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  • wolfgang's avatar
    NCG: Handle loops in register allocator · 34f992d3
    wolfgang authored
    Fill in the missing parts in the register allocator so that it can
    handle loops.
    *) The register allocator now runs in the UniqSuppy monad, as it needs
       to be able to generate unique labels for fixup code blocks.
    *) A few functions have been added to RegAllocInfo:
    	mkRegRegMoveInstr -- generates a good old move instruction
    	mkBranchInstr     -- used to be MachCodeGen.genBranch
    	patchJump         -- Change the destination of a jump
    *) The register allocator now makes sure that only one spill slot is used
       for each temporary, even if it is spilled and reloaded several times.
       This obviates the need for memory-to-memory moves in fixup code.
    *) The case where the fixup code needs to cyclically permute a group of
       registers is currently unhandled. This will need more work once we come
       accross code where this actually happens.
    *) Register allocation for code with loop is probably very inefficient
       (both at compile-time and at run-time).
    *) We still cannot compile the RTS via NCG, for various other reasons.