diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/BuildReports/Storage.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/BuildReports/Storage.hs
index 66e3fc6a84ea6e0b0a6c9a561fb56979280b6965..a4e17af306559b287fe5797cd7f5bde2d2871fa3 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/BuildReports/Storage.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/BuildReports/Storage.hs
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ storeAnonymous reports = sequence_
              . onlyRemote
     repoName (_,_,rrepo) = remoteRepoName rrepo
-    onlyRemote :: [(BuildReport, Maybe Repo)] -> [(BuildReport, Repo, RemoteRepo)]
+    onlyRemote :: [(BuildReport, Maybe Repo)]
+               -> [(BuildReport, Repo, RemoteRepo)]
     onlyRemote rs =
       [ (report, repo, remoteRepo)
       | (report, Just repo@Repo { repoKind = Left remoteRepo }) <- rs ]
@@ -147,7 +148,8 @@ fromPlanPackage (Platform arch os) comp planPackage = case planPackage of
   _ -> Nothing
-    extractRepo (SourcePackage { packageSource = RepoTarballPackage repo _ _ }) = Just repo
+    extractRepo (SourcePackage { packageSource = RepoTarballPackage repo _ _ })
+                  = Just repo
     extractRepo _ = Nothing
 fromPlanningFailure :: Platform -> CompilerId
diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Configure.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Configure.hs
index 5b8f5ab38e12fbd3db7005b7b684553712404220..8c098220d63a45fe684b7cefa26930e0c0291be5 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Configure.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Configure.hs
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ configure verbosity packageDBs repos comp platform conf
            "Warning: solver failed to find a solution:\n"
         ++ message
         ++ "Trying configure anyway."
-      setupWrapper verbosity (setupScriptOptions installedPkgIndex Nothing) Nothing
-        configureCommand (const configFlags) extraArgs
+      setupWrapper verbosity (setupScriptOptions installedPkgIndex Nothing)
+        Nothing configureCommand (const configFlags) extraArgs
     Right installPlan -> case InstallPlan.ready installPlan of
@@ -230,10 +230,12 @@ planLocalPackage :: Verbosity -> Compiler
                  -> InstalledPackageIndex
                  -> SourcePackageDb
                  -> IO (Progress String String InstallPlan)
-planLocalPackage verbosity comp platform configFlags configExFlags installedPkgIndex
+planLocalPackage verbosity comp platform configFlags configExFlags
+  installedPkgIndex
   (SourcePackageDb _ packagePrefs) = do
   pkg <- readPackageDescription verbosity =<< defaultPackageDesc verbosity
-  solver <- chooseSolver verbosity (fromFlag $ configSolver configExFlags) (compilerInfo comp)
+  solver <- chooseSolver verbosity (fromFlag $ configSolver configExFlags)
+            (compilerInfo comp)
   let -- We create a local package and ask to resolve a dependency on it
       localPkg = SourcePackage {
diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs
index 551cae72c526b29aa4268b099cf6776690ba92c1..e34be5e16f0e2ca63688dbea47c47232984a0614 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Dependency.hs
@@ -151,9 +151,11 @@ debugDepResolverParams :: DepResolverParams -> String
 debugDepResolverParams p =
      "targets: " ++ intercalate ", " (map display (depResolverTargets p))
   ++ "\nconstraints: "
-  ++   concatMap (("\n  " ++) . debugPackageConstraint) (depResolverConstraints p)
+  ++   concatMap (("\n  " ++) . debugPackageConstraint)
+       (depResolverConstraints p)
   ++ "\npreferences: "
-  ++   concatMap (("\n  " ++) . debugPackagePreference) (depResolverPreferences p)
+  ++   concatMap (("\n  " ++) . debugPackagePreference)
+       (depResolverPreferences p)
   ++ "\nstrategy: " ++ show (depResolverPreferenceDefault p)
 -- | A package selection preference for a particular package.
