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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    [project @ 2003-02-20 13:21:15 by simonpj] · 72c98446
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
       Generate correct dependencies when reading External Core
    We have to be more careful than I realised when doing strongly-connected
    component analysis of type/class decls when reading External Core.
    Here's the relevant new comment:
    --		Building edges for SCC analysis
    -- When building the edges, we treat the 'main name' of the declaration as the
    -- key for the node, but when dealing with External Core we may come across
    -- references to one of the implicit names for the declaration.  For example:
    --	class Eq a where ....
    --	data :TSig a = :TSig (:TEq a) ....
    -- The first decl is sucked in from an interface file; the second
    -- is in an External Core file, generated from a class decl for Sig.
    -- We have to recognise that the reference to :TEq represents a
    -- dependency on the class Eq declaration, else the SCC stuff won't work right.
    -- This complication can only happen when consuming an External Core file
    -- Solution: keep an "EdgeMap" (bad name) that maps :TEq -> Eq.
    -- Don't worry about data constructors, because we're only building
    -- SCCs for type and class declarations here.  So the tiresome mapping
    -- is need only to map   [class tycon -> class]