module UnitTests.Distribution.Client.FileMonitor (tests) where import Control.Monad import Control.Exception import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import qualified Data.Set as Set import System.FilePath import qualified System.Directory as IO import Prelude hiding (writeFile) import qualified Prelude as IO (writeFile) import Distribution.Text (simpleParse) import Distribution.Compat.Binary import Distribution.Simple.Utils (withTempDirectory) import Distribution.Verbosity (silent) import Distribution.Client.FileMonitor import Distribution.Compat.Time import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit tests :: Int -> [TestTree] tests mtimeChange = [ testCase "sanity check mtimes" $ testFileMTimeSanity mtimeChange , testCase "no monitor cache" testNoMonitorCache , testCase "corrupt monitor cache" testCorruptMonitorCache , testCase "empty monitor" testEmptyMonitor , testCase "missing file" testMissingFile , testCase "change file" $ testChangedFile mtimeChange , testCase "file mtime vs content" $ testChangedFileMtimeVsContent mtimeChange , testCase "update during action" $ testUpdateDuringAction mtimeChange , testCase "remove file" testRemoveFile , testCase "non-existent file" testNonExistentFile , testCase "changed file type" $ testChangedFileType mtimeChange , testGroup "glob matches" [ testCase "no change" testGlobNoChange , testCase "add match" $ testGlobAddMatch mtimeChange , testCase "remove match" $ testGlobRemoveMatch mtimeChange , testCase "change match" $ testGlobChangeMatch mtimeChange , testCase "add match subdir" $ testGlobAddMatchSubdir mtimeChange , testCase "remove match subdir" $ testGlobRemoveMatchSubdir mtimeChange , testCase "change match subdir" $ testGlobChangeMatchSubdir mtimeChange , testCase "match toplevel dir" $ testGlobMatchTopDir mtimeChange , testCase "add non-match" $ testGlobAddNonMatch mtimeChange , testCase "remove non-match" $ testGlobRemoveNonMatch mtimeChange , testCase "add non-match" $ testGlobAddNonMatchSubdir mtimeChange , testCase "remove non-match" $ testGlobRemoveNonMatchSubdir mtimeChange , testCase "invariant sorted 1" $ testInvariantMonitorStateGlobFiles mtimeChange , testCase "invariant sorted 2" $ testInvariantMonitorStateGlobDirs mtimeChange , testCase "match dirs" $ testGlobMatchDir mtimeChange , testCase "match dirs only" $ testGlobMatchDirOnly mtimeChange , testCase "change file type" $ testGlobChangeFileType mtimeChange , testCase "absolute paths" $ testGlobAbsolutePath mtimeChange ] , testCase "value unchanged" testValueUnchanged , testCase "value changed" testValueChanged , testCase "value & file changed" $ testValueAndFileChanged mtimeChange , testCase "value updated" testValueUpdated ] -- we rely on file mtimes having a reasonable resolution testFileMTimeSanity :: Int -> Assertion testFileMTimeSanity mtimeChange = withTempDirectory silent "." "file-status-" $ \dir -> do replicateM_ 10 $ do IO.writeFile (dir </> "a") "content" t1 <- getModTime (dir </> "a") threadDelay mtimeChange IO.writeFile (dir </> "a") "content" t2 <- getModTime (dir </> "a") assertBool "expected different file mtimes" (t2 > t1) -- first run, where we don't even call updateMonitor testNoMonitorCache :: Assertion testNoMonitorCache = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do reason <- expectMonitorChanged root (monitor :: FileMonitor () ()) () reason @?= MonitorFirstRun -- write garbage into the binary cache file testCorruptMonitorCache :: Assertion testCorruptMonitorCache = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do IO.writeFile (fileMonitorCacheFile monitor) "broken" reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitorCorruptCache updateMonitor root monitor [] () () (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [] IO.writeFile (fileMonitorCacheFile monitor) "broken" reason2 <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason2 @?= MonitorCorruptCache -- no files to monitor testEmptyMonitor :: Assertion testEmptyMonitor = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root "a" updateMonitor root monitor [] () () touchFile root "b" (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [] -- monitor a file that is expected to exist testMissingFile :: Assertion testMissingFile = do test monitorFile touchFile "a" test monitorFileHashed touchFile "a" test monitorFile touchFile ("dir" </> "a") test monitorFileHashed touchFile ("dir" </> "a") test monitorDirectory touchDir "a" test monitorDirectory touchDir ("dir" </> "a") where test :: (FilePath -> MonitorFilePath) -> (RootPath -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO () test monitorKind touch file = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do -- a file that doesn't exist at snapshot time is considered to have -- changed updateMonitor root monitor [monitorKind file] () () reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged file -- a file doesn't exist at snapshot time, but gets added afterwards is -- also considered to have changed updateMonitor root monitor [monitorKind file] () () touch root file reason2 <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason2 @?