotTried
@@ -1046,7 +1037,7 @@ buildAndInstallUnpackedPackage verbosity
        buildResultDocs    = docsResult,
        buildResultTests   = testsResult,
        buildResultLogFile = mlogFile,
-       buildResultLibInfo = ipkgs
+       buildResultLibInfo = mipkg
@@ -1063,9 +1054,9 @@ buildAndInstallUnpackedPackage verbosity
     buildCommand     = Cabal.buildCommand defaultProgramConfiguration
     buildFlags   _   = setupHsBuildFlags pkg pkgshared verbosity builddir
-    generateInstalledPackageInfos :: IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
-    generateInstalledPackageInfos =
-      withTempInstalledPackageInfoFiles
+    generateInstalledPackageInfo :: IO InstalledPackageInfo
+    generateInstalledPackageInfo =
+      withTempInstalledPackageInfoFile
         verbosity distTempDirectory $ \pkgConfDest -> do
         let registerFlags _ = setupHsRegisterFlags
                                 pkg pkgshared
@@ -1165,78 +1156,26 @@ buildInplaceUnpackedPackage verbosity
                                         pkg buildStatus
                                         allSrcFiles buildResult
-        ipkgs <- whenReRegister $
+        mipkg <- whenReRegister $
                  annotateFailureNoLog InstallFailed $ do
           -- Register locally
-          ipkgs <- if pkgRequiresRegistration pkg
+          mipkg <- if pkgRequiresRegistration pkg
             then do
-                ipkgs <- generateInstalledPackageInfos
+                ipkg0 <- generateInstalledPackageInfo
                 -- We register ourselves rather than via Setup.hs. We need to
                 -- grab and modify the InstalledPackageInfo. We decide what
                 -- the installed package id is, not the build system.
-                -- Note [Updating installedUnitId]
-                -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-                -- This is a bit tricky.  There are three variables we
-                -- care about:
-                --
-                --      1. Does the Setup script we're interfacing with
-                --         support --ipid?  (Only if version >= 1.23)
-                --         If not, we have to explicitly update the
-                --         the UID that was recorded.
-                --
-                --      2. Does the Setup script we're interfacing with
-                --         support internal libraries?  (Only if
-                --         version >= 1.25).  If so, there may be
-                --         multiple IPIs... and it would be wrong to
-                --         update them all to the same UID (you need
-                --         to generate derived UIDs for each
-                --         subcomponent.)
-                --
-                --      3. Does GHC require that the IPID be input at
-                --         configure time?  (Only if GHC >= 8.0, which
-                --         also implies Cabal version >= 1.23, as earlier
-                --         Cabal's don't know how to do this properly).
-                --         If so, it is IMPERMISSIBLE to update the
-                --         UID that was recorded.
-                --
-                -- This means that there are three situations:
-                --
-                --   A. Cabal  < 1.23
-                --   B. Cabal >= 1.23 && < 1.25
-                --   C. Cabal >= 1.25
-                --
-                -- We consider each in turn:
-                --
-                --      A. There is only ever one IPI, and we must
-                --         update it.
-                --
-                --      B. There is only ever one IPI, but because
-                --         --ipid is supported, the installedUnitId of
-                --         this IPI is ipkgid (so it's harmless to
-                --         overwrite).
-                --
-                --      C. There may be multiple IPIs, but because
-                --         --ipid is supported they always have the
-                --         right installedUnitIds.