@@ -701,7 +703,8 @@ configuredPackageProblems platform cinfo
   ++ [ MissingFlag flag | OnlyInLeft  flag <- mergedFlags ]
   ++ [ ExtraFlag   flag | OnlyInRight flag <- mergedFlags ]
   ++ [ DuplicateDeps pkgs
-     | pkgs <- CD.nonSetupDeps (fmap (duplicatesBy (comparing packageName)) specifiedDeps) ]
+     | pkgs <- CD.nonSetupDeps (fmap (duplicatesBy (comparing packageName))
+                                specifiedDeps) ]
   ++ [ MissingDep dep       | OnlyInLeft  dep       <- mergedDeps ]
   ++ [ ExtraDep       pkgid | OnlyInRight     pkgid <- mergedDeps ]
   ++ [ InvalidDep dep pkgid | InBoth      dep pkgid <- mergedDeps
@@ -724,7 +727,8 @@ configuredPackageProblems platform cinfo
     mergedDeps :: [MergeResult Dependency PackageId]
     mergedDeps = mergeDeps requiredDeps (CD.flatDeps specifiedDeps)
-    mergeDeps :: [Dependency] -> [PackageId] -> [MergeResult Dependency PackageId]
+    mergeDeps :: [Dependency] -> [PackageId]
+              -> [MergeResult Dependency PackageId]
     mergeDeps required specified =
       let sortNubOn f = nubBy ((==) `on` f) . sortBy (compare `on` f) in
@@ -732,13 +736,13 @@ configuredPackageProblems platform cinfo
         (sortNubOn dependencyName required)
         (sortNubOn packageName    specified)
-    -- TODO: It would be nicer to use ComponentDeps here so we can be more precise
-    -- in our checks. That's a bit tricky though, as this currently relies on
-    -- the 'buildDepends' field of 'PackageDescription'. (OTOH, that field is
-    -- deprecated and should be removed anyway.)
-    -- As long as we _do_ use a flat list here, we have to allow for duplicates
-    -- when we fold specifiedDeps; once we have proper ComponentDeps here we
-    -- should get rid of the `nubOn` in `mergeDeps`.
+    -- TODO: It would be nicer to use ComponentDeps here so we can be more
+    -- precise in our checks. That's a bit tricky though, as this currently
+    -- relies on the 'buildDepends' field of 'PackageDescription'. (OTOH, that
+    -- field is deprecated and should be removed anyway.)  As long as we _do_
+    -- use a flat list here, we have to allow for duplicates when we fold
+    -- specifiedDeps; once we have proper ComponentDeps here we should get rid
+    -- of the `nubOn` in `mergeDeps`.
     requiredDeps :: [Dependency]
     requiredDeps =
       --TODO: use something lower level than finalizePackageDescription
diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Freeze.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Freeze.hs
index 63cef905b93445d12dccbcd20c2db34c3d7d1f6d..197490a9823793adc283076d145fe760b08162ca 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Freeze.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Freeze.hs
@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ freeze verbosity packageDBs repos comp platform conf mSandboxPkgInfo
     installedPkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs conf
     sourcePkgDb       <- getSourcePackages    verbosity repos
-    transport <- configureTransport verbosity (flagToMaybe (globalHttpTransport globalFlags))
+    transport <- configureTransport verbosity
+                 (flagToMaybe (globalHttpTransport globalFlags))
     pkgSpecifiers <- resolveUserTargets verbosity transport
                        (fromFlag $ globalWorldFile globalFlags)
diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Install.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Install.hs
index 9894f6c32157928262e49fa3ee113e3769726e8c..839b7f4656ee1b93ca12ac4b3e0125ce35883b34 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Install.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Install.hs
@@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ install verbosity packageDBs repos comp platform conf useSandbox mSandboxPkgInfo
 -- TODO: Make InstallContext a proper data type with documented fields.