= MonitoredFileChanged file testChangedFile :: Int -> Assertion testChangedFile mtimeChange = do test monitorFile touchFile touchFile "a" test monitorFileHashed touchFile touchFileContent "a" test monitorFile touchFile touchFile ("dir" </> "a") test monitorFileHashed touchFile touchFileContent ("dir" </> "a") test monitorDirectory touchDir touchDir "a" test monitorDirectory touchDir touchDir ("dir" </> "a") where test :: (FilePath -> MonitorFilePath) -> (RootPath -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> (RootPath -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO () test monitorKind touch touch' file = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touch root file updateMonitor root monitor [monitorKind file] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touch' root file reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged file testChangedFileMtimeVsContent :: Int -> Assertion testChangedFileMtimeVsContent mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do -- if we don't touch the file, it's unchanged touchFile root "a" updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFile "a"] () () (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFile "a"] -- if we do touch the file, it's changed if we only consider mtime updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFile "a"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root "a" reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged "a" -- but if we touch the file, it's unchanged if we consider content hash updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileHashed "a"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root "a" (res2, files2) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res2 @?= () files2 @?= [monitorFileHashed "a"] -- finally if we change the content it's changed updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileHashed "a"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touchFileContent root "a" reason2 <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason2 @?= MonitoredFileChanged "a" testUpdateDuringAction :: Int -> Assertion testUpdateDuringAction mtimeChange = do test (monitorFile "a") touchFile "a" test (monitorFileHashed "a") touchFile "a" test (monitorDirectory "a") touchDir "a" test (monitorFileGlobStr "*") touchFile "a" test (monitorFileGlobStr "*") { monitorKindDir = DirModTime } touchDir "a" where test :: MonitorFilePath -> (RootPath -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO () test monitorSpec touch file = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touch root file updateMonitor root monitor [monitorSpec] () () -- start doing an update action... threadDelay mtimeChange -- some time passes touch root file -- a file gets updates during the action threadDelay mtimeChange -- some time passes then we finish updateMonitor root monitor [monitorSpec] () () -- we don't notice this change since we took the timestamp after the -- action finished (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorSpec] -- Let's try again, this time taking the timestamp before the action timestamp' <- beginUpdateFileMonitor threadDelay mtimeChange -- some time passes touch root file -- a file gets updates during the action threadDelay mtimeChange -- some time passes then we finish updateMonitorWithTimestamp root monitor timestamp' [monitorSpec] () () -- now we do notice the change since we took the snapshot before the -- action finished reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged file testRemoveFile :: Assertion testRemoveFile = do test monitorFile touchFile removeFile "a" test monitorFileHashed touchFile removeFile "a" test monitorFile touchFile removeFile ("dir" </> "a") test monitorFileHashed touchFile removeFile ("dir" </> "a") test monitorDirectory touchDir removeDir "a" test monitorDirectory touchDir removeDir ("dir" </> "a") where test :: (FilePath -> MonitorFilePath) -> (RootPath -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> (RootPath -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO () test monitorKind touch remove file = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touch root file updateMonitor root monitor [monitorKind file] () () remove root file reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged file -- monitor a file that we expect not to exist testNonExistentFile :: Assertion testNonExistentFile = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do -- a file that doesn't exist at snapshot time or check time is unchanged updateMonitor root monitor [monitorNonExistentFile "a"] () () (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorNonExistentFile "a"] -- if the file then exists it has changed touchFile root "a" reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged "a" -- if the file then exists at snapshot and check time it has changed updateMonitor root monitor [monitorNonExistentFile "a"] () () reason2 <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason2 @?= MonitoredFileChanged "a" -- but if the file existed at snapshot time and doesn't exist at check time -- it is consider unchanged. This is unlike files we expect to exist, but -- that's because files that exist can have different content and actions -- can depend on that content, whereas if the action expected a file not to -- exist and it now does not, it'll give the same result, irrespective of -- the fact that the file might have existed in the meantime. updateMonitor root monitor [monitorNonExistentFile "a"] () () removeFile root "a" (res2, files2) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res2 @?