index 81ea71849dab7f36732f711a01f670e99cdc60ee..7a7842017c5da4bf9dbdbcecf4c88e765bb1de5d 100644
@@ -395,9 +395,12 @@ description: {
-Changelogs may also be written in "markdown-frontmatter" format. This is useful if your
-description contains braces, which must be escaped with backslashes in `.cabal` file
-format. The front matter is in YAML syntax, not `.cabal` file syntax, and the file
+Changelogs may also be written in "markdown-frontmatter" format. This is useful
+if your description contains braces, which must be escaped with backslashes in
+`.cabal` file format. Another benefit of using an `.md` extension with your
+changelog is that it will be checked for typos.
+The front matter is in YAML syntax, not `.cabal` file syntax, and the file
 _must_ begin with a line containing only hyphens.
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/cabal.out b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/cabal.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a3143ff9ffd24dd208d692d1005941905fa51f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/cabal.out
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# cabal v2-build
+Warning: <ROOT>/else.project, else.project: Unrecognized section '_' on line 3
+# Multiline string marking:
+# ^When using configuration from:$
+# ^  - else.project$
+# ^  - dir-else/else.config$
+# ^The following errors occurred:$
+# ^  - The package location 'no-pkg-here' does not exist.$
+# Pseudo multiline string marking:
+# ^When using configuration from:   - else.project   - dir-else/else.config The following errors occurred:   - The package location 'no-pkg-here' does not exist.$
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/cabal.test.hs b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/cabal.test.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49360b5987290c1b5864de2acebe73db1fae33f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/cabal.test.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import Test.Cabal.Prelude
+import System.Directory
+main = cabalTest . recordMode RecordMarked $ do
+  let log = recordHeader . pure
+  outElse <- fails $ cabal' "v2-build" [ "all", "--dry-run", "--project-file=else.project" ]
+  msg <- readFileVerbatim "msg.expect.txt"
+  let msgSingle = lineBreaksToSpaces msg
+  log "Multiline string marking:"
+  mapM_ log (lines . delimitLines $ encodeLf msg)
+  log "Pseudo multiline string marking:"
+  mapM_ log (lines . delimitLines $ encodeLf msgSingle)
+  assertOn multilineNeedleHaystack msg outElse
+  assertOn multilineNeedleHaystack{expectNeedleInHaystack = False} msgSingle outElse
+  assertOutputContains msg outElse
+  assertOutputDoesNotContain msgSingle outElse
+  return ()
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/dir-else/else.config b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/dir-else/else.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f9c44e63d5bed0d26067cb2d99c756b496ea8620
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/dir-else/else.config
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+if false
+    _
+    packages: no-pkg-here
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/else.project b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/else.project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..959c40f5660c4c3256fb6b5851381bc58ef877df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/else.project
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import: dir-else/else.config
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/msg.expect.txt b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/msg.expect.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5291b3adcd89306a83d3a4398a561d05c6c49b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/ProjectImport/ParseErrorProvenance/msg.expect.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+When using configuration from:
+  - else.project
+  - dir-else/else.config
+The following errors occurred:
+  - The package location 'no-pkg-here' does not exist.
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/README.md b/cabal-testsuite/README.md
index 2c3d17e615088022c468c17b58b9c324aea039c3..fb641cad995b810942c31353b90d60ae65df9138 100644
--- a/cabal-testsuite/README.md
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/README.md
@@ -218,6 +218,10 @@ variants of a command (e.g., `cabal'` rather than `cabal`) and use
 `assertOutputContains`.  Note that this will search over BOTH stdout
 and stderr.
+For convenience, paste expected multiline string values verbatim into a text
+file and read these with `readFileVerbatim`. The suggested extension for these
+files are `.expect.txt`.
