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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    [project @ 2002-02-05 15:42:04 by simonpj] · e6601808
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    A bunch of related fixes concerning 'main'
    * Arrange that 'main' doesn't need to be defined in module Main;
      it can be imported.
    * The typechecker now injects a binding
    	Main.$main = PrelTopHandler.runMain main
      So the runtime system now calls Main.$main, not PrelMain.main.
      With z-encoding, this look like
    * The function
      	PrelTopHandler.runMain :: IO a -> IO ()
      wraps the programmer's 'main' in an exception-cacthing wrapper.
    * PrelMain.hs and Main.hi-boot are both removed from lib/std, along
      with multiple lines of special case handling in lib/std/Makefile.
      This is a worthwhile cleanup.
    * Since we now pick up whatever 'main' is in scope, the ranamer gets
      in on the act (RnRnv.checkMain).  There is a little more info to
      get from the renamer to the typechecker, so I've defined a new type
      Rename.RnResult (c.f. TcModule.TcResult)
    * With GHCi, it's now a warning, not an error, to omit the binding
      of main (RnEnv.checkMain)
    * It would be easy to add a flag "-main-is foo"; the place to use
      that information is in RnEnv.checkMain.
    On the way I made a new type,
    	type HscTypes.FixityEnv = NameEnv Fixity
    and used it in various places I'd tripped over