-                --
-                let ipkgs' = case ipkgs of
-                                -- Case A and B
-                                [ipkg] -> [ipkg { Installed.installedUnitId = ipkgid }]
-                                -- Case C
-                                _      -> assert (any ((== ipkgid) . Installed.installedUnitId)
-                                                      ipkgs) ipkgs
+                let ipkg = ipkg0 { Installed.installedUnitId = ipkgid }
                 criticalSection registerLock $
-                  forM_ ipkgs' $ \ipkg' ->
                     Cabal.registerPackage verbosity compiler progdb HcPkg.NoMultiInstance
                                           (pkgRegisterPackageDBStack pkg)
-                                          ipkg'
-                return ipkgs'
+                                          ipkg
+                return (Just ipkg)
-           else return []
+           else return Nothing
-          updatePackageRegFileMonitor packageFileMonitor srcdir ipkgs
-          return ipkgs
+          updatePackageRegFileMonitor packageFileMonitor srcdir mipkg
+          return mipkg
         -- Repl phase
@@ -1253,7 +1192,7 @@ buildInplaceUnpackedPackage verbosity
           buildResultDocs    = docsResult,
           buildResultTests   = testsResult,
           buildResultLogFile = Nothing,
-          buildResultLibInfo = ipkgs
+          buildResultLibInfo = mipkg
@@ -1283,7 +1222,7 @@ buildInplaceUnpackedPackage verbosity
     whenReRegister  action = case buildStatus of
       BuildStatusConfigure          _ -> action
       BuildStatusBuild Nothing      _ -> action
-      BuildStatusBuild (Just ipkgs) _ -> return ipkgs
+      BuildStatusBuild (Just mipkg) _ -> return mipkg
     configureCommand = Cabal.configureCommand defaultProgramConfiguration
     configureFlags v = flip filterConfigureFlags v $
@@ -1315,9 +1254,9 @@ buildInplaceUnpackedPackage verbosity
                    (Just (pkgDescription pkg))
                    cmd flags args
-    generateInstalledPackageInfos :: IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
-    generateInstalledPackageInfos =
-      withTempInstalledPackageInfoFiles
+    generateInstalledPackageInfo :: IO InstalledPackageInfo
+    generateInstalledPackageInfo =
+      withTempInstalledPackageInfoFile
         verbosity distTempDirectory $ \pkgConfDest -> do
         let registerFlags _ = setupHsRegisterFlags
                                 pkg pkgshared
@@ -1353,10 +1292,10 @@ annotateFailure mlogFile annotate action =
     handler = throwIO . BuildFailure mlogFile . annotate . toException
-withTempInstalledPackageInfoFiles :: Verbosity -> FilePath
+withTempInstalledPackageInfoFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath
                                   -> (FilePath -> IO ())
-                                  -> IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
-withTempInstalledPackageInfoFiles verbosity tempdir action =
+                                  -> IO InstalledPackageInfo
+withTempInstalledPackageInfoFile verbosity tempdir action =
     withTempDirectory verbosity tempdir "package-registration-" $ \dir -> do
       -- make absolute since @action@ will often change directory
       abs_dir <- canonicalizePath dir
@@ -1364,14 +1303,7 @@ withTempInstalledPackageInfoFiles verbosity tempdir action =
       let pkgConfDest = abs_dir </> "pkgConf"
       action pkgConfDest
-      is_dir <- doesDirectoryExist pkgConfDest
-      let notHidden = not . isHidden
-          isHidden name = "." `isPrefixOf` name
-      if is_dir
-        then mapM (readPkgConf pkgConfDest) . sort . filter notHidden
-                =<< getDirectoryContents pkgConfDest
-        else fmap (:[]) $ readPkgConf "." pkgConfDest
+      readPkgConf "." pkgConfDest
     pkgConfParseFailed :: Installed.PError -> IO a
     pkgConfParseFailed perror =
diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Types.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Types.hs
index ac3b9bd9cda4178ab796ab65403c02d3e76860e2..1b3a08890a63c5bcac347569e76c824a45422883 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Types.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Types.hs
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ data BuildFailure = PlanningFailed
 instance Exception BuildFailure
 data BuildResult = BuildResult DocsResult TestsResult
-                               [InstalledPackageInfo]
+                               (Maybe InstalledPackageInfo)
   deriving (Show, Generic)
 data DocsResult  = DocsNotTried  | DocsFailed  | DocsOk
diff --git a/cabal-install/tests/IntegrationTests/internal-libs/new_build.sh b/cabal-install/tests/IntegrationTests/internal-libs/new_build.sh
index 18f708913a5fc5421c741aec7a7b6c81951549af..959c79d079bc939bd1c0dcdfdcbfc5f986fa9a99 100644
--- a/cabal-install/tests/IntegrationTests/internal-libs/new_build.sh
+++ b/cabal-install/tests/IntegrationTests/internal-libs/new_build.sh
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 . ./common.sh
-cabal new-build p
+cabal new-build p || exit 0
+exit 1 # expect broken