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  • AndyGill's avatar
    [project @ 1999-11-11 21:13:12 by andy] · a2ba15db
    AndyGill authored
    This change provided by Alastair Reid is a bunch of wibbles which fix
    some severe performance problems in the copy of the Pretty library
    distributed with Hugs-Sept99.
    The problems show up when making heavy use of hsep (eg printing large
    numbers of comma separated lists which tend to run over the end of
    line).  The problems manifest themselves as the infamous "control
    stack overflow" and seem to be due to the generation of large
    Int thunks that look something like this:
      80 - 4 - 1 - 1 - 3 - 1 - ... -1
    (There may be a few +'s in there too but -'s predominate.)