 -- | Common context for makeInstallPlan and processInstallPlan.
 type InstallContext = ( InstalledPackageIndex, SourcePackageDb
-                      , [UserTarget], [PackageSpecifier SourcePackage], HttpTransport )
+                      , [UserTarget], [PackageSpecifier SourcePackage]
+                      , HttpTransport )
 -- TODO: Make InstallArgs a proper data type with documented fields or just get
 -- rid of it completely.
@@ -257,7 +258,8 @@ makeInstallContext verbosity
     installedPkgIndex <- getInstalledPackages verbosity comp packageDBs conf
     sourcePkgDb       <- getSourcePackages    verbosity repos
-    transport <- configureTransport verbosity (flagToMaybe (globalHttpTransport globalFlags))
+    transport <- configureTransport verbosity
+                 (flagToMaybe (globalHttpTransport globalFlags))
     (userTargets, pkgSpecifiers) <- case mUserTargets of
       Nothing           ->
@@ -277,7 +279,8 @@ makeInstallContext verbosity
         return (userTargets, pkgSpecifiers)
-    return (installedPkgIndex, sourcePkgDb, userTargets, pkgSpecifiers, transport)
+    return (installedPkgIndex, sourcePkgDb, userTargets
+           ,pkgSpecifiers, transport)
 -- | Make an install plan given install context and install arguments.
 makeInstallPlan :: Verbosity -> InstallArgs -> InstallContext
@@ -508,7 +511,8 @@ checkPrintPlan verbosity installed installPlan sourcePkgDb
           : map (display . Installed.sourcePackageId) newBrokenPkgs
           ++ if overrideReinstall
                then if dryRun then [] else
-                 ["Continuing even though the plan contains dangerous reinstalls."]
+                 ["Continuing even though " ++
+                  "the plan contains dangerous reinstalls."]
                  ["Use --force-reinstalls if you want to install anyway."]
       else unless dryRun $ warn verbosity
@@ -591,8 +595,10 @@ packageStatus installedPkgIndex cpkg =
             -> [MergeResult PackageIdentifier PackageIdentifier]
     changes pkg pkg' = filter changed $
       mergeBy (comparing packageName)
-        (resolveInstalledIds $ Installed.depends pkg)          -- deps of installed pkg
-        (resolveInstalledIds $ CD.nonSetupDeps (depends pkg')) -- deps of configured pkg
+        -- deps of installed pkg
+        (resolveInstalledIds $ Installed.depends pkg)
+        -- deps of configured pkg
+        (resolveInstalledIds $ CD.nonSetupDeps (depends pkg'))
     -- convert to source pkg ids via index
     resolveInstalledIds :: [InstalledPackageId] -> [PackageIdentifier]
@@ -690,7 +696,8 @@ printPlan dryRun verbosity plan sourcePkgDb = case plan of
 -- | Report a solver failure. This works slightly differently to
 -- 'postInstallActions', as (by definition) we don't have an install plan.
-reportPlanningFailure :: Verbosity -> InstallArgs -> InstallContext -> String -> IO ()
+reportPlanningFailure :: Verbosity -> InstallArgs -> InstallContext -> String
+                      -> IO ()
 reportPlanningFailure verbosity
   (_, _, comp, platform, _, _, _
   ,_, configFlags, _, installFlags, _)
@@ -700,12 +707,13 @@ reportPlanningFailure verbosity
   when reportFailure $ do
     -- Only create reports for explicitly named packages
-    let pkgids =
-          filter (SourcePackageIndex.elemByPackageId (packageIndex sourcePkgDb)) $
+    let pkgids = filter
+          (SourcePackageIndex.elemByPackageId (packageIndex sourcePkgDb)) $
           mapMaybe theSpecifiedPackage pkgSpecifiers
-        buildReports = BuildReports.fromPlanningFailure platform (compilerId comp)
-          pkgids (configConfigurationsFlags configFlags)
+        buildReports = BuildReports.fromPlanningFailure platform
+                       (compilerId comp) pkgids
+                       (configConfigurationsFlags configFlags)
     when (not (null buildReports)) $
       info verbosity $
@@ -714,7 +722,8 @@ reportPlanningFailure verbosity
     -- Save reports
     BuildReports.storeLocal (compilerInfo comp)
-                            (fromNubList $ installSummaryFile installFlags) buildReports platform
+                            (fromNubList $ installSummaryFile installFlags)
+                            buildReports platform
     -- Save solver log
     case logFile of
@@ -734,7 +743,8 @@ reportPlanningFailure verbosity
     -- So we fail.
     dummyLibraryName = error "reportPlanningFailure: library name not available"
--- | If a 'PackageSpecifier' refers to a single package, return Just that package.
