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  • Lennart Kolmodin's avatar
    Make Travis build again. (#170) · 12307e18
    Lennart Kolmodin authored
    Travis keeps breaking due to its very fragile build script.
    Switching to an approach which I hope will be more robust.
    Only use recent version of cabal when building for all GHC versions.
    This means we no longer test older cabal install binaries.
    cabal-install is unable to come up with a build plan for the tests and
    benchmarks. The problem seems to be that building binary's
    tests/benchmarks requires having binary, which is what we're trying to
    build. Cabal doesn't seem to separate the lib/tests/benchmarks into
    distinct build units, so it fails to come up with a plan.
    To work around this, when building on travis, we rename the binary
    library. With a new name, cabal can find a plan and run the tests.
    Remove GHC 7.4.2 and 7.6.3 from the testing matrix.
    They fail with this new build setup for a reason I haven't investigated.