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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    Allow RULES for seq, and exploit them · 90ce88a0
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    Roman found situations where he had
          case (f n) of _ -> e
    where he knew that f (which was strict in n) would terminate if n did.
    Notice that the result of (f n) is discarded. So it makes sense to
    transform to
          case n of _ -> e
    Rather than attempt some general analysis to support this, I've added
    enough support that you can do this using a rewrite rule:
      RULE "f/seq" forall n.  seq (f n) e = seq n e
    You write that rule.  When GHC sees a case expression that discards
    its result, it mentally transforms it to a call to 'seq' and looks for
    a RULE.  (This is done in Simplify.rebuildCase.)  As usual, the
    correctness of the rule is up to you.
    This patch implements the extra stuff.  I have not documented it explicitly
    in the user manual yet... let's see how useful it is first.
    The patch looks bigger than it is, because
      a) Comments; see esp MkId Note [seqId magic]
      b) Some refactoring.  Notably, I moved the special desugaring for
         seq from MkCore back into DsUtils where it properly belongs.
         (It's really a desugaring thing, not a CoreSyn invariant.)
      c) Annoyingly, in a RULE left-hand side we need to be careful that
         the magical desugaring done in MkId Note [seqId magic] item (c) 
         is *not* done on the LHS of a rule. Or rather, we arrange to 
         un-do it, in DsBinds.decomposeRuleLhs.