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  • Matthew Pickering's avatar
    hadrian: Add --haddock-base-url option for specifying base-url when generating docs · d002c6e0
    Matthew Pickering authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    The motiviation for this flag is to be able to produce documentation
    which is suitable for uploading for hackage, ie, the cross-package links
    work correctly.
    There are basically three values you want to set this to:
    * off - default, base_url = ../%pkg% which works for local browsing
    * on - no argument , base_url = https::// - for hackage docs upload
    * on - argument, for example, base_url = http://localhost:8080/package/%pkg%/docs for testing the documentation.
    The `%pkg%` string is a template variable which is replaced with the
    package identifier for the relevant package.
    This is one step towards fixing #21749