CABALVERSION=1.3.3 KIND=rc #KIND=latest GHCFLAGS= --make -Wall -DCABAL_VERSION=1,3,3 # later: -Wall PREF=/usr/local USER_FLAG = GHCPKGFLAGS = HC=ghc HC_PKG=ghc-pkg # Comment out this line if your system doesn't have System.Posix. ISPOSIX=-DHAVE_UNIX_PACKAGE ifdef user USER_FLAG = --user GHCPKGFLAGS = -f ~/.ghc-packages GHCFLAGS += -package-conf ~/.ghc-packages endif # the cabal tarball... CABALBALL=cabal-$(CABALVERSION).tar.gz all: build # build the library itself setup:: mkdir -p dist/tmp $(HC) $(GHCFLAGS) -i. -odir dist/tmp -hidir dist/tmp Setup.hs -o setup Setup-nhc: hmake -nhc98 -package base -prelude Setup config: setup ./setup configure --ghc --with-compiler=$(HC) --prefix=$(PREF) build: build-stamp build-stamp: config ./setup build install: build-stamp ./setup install $(USER_FLAG) hugsbootstrap: rm -rf dist/tmp dist/hugs mkdir -p dist/tmp mkdir dist/hugs cp -r Distribution dist/tmp hugs-package dist/tmp dist/hugs cp Setup.lhs Cabal.cabal dist/hugs hugsinstall: hugsbootstrap cd dist/hugs && ./Setup.lhs configure --hugs cd dist/hugs && ./Setup.lhs build cd dist/hugs && ./Setup.lhs install haddock: setup ./setup configure ./setup haddock clean-doc: cd doc && $(MAKE) clean users-guide: docbook2html doc/Cabal.xml --output doc/users-guide doc: haddock users-guide docs: doc clean: clean-cabal clean-hunit clean-test clean-doc clean-cabal: -rm -f Distribution/*.o Distribution/*.hi -rm -f Distribution/PackageDescription/*.o Distribution/PackageDescription/*.hi -rm -f Distribution/Compat/*.o Distribution/Compat/*.hi -rm -f Distribution/PreProcess/*.o Distribution/PreProcess/*.hi -rm -f Distribution/Simple/*.o Distribution/Simple/*.hi -rm -f Language/Haskell/*.o Language/Haskell/*.hi -rm -f darcs* *~ semantic.cache* x*.html -rm -f library-infrastructure--darcs.tar.gz -rm -rf setup *.o *.hi moduleTest dist installed-pkg-config -rm -f build-stamp -rm -rf dist/hugs clean-hunit: -rm -f hunit-stamp hunitInstall-stamp cd tests/HUnit-1.0 && $(MAKE) clean clean-test: cd tests/A && $(MAKE) clean cd tests/wash2hs && $(MAKE) clean remove: remove-cabal remove-hunit remove-cabal: -$(HC_PKG) $(GHCPKGFLAGS) -r Cabal -rm -rf $(PREF)/lib/Cabal-0.1 remove-hunit: -$(HC_PKG) $(GHCPKGFLAGS) -r HUnit -rm -rf $(PREF)/lib/HUnit-1.0 # dependencies (included): hunit: hunit-stamp hunit-stamp: cd tests/HUnit-1.0 && $(MAKE) && ./setup configure --prefix=$(PREF) && ./setup build touch $@ hunitInstall: hunitInstall-stamp hunitInstall-stamp: hunit-stamp cd tests/HUnit-1.0 && ./setup install $(USER_FLAG) touch $@ # testing... moduleTest: mkdir -p dist/debug $(HC) $(GHCFLAGS) $(ISPOSIX) -DDEBUG -odir dist/debug -hidir dist/debug -idist/debug/:src:tests/HUnit-1.0/src tests/ModuleTest.hs -o moduleTest tests: moduleTest clean cd tests/A && $(MAKE) clean cd tests/HUnit-1.0 && $(MAKE) clean cd tests/A && $(MAKE) cd tests/HUnit-1.0 && $(MAKE) check: rm -f moduleTest $(MAKE) moduleTest ./moduleTest # distribution... pushall: darcs push darcs push pullall: darcs pull darcs pull pushdist: pushall dist scp $(TMPDISTLOC)/cabal.tar.gz # PUSH ELSEWHERE: scp changelog # PUSH ELSEWHERE: scp releaseNotes # rm -f /tmp/cabal-code.tgz deb: dist cd $(TMPDISTLOC) && ln -s $(CABALBALL) haskell-cabal_$(CABALVERSION).orig.tar.gz cd $(TMPDISTLOC) && tar -zxvf $(CABALBALL) mv $(TMPDISTLOC)/cabal $(TMPDISTLOC)/haskell-cabal-$(CABALVERSION) cd $(TMPDISTLOC)/haskell-cabal-$(CABALVERSION) && debuild $(CABALBALL): darcs record rm -rf /tmp/cabal* /tmp/Cabal* rm -rf $(TMPDISTLOC) darcs dist --dist-name=cabal-$(CABALVERSION) TMPDISTLOC=/tmp/cabaldist # after this command, there will be cabal.tar.gz in $(TMPDISTLOC), # which will have built docs, haddock, and source code. dist: haddock $(CABALBALL) rm -rf $(TMPDISTLOC) mkdir $(TMPDISTLOC) mv $(CABALBALL) $(TMPDISTLOC) cd $(TMPDISTLOC) && tar -zxvf $(CABALBALL) #mkdir $(TMPDISTLOC)/cabal/doc $(MAKE) doc cp -r dist/doc/html $(TMPDISTLOC)/cabal-$(CABALVERSION)/doc/API cp -r doc/users-guide $(TMPDISTLOC)/cabal-$(CABALVERSION)/doc/users-guide cd ~/prgs/build/haskell-report/packages && docbook2html -o /tmp/pkg-spec-html pkg-spec.sgml && docbook2pdf pkg-spec.sgml -o /tmp cp -r /tmp/pkg-spec{-html,.pdf} $(TMPDISTLOC)/cabal-$(CABALVERSION)/doc cd $(TMPDISTLOC) && rm -f $(CABALBALL) && tar -zcvf $(CABALBALL) cabal-$(CABALVERSION) @echo "Cabal tarball built: $(TMPDISTLOC)/$(CABALBALL)" release: dist mkdir $(TMPDISTLOC)/release cp $(TMPDISTLOC)/cabal-$(CABALVERSION)/releaseNotes $(TMPDISTLOC)/release cp $(TMPDISTLOC)/cabal-$(CABALVERSION)/changelog $(TMPDISTLOC)/release cp -r $(TMPDISTLOC)/cabal-$(CABALVERSION)/doc $(TMPDISTLOC)/release cp $(TMPDISTLOC)/cabal-$(CABALVERSION).tar.gz $(TMPDISTLOC)/release/cabal-$(CABALVERSION).tar.gz scp -r $(TMPDISTLOC)/release$(CABALVERSION) ssh 'cd /home/haskell/cabal/release && rm -f $(KIND) && ln -s cabal-$(CABALVERSION) $(KIND)' # dirs that contain source files that should be tagged. Be careful to # about using "." TAGSSRCDIRS = Distribution Language # create ctags/etags files. tags:: find $(TAGSSRCDIRS) -name \*.\*hs | xargs hasktags