-- |
-- Module      :  Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Util
-- Copyright   :  (c) Mateusz Kowalczyk 2013-2014,
--                    Simon Hengel      2013
-- License     :  BSD-like
-- Maintainer  :  haddock@projects.haskell.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Various utility functions used by the parser.
module Documentation.Haddock.Parser.Util where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad (mfilter)
import           Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 hiding (parse, take, endOfLine)
import           Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import           Prelude hiding (takeWhile)

-- | Remove all leading and trailing whitespace
strip :: String -> String
strip = (\f -> f . f) $ dropWhile isSpace . reverse

skipHorizontalSpace :: Parser ()
skipHorizontalSpace = skipWhile (`elem` " \t\f\v\r")

takeHorizontalSpace :: Parser BS.ByteString
takeHorizontalSpace = takeWhile (`elem` " \t\f\v\r")

makeLabeled :: (String -> Maybe String -> a) -> String -> a
makeLabeled f input = case break isSpace $ removeEscapes $ strip input of
  (uri, "")    -> f uri Nothing
  (uri, label) -> f uri (Just $ dropWhile isSpace label)
    -- As we don't parse these any further, we don't do any processing to the
    -- string so we at least remove escape character here. Perhaps we should
    -- actually be parsing the label at the very least?
    removeEscapes "" = ""
    removeEscapes ('\\':'\\':xs) = '\\' : removeEscapes xs
    removeEscapes ('\\':xs) = removeEscapes xs
    removeEscapes (x:xs) = x : removeEscapes xs

takeUntil :: ByteString -> Parser ByteString
takeUntil end_ = dropEnd <$> requireEnd (scan (False, end) p) >>= gotSome
    end = BS.unpack end_

    p :: (Bool, String) -> Char -> Maybe (Bool, String)
    p acc c = case acc of
      (True, _) -> Just (False, end)
      (_, []) -> Nothing
      (_, x:xs) | x == c -> Just (False, xs)
      _ -> Just (c == '\\', end)

    dropEnd = BS.reverse . BS.drop (length end) . BS.reverse
    requireEnd = mfilter (BS.isSuffixOf end_)

    gotSome xs
      | BS.null xs = fail "didn't get any content"
      | otherwise = return xs