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  • Niklas Hambüchen's avatar
    base: Fix fdReady() returning immediately for pipes on Windows. · 66240c9b
    Niklas Hambüchen authored and Ben Gamari's avatar Ben Gamari committed
    Until now, the program
      import System.IO
      main = hWaitForInput stdin (5 * 1000)
    didn't wait 5 seconds for input on Winodws, it terminated immediately.
    This was because the `PeekNamedPipe()` function introduced in commit
    94fee9e7 really only peeks, it doesn't block.  So if there's no data,
    `fdReady(fd, msec)` would return immediately even when the given `msec`
    timeout is not zero.
    This commit fixes it by looping around `PeekNamedPipe()` with a `sleep(1
    Apparently there's no better way to do this on Windows without switching
    to IOCP.
    In any case, this change should be strictly better than what was there
    Reviewers: bgamari, austin, hvr
    Reviewed By: bgamari
    Subscribers: Phyx, rwbarton, thomie
    Differential Revision: