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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    [project @ 2000-12-07 09:28:42 by simonpj] · 0b62f53e
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    Do a better job of eta expansion.
    This showed up in one of Manuel's programs, where he got code like:
    	     (\ i :: Int ->
    		  case i of wild1 { I# i# ->
    		  case w of wild2 { I# e# ->
    		  __coerce (ST RealWorld ())
    		  (\ s# :: (State# RealWorld) ->
    		       case writeIntArray# @ RealWorld mba# i# e# s#
    		       of s2#1 { __DEFAULT ->
    		       (# s2#1, () #)
    The argument wasn't eta expanded, so it got right through to
    the code generator as two separte lambdas.
    Needless to say, I fiddled around with things in a vain attempt
    to tidy them up.  Yell if anything seems to go wrong, or perfomance
    drops on any programs.