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  • sheaf's avatar
    Use Reductions to keep track of rewritings · 69115f3f
    sheaf authored
    We define Reduction = Reduction Coercion !Type.
    A reduction of the from 'Reduction co new_ty' witnesses an
    equality ty ~co~> new_ty.
    That is, the rewriting happens left-to-right: the right-hand-side
    type of the coercion is the rewritten type, and the left-hand-side
    type the original type.
    Sticking to this convention makes the codebase more consistent,
    helping to avoid certain applications of SymCo.
    This replaces the parts of the codebase which represented reductions as
    pairs, (Coercion,Type) or (Type,Coercion).
    Reduction being strict in the Type argument improves performance
    in some programs that rewrite many type families (such as T9872).