= () files2 @?= [monitorNonExistentFile "a"] testChangedFileType :: Int-> Assertion testChangedFileType mtimeChange = do test (monitorFile "a") touchFile removeFile createDir test (monitorFileHashed "a") touchFile removeFile createDir test (monitorDirectory "a") createDir removeDir touchFile test (monitorFileOrDirectory "a") createDir removeDir touchFile test (monitorFileGlobStr "*") { monitorKindDir = DirModTime } touchFile removeFile createDir test (monitorFileGlobStr "*") { monitorKindDir = DirModTime } createDir removeDir touchFile where test :: MonitorFilePath -> (RootPath -> String -> IO ()) -> (RootPath -> String -> IO ()) -> (RootPath -> String -> IO ()) -> IO () test monitorKind touch remove touch' = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touch root "a" updateMonitor root monitor [monitorKind] () () threadDelay mtimeChange remove root "a" touch' root "a" reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged "a" ------------------ -- globs -- testGlobNoChange :: Assertion testGlobNoChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "good-a") touchFile root ("dir" </> "good-b") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/good-*"] () () (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/good-*"] testGlobAddMatch :: Int -> Assertion testGlobAddMatch mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "good-a") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/good-*"] () () (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/good-*"] threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root ("dir" </> "good-b") reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged ("dir" </> "good-b") testGlobRemoveMatch :: Int -> Assertion testGlobRemoveMatch mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "good-a") touchFile root ("dir" </> "good-b") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/good-*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange removeFile root "dir/good-a" reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged ("dir" </> "good-a") testGlobChangeMatch :: Int -> Assertion testGlobChangeMatch mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "good-a") touchFile root ("dir" </> "good-b") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/good-*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root ("dir" </> "good-b") (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/good-*"] touchFileContent root ("dir" </> "good-b") reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged ("dir" </> "good-b") testGlobAddMatchSubdir :: Int -> Assertion testGlobAddMatchSubdir mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "a" </> "good-a") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/good-*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root ("dir" </> "b" </> "good-b") reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged ("dir" </> "b" </> "good-b") testGlobRemoveMatchSubdir :: Int -> Assertion testGlobRemoveMatchSubdir mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "a" </> "good-a") touchFile root ("dir" </> "b" </> "good-b") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/good-*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange removeDir root ("dir" </> "a") reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged ("dir" </> "a" </> "good-a") testGlobChangeMatchSubdir :: Int -> Assertion testGlobChangeMatchSubdir mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "a" </> "good-a") touchFile root ("dir" </> "b" </> "good-b") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/good-*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root ("dir" </> "b" </> "good-b") (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/good-*"] touchFileContent root "dir/b/good-b" reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged ("dir" </> "b" </> "good-b") -- check nothing goes squiffy with matching in the top dir testGlobMatchTopDir :: Int -> Assertion testGlobMatchTopDir mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root "a" reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged "a" testGlobAddNonMatch :: Int -> Assertion testGlobAddNonMatch mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "good-a") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/good-*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root ("dir" </> "bad") (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/good-*"] testGlobRemoveNonMatch :: Int -> Assertion testGlobRemoveNonMatch mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "good-a") touchFile root ("dir" </> "bad") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/good-*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange removeFile root "dir/bad" (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/good-*"] testGlobAddNonMatchSubdir :: Int -> Assertion testGlobAddNonMatchSubdir mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "a" </> "good-a") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/good-*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root ("dir" </> "b" </> "bad") (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/good-*"] testGlobRemoveNonMatchSubdir :: Int -> Assertion testGlobRemoveNonMatchSubdir mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "a" </> "good-a") touchFile