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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    Do not repeatedly simplify an argument more than once · c43e5edf
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    A very important invariant of the simplifier is that we do not simplify
    an arbitrarily large expression more than once in a single pass. If this
    can happen, then we can get exponential behaviour, when the large expression
    itself has a large sub-expression which is simplified twice, and so on.
    GHC has a long-standing bug which allows this repeated simplification to 
    happen.  It shows up when we have a function like this
    	f d BIG
    where f's unfolding looks like
    	\x -> case x of (a,b) -> a
    Of course this is v common for overloaded functions.
    Before this patch we simplified all the args (d and BIG) before
    deciding to unfold f.  Then we push back the simplified BIG onto the
    continuation stack, inline f, so now we have
    	(case d of (a,b) -> a) BIG
    After we reduce the case a bit, we'll simplify BIG a second time.  And
    that's the problem.
    The quick-and-dirty solution is to keep a flag in the ApplyTo continuation
    to say whather the arg has already been simplified.  An alternative would
    be to simplify it when first encountered, but that's a bigger change.