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  • Sylvain Henry's avatar
    Hadrian: fix windows cross-build (#20657) · d9f54905
    Sylvain Henry authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    Many small things to fix:
    * Hadrian: platform triple is "x86_64-w64-mingw32" and this wasn't recognized by
      Hadrian (note "w64" instead of "unknown")
    * Hadrian was using the build platform ("isWindowsHost") to detect
      the use of the Windows toolchain, which was wrong. We now use the
      "targetOs" setting.
    * Hadrian was doing the same thing for Darwin so we fixed both at once,
      even if cross-compilation to Darwin is unlikely to happen afaik (cf
      "osxHost" vs "osxTarget" changes)
    * Hadrian: libffi name was computed in two different places and one of
      them wasn't taking the different naming on Windows into account.
    * Hadrian was passing "-Irts/include" when building the stage1 compiler
      leading to the same error as in #18143 (which is using make).
      stage1's RTS is stage0's one so mustn't do this.
    * Hadrian: Windows linker doesn't seem to support "-zorigin" so we
      don't pass it (similarly to Darwin)
    * Hadrian: hsc2hs in cross-compilation mode uses a trick (taken from
      autoconf): it defines "static int test_array[SOME_EXPR]" where
      SOME_EXPR is a constant expression. However GCC reports an error
      because SOME_EXPR is supposedly not constant. This is fixed by using
      another method enabled with the `--via-asm` flag of hsc2hs. It has been
      fixed in `make` build system (5f6fcf78)
      but not in Hadrian.
    * Hadrian: some packages are specifically built only on Windows but they
      shouldn't be when building a cross-compiler (`touchy` and
      `ghci-wrapper`). We now correctly detect this case and disable these
    * Base: we use `iNVALID_HANDLE_VALUE` in a few places. It fixed some
      hsc2hs issues before we switched to `--via-asm` (see above). I've kept
      these changes are they make the code nicer.
    * Base: `base`'s configure tries to detect if it is building for Windows
      but for some reason the `$host_alias` value is `x86_64-windows` in my
      case and it wasn't properly detected.
    * Base: libraries/base/include/winio_structs.h imported "Windows.h" with
      a leading uppercase. It doesn't work on case-sensitive systems when
      cross-compiling so we have to use "windows.h".
    * RTS: rts/win32/ThrIOManager.c was importin "rts\OSThreads.h" but this
      path isn't valid when cross-compiling. We replaced "\" with "/".
    * DeriveConstants: this tool derives the constants from the target
      RTS header files. However these header files define `StgAsyncIOResult`
      only when `mingw32_HOST_OS` is set hence it seems we have to set it
      Note that deriveConstants is called more than once (why? there is
      only one target for now so it shouldn't) and in the second case this
      value is correctly defined (probably coming indirectly from the import
      of "rts/PosixSource.h"). A better fix would probably be to disable the
      unneeded first run of deriveconstants.