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  • Simon Marlow's avatar
    Tweak the tracing flags slightly, and clean up error handling and diagnostics · cd6bd66f
    Simon Marlow authored
    Tracing flags are now:
       -l[flags]  Log events in binary format to the file <program>.eventlog
       -v[flags]  Log events to stderr
                  where [flags] can contain:
                     s    scheduler events
                     t    add time stamps (only useful with -v)
    and there are more helpful error messages when using flags that are
    only available in particular variants of the RTS:
     the flag -v requires the program to be built with -debug
     the flag -Ds requires the program to be built with -debug
     the flag -p requires the program to be built with -prof
     the flag -N requires the program to be built with -threaded
     the flag -v requires the program to be built with -debug
    Also, I fixed the crash reported in #3874, with +RTS -ls -v.