Welcome to Haskell'
Haskell' (pronounced "Haskell Prime") is the process to produce revisions to the Haskell standard, incorporating mature language extensions and well-understood modifications to the language. The first revision ("Haskell 2010") was released in late 2009.
Haskell' is a distributed, community-supported effort. There is a committee, which has the final say as to which modifications are incorporated into each revision, but the modifications themselves are defined through open discussion amongst the community. More details are in the Process page.
- [April 2016] ANN: Haskell Prime 2020 committee has formed published
- [September 2015] Call for Nominations for new Haskell Prime committee published
- [Somewhere in between] The Haskell 2011 committee is disbanded.
- [February 2010] The Haskell 2011 committee has been appointed. But anyone (see #GetInvolved below) can contribute.
- [November 2009] Haskell 2010 is finished! You can see the list of changes in Haskell 2010 (Ticket query: state: accepted, milestone: Haskell+2010, order: priority).
- GHC 7.0.1 (released November 2010) and later releases support Haskell 2010 ( #GHC4098)
These are the resources that the community and committee are using during development of Haskell'.
The Process documents the process by which we produce new language revisions.
The haskell-prime mailing list: all technical discussion will take place here, or (if other meetings take place) be reported here. Anyone can subscribe, and any subscriber can post questions and comments, and participate in discussions. Anyone can read the list archives.
This wiki: to document proposals. This system is publicly readable, but only writable by proposal owners.
Browse the Proposals
- All proposal tickets, grouped by status (Ticket query: status: new, status: assigned, status: reopened, group: state)
- All proposal tickets, grouped by topic (Ticket query: status: new, status: assigned, status: reopened, group: section)
- ProposalTemplate for creating new proposals
Get Involved
Haskell' is a community-driven process. Here are some of the things you can do to get involed:
Join the haskell-prime mailing list, and contribute to the discussion.
Take a look at Process to see how the process works.
Find a proposal without an owner, and take ownership (ask on the mailing list).
If you like one of the proposals that isn't implemented, implement it! Proposals with an implementation are much more likely to be accepted, as experience with an implementation tends to expose interactions that are otherwise hard to forsee.
Help to refine an existing proposal to the point where it can be accepted.
If you have a pet idea for a change to the language, try floating it on the mailing list (you might want to check whether it already has a proposal page first).
About Haskell'
Explore the design space
- IssuesByReportStructure
- MinorFixes
- RemovalCandidates
- HaskellExtensions
- (old) List of proposals. Active proposals should now be using the ticket system.
- ToolSupport for syntactic change
Administrative details
Older or orphaned stuff that needs updating
The Haskell Prime Report is under construction, and the online version is kept automatically updated.
The haskell-prime code repository: a Darcs repository for experiments, proposed libraries,and complex examples. darcs is a decentralized system, so anyone can use it, but patches should be sent to Isaac Jones.