 **How do I skip running a test in some environments?**  Use the
 `skipIf` and `skipUnless` combinators.  Useful parameters to test
 these with include `hasSharedLibraries`, `hasProfiledLibraries`,
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/cabal-testsuite.cabal b/cabal-testsuite/cabal-testsuite.cabal
index 0f3383af38a1e5728c7f401d32921221c13fac94..4e31b87d254cd595969b04cf2dc2fa1da5bd8571 100644
--- a/cabal-testsuite/cabal-testsuite.cabal
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/cabal-testsuite.cabal
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ library
+    Test.Cabal.NeedleHaystack
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ library
     , exceptions            ^>= 0.10.0
     , filepath              ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
     , Glob                  ^>= 0.10.2
+    , network-uri            >= && < 2.7
     , network-wait          ^>= || ^>=
     , optparse-applicative  ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
     , process               ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/src/Test/Cabal/NeedleHaystack.hs b/cabal-testsuite/src/Test/Cabal/NeedleHaystack.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42ab103128422fe521a9827f294c7851de2b41e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/src/Test/Cabal/NeedleHaystack.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+-- | Functions for searching for a needle in a haystack, with transformations
+-- for the strings to search in and the search strings such as re-encoding line
+-- breaks or delimiting lines. Both LF and CRLF line breaks are recognized.
+module Test.Cabal.NeedleHaystack
+    ( TxContains(..)
+    , txContainsId
+    , NeedleHaystack(..)
+    , symNeedleHaystack
+    , multilineNeedleHaystack
+    , needleHaystack
+    , lineBreaksToSpaces
+    , normalizePathSeparators
+    , encodeLf
+    , delimitLines
+    ) where
+import Prelude hiding (unlines)
+import qualified Prelude (unlines)
+import Data.List (tails)
+import Data.Maybe (isJust)
+import Distribution.System
+import Distribution.Utils.Generic (unsnoc)
+import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
+import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Posix
+import qualified System.FilePath.Windows as Windows
+import Network.URI (parseURI)
+Note [Multiline Needles]
+How we search for multiline strings in output that varies by platform.
+Reading Expected Multiline Strings Verbatim
+With @ghc-9.12.1@ adding @-XMultilineStrings@, writing multiline string
+expectations for @cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/**/*.test.hs@ test scripts might
+be have been easier but for a catch. We run these tests with older @GHC@
+versions so would need to use @-XCPP@ for those versions and the C preprocessor
+does not play nicely with string gaps. While it is possible to encode a
+multiline string as a single line with embedded LF characters or by breaking the
+line up arbitrarily and using @++@ concatenation or by calling unlines on a list
+of lines, string gaps are the multiline strings of Haskell prior to
+To avoid these problems and for the convenience of pasting the expected value
+verbatim into a file, @readFileVerbatim@ can read the expected multiline output
+for tests from a text file.  This has the same implementation as @readFile@ from
+the @strict-io@ package to avoid problems at cleanup.
+Warning: Windows file locking hack: hit the retry limit 3 while trying to remove
+C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\cabal-testsuite-8376\errors.expect.txt: removePathForcibly:DeleteFile
+permission denied (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)
+The other process accessing the file is @C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe@
+running a @QueryDirectory@ event and this problem only occurs when the test
+Hidden Actual Value Modification
+The @assertOutputContains@ function was modifying the actual value (the test
+output) with @concatOutput@ before checking if it contained the expected value.
+This function, now renamed as @lineBreaksToSpaces@, would remove CR values and
+convert LF values to spaces.
+With this setup, false positives were possible. An expected value using string
+gaps and spaces would match a @concatOutput@ modified actual value of
+"foo_bar_baz", where '_' was any of space, LF or CRLF in the unmodified actual
+value. The latter two are false positive matches.
+> let expect = "foo \
+>              \bar \
+>              \baz"
+False negatives were also possible. An expected value set up using string gaps
+with LF characters or with @-XMultilineStrings@ wouldn't match an actual value
+of "foo_bar_baz", where '_' was either LF or CRLF because these characters had
+been replaced by spaces in the actual value, modified before the comparison.