+-- | If a 'PackageSpecifier' refers to a single package, return Just that
+-- package.
 theSpecifiedPackage :: Package pkg => PackageSpecifier pkg -> Maybe PackageId
 theSpecifiedPackage pkgSpec =
   case pkgSpec of
@@ -1031,7 +1041,8 @@ performInstallations verbosity
   installLock  <- newLock -- serialise installation
   cacheLock    <- newLock -- serialise access to setup exe cache
-  transport <- configureTransport verbosity (flagToMaybe (globalHttpTransport globalFlags))
+  transport <- configureTransport verbosity
+               (flagToMaybe (globalHttpTransport globalFlags))
   executeInstallPlan verbosity comp jobControl useLogFile installPlan $ \rpkg ->
     -- Calculate the package key (ToDo: Is this right for source install)
@@ -1042,8 +1053,10 @@ performInstallations verbosity
         installLocalPackage verbosity buildLimit
                             (packageId pkg) src' distPref $ \mpath ->
           installUnpackedPackage verbosity buildLimit installLock numJobs libname
-                                 (setupScriptOptions installedPkgIndex cacheLock rpkg)
-                                 miscOptions configFlags' installFlags haddockFlags
+                                 (setupScriptOptions installedPkgIndex
+                                  cacheLock rpkg)
+                                 miscOptions configFlags'
+                                 installFlags haddockFlags
                                  cinfo platform pkg pkgoverride mpath useLogFile
@@ -1108,7 +1121,8 @@ performInstallations verbosity
           | parallelInstall                   = False
           | otherwise                         = False
-    substLogFileName :: PathTemplate -> PackageIdentifier -> LibraryName -> FilePath
+    substLogFileName :: PathTemplate -> PackageIdentifier -> LibraryName
+                     -> FilePath
     substLogFileName template pkg libname = fromPathTemplate
                                           . substPathTemplate env
                                           $ template
@@ -1416,7 +1430,8 @@ installUnpackedPackage verbosity buildLimit installLock numJobs libname
           maybePkgConf <- maybeGenPkgConf mLogPath
           -- Actual installation
-          withWin32SelfUpgrade verbosity libname configFlags cinfo platform pkg $ do
+          withWin32SelfUpgrade verbosity libname configFlags
+                               cinfo platform pkg $ do
             case rootCmd miscOptions of
               (Just cmd) -> reexec cmd
               Nothing    -> do
@@ -1588,4 +1603,5 @@ withWin32SelfUpgrade verbosity libname configFlags cinfo platform pkg action = d
                            platform templateDirs
         substTemplate  = InstallDirs.fromPathTemplate
                        . InstallDirs.substPathTemplate env
-          where env = InstallDirs.initialPathTemplateEnv pkgid libname cinfo platform
+          where env = InstallDirs.initialPathTemplateEnv pkgid libname
+                      cinfo platform
diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs
index b6cb8384abfd72c8d926bd74093454af5a1a1c30..671cfa903624fa985c0ea3683ca33850c9d1e0ee 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallPlan.hs
@@ -215,7 +215,8 @@ showInstallPlan :: (HasInstalledPackageId ipkg, HasInstalledPackageId srcpkg)
                 => GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg iresult ifailure -> String
 showInstallPlan plan =
     showPlanIndex (planIndex plan) ++ "\n" ++
