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  • Herbert Valerio Riedel's avatar
    Generalise constraints for InputT instances · 7289f1f6
    Herbert Valerio Riedel authored
    I'm not sure why the code was written the way it was, but it seems we
    can do better by letting GHC directly reuse `ReaderT`'s instances as
    well as relaxing the constraints from
        instance Monad m       => Functor     (InputT m)
        instance Monad m       => Applicative (InputT m)
        instance Monad m       => Monad       (InputT m)
        instance Functor     m => Functor     (InputT m)
        instance Applicative m => Applicative (InputT m)
        instance Monad       m => Monad       (InputT m)
    This looks the same on GHC 7.8 (pre-AMP) as well as GHC 7.10 (post-AMP)