+> let expect = "foo\n\
+>              \bar\n\
+>              \baz"
+> {-# LANGUAGE MultilineStrings #-}
+> let expect = """
+>              foo
+>              bar
+>              baz
+>              """
+We had these problems:
+1. The actual value was changed before comparison and this change was not visible.
+2. The expected value was not changed in the same way as the actual value. This
+   made it possible for equal values to become unequal (false negatives) and for
+   unequal values to become equal (false positives).
+Explicit Changes and Visible Line Delimiters
+To fix these problems, an added @assertOn@ function takes a @NeedleHaystack@
+configuration for how the search is made, what to expect (to find the expected
+value or not) and how to display the expected and actual values.
+A pilcrow ¶ is often used to visibly display line endings but our terminal
+output is restricted to ASCII so lines are delimited between @^@ and @$@
+markers. The needle (the expected output fragment) is shown annotated this way
+and the haystack (the actual output) can optionally be shown this way too.
+This is still a lenient match, allowing LF to match CRLF, but @encodeLf@ doesn't
+replace LF with spaces like @concatOutput@ (@lineBreaksToSpaces@) did:
+If you choose to display the actual value by setting
+@NeedleHaystack{displayHaystack = True}@ then its lines will be delimited.
+With @assertOn@, supplying string transformation to both the needle and haystack
+before comparison and before display can help find out why an expected value is
+or isn't found in the test output.
+-- | Transformations for the search strings and the text to search in.
+data TxContains =
+    TxContains
+        {
+            -- | Reverse conversion for display, applied to the forward converted value.
+            txBwd :: (String -> String),
+            -- | Forward conversion for comparison.
+            txFwd :: (String -> String)
+        }
+-- | Identity transformation for the search strings and the text to search in,
+-- leaves them unchanged.
+txContainsId :: TxContains
+txContainsId = TxContains id id
+-- | Conversions of the needle and haystack strings, the seach string and the
+-- text to search in.
+data NeedleHaystack =
+    NeedleHaystack
+        {
+            expectNeedleInHaystack :: Bool,
+            displayHaystack :: Bool,
+            txNeedle :: TxContains,
+            txHaystack :: TxContains
+        }
+-- | Symmetric needle and haystack functions, the same conversion for each going
+-- forward and the same coversion for each going backward.
+symNeedleHaystack :: (String -> String) -> (String -> String) -> NeedleHaystack
+symNeedleHaystack bwd fwd = let tx = TxContains bwd fwd in NeedleHaystack True False tx tx
+-- | Multiline needle and haystack functions with symmetric conversions. Going
+-- forward converts line breaks to @"\\n"@.  Going backward adds visible
+-- delimiters to lines.
+multilineNeedleHaystack :: NeedleHaystack
+multilineNeedleHaystack = symNeedleHaystack delimitLines encodeLf
+-- | Minimal set up for finding the needle in the haystack. Doesn't change the
+-- strings and doesn't display the haystack in any assertion failure message.
+needleHaystack :: NeedleHaystack
+needleHaystack = NeedleHaystack True False txContainsId txContainsId
+-- | Replace line breaks with spaces, correctly handling @"\\r\\n"@.
+-- >>> lineBreaksToSpaces "foo\nbar\r\nbaz"
+-- "foo bar baz"
+-- >>> lineBreaksToSpaces "foo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- "foo bar baz"
+-- >>> lineBreaksToSpaces "\nfoo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- " foo bar baz"
+lineBreaksToSpaces :: String -> String
+lineBreaksToSpaces = unwords . lines . filter ((/=) '\r')
+-- | Replaces path separators found with those of the current OS, URL-like paths
+-- excluded.
