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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    Improve pruning of case alternatives to account for GADTs · 2763f56d
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
      data T a where
        T1 :: T Int
        T2 :: T Bool
        T3 :: T Char
      f :: T Bool -> Int
      f x = case x of
    	  DEFAULT -> ...
    	  T2 -> 3
    Here the DEFAULT case covers multiple constructors (T1,T3), but none 
    of them can match a scrutinee of type (T Bool).  So we can prune away
    the default case altogether.
    In implementing this, I re-factored this bit of the simplifier, elminiating
    prepareAlts from SimplUtils, and putting all the work into simplAlts in
    The proximate cause was a program written by Manuel using PArrays