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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    [project @ 2005-01-28 17:44:55 by simonpj] · c51fdf44
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    Arrange that when seeking instance decls in GHCi, in response
    to a :info command, we only print ones whose types are in scope
    unqualified.  This eliminates an alarmingly long list when
    simply typing ':info Show', say.
    On the way, I reorganised a bit.  GHCi printing happens by
    converting a TyThing to an IfaceDecl, and printing that.
    I now arrange to generate unqualifed IfaceExtNames directly
    during this conversion, based on what is in scope.  Previously
    it was done during the pretty-printing part via the UserStyle.
    But this is nicer.