+-- > buildOS == Linux; normalizePathSeparators "foo\bar\baz" => "foo/bar/baz"
+-- > buildOS == Windows; normalizePathSeparators "foo/bar/baz" => "foo\bar\baz"
+normalizePathSeparators :: String -> String
+normalizePathSeparators =
+    unlines . map normalizePathSeparator . lines
+    where
+        normalizePathSeparator p =
+            if | any (isJust . parseURI) (tails p) -> p
+               | buildOS == Windows ->
+                    [if Posix.isPathSeparator c then Windows.pathSeparator else c| c <- p]
+               | otherwise ->
+                    [if Windows.isPathSeparator c then Posix.pathSeparator else c| c <- p]
+-- | @unlines@ from base will add a trailing newline if there isn't one already
+-- but this one doesn't
+-- >>> lines "abc"
+-- ["abc"]
+-- >>> Data.List.unlines $ lines "abc"
+-- "abc\n"
+-- >>> unlines $ lines "abc"
+-- "abc"
+unlines :: [String] -> String
+unlines = maybe "" fst . unsnoc . Prelude.unlines
+-- | Replace line CRLF line breaks with LF line breaks.
+-- >>> encodeLf "foo\nbar\r\nbaz"
+-- "foo\nbar\nbaz"
+-- >>> encodeLf "foo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"
+-- >>> encodeLf "\nfoo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- "\nfoo\nbar\nbaz\n"
+-- >>> encodeLf "\n\n\n"
+-- "\n\n\n"
+encodeLf :: String -> String
+encodeLf = filter (/= '\r')
+-- | Mark lines with visible delimiters, @^@ at the start and @$@ at the end.
+-- >>> delimitLines ""
+-- "^$"
+-- >>> delimitLines "\n"
+-- "^$\n"
+-- >>> delimitLines "\n\n"
+-- "^$\n^$\n"
+-- >>> delimitLines "\n\n\n"
+-- "^$\n^$\n^$\n"
+-- >>> delimitLines $ encodeLf "foo\nbar\r\nbaz"
+-- "^foo$\n^bar$\n^baz$"
+-- >>> delimitLines $ encodeLf "foo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- "^foo$\n^bar$\n^baz$\n"
+-- >>> delimitLines $ encodeLf "\nfoo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- "^$\n^foo$\n^bar$\n^baz$\n"
+delimitLines:: String -> String
+delimitLines "" = "^$"
+delimitLines "\n" = "^$\n"
+delimitLines ('\n' : xs) = "^$\n" ++ delimitLines xs
+delimitLines output = fixupStart . fixupEnd $
+    foldr
+            (\c acc -> c :
+                if | "\n" == acc -> "$\n"
+                   |("\n" `isPrefixOf` acc) -> "$\n^" ++ drop 1 acc
+                   | otherwise -> acc
+            )
+            ""
+    output
+    where
+        fixupStart :: String -> String
+        fixupStart s@[] = s
+        fixupStart s@('^' : _) = s
+        fixupStart s = '^' : s
+        fixupEnd :: String -> String
+        fixupEnd s@[] = s
+        fixupEnd s@(reverse -> '$' : _) = s
+        fixupEnd s@(reverse -> '\n' : '$' : _) = s
+        fixupEnd s = s ++ "$"
diff --git a/cabal-testsuite/src/Test/Cabal/Prelude.hs b/cabal-testsuite/src/Test/Cabal/Prelude.hs
index 6455dbb87b1732554fc604ba0d4cf5f992959723..daa5472c9d09ee7358ee76540edf3546a9b06fcb 100644
--- a/cabal-testsuite/src/Test/Cabal/Prelude.hs
+++ b/cabal-testsuite/src/Test/Cabal/Prelude.hs
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
 {-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
 -- | Generally useful definitions that we expect most test scripts
 -- to use.
