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  • Ben Gamari's avatar
    Event Manager: Make one-shot a per-registration property · 02343998
    Ben Gamari authored
    Currently the event manager has a global flag for whether to create
    epoll-like notifications as one-shot (e.g. EPOLLONESHOT, where an fd
    will be deactivated after its first event) or standard multi-shot
    Unfortunately this means that the event manager may export either
    one-shot or multi-shot semantics to the user. Even worse, the user has
    no way of knowing which semantics are being delivered. This resulted in
    breakage in the usb[1] library which deadlocks after notifications on
    its fd are disabled after the first event is delivered.  This patch
    reworks one-shot event support to allow the user to choose whether
    one-shot or multi-shot semantics are desired on a per-registration
    basis. The event manager can then decide whether to use a one-shot or
    multi-shot epoll.
    A registration is now defined by a set of Events (as before) as well as
    a Lifetime (either one-shot or multi-shot). We lend monoidal structure
    to Lifetime choosing OneShot as the identity. This allows us to combine
    Lifetime/Event pairs of an fd to give the longest desired lifetime of
    the registration and the full set of Events for which we want
    Test Plan: Add more test cases and validate
    Reviewers: tibbe, AndreasVoellmy, hvr, austin
    Reviewed By: austin
    Subscribers: thomie, carter, simonmar
    Differential Revision: