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  • Simon Marlow's avatar
    [project @ 2000-11-21 14:31:58 by simonmar] · e663f7b8
    Simon Marlow authored
    Mostly verbosity changes.
    GONE AWAY:  -dshow-passes, -ddump-all, -ddump-most.
        -v<n>, where <n> is
        0	|   print errors & warnings only
        1   |   minimal verbosity: print "compiling M ... done." for each module.
        2   |   equivalent to -dshow-passes
        3   |   equivalent to existing "ghc -v"
        4   |   "ghc -v -ddump-most"
        5   |   "ghc -v -ddump-all"
    4 & 5 are the same at the moment.  -dshow-passes also prints out the
    passes in the driver, and some in the compilation manager.