 module Test.Cabal.Prelude (
     module Test.Cabal.Prelude,
     module Test.Cabal.Monad,
+    module Test.Cabal.NeedleHaystack,
     module Test.Cabal.Run,
     module System.FilePath,
     module Distribution.Utils.Path,
@@ -18,6 +21,7 @@ module Test.Cabal.Prelude (
     module Distribution.Simple.Program,
 ) where
+import Test.Cabal.NeedleHaystack
 import Test.Cabal.Script
 import Test.Cabal.Run
 import Test.Cabal.Monad
@@ -800,31 +804,46 @@ recordMode mode = withReaderT (\env -> env {
     testRecordUserMode = Just mode
+-- See Note [Multiline Needles]
 assertOutputContains :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (String -> Result -> m ())
-assertOutputContains needle result =
-    withFrozenCallStack $
-    unless (needle `isInfixOf` concatOutput output) $
-    assertFailure $ " expected: " ++ needle
-  where output = resultOutput result
+assertOutputContains = assertOn
+    needleHaystack
+        {txHaystack = TxContains{txBwd = delimitLines, txFwd = encodeLf}}
 assertOutputDoesNotContain :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (String -> Result -> m ())
-assertOutputDoesNotContain needle result =
+assertOutputDoesNotContain = assertOn
+    needleHaystack
+        { expectNeedleInHaystack = False
+        , txHaystack = TxContains{txBwd = delimitLines, txFwd = encodeLf}
+        }
+-- See Note [Multiline Needles]
+assertOn :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (NeedleHaystack -> String -> Result -> m ())
+assertOn NeedleHaystack{..} (txFwd txNeedle -> needle) (txFwd txHaystack. resultOutput -> output) =
     withFrozenCallStack $
-    when (needle `isInfixOf` concatOutput output) $
-    assertFailure $ "unexpected: " ++ needle
-  where output = resultOutput result
+    if expectNeedleInHaystack
+        then unless (needle `isInfixOf` output)
+            $ assertFailure $ "expected:\n" ++ (txBwd txNeedle needle) ++
+            if displayHaystack
+                then "\nin output:\n" ++ (txBwd txHaystack output)
+                else ""
+        else when (needle `isInfixOf` output)
+            $ assertFailure $ "unexpected:\n" ++ (txBwd txNeedle needle) ++
+            if displayHaystack
+                then "\nin output:\n" ++ (txBwd txHaystack output)
+                else ""
 assertOutputMatches :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (String -> Result -> m ())
 assertOutputMatches regex result =
     withFrozenCallStack $
-    unless (concatOutput output =~ regex) $
+    unless (encodeLf output =~ regex) $
     assertFailure $ "expected regex match: " ++ regex
   where output = resultOutput result
 assertOutputDoesNotMatch :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (String -> Result -> m ())
 assertOutputDoesNotMatch regex result =
     withFrozenCallStack $
-    when (concatOutput output =~ regex) $
+    when (encodeLf output =~ regex) $
     assertFailure $ "unexpected regex match: " ++ regex
   where output = resultOutput result
@@ -880,10 +899,6 @@ assertNoFileContains paths needle =
         \path ->
           assertFileDoesNotContain path needle
--- | Replace line breaks with spaces, correctly handling "\r\n".
-concatOutput :: String -> String
-concatOutput = unwords . lines . filter ((/=) '\r')
 -- | The directory where script build artifacts are expected to be cached
 getScriptCacheDirectory :: FilePath -> TestM FilePath
 getScriptCacheDirectory script = do
@@ -1274,3 +1289,32 @@ findDependencyInStore pkgName = do
                       [] -> error $ "Could not find " <> pkgName' <> " when searching for " <> pkgName' <> " in\n" <> show packageDirs
                       (dir:_) -> dir
       pure (storeDir </> storeDirForGhcVersion </> libDir)
+-- | It can be easier to paste expected output verbatim into a text file,
+-- especially if it is a multiline string, rather than encoding it as a multiline
+-- string in Haskell source code.