root ("dir" </> "b" </> "bad") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/good-*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange removeDir root ("dir" </> "b") (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/good-*"] -- try and tickle a bug that happens if we don't maintain the invariant that -- MonitorStateGlobFiles entries are sorted testInvariantMonitorStateGlobFiles :: Int -> Assertion testInvariantMonitorStateGlobFiles mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "a") touchFile root ("dir" </> "b") touchFile root ("dir" </> "c") touchFile root ("dir" </> "d") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange -- so there should be no change (since we're doing content checks) -- but if we can get the dir entries to appear in the wrong order -- then if the sorted invariant is not maintained then we can fool -- the 'probeGlobStatus' into thinking there's changes removeFile root ("dir" </> "a") removeFile root ("dir" </> "b") removeFile root ("dir" </> "c") removeFile root ("dir" </> "d") touchFile root ("dir" </> "d") touchFile root ("dir" </> "c") touchFile root ("dir" </> "b") touchFile root ("dir" </> "a") (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*"] -- same thing for the subdirs case testInvariantMonitorStateGlobDirs :: Int -> Assertion testInvariantMonitorStateGlobDirs mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root ("dir" </> "a" </> "file") touchFile root ("dir" </> "b" </> "file") touchFile root ("dir" </> "c" </> "file") touchFile root ("dir" </> "d" </> "file") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/file"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange removeDir root ("dir" </> "a") removeDir root ("dir" </> "b") removeDir root ("dir" </> "c") removeDir root ("dir" </> "d") touchFile root ("dir" </> "d" </> "file") touchFile root ("dir" </> "c" </> "file") touchFile root ("dir" </> "b" </> "file") touchFile root ("dir" </> "a" </> "file") (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/file"] -- ensure that a glob can match a directory as well as a file testGlobMatchDir :: Int -> Assertion testGlobMatchDir mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do createDir root ("dir" </> "a") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange -- nothing changed yet (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*"] -- expect dir/b to match and be detected as changed createDir root ("dir" </> "b") reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged ("dir" </> "b") -- now remove dir/a and expect it to be detected as changed updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange removeDir root ("dir" </> "a") reason2 <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason2 @?= MonitoredFileChanged ("dir" </> "a") testGlobMatchDirOnly :: Int -> Assertion testGlobMatchDirOnly mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange -- expect file dir/a to not match, so not detected as changed touchFile root ("dir" </> "a") (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor () res @?= () files @?= [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*/"] -- note that checking the file monitor for changes can updates the -- cached dir mtimes (when it has to record that there's new matches) -- so we need an extra mtime delay threadDelay mtimeChange -- but expect dir/b to match createDir root ("dir" </> "b") reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged ("dir" </> "b") testGlobChangeFileType :: Int -> Assertion testGlobChangeFileType mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do -- change file to dir touchFile root ("dir" </> "a") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange removeFile root ("dir" </> "a") createDir root ("dir" </> "a") reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged ("dir" </> "a") -- change dir to file updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr "dir/*"] () () threadDelay mtimeChange removeDir root ("dir" </> "a") touchFile root ("dir" </> "a") reason2 <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason2 @?= MonitoredFileChanged ("dir" </> "a") testGlobAbsolutePath :: Int -> Assertion testGlobAbsolutePath mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do root' <- absoluteRoot root -- absolute glob, removing a file touchFile root ("dir/good-a") touchFile root ("dir/good-b") updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr (root' </> "dir/good-*")] () () threadDelay mtimeChange removeFile root "dir/good-a" reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason @?= MonitoredFileChanged (root' </> "dir/good-a") -- absolute glob, adding a file updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr (root' </> "dir/good-*")] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root ("dir/good-a") reason2 <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason2 @?= MonitoredFileChanged (root' </> "dir/good-a") -- absolute glob, changing a file updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFileGlobStr (root' </> "dir/good-*")] () () threadDelay mtimeChange touchFileContent root "dir/good-b" reason3 <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor () reason3 @?