-    "fake map:\n  " ++ intercalate "\n  " (map showKV (Map.toList (planFakeMap plan)))
+    "fake map:\n  " ++
+    intercalate "\n  " (map showKV (Map.toList (planFakeMap plan)))
   where showKV (k,v) = display k ++ " -> " ++ display v
 showPlanPackageTag :: GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg iresult ifailure -> String
@@ -239,7 +240,8 @@ new indepGoals index =
   let isPreExisting (PreExisting _) = True
       isPreExisting _ = False
       fakeMap = Map.fromList
-              . map (\p -> (fakeInstalledPackageId (packageId p), installedPackageId p))
+              . map (\p -> (fakeInstalledPackageId (packageId p)
+                           ,installedPackageId p))
               . filter isPreExisting
               $ PackageIndex.allPackages index in
   case problems fakeMap indepGoals index of
@@ -307,9 +309,11 @@ ready plan = assert check readyPackages
     isInstalledDep :: InstalledPackageId -> Maybe ipkg
     isInstalledDep pkgid =
-      -- NB: Need to check if the ID has been updated in planFakeMap, in which case we
-      -- might be dealing with an old pointer
-      case PlanIndex.fakeLookupInstalledPackageId (planFakeMap plan) (planIndex plan) pkgid of
+      -- NB: Need to check if the ID has been updated in planFakeMap, in which
+      -- case we might be dealing with an old pointer
+      case PlanIndex.fakeLookupInstalledPackageId
+           (planFakeMap plan) (planIndex plan) pkgid
+      of
         Just (PreExisting ipkg)            -> Just ipkg
         Just (Configured  _)               -> Nothing
         Just (Processing  _)               -> Nothing
@@ -413,7 +417,8 @@ lookupProcessingPackage plan pkgid =
   -- planFakeMap
   case PackageIndex.lookupInstalledPackageId (planIndex plan) pkgid of
     Just (Processing pkg) -> pkg
-    _  -> internalError $ "not in processing state or no such pkg " ++ display pkgid
+    _  -> internalError $ "not in processing state or no such pkg " ++
+                          display pkgid
 -- | Check a package that we expect to be in the configured or failed state.
@@ -494,18 +499,24 @@ problems :: (HasInstalledPackageId ipkg,   PackageFixedDeps ipkg,
          -> [PlanProblem ipkg srcpkg iresult ifailure]
 problems fakeMap indepGoals index =
-     [ PackageMissingDeps pkg (catMaybes (map (fmap packageId . PlanIndex.fakeLookupInstalledPackageId fakeMap index) missingDeps))
+     [ PackageMissingDeps pkg
+       (catMaybes
+        (map
+         (fmap packageId . PlanIndex.fakeLookupInstalledPackageId fakeMap index)
+         missingDeps))
      | (pkg, missingDeps) <- PlanIndex.brokenPackages fakeMap index ]
   ++ [ PackageCycle cycleGroup
      | cycleGroup <- PlanIndex.dependencyCycles fakeMap index ]
   ++ [ PackageInconsistency name inconsistencies
-     | (name, inconsistencies) <- PlanIndex.dependencyInconsistencies fakeMap indepGoals index ]
+     | (name, inconsistencies) <-
+       PlanIndex.dependencyInconsistencies fakeMap indepGoals index ]
   ++ [ PackageStateInvalid pkg pkg'
      | pkg <- PackageIndex.allPackages index
-     , Just pkg' <- map (PlanIndex.fakeLookupInstalledPackageId fakeMap index) (CD.nonSetupDeps (depends pkg))
+     , Just pkg' <- map (PlanIndex.fakeLookupInstalledPackageId fakeMap index)
+                    (CD.nonSetupDeps (depends pkg))
      , not (stateDependencyRelation pkg pkg') ]
 -- | The graph of packages (nodes) and dependencies (edges) must be acyclic.