+-- With `-XMultilineStrings` triple quoted strings with line breaks will be
+-- easier to write in source code but then this will only work with ghc-9.12.1
+-- and later, in which case we'd have to use CPP with test scripts to support
+-- older GHC versions. CPP doesn't play nicely with multiline strings using
+-- string gaps. None of our test script import other modules. That might be a
+-- way to avoid CPP in a module that uses multiline strings.
+-- In summary, it is easier to read multiline strings from a file. That is what
+-- this function facilitates.
+-- The contents of the file are read strictly to avoid problems seen on Windows
+-- deleting the file:
+-- > cabal.test.hs:
+-- > C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\cabal-testsuite-8376\errors.expect.txt:
+-- > removePathForcibly:DeleteFile
+-- > "\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\cabal-testsuite-8376\\errors.expect.txt":
+-- > permission denied (The process cannot access the file because it is being
+-- > used by another process.)
+readFileVerbatim :: FilePath -> TestM String
+readFileVerbatim filename = do
+  testDir <- testCurrentDir <$> getTestEnv
+  s <- liftIO . readFile $ testDir </> filename
+  length s `seq` return s
diff --git a/changelog.d/pr-10646.md b/changelog.d/pr-10646.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb7dd8c9ec7b377498d346a823ec575f6aed5c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/pr-10646.md
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+synopsis: Configuration messages without duplicates
+packages: [cabal-install-solver]
+prs: 10646
+issues: 10645
+The "using configuration from" message no longer has duplicates on Windows when
+a `cabal.project` uses forward slashes for its imports but the message reports
+the same import again with backslashes.
+$ cat cabal.project
+import: dir-a/b.config
+$ cabal build all --dry-run
+When using configuration from:
+-   - dir-a/b.config
+    - dir-a\b.config
+    - cabal.project
+## Changed `Ord ProjectConfigPath` Instance
+For comparison purposes, path separators are normalized to the `buildOS`
+platform's path separator.
+-- >>> let abFwd = ProjectConfigPath $ "a/b.config" :| []
+-- >>> let abBwd = ProjectConfigPath $ "a\\b.config" :| []
+-- >>> compare abFwd abBwd
+-- EQ
+## Changes in `cabal-testsuite`
+### Reading Expected Multiline Strings Verbatim
+With `ghc-9.12.1` adding `-XMultilineStrings`, writing multiline string
+expectations for `cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/**/*.test.hs` test scripts might
+be have been easier but for a catch. We run these tests with older `GHC`
+versions so would need to use `-XCPP` for those versions and the C preprocessor
+does not play nicely with string gaps. While it is possible to encode a
+multiline string as a single line with embedded LF characters or by breaking the
+line up arbitrarily and using `++` concatenation or by calling unlines on a list
+of lines, string gaps are the multiline strings of Haskell prior to
+To avoid these problems and for the convenience of pasting the expected value
+verbatim into a file, `readFileVerbatim` can read the expected multiline output
+for tests from a text file.  This has the same implementation as `readFile` from
+the `strict-io` package to avoid problems at cleanup.
+Warning: Windows file locking hack: hit the retry limit 3 while trying to remove
+C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp\cabal-testsuite-8376\errors.expect.txt: removePathForcibly:DeleteFile
+permission denied (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.)
+The other process accessing the file is `C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe`
+running a `QueryDirectory` event and this problem only occurs when the test
+### Hidden Actual Value Modification
+The `assertOutputContains` function was modifying the actual value (the test
+output) with `concatOutput` before checking if it contained the expected value.
+This function, now renamed as `lineBreaksToSpaces`, would remove CR values and
+convert LF values to spaces.
+-- | Replace line breaks with spaces, correctly handling @"\\r\\n"@.