= MonitoredFileChanged (root' </> "dir/good-b") ------------------ -- value changes -- testValueUnchanged :: Assertion testValueUnchanged = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root "a" updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFile "a"] (42 :: Int) "ok" (res, files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor 42 res @?= "ok" files @?= [monitorFile "a"] testValueChanged :: Assertion testValueChanged = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root "a" updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFile "a"] (42 :: Int) "ok" reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor 43 reason @?= MonitoredValueChanged 42 testValueAndFileChanged :: Int -> Assertion testValueAndFileChanged mtimeChange = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root "a" -- we change the value and the file, and the value change is reported updateMonitor root monitor [monitorFile "a"] (42 :: Int) "ok" threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root "a" reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor 43 reason @?= MonitoredValueChanged 42 -- if fileMonitorCheckIfOnlyValueChanged then if only the value changed -- then it's reported as MonitoredValueChanged let monitor' :: FileMonitor Int String monitor' = monitor { fileMonitorCheckIfOnlyValueChanged = True } updateMonitor root monitor' [monitorFile "a"] 42 "ok" reason2 <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor' 43 reason2 @?= MonitoredValueChanged 42 -- but if a file changed too then we don't report MonitoredValueChanged updateMonitor root monitor' [monitorFile "a"] 42 "ok" threadDelay mtimeChange touchFile root "a" reason3 <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor' 43 reason3 @?= MonitoredFileChanged "a" testValueUpdated :: Assertion testValueUpdated = withFileMonitor $ \root monitor -> do touchFile root "a" let monitor' :: FileMonitor (Set.Set Int) String monitor' = (monitor :: FileMonitor (Set.Set Int) String) { fileMonitorCheckIfOnlyValueChanged = True, fileMonitorKeyValid = Set.isSubsetOf } updateMonitor root monitor' [monitorFile "a"] (Set.fromList [42,43]) "ok" (res,_files) <- expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor' (Set.fromList [42]) res @?= "ok" reason <- expectMonitorChanged root monitor' (Set.fromList [42,44]) reason @?= MonitoredValueChanged (Set.fromList [42,43]) ------------- -- Utils newtype RootPath = RootPath FilePath touchFile :: RootPath -> FilePath -> IO () touchFile (RootPath root) fname = do let path = root </> fname IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path) IO.writeFile path "touched" touchFileContent :: RootPath -> FilePath -> IO () touchFileContent (RootPath root) fname = do let path = root </> fname IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path) IO.writeFile path "different" removeFile :: RootPath -> FilePath -> IO () removeFile (RootPath root) fname = IO.removeFile (root </> fname) touchDir :: RootPath -> FilePath -> IO () touchDir root@(RootPath rootdir) dname = do IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True (rootdir </> dname) touchFile root (dname </> "touch") removeFile root (dname </> "touch") createDir :: RootPath -> FilePath -> IO () createDir (RootPath root) dname = do let path = root </> dname IO.createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory path) IO.createDirectory path removeDir :: RootPath -> FilePath -> IO () removeDir (RootPath root) dname = IO.removeDirectoryRecursive (root </> dname) absoluteRoot :: RootPath -> IO FilePath absoluteRoot (RootPath root) = IO.canonicalizePath root monitorFileGlobStr :: String -> MonitorFilePath monitorFileGlobStr globstr | Just glob <- simpleParse globstr = monitorFileGlob glob | otherwise = error $ "Failed to parse " ++ globstr expectMonitorChanged :: (Binary a, Binary b) => RootPath -> FileMonitor a b -> a -> IO (MonitorChangedReason a) expectMonitorChanged root monitor key = do res <- checkChanged root monitor key case res of MonitorChanged reason -> return reason MonitorUnchanged _ _ -> throwIO $ HUnitFailure "expected change" expectMonitorUnchanged :: (Binary a, Binary b) => RootPath -> FileMonitor a b -> a -> IO (b, [MonitorFilePath]) expectMonitorUnchanged root monitor key = do res <- checkChanged root monitor key case res of MonitorChanged _reason -> throwIO $ HUnitFailure "expected no change" MonitorUnchanged b files -> return (b, files) checkChanged :: (Binary a, Binary b) => RootPath -> FileMonitor a b -> a -> IO (MonitorChanged a b) checkChanged (RootPath root) monitor key = checkFileMonitorChanged monitor root key updateMonitor :: (Binary a, Binary b) => RootPath -> FileMonitor a b -> [MonitorFilePath] -> a -> b -> IO () updateMonitor (RootPath root) monitor files key result = updateFileMonitor monitor root Nothing files key result updateMonitorWithTimestamp :: (Binary a, Binary b) => RootPath -> FileMonitor a b -> MonitorTimestamp -> [MonitorFilePath] -> a -> b -> IO () updateMonitorWithTimestamp (RootPath root) monitor timestamp files key result = updateFileMonitor monitor root (Just timestamp) files key result withFileMonitor :: Eq a => (RootPath -> FileMonitor a b -> IO c) -> IO c withFileMonitor action = do withTempDirectory silent "." "file-status-" $ \root -> do let file = root <.> "monitor" monitor = newFileMonitor file finally (action (RootPath root) monitor) $ do exists <- IO.doesFileExist file when exists $ IO.removeFile file