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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    [project @ 2002-11-18 14:25:50 by simonpj] · 4e84be0c
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    	Class ops that do not introduce for-alls
    	MERGE TO STABLE (if poss)
    The handling of class ops that do not add an extra for-all
    was utterly bogus.  For example:
    	class C a where
    	    fc :: (?p :: String) => a;
    	class D a where
    	    fd :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
    De-bogus-ing means
    a) Being careful when taking apart the class op type in
    b) Ditto when making the method Id in an instance binding.
       Hence new function Inst.tcInstClassOp, and its calls
       in TcInstDcls, and TcClassDcls