+-- >>> lineBreaksToSpaces "foo\nbar\r\nbaz"
+-- "foo bar baz"
+-- >>> lineBreaksToSpaces "foo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- "foo bar baz"
+-- >>> lineBreaksToSpaces "\nfoo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- " foo bar baz"
+lineBreaksToSpaces :: String -> String
+With this setup, false positives were possible. An expected value using string
+gaps and spaces would match a `concatOutput` modified actual value of
+"foo_bar_baz", where '_' was any of space, LF or CRLF in the unmodified actual
+value. The latter two are false positive matches.
+let expect = "foo \
+             \bar \
+             \baz"
+False negatives were also possible. An expected value set up using string gaps
+with LF characters or with `-XMultilineStrings` wouldn't match an actual value
+of "foo_bar_baz", where '_' was either LF or CRLF because these characters had
+been replaced by spaces in the actual value, modified before the comparison.
+let expect = "foo\n\
+             \bar\n\
+             \baz"
+{-# LANGUAGE MultilineStrings #-}
+let expect = """
+             foo
+             bar
+             baz
+             """
+We had these problems:
+1. The actual value was changed before comparison and this change was not visible.
+2. The expected value was not changed in the same way as the actual value. This
+   made it possible for equal values to become unequal (false negatives) and for
+   unequal values to become equal (false positives).
+### Explicit Changes and Visible Line Delimiters
+To fix these problems, an added `assertOn` function takes a `NeedleHaystack`
+configuration for how the search is made, what to expect (to find the expected
+value or not) and how to display the expected and actual values.
+A pilcrow ¶ is often used to visibly display line endings but our terminal
+output is restricted to ASCII so lines are delimited between `^` and `$`
+markers. The needle (the expected output fragment) is shown annotated this way
+and the haystack (the actual output) can optionally be shown this way too.
+We can now implement `assertOutputContains` by calling `assertOn`:
+    assertOutputContains :: MonadIO m => WithCallStack (String -> Result -> m ())
+-   assertOutputContains needle result =
+-       withFrozenCallStack $
+-       unless (needle `isInfixOf` (concatOutput output)) $
+-       assertFailure $ " expected: " ++ needle
+-   where output = resultOutput result
++   assertOutputContains = assertOn
++       needleHaystack
++           {txHaystack =
++               TxContains
++                   { txBwd = delimitLines
++                   , txFwd = encodeLf
++                   }
++           }
+This is still a lenient match, allowing LF to match CRLF, but `encodeLf` doesn't
+replace LF with spaces like `concatOutput` (`lineBreaksToSpaces`) did:
+-- | Replace line CRLF line breaks with LF line breaks.
+-- >>> encodeLf "foo\nbar\r\nbaz"
+-- "foo\nbar\nbaz"
+-- >>> encodeLf "foo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- "foo\nbar\nbaz\n"
+-- >>> encodeLf "\nfoo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- "\nfoo\nbar\nbaz\n"
+-- >>> encodeLf "\n\n\n"
+-- "\n\n\n"
+encodeLf :: String -> String
+If you choose to display the actual value by setting
+`NeedleHaystack{displayHaystack = True}` then its lines will be delimited.
+-- | Mark lines with visible delimiters, @^@ at the start and @$@ at the end.
+-- >>> delimitLines ""
+-- "^$"
+-- >>> delimitLines "\n"
+-- "^$\n"
+-- >>> delimitLines "\n\n"
+-- "^$\n^$\n"
+-- >>> delimitLines "\n\n\n"
+-- "^$\n^$\n^$\n"
+-- >>> delimitLines $ encodeLf "foo\nbar\r\nbaz"
+-- "^foo$\n^bar$\n^baz$"
+-- >>> delimitLines $ encodeLf "foo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- "^foo$\n^bar$\n^baz$\n"
+-- >>> delimitLines $ encodeLf "\nfoo\nbar\r\nbaz\n"
+-- "^$\n^foo$\n^bar$\n^baz$\n"
+delimitLines:: String -> String
+With `assertOn`, supplying string transformation to both the needle and haystack
+before comparison and before display can help find out why an expected value is
+or isn't found in the test output.