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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    Inline wrappers earlier · 8b10b896
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    This patch has a single significant change:
      strictness wrapper functions are inlined earlier,
      in phase 2 rather than phase 0.
    As shown by Trac #15056, this gives a better chance for RULEs to fire.
    Before this change, a function that would have inlined early without
    strictness analyss was instead inlining late. Result: applying
    "optimisation" made the program worse.
    This does not make too much difference in nofib, but I've stumbled
    over the problem more than once, so even a "no-change" result would be
    quite acceptable.  Here are the headlines:
            Program           Size    Allocs   Runtime   Elapsed  TotalMem
          cacheprof          -0.5%     -0.5%     +2.5%     +2.5%      0.0%
             fulsom          -1.0%     +2.6%     -0.1%     -0.1%      0.0%
               mate          -0.6%     +2.4%     -0.9%     -0.9%      0.0%
            veritas          -0.7%    -23.2%     0.002     0.002      0.0%
                Min          -1.4%    -23.2%    -12.5%    -15.3%      0.0%
                Max          +0.6%     +2.6%     +4.4%     +4.3%    +19.0%
     Geometric Mean          -0.7%     -0.2%     -1.4%     -1.7%     +0.2%
    * A worthwhile reduction in binary size.
    * Runtimes are not to be trusted much but look as if they
      are moving the right way.
    * A really big win in veritas, described in comment:1 of
      Trac #15056; more fusion rules fired.
    * I investigated the losses in 'mate' and 'fulsom'; see #15056.