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  • Volker Stolz's avatar
    [project @ 2002-04-10 11:43:43 by stolz] · c1f3fad1
    Volker Stolz authored
    Two new scheduler-API primops:
    1) GHC.Conc.forkProcess/forkProcess# :: IO Int
       This is a low-level call to fork() to replace Posix.forkProcess().
       In a Concurrent Haskell setting, only the thread invoking forkProcess()
       is alive in the child process. Other threads will be GC'ed!
          This brings the RTS closer to pthreads, where a call to fork()
       doesn't clone any pthreads, either.
          The result is 0 for the child and the child's pid for the parent.
       The primop will barf() when used on mingw32, sorry.
    2) GHC.Conc.labelThread/forkProcess# :: String -> IO ()
       Useful for scheduler debugging: If the RTS is compiled with DEBUGging
       support, this primitive assigns a name to the current thread which
       will be used in debugging output (+RTS -D1). For larger applications,
       simply numbering threads is not sufficient.
         Notice: The Haskell side of this call is always available, but if
       you are not compiling with debugging support, the actual primop will
       turn into a no-op.