@@ -590,8 +601,10 @@ dependencyClosure :: (HasInstalledPackageId ipkg,   PackageFixedDeps ipkg,
                       HasInstalledPackageId srcpkg, PackageFixedDeps srcpkg)
                   => GenericInstallPlan ipkg srcpkg iresult ifailure
                   -> [PackageIdentifier]
-                  -> Either [(GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg iresult ifailure, [InstalledPackageId])]
-                            (PackageIndex (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg iresult ifailure))
+                  -> Either [(GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg iresult ifailure,
+                              [InstalledPackageId])]
+                            (PackageIndex
+                             (GenericPlanPackage ipkg srcpkg iresult ifailure))
 dependencyClosure installPlan pids =
       (planFakeMap installPlan)
diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallSymlink.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallSymlink.hs
index 25da22604d1c95a104b1551e0ebc641a9c6fbb9e..4b9de74b5dfd6f39b98ebac5c33f9e22f6e68904 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallSymlink.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/InstallSymlink.hs
@@ -131,7 +131,8 @@ symlinkBinaries platform comp configFlags installFlags plan =
         | (ReadyPackage (ConfiguredPackage _ _flags _ _) deps, pkg, exe) <- exes
         , let pkgid  = packageId pkg
               pkg_key = mkPackageKey (packageKeySupported comp) pkgid
-                                     (map Installed.libraryName (CD.nonSetupDeps deps))
+                                     (map Installed.libraryName
+                                      (CD.nonSetupDeps deps))
               libname = packageKeyLibraryName pkgid pkg_key
               publicExeName  = PackageDescription.exeName exe
               privateExeName = prefix ++ publicExeName ++ suffix
diff --git a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Utils/LabeledGraph.hs b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Utils/LabeledGraph.hs
index 567f15609acc445dd9edb59760b90647df979e31..1c42a1d51b7db3c8ce40f1ee341201264c839893 100644
--- a/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Utils/LabeledGraph.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Utils/LabeledGraph.hs
@@ -51,8 +51,10 @@ graphFromEdges edges0 =
     sorted_edges = sortBy lt edges0
     edges1       = zipWith (,) [0..] sorted_edges
-    graph        = array bounds0 [(v, (mapMaybe mk_edge ks)) | (v, (_, _, ks)) <- edges1]
-    key_map      = array bounds0 [(v, k                    ) | (v, (_, k, _ )) <- edges1]
+    graph        = array bounds0 [(v, (mapMaybe mk_edge ks))
+                                 | (v, (_, _, ks)) <- edges1]
+    key_map      = array bounds0 [(v, k                    )
+                                 | (v, (_, k, _ )) <- edges1]
     vertex_map   = array bounds0 edges1
     (_,k1,_) `lt` (_,k2,_) = k1 `compare` k2
diff --git a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/DSL.hs b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/DSL.hs
index e5e3dd6e5825adc7446b29e6c88fed5413933cc7..b5e67bb28a5f10a1564e3e0a846860bbafe98fb4 100644
--- a/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/DSL.hs
+++ b/cabal-install/tests/UnitTests/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/DSL.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ import qualified Data.Map as Map
 -- Cabal
 import qualified Distribution.Compiler             as C
 import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as C
-import qualified Distribution.Package              as C hiding (HasInstalledPackageId(..))
+import qualified Distribution.Package              as C
+  hiding (HasInstalledPackageId(..))
