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  • sof's avatar
    [project @ 2002-02-14 07:52:05 by sof] · efa41d9d
    sof authored
    Restructured / tidied a bit:
    * Capability.grabReturnCapability() is now called by resumeThread().
      It takes care of waiting on the (Capability.c-local) condition
      variable, 'returning_worker_cond' (moved here from Schedule.c)
    * If a worker notices upon entry to the Scheduler that there are
      worker threads waiting to deposit results of external calls,
      it gives up its capability by calling Capability.yieldCapability().
    * Added Scheduler.waitForWork(), which takes care of blocking
      on 'thread_ready_cond' (+ 'rts_n_waiting_tasks' book-keeping).
    Note: changes haven't been fully tested, due to HEAD instability.