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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    [project @ 2004-11-25 11:36:34 by simonpj] · 1f7da302
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    	Keep-alive set and Template Haskell quotes
    a) Template Haskell quotes should be able to mention top-leve
       things without resorting to lifting.  Example
    	module Foo( foo ) where
    	  f x = x
    	  foo = [| f 4 |]
       Here the reference to 'f' is ok; no need to 'lift' it.
       The relevant changes are in TcExpr.tcId
    b) However, we must take care not to discard the binding for f,
       so we add it to the 'keep-alive' set for the module.  I've
       now made this into (another) mutable bucket, tcg_keep, 
       in the TcGblEnv
    c) That in turn led me to look at the handling of orphan rules;
       as a result I made IdCoreRule into its own data type, which
       has simle but non-local ramifications