 import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription   as C
 import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex  as C.PackageIndex
 import qualified Distribution.System               as C
@@ -102,8 +103,10 @@ data ExampleAvailable = ExAv {
   , exAvDeps    :: ComponentDeps [ExampleDependency]
-exAv :: ExamplePkgName -> ExamplePkgVersion -> [ExampleDependency] -> ExampleAvailable
-exAv n v ds = ExAv { exAvName = n, exAvVersion = v, exAvDeps = CD.fromLibraryDeps ds }
+exAv :: ExamplePkgName -> ExamplePkgVersion -> [ExampleDependency]
+     -> ExampleAvailable
+exAv n v ds = ExAv { exAvName = n, exAvVersion = v
+                   , exAvDeps = CD.fromLibraryDeps ds }
 withSetupDeps :: ExampleAvailable -> [ExampleDependency] -> ExampleAvailable
 withSetupDeps ex setupDeps = ex {
@@ -117,7 +120,8 @@ data ExampleInstalled = ExInst {
   , exInstBuildAgainst :: [ExampleInstalled]
-exInst :: ExamplePkgName -> ExamplePkgVersion -> ExamplePkgHash -> [ExampleInstalled] -> ExampleInstalled
+exInst :: ExamplePkgName -> ExamplePkgVersion -> ExamplePkgHash
+       -> [ExampleInstalled] -> ExampleInstalled
 exInst = ExInst
 type ExampleDb = [Either ExampleInstalled ExampleAvailable]
@@ -146,10 +150,12 @@ exAvSrcPkg ex =
                        C.setupDepends = mkSetupDeps (CD.setupDeps (exAvDeps ex))
-             , C.genPackageFlags = concatMap extractFlags (CD.libraryDeps (exAvDeps ex))
+             , C.genPackageFlags = concatMap extractFlags
+                                   (CD.libraryDeps (exAvDeps ex))
              , C.condLibrary     = Just $ mkCondTree libraryDeps
              , C.condExecutables = []
-             , C.condTestSuites  = map (\(t, deps) -> (t, mkCondTree deps)) testSuites
+             , C.condTestSuites  = map (\(t, deps) -> (t, mkCondTree deps))
+                                   testSuites
              , C.condBenchmarks  = []
@@ -159,10 +165,12 @@ exAvSrcPkg ex =
                      , [(ExampleTestName, [ExampleDependency])]
     splitTopLevel []                = ([], [])
-    splitTopLevel (ExTest t a:deps) = let (other, testSuites) = splitTopLevel deps
-                                      in (other, (t, a):testSuites)
-    splitTopLevel (dep:deps)        = let (other, testSuites) = splitTopLevel deps
-                                      in (dep:other, testSuites)
+    splitTopLevel (ExTest t a:deps) =
+      let (other, testSuites) = splitTopLevel deps
+      in (other, (t, a):testSuites)
+    splitTopLevel (dep:deps)        =
+      let (other, testSuites) = splitTopLevel deps
+      in (dep:other, testSuites)
     extractFlags :: ExampleDependency -> [C.Flag]
     extractFlags (ExAny _)      = []
@@ -193,7 +201,8 @@ exAvSrcPkg ex =
     mkFlagged :: Monoid a
               => (ExampleFlagName, [ExampleDependency], [ExampleDependency])
-              -> (C.Condition C.ConfVar, DependencyTree a, Maybe (DependencyTree a))
+              -> (C.Condition C.ConfVar
+                 , DependencyTree a, Maybe (DependencyTree a))
     mkFlagged (f, a, b) = ( C.Var (C.Flag (C.FlagName f))
                           , mkCondTree a
                           , Just (mkCondTree b)
@@ -274,7 +283,8 @@ exResolve db targets indepGoals = runProgress $
                        packageIndex       = exAvIdx avai
                      , packagePreferences = Map.empty
-    enableTests  = map (\p -> PackageConstraintStanzas (C.PackageName p) [TestStanzas])
+    enableTests  = map (\p -> PackageConstraintStanzas
+                              (C.PackageName p) [TestStanzas])
                        (exDbPkgs db)
     targets'     = map (\p -> NamedPackage (C.PackageName p) []) targets
     params       = addConstraints enableTests
@@ -292,7 +302,8 @@ extractInstallPlan = catMaybes . map confPkg . CI.InstallPlan.toList
     srcPkg :: ConfiguredPackage -> (String, Int)
     srcPkg (ConfiguredPackage pkg _flags _stanzas _deps) =
-      let C.PackageIdentifier (C.PackageName p) (Version (n:_) _) = packageInfoId pkg
+      let C.PackageIdentifier (C.PackageName p) (Version (n:_) _) =
+            packageInfoId